def cell_normal(self, o):
        if self._preserve_types[o._ufl_typecode_]:
            return o

        domain = o.ufl_domain()
        gdim = domain.geometric_dimension()
        tdim = domain.topological_dimension()

        if tdim == gdim - 1:  # n-manifold embedded in n-1 space
            i = Index()
            J = self.jacobian(Jacobian(domain))

            if tdim == 2:
                # Surface in 3D
                t0 = as_vector(J[i, 0], i)
                t1 = as_vector(J[i, 1], i)
                cell_normal = cross_expr(t0, t1)
            elif tdim == 1:
                # Line in 2D (cell normal is 'up' for a line pointing
                # to the 'right')
                cell_normal = as_vector((-J[1, 0], J[0, 0]))
                error("Cell normal not implemented for tdim %d, gdim %d" %
                      (tdim, gdim))

            # Return normalized vector, sign corrected by cell
            # orientation
            co = CellOrientation(domain)
            return co * cell_normal / sqrt(cell_normal[i] * cell_normal[i])
            error("What do you want cell normal in gdim={0}, tdim={1} to be?".
                  format(gdim, tdim))
Example #2
    def cell_normal(self, o):
        if self._preserve_types[o._ufl_typecode_]:
            return o

        domain = o.ufl_domain()
        gdim = domain.geometric_dimension()
        tdim = domain.topological_dimension()

        if tdim == gdim - 1:  # n-manifold embedded in n-1 space
            i = Index()
            J = self.jacobian(Jacobian(domain))

            if tdim == 2:
                # Surface in 3D
                t0 = as_vector(J[i, 0], i)
                t1 = as_vector(J[i, 1], i)
                cell_normal = cross_expr(t0, t1)
            elif tdim == 1:
                # Line in 2D (cell normal is 'up' for a line pointing
                # to the 'right')
                cell_normal = as_vector((-J[1, 0], J[0, 0]))
                error("Cell normal not implemented for tdim %d, gdim %d" % (tdim, gdim))

            # Return normalized vector, sign corrected by cell
            # orientation
            co = CellOrientation(domain)
            return co * cell_normal / sqrt(cell_normal[i]*cell_normal[i])
            error("What do you want cell normal in gdim={0}, tdim={1} to be?".format(gdim, tdim))
Example #3
 def curl(self, o, a):
     # o = curl a = "[a.dx(1), -a.dx(0)]"            if a.ufl_shape == ()
     # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, (a0, a1, 0))[2]" if a.ufl_shape == (2,)
     # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, a)"              if a.ufl_shape == (3,)
     def c(i, j):
         return a[j].dx(i) - a[i].dx(j)
     sh = a.ufl_shape
     if sh == ():
         return as_vector((a.dx(1), -a.dx(0)))
     if sh == (2,):
         return c(0, 1)
     if sh == (3,):
         return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1)))
     error("Invalid shape %s of curl argument." % (sh,))
 def curl(self, o, a):
     # o = curl a = "[a.dx(1), -a.dx(0)]"            if a.ufl_shape == ()
     # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, (a0, a1, 0))[2]" if a.ufl_shape == (2,)
     # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, a)"              if a.ufl_shape == (3,)
     def c(i, j):
         return a[j].dx(i) - a[i].dx(j)
     sh = a.ufl_shape
     if sh == ():
         return as_vector((a.dx(1), -a.dx(0)))
     if sh == (2,):
         return c(0, 1)
     if sh == (3,):
         return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1)))
     error("Invalid shape %s of curl argument." % (sh,))
Example #5
    def argument(self, obj):
        Q = obj.ufl_function_space()
        dom = Q.ufl_domain()
        sub_elements = obj.ufl_element().sub_elements()

