Example #1
def purge_list_tensors(expr):
    """Get rid of all ListTensor instances by expanding
    expressions to use their components directly.
    Will usually increase the size of the expression."""
    if any(isinstance(subexpr, ListTensor) for subexpr in unique_pre_traversal(expr)):
        return expand_indices(expr)  # TODO: Only expand what's necessary to get rid of list tensors
    return expr
Example #2
def purge_list_tensors(expr):
    """Get rid of all ListTensor instances by expanding
    expressions to use their components directly.
    Will usually increase the size of the expression."""
    if any(
            isinstance(subexpr, ListTensor)
            for subexpr in unique_pre_traversal(expr)):
        return expand_indices(
        )  # TODO: Only expand what's necessary to get rid of list tensors
    return expr
Example #3
def extract_type(a, ufl_type):
    """Build a set of all objects of class ufl_type found in a.
    The argument a can be a Form, Integral or Expr."""
    if issubclass(ufl_type, Terminal):
        # Optimization
        return set(o for e in iter_expressions(a)
                   for o in traverse_unique_terminals(e)
                   if isinstance(o, ufl_type))
        return set(o for e in iter_expressions(a)
                   for o in unique_pre_traversal(e) if isinstance(o, ufl_type))
Example #4
def test_pre_and_post_traversal():
    element = FiniteElement("CG", "triangle", 1)
    v = TestFunction(element)
    f = Coefficient(element)
    g = Coefficient(element)
    p1 = f * v
    p2 = g * v
    s = p1 + p2

    # NB! These traversal algorithms are intended to guarantee only
    # parent before child and vice versa, not this particular
    # ordering:
    assert list(pre_traversal(s)) == [s, p2, g, v, p1, f, v]
    assert list(post_traversal(s)) == [g, v, p2, f, v, p1, s]
    assert list(unique_pre_traversal(s)) == [s, p2, g, v, p1, f]
    assert list(unique_post_traversal(s)) == [v, f, p1, g, p2, s]
Example #5
def test_pre_and_post_traversal():
    element = FiniteElement("CG", "triangle", 1)
    v = TestFunction(element)
    f = Coefficient(element)
    g = Coefficient(element)
    p1 = f * v
    p2 = g * v
    s = p1 + p2

    # NB! These traversal algorithms are intended to guarantee only
    # parent before child and vice versa, not this particular
    # ordering:
    assert list(pre_traversal(s)) == [s, p2, g, v, p1, f, v]
    assert list(post_traversal(s)) == [g, v, p2, f, v, p1, s]
    assert list(unique_pre_traversal(s)) == [s, p2, g, v, p1, f]
    assert list(unique_post_traversal(s)) == [v, f, p1, g, p2, s]
Example #6
def build_graph(expr):  # O(n)
    """Build a linearized graph from an UFL Expr.

    Returns G = (V, E), with V being a list of
    graph nodes (Expr objects) in post traversal
    ordering and E being a list of edges. Each edge
    is represented as a (i, j) tuple where i and j
    are vertex indices into V.
    V = []
    E = []
    handled = {}
    for v in reversed(list(unique_pre_traversal(expr))):
        i = handled.get(v)
        if i is None:
            i = len(V)
            handled[v] = i
            for o in v.ufl_operands:
                j = handled[o]
                e = (i, j)
    G = V, E
    return G
Example #7
File: graph.py Project: FEniCS/ufl
def build_graph(expr):  # O(n)
    """Build a linearized graph from an UFL Expr.

    Returns G = (V, E), with V being a list of
    graph nodes (Expr objects) in post traversal
    ordering and E being a list of edges. Each edge
    is represented as a (i, j) tuple where i and j
    are vertex indices into V.
    V = []
    E = []
    handled = {}
    for v in reversed(list(unique_pre_traversal(expr))):
        i = handled.get(v)
        if i is None:
            i = len(V)
            handled[v] = i
            for o in v.ufl_operands:
                j = handled[o]
                e = (i, j)
    G = V, E
    return G
Example #8
def __unused__extract_classes(a):
    """Build a set of all unique Expr subclasses used in a.
    The argument a can be a Form, Integral or Expr."""
    return set(o._ufl_class_ for e in iter_expressions(a)
               for o in unique_pre_traversal(e))