Example #1
 def __init__(self, gc, i):
     self.scalar = True
     component = (i, )
     shape = gc.ufl_shape
     all_indices, _, _ = create_slice_indices(component, shape,
     mi = MultiIndex(all_indices)
     Indexed.__init__(self, gc, mi)
     if gc.gf.scalar:
         assert i == 0
         self.__impl__ = gc.gf
         self.gf = gc
         self.__impl__ = gc.gf[i]
         self.gf = None
    def indexed(self, o):
        A, jj = o.operands()
        A2, Ap = self.visit(A)
        o = self.reuse_if_possible(o, A2, jj)

        if isinstance(Ap, Zero):
            op = self._make_zero_diff(o)
            r = Ap.rank() - len(jj)
            if r:
                ii = indices(r)
                op = Indexed(Ap, jj._indices + ii)
                op = as_tensor(op, ii)
                op = Indexed(Ap, jj)
        return (o, op)
Example #3
def _getitem(self, component):

    # Treat component consistently as tuple below
    if not isinstance(component, tuple):
        component = (component, )

    shape = self.ufl_shape

    # Analyse slices (:) and Ellipsis (...)
    all_indices, slice_indices, repeated_indices = create_slice_indices(
        component, shape, self.ufl_free_indices)

    # Check that we have the right number of indices for a tensor with
    # this shape
    if len(shape) != len(all_indices):
            "Invalid number of indices {0} for expression of rank {1}.".format(
                len(all_indices), len(shape)))

    # Special case for simplifying foo[...] => foo, foo[:] => foo or
    # similar
    if len(slice_indices) == len(all_indices):
        return self

    # Special case for simplifying as_tensor(ai,(i,))[i] => ai
    if isinstance(self, ComponentTensor):
        if all_indices == self.indices().indices():
            return self.ufl_operands[0]

    # Apply all indices to index self, yielding a scalar valued
    # expression
    mi = MultiIndex(all_indices)
    a = Indexed(self, mi)

    # TODO: I think applying as_tensor after index sums results in
    # cleaner expression graphs.

    # If the Ellipsis or any slices were found, wrap as tensor valued
    # with the slice indices created at the top here
    if slice_indices:
        a = as_tensor(a, slice_indices)

    # If any repeated indices were found, apply implicit summation
    # over those
    for i in repeated_indices:
        mi = MultiIndex((i, ))
        a = IndexSum(a, mi)

    # Check for zero (last so we can get indices etc from a, could
    # possibly be done faster by checking early instead)
    if isinstance(self, Zero):
        shape = a.ufl_shape
        fi = a.ufl_free_indices
        fid = a.ufl_index_dimensions
        a = Zero(shape, fi, fid)

    return a
 def expr(self, o, *ops):
     r = self.reuse_if_possible(o, *ops)
     c = self.components.peek()
     if c:
         #if isinstance(r, ListTensor):
         #    pass # TODO: If c has FixedIndex objects, extract subtensor, or evt. move this functionality from ListTensor.__getitem__ to Indexed.__new__
         # Take component
         r = Indexed(r, c)
     return r
Example #5
 def indexed(self, o, *dops):
     if o in self._mapping:
         return self._mapping[o]
         assert len(dops) == 2
         assert isinstance(dops[1], MultiIndex)
         if dops[0] in self._mapping:
             replaced_ufl_operand_0 = self._mapping[dops[0]]
             replaced_ufl_operand_0 = map_integrand_dags(self, dops[0])
         return Indexed(replaced_ufl_operand_0, dops[1])
def _getitem(self, key):
    # Analyse key, getting rid of slices and the ellipsis
    r = self.rank()
    indices, axis_indices = analyse_key(key, r)

    # Special case for foo[...] => foo
    if len(indices) == len(axis_indices):
        return self

    # Special case for simplifying ({ai}_i)[i] -> ai
    if isinstance(self, ComponentTensor):
        if tuple(indices) == tuple(self._indices):
            return self._expression

    # Index self, yielding scalar valued expressions
    a = Indexed(self, indices)

    # Make a tensor from components designated by axis indices
    if axis_indices:
        a = as_tensor(a, axis_indices)

    # TODO: Should we apply IndexSum or as_tensor first?

    # Apply sum for each repeated index
    ri = repeated_indices(self.free_indices() + indices)
    for i in ri:
        a = IndexSum(a, i)

    # Check for zero (last so we can get indices etc from a)
    if isinstance(self, Zero):
        shape = a.shape()
        fi = a.free_indices()
        idims = subdict(a.index_dimensions(), fi)
        a = Zero(shape, fi, idims)

    return a
 def terminal(self, o):
     r = o
     c = self.components.peek()
     if c:
         r = Indexed(r, c)
     return r