        # If not a mixed element, do nothing
        if (len(sub_elements) == 0):
            return obj

        # Split into sub-elements, creating appropriate space for each
        args = []
        for i, sub_elem in enumerate(sub_elements):
            Q_i = FunctionSpace(dom, sub_elem)
            a = Argument(Q_i, obj.number(), part=obj.part())

            indices = [()]
            for m in a.ufl_shape:
                indices = [(k + (j,)) for k in indices for j in range(m)]

            if (i == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                args += [a[j] for j in indices]
                args += [Zero() for j in indices]

        return as_vector(args)
def cross_expr(a, b):
    assert len(a) == 3
    assert len(b) == 3

    def c(i, j):
        return a[i] * b[j] - a[j] * b[i]
    return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1)))
Example #7
def cross_expr(a, b):
    assert len(a) == 3
    assert len(b) == 3

    def c(i, j):
        return a[i] * b[j] - a[j] * b[i]
    return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1)))
 def curl(self, o, a):
     # o = curl a = "[a.dx(1), -a.dx(0)]"            if a.shape() == ()
     # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, (a0, a1, 0))[2]" if a.shape() == (2,)
     # o = curl a = "cross(nabla, a)"              if a.shape() == (3,)
     Da = Grad(a)
     def c(i, j):
         #return a[j].dx(i) - a[i].dx(j)
         return Da[j,i] - Da[i,j]
     sh = a.shape()
     if sh == ():
         #return as_vector((a.dx(1), -a.dx(0)))
         return as_vector((Da[1], -Da[0]))
     if sh == (2,):
         return c(0,1)
     if sh == (3,):
         return as_vector((c(1,2), c(2,0), c(0,1)))
     error("Invalid shape %s of curl argument." % (sh,))
Example #9
    def argument(self, obj):
        if (obj.part() is not None):
            # Mixed element built from MixedFunctionSpace,
            # whose sub-function spaces are indexed by obj.part()
            if len(obj.ufl_shape) == 0:
                if (obj.part() == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                    return obj
                    return Zero()
                indices = [()]
                for m in obj.ufl_shape:
                    indices = [(k + (j, )) for k in indices for j in range(m)]

                if (obj.part() == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                    return as_vector([obj[j] for j in indices])
                    return as_vector([Zero() for j in indices])
            # Mixed element built from MixedElement,
            # whose sub-elements need their function space to be created
            Q = obj.ufl_function_space()
            dom = Q.ufl_domain()
            sub_elements = obj.ufl_element().sub_elements()

            # If not a mixed element, do nothing
            if (len(sub_elements) == 0):
                return obj

            args = []
            for i, sub_elem in enumerate(sub_elements):
                Q_i = FunctionSpace(dom, sub_elem)
                a = Argument(Q_i, obj.number(), part=obj.part())

                indices = [()]
                for m in a.ufl_shape:
                    indices = [(k + (j, )) for k in indices for j in range(m)]

                if (i == self.idx[obj.number()]):
                    args += [a[j] for j in indices]
                    args += [Zero() for j in indices]

            return as_vector(args)
Example #10
def apply_single_function_pullbacks(r, element):
    """Apply an appropriate pullback to something in physical space

    :arg r: An expression wrapped in ReferenceValue.
    :arg element: The element this expression lives in.
    :returns: a pulled back expression."""
    mapping = element.mapping()
    if r.ufl_shape != element.reference_value_shape():
        error("Expecting reference space expression with shape '%s', got '%s'" % (element.reference_value_shape(), r.ufl_shape))
    if mapping in {"physical", "identity",
                   "contravariant Piola", "covariant Piola",
                   "double contravariant Piola", "double covariant Piola",
                   "L2 Piola"}:
        # Base case in recursion through elements. If the element
        # advertises a mapping we know how to handle, do that
        # directly.
        f = apply_known_single_pullback(r, element)
        if f.ufl_shape != element.value_shape():
            error("Expecting pulled back expression with shape '%s', got '%s'" % (element.value_shape(), f.ufl_shape))
        return f
    elif mapping in {"symmetries", "undefined"}:
        # Need to pull back each unique piece of the reference space thing
        gsh = element.value_shape()
        rsh = r.ufl_shape
        if mapping == "symmetries":
            subelem = element.sub_elements()[0]
            fcm = element.flattened_sub_element_mapping()
            offsets = (product(subelem.reference_value_shape()) * i for i in fcm)
            elements = repeat(subelem)
            elements = sub_elements_with_mappings(element)
            # Python >= 3.8 has an initial keyword argument to
            # accumulate, but 3.7 does not.
            offsets = chain([0],
                                       for e in elements))
        rflat = as_vector([r[idx] for idx in numpy.ndindex(rsh)])
        g_components = []
        # For each unique piece in reference space, apply the appropriate pullback
        for offset, subelem in zip(offsets, elements):
            sub_rsh = subelem.reference_value_shape()
            rm = product(sub_rsh)
            rsub = [rflat[offset + i] for i in range(rm)]
            rsub = as_tensor(numpy.asarray(rsub).reshape(sub_rsh))
            rmapped = apply_single_function_pullbacks(rsub, subelem)
            # Flatten into the pulled back expression for the whole thing
                                 for idx in numpy.ndindex(rmapped.ufl_shape)])
        # And reshape appropriately
        f = as_tensor(numpy.asarray(g_components).reshape(gsh))
        if f.ufl_shape != element.value_shape():
            error("Expecting pulled back expression with shape '%s', got '%s'" % (element.value_shape(), f.ufl_shape))
        return f
        error("Unhandled mapping type '%s'" % mapping)
Example #11
def diag_vector(A):
    """UFL operator: Take the diagonal part of rank 2 tensor A and return as a vector.

    See also diag."""

    # TODO: Make a compound type for this operator

    # Get and check dimensions
    ufl_assert(A.rank() == 2, "Expecting rank 2 tensor.")
    m, n = A.shape()
    ufl_assert(m == n, "Can only take diagonal of square tensors.")

    # Return diagonal vector
    return as_vector([A[i, i] for i in range(n)])
def diag_vector(A):
    """UFL operator: Take the diagonal part of rank 2 tensor A and return as a vector.

    See also diag."""

    # TODO: Make a compound type for this operator

    # Get and check dimensions
    ufl_assert(A.rank() == 2, "Expecting rank 2 tensor.")
    m, n = A.shape()
    ufl_assert(m == n, "Can only take diagonal of square tensors.")

    # Return diagonal vector
    return as_vector([A[i,i] for i in range(n)])
Example #13
def diag_vector(A):
    """UFL operator: Take the diagonal part of rank 2 tensor *A* and return as a vector.

    See also ``diag``."""

    # TODO: Make a compound type for this operator

    # Get and check dimensions
    if len(A.ufl_shape) != 2:
        error("Expecting rank 2 tensor.")
    m, n = A.ufl_shape
    if m != n:
        error("Can only take diagonal of square tensors.")

    # Return diagonal vector
    return as_vector([A[i, i] for i in range(n)])
Example #14
def diag_vector(A):
    """UFL operator: Take the diagonal part of rank 2 tensor *A* and return as a vector.

    See also ``diag``."""

    # TODO: Make a compound type for this operator

    # Get and check dimensions
    if len(A.ufl_shape) != 2:
        error("Expecting rank 2 tensor.")
    m, n = A.ufl_shape
    if m != n:
        error("Can only take diagonal of square tensors.")

    # Return diagonal vector
    return as_vector([A[i, i] for i in range(n)])
    def facet_normal(self, o):
        if self._preserve_types[o._ufl_typecode_]:
            return o

        domain = o.ufl_domain()
        tdim = domain.topological_dimension()

        if tdim == 1:
            # Special-case 1D (possibly immersed), for which we say
            # that n is just in the direction of J.
            J = self.jacobian(Jacobian(domain))  # dx/dX
            ndir = J[:, 0]

            gdim = domain.geometric_dimension()
            if gdim == 1:
                nlen = abs(ndir[0])
                i = Index()
                nlen = sqrt(ndir[i] * ndir[i])

            rn = ReferenceNormal(domain)  # +/- 1.0 here
            n = rn[0] * ndir / nlen
            r = n
            # Recall that the covariant Piola transform u -> J^(-T)*u
            # preserves tangential components. The normal vector is
            # characterised by having zero tangential component in
            # reference and physical space.
            Jinv = self.jacobian_inverse(JacobianInverse(domain))
            i, j = indices(2)

            rn = ReferenceNormal(domain)
            # compute signed, unnormalised normal; note transpose
            ndir = as_vector(Jinv[j, i] * rn[j], i)

            # normalise
            i = Index()
            n = ndir / sqrt(ndir[i] * ndir[i])
            r = n

        if r.ufl_shape != o.ufl_shape:
            error("Inconsistent dimensions (in=%d, out=%d)." %
                  (o.ufl_shape[0], r.ufl_shape[0]))
        return r
Example #16
    def facet_normal(self, o):
        if self._preserve_types[o._ufl_typecode_]:
            return o

        domain = o.ufl_domain()
        tdim = domain.topological_dimension()

        if tdim == 1:
            # Special-case 1D (possibly immersed), for which we say
            # that n is just in the direction of J.
            J = self.jacobian(Jacobian(domain))  # dx/dX
            ndir = J[:, 0]

            gdim = domain.geometric_dimension()
            if gdim == 1:
                nlen = abs(ndir[0])
                i = Index()
                nlen = sqrt(ndir[i]*ndir[i])

            rn = ReferenceNormal(domain)  # +/- 1.0 here
            n = rn[0] * ndir / nlen
            r = n
            # Recall that the covariant Piola transform u -> J^(-T)*u
            # preserves tangential components. The normal vector is
            # characterised by having zero tangential component in
            # reference and physical space.
            Jinv = self.jacobian_inverse(JacobianInverse(domain))
            i, j = indices(2)

            rn = ReferenceNormal(domain)
            # compute signed, unnormalised normal; note transpose
            ndir = as_vector(Jinv[j, i] * rn[j], i)

            # normalise
            i = Index()
            n = ndir / sqrt(ndir[i]*ndir[i])
            r = n

        if r.ufl_shape != o.ufl_shape:
            error("Inconsistent dimensions (in=%d, out=%d)." % (o.ufl_shape[0], r.ufl_shape[0]))
        return r
Example #17
 def cross(self, o, a, b):
     def c(i, j):
         return Product(a[i], b[j]) - Product(a[j], b[i])
     return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1)))
Example #18
def perp(v):
    "UFL operator: Take the perp of *v*, i.e. :math:`(-v_1, +v_0)`."
    v = as_ufl(v)
    if v.ufl_shape != (2,):
        error("Expecting a 2D vector expression.")
    return as_vector((-v[1], v[0]))
Example #19
def split(v):
    """UFL operator: If v is a Coefficient or Argument in a mixed space, returns
    a tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""

    # Default range is all of v
    begin = 0
    end = None

    if isinstance(v, Indexed):
        # Special case: split previous output of split again
        # Consistent with simple element, just return function in a tuple
        return (v, )

    elif isinstance(v, ListTensor):
        # Special case: split previous output of split again
        ops = v.ufl_operands
        if all(isinstance(comp, Indexed) for comp in ops):
            args = [comp.ufl_operands[0] for comp in ops]
            if all(args[0] == args[i] for i in range(1, len(args))):
                # Get innermost terminal here and its element
                v = args[0]
                # Get relevant range of v components
                begin, = ops[0].ufl_operands[1]
                end, = ops[-1].ufl_operands[1]
                begin = int(begin)
                end = int(end) + 1
                error("Don't know how to split %s." % (v, ))
            error("Don't know how to split %s." % (v, ))

    # Special case: simple element, just return function in a tuple
    element = v.ufl_element()
    if not isinstance(element, MixedElement):
        assert end is None
        return (v, )

    if isinstance(element, TensorElement):
        if element.symmetry():
            error("Split not implemented for symmetric tensor elements.")

    if len(v.ufl_shape) != 1:
            "Don't know how to split tensor valued mixed functions without flattened index space."

    # Compute value size and set default range end
    value_size = product(element.value_shape())
    if end is None:
        end = value_size
        # Recursively dive into mixedelement in to subelement
        # corresponding to beginning of range
        j = begin
        while True:
            sub_i, j = element.extract_subelement_component(j)
            element = element.sub_elements()[sub_i]
            # Then break when we find the subelement that covers the whole range
            if product(element.value_shape()) == (end - begin):

    # Build expressions representing the subfunction of v for each subelement
    offset = begin
    sub_functions = []
    for i, e in enumerate(element.sub_elements()):
        # Get shape, size, indices, and v components
        # corresponding to subelement value
        shape = e.value_shape()
        strides = shape_to_strides(shape)
        rank = len(shape)
        sub_size = product(shape)
        subindices = [
            flatten_multiindex(c, strides) for c in compute_indices(shape)
        components = [v[k + offset] for k in subindices]

        # Shape components into same shape as subelement
        if rank == 0:
            subv, = components
        elif rank <= 1:
            subv = as_vector(components)
        elif rank == 2:
            subv = as_matrix([
                components[i * shape[1]:(i + 1) * shape[1]]
                for i in range(shape[0])
                "Don't know how to split functions with sub functions of rank %d."
                % rank)

        offset += sub_size

    if end != offset:
            "Function splitting failed to extract components for whole intended range. Something is wrong."

    return tuple(sub_functions)
def perp(v):
    "UFL operator: Take the perp of v, i.e. (-v1, +v0)."
    v = as_ufl(v)
    ufl_assert(v.shape() == (2,), "Expecting a 2D vector expression.")
    return as_vector((-v[1],v[0]))
Example #21
def perp(v):
    "UFL operator: Take the perp of v, i.e. (-v1, +v0)."
    v = as_ufl(v)
    ufl_assert(v.shape() == (2, ), "Expecting a 2D vector expression.")
    return as_vector((-v[1], v[0]))
Example #22
def perp(v):
    "UFL operator: Take the perp of *v*, i.e. :math:`(-v_1, +v_0)`."
    v = as_ufl(v)
    if v.ufl_shape != (2, ):
        error("Expecting a 2D vector expression.")
    return as_vector((-v[1], v[0]))
Example #23
def split(v):
    """UFL operator: If v is a Coefficient or Argument in a mixed space, returns
    a tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""

    # Default range is all of v
    begin = 0
    end = None

    if isinstance(v, Indexed):
        # Special case: split previous output of split again
        # Consistent with simple element, just return function in a tuple
        return (v,)

    elif isinstance(v, ListTensor):
        # Special case: split previous output of split again
        ops = v.ufl_operands
        if all(isinstance(comp, Indexed) for comp in ops):
            args = [comp.ufl_operands[0] for comp in ops]
            if all(args[0] == args[i] for i in range(1, len(args))):
                # Get innermost terminal here and its element
                v = args[0]
                # Get relevant range of v components
                begin, = ops[0].ufl_operands[1]
                end, = ops[-1].ufl_operands[1]
                begin = int(begin)
                end = int(end) + 1
                error("Don't know how to split %s." % (v,))
            error("Don't know how to split %s." % (v,))

    # Special case: simple element, just return function in a tuple
    element = v.ufl_element()
    if not isinstance(element, MixedElement):
        assert end is None
        return (v,)

    if isinstance(element, TensorElement):
        if element.symmetry():
            error("Split not implemented for symmetric tensor elements.")

    if len(v.ufl_shape) != 1:
        error("Don't know how to split tensor valued mixed functions without flattened index space.")

    # Compute value size and set default range end
    value_size = product(element.value_shape())
    if end is None:
        end = value_size
        # Recursively dive into mixedelement in to subelement
        # corresponding to beginning of range
        j = begin
        while True:
            sub_i, j = element.extract_subelement_component(j)
            element = element.sub_elements()[sub_i]
            # Then break when we find the subelement that covers the whole range
            if product(element.value_shape()) == (end - begin):

    # Build expressions representing the subfunction of v for each subelement
    offset = begin
    sub_functions = []
    for i, e in enumerate(element.sub_elements()):
        # Get shape, size, indices, and v components
        # corresponding to subelement value
        shape = e.value_shape()
        strides = shape_to_strides(shape)
        rank = len(shape)
        sub_size = product(shape)
        subindices = [flatten_multiindex(c, strides)
                      for c in compute_indices(shape)]
        components = [v[k + offset] for k in subindices]

        # Shape components into same shape as subelement
        if rank == 0:
            subv, = components
        elif rank <= 1:
            subv = as_vector(components)
        elif rank == 2:
            subv = as_matrix([components[i*shape[1]: (i+1)*shape[1]]
                              for i in range(shape[0])])
            error("Don't know how to split functions with sub functions of rank %d." % rank)

        offset += sub_size

    if end != offset:
        error("Function splitting failed to extract components for whole intended range. Something is wrong.")

    return tuple(sub_functions)
 def cross(self, o, a, b):
     def c(i, j):
         return Product(a[i], b[j]) - Product(a[j], b[i])
     return as_vector((c(1, 2), c(2, 0), c(0, 1)))
def apply_single_function_pullbacks(g):
    element = g.ufl_element()
    mapping = element.mapping()

    r = ReferenceValue(g)
    gsh = g.ufl_shape
    rsh = r.ufl_shape

    if mapping == "physical":
        # TODO: Is this right for immersed things
        assert gsh == rsh
        return r

    # Shortcut the "identity" case which includes Expression and
    # Constant from dolfin that may be ill-formed without a domain
    # (until we get that fixed)
    if mapping == "identity":
        assert rsh == gsh
        return r

    gsize = product(gsh)
    rsize = product(rsh)

    # Create some geometric objects for reuse
    domain = g.ufl_domain()
    J = Jacobian(domain)
    detJ = JacobianDeterminant(domain)
    Jinv = JacobianInverse(domain)

    # Create contravariant transform for reuse (note that detJ is the
    # _signed_ (pseudo-)determinant)
    transform_hdiv = (1.0 / detJ) * J

    # Shortcut simple cases for a more efficient representation,
    # including directly Piola-mapped elements and mixed elements of
    # any combination of affinely mapped elements without symmetries
    if mapping == "symmetries":
        fcm = element.flattened_sub_element_mapping()
        assert gsize >= rsize
        assert len(fcm) == gsize
        assert sorted(set(fcm)) == sorted(range(rsize))
        g_components = [r[fcm[i]] for i in range(gsize)]
        g_components = reshape_to_nested_list(g_components, gsh)
        f = as_tensor(g_components)
        assert f.ufl_shape == g.ufl_shape
        return f
    elif mapping == "contravariant Piola":
        assert transform_hdiv.ufl_shape == (gsize, rsize)
        i, j = indices(2)
        f = as_vector(transform_hdiv[i, j] * r[j], i)
        # f = as_tensor(transform_hdiv[i, j]*r[k,j], (k,i)) # FIXME: Handle Vector(Piola) here?
        assert f.ufl_shape == g.ufl_shape
        return f
    elif mapping == "covariant Piola":
        assert Jinv.ufl_shape == (rsize, gsize)
        i, j = indices(2)
        f = as_vector(Jinv[j, i] * r[j], i)
        # f = as_tensor(Jinv[j, i]*r[k,j], (k,i)) # FIXME: Handle Vector(Piola) here?
        assert f.ufl_shape == g.ufl_shape
        return f
    elif mapping == "double covariant Piola":
        i, j, m, n = indices(4)
        f = as_tensor(Jinv[m, i] * r[m, n] * Jinv[n, j], (i, j))
        assert f.ufl_shape == g.ufl_shape
        return f
    elif mapping == "double contravariant Piola":
        i, j, m, n = indices(4)
        f = as_tensor(
            (1.0 / detJ) * (1.0 / detJ) * J[i, m] * r[m, n] * J[j, n], (i, j))
        assert f.ufl_shape == g.ufl_shape
        return f
    elif mapping == "L2 Piola":
        assert rsh == gsh
        return r / detJ

    # By placing components in a list and using as_vector at the end,
    # we're assuming below that both global function g and its
    # reference value r have vector shape, which is the case for most
    # elements with the exceptions:
    # - TensorElements
    #   - All cases with scalar subelements and without symmetries
    #     are covered by the shortcut above
    #   - All cases with scalar subelements and without symmetries are
    #     covered by the shortcut above

    g_components = [None] * gsize
    gpos = 0
    rpos = 0

    r = as_vector([r[idx] for idx in numpy.ndindex(r.ufl_shape)])
    for subelm in sub_elements_with_mappings(element):
        gm = product(subelm.value_shape())
        rm = product(subelm.reference_value_shape())

        mp = subelm.mapping()
        if mp == "identity":
            assert gm == rm
            for i in range(gm):
                g_components[gpos + i] = r[rpos + i]

        elif mp == "symmetries":
            tensor_element.value_shape() == (2,2)
            tensor_element.reference_value_shape() == (3,)
            tensor_element.symmetry() == { (1,0): (0,1) }
            tensor_element.component_mapping() == { (0,0): 0, (0,1): 1, (1,0): 1, (1,1): 2 }
            tensor_element.flattened_component_mapping() == { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2 }
            fcm = subelm.flattened_sub_element_mapping()
            assert gm >= rm
            assert len(fcm) == gm
            assert sorted(set(fcm)) == sorted(range(rm))
            for i in range(gm):
                g_components[gpos + i] = r[rpos + fcm[i]]

        elif mp == "contravariant Piola":
            assert transform_hdiv.ufl_shape == (gm, rm)
            # Get reference value vector corresponding to this subelement:
            rv = as_vector([r[rpos + k] for k in range(rm)])
            # Apply transform with IndexSum over j for each row
            j = Index()
            for i in range(gm):
                g_components[gpos + i] = transform_hdiv[i, j] * rv[j]

        elif mp == "covariant Piola":
            assert Jinv.ufl_shape == (rm, gm)
            # Get reference value vector corresponding to this subelement:
            rv = as_vector([r[rpos + k] for k in range(rm)])
            # Apply transform with IndexSum over j for each row
            j = Index()
            for i in range(gm):
                g_components[gpos + i] = Jinv[j, i] * rv[j]

        elif mp == "double covariant Piola":
            # components are flatten, map accordingly
            rv = as_vector([r[rpos + k] for k in range(rm)])
            (gdim, _) = subelm.value_shape()
            (rdim, _) = subelm.reference_value_shape()
            for i in range(gdim):
                for j in range(gdim):
                    gv = 0
                    # int times Index is not allowed. so sum by hand
                    for m in range(rdim):
                        for n in range(rdim):
                            gv += Jinv[m, i] * rv[m * rdim + n] * Jinv[n, j]
                    g_components[gpos + i * gdim + j] = gv

        elif mp == "double contravariant Piola":
            # components are flatten, map accordingly
            rv = as_vector([r[rpos + k] for k in range(rm)])
            (gdim, _) = subelm.value_shape()
            (rdim, _) = subelm.reference_value_shape()
            for i in range(gdim):
                for j in range(gdim):
                    gv = 0
                    # int times Index is not allowed. so sum by hand
                    for m in range(rdim):
                        for n in range(rdim):
                            gv += ((1.0 / detJ) * (1.0 / detJ) * J[i, m] *
                                   rv[m * rdim + n] * J[j, n])
                    g_components[gpos + i * gdim + j] = gv

        elif mp == "L2 Piola":
            assert gm == rm
            for i in range(gm):
                g_components[gpos + i] = r[rpos + i] / detJ

            error("Unknown subelement mapping type %s for element %s." %
                  (mp, str(subelm)))

        gpos += gm
        rpos += rm

    # Wrap up components in a vector, must return same shape as input
    # function g
    f = as_tensor(numpy.asarray(g_components).reshape(gsh))
    assert f.ufl_shape == g.ufl_shape
    return f
def split(v):
    """UFL operator: If v is a Coefficient or Argument in a mixed space, returns
    a tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    # Special case: simple element, just return function in a tuple
    element = v.element()
    if not isinstance(element, MixedElement):
        return (v,)

    if isinstance(element, TensorElement):
        s = element.symmetry()
        if s:
            # FIXME: How should this be defined? Should we return one subfunction
            # for each value component or only for those not mapped to another?
            # I think split should ignore the symmetry.
            error("Split not implemented for symmetric tensor elements.")

    # Compute value size
    value_size = product(element.value_shape())
    actual_value_size = value_size

    # Extract sub coefficient
    offset = 0
    sub_functions = []
    for i, e in enumerate(element.sub_elements()):
        shape = e.value_shape()
        rank = len(shape)

        if rank == 0:
            # This subelement is a scalar, always maps to a single value
            subv = v[offset]
            offset += 1

        elif rank == 1:
            # This subelement is a vector, always maps to a sequence of values
            sub_size, = shape
            components = [v[j] for j in range(offset, offset + sub_size)]
            subv = as_vector(components)
            offset += sub_size

        elif rank == 2:
            # This subelement is a tensor, possibly with symmetries, slightly more complicated...

            # Size of this subvalue
            sub_size = product(shape)

            # If this subelement is a symmetric element, subtract symmetric components
            s = None
            if isinstance(e, TensorElement):
                s = e.symmetry()
            s = s or EmptyDict
            # If we do this, we must fix the size computation in MixedElement.__init__ as well
            #actual_value_size -= len(s)
            #sub_size -= len(s)
            #print s
            # Build list of lists of value components
            components = []
            for ii in range(shape[0]):
                row = []
                for jj in range(shape[1]):
                    # Map component (i,j) through symmetry mapping
                    c = (ii, jj)
                    c = s.get(c, c)
                    i, j = c
                    # Extract component c of this subvalue from global tensor v
                    if v.rank() == 1:
                        # Mapping into a flattened vector
                        k = offset + i*shape[1] + j
                        component = v[k]
                        #print "k, offset, i, j, shape, component", k, offset, i, j, shape, component
                    elif v.rank() == 2:
                        # Mapping into a concatenated tensor (is this a figment of my imagination?)
                        error("Not implemented.")
                        row_offset, col_offset = 0, 0 # TODO
                        k = (row_offset + i, col_offset + j)
                        component = v[k]

            # Make a matrix of the components
            subv = as_matrix(components)
            offset += sub_size

            # TODO: Handle rank > 2? Or is there such a thing?
            error("Don't know how to split functions with sub functions of rank %d (yet)." % rank)
            #for indices in compute_indices(shape):
            #    #k = offset + sum(i*s for (i,s) in izip(indices, shape[1:] + (1,)))
            #    vs.append(v[indices])


    ufl_assert(actual_value_size == offset, "Logic breach in function splitting.")

    return tuple(sub_functions)
Example #27
def split(v):
    """UFL operator: If v is a Coefficient or Argument in a mixed space, returns
    a tuple with the function components corresponding to the subelements."""
    # Special case: simple element, just return function in a tuple
    element = v.element()
    if not isinstance(element, MixedElement):
        return (v, )

    if isinstance(element, TensorElement):
        s = element.symmetry()
        if s:
            # FIXME: How should this be defined? Should we return one subfunction
            # for each value component or only for those not mapped to another?
            # I think split should ignore the symmetry.
            error("Split not implemented for symmetric tensor elements.")

    # Compute value size
    value_size = product(element.value_shape())
    actual_value_size = value_size

    # Extract sub coefficient
    offset = 0
    sub_functions = []
    for i, e in enumerate(element.sub_elements()):
        shape = e.value_shape()
        rank = len(shape)

        if rank == 0:
            # This subelement is a scalar, always maps to a single value
            subv = v[offset]
            offset += 1

        elif rank == 1:
            # This subelement is a vector, always maps to a sequence of values
            sub_size, = shape
            components = [v[j] for j in range(offset, offset + sub_size)]
            subv = as_vector(components)
            offset += sub_size

        elif rank == 2:
            # This subelement is a tensor, possibly with symmetries, slightly more complicated...

            # Size of this subvalue
            sub_size = product(shape)

            # If this subelement is a symmetric element, subtract symmetric components
            s = None
            if isinstance(e, TensorElement):
                s = e.symmetry()
            s = s or EmptyDict
            # If we do this, we must fix the size computation in MixedElement.__init__ as well
            #actual_value_size -= len(s)
            #sub_size -= len(s)
            #print s
            # Build list of lists of value components
            components = []
            for ii in range(shape[0]):
                row = []
                for jj in range(shape[1]):
                    # Map component (i,j) through symmetry mapping
                    c = (ii, jj)
                    c = s.get(c, c)
                    i, j = c
                    # Extract component c of this subvalue from global tensor v
                    if v.rank() == 1:
                        # Mapping into a flattened vector
                        k = offset + i * shape[1] + j
                        component = v[k]
                        #print "k, offset, i, j, shape, component", k, offset, i, j, shape, component
                    elif v.rank() == 2:
                        # Mapping into a concatenated tensor (is this a figment of my imagination?)
                        error("Not implemented.")
                        row_offset, col_offset = 0, 0  # TODO
                        k = (row_offset + i, col_offset + j)
                        component = v[k]

            # Make a matrix of the components
            subv = as_matrix(components)
            offset += sub_size

            # TODO: Handle rank > 2? Or is there such a thing?
                "Don't know how to split functions with sub functions of rank %d (yet)."
                % rank)
            #for indices in compute_indices(shape):
            #    #k = offset + sum(i*s for (i,s) in izip(indices, shape[1:] + (1,)))
            #    vs.append(v[indices])


    ufl_assert(actual_value_size == offset,
               "Logic breach in function splitting.")

    return tuple(sub_functions)