Example #1
def test_hexlify_minify():
    Check mangle is called as expected
    with mock.patch('nudatus.mangle') as mangle:
        uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT, minify=True)
Example #2
def test_hexlify_minify_without_minifier():
    When minification but no minifier is available a ValueError
    should be raised
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        with mock.patch('uflash.can_minify', False):
            uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT, minify=True)
Example #3
def test_unhexlify():
    Ensure that we can get the script back out using unhexlify and that the
    result is a properly decoded string.
    hexlified = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    unhexlified = uflash.unhexlify(hexlified)
    assert unhexlified == TEST_SCRIPT.decode('utf-8')
Example #4
def test_extract():
    The script should be returned as a string (if there is one).
    python = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    result = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
    extracted = uflash.extract_script(result)
    assert extracted == TEST_SCRIPT.decode('utf-8')
Example #5
def test_extract():
    The script should be returned as a string (if there is one).
    python = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    result = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
    extracted = uflash.extract_script(result)
    assert extracted == TEST_SCRIPT.decode('utf-8')
Example #6
def test_unhexlify():
    Ensure that we can get the script back out using unhexlify and that the
    result is a properly decoded string.
    hexlified = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    unhexlified = uflash.unhexlify(hexlified)
    assert unhexlified == TEST_SCRIPT.decode('utf-8')
Example #7
def test_hexlify():
    Ensure we get the expected .hex encoded result from a "good" call to the
    result = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    lines = result.split()
    # The first line should be the extended linear address, ox0003
    assert lines[0] == ':020000040003F7'
    # There should be the expected number of lines.
    assert len(lines) == 5
Example #8
def test_hexlify():
    Ensure we get the expected .hex encoded result from a "good" call to the
    result = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    lines = result.split()
    # The first line should be the extended linear address, ox0003
    assert lines[0] == ':020000040003F7'
    # There should be the expected number of lines.
    assert len(lines) == 5
Example #9
def test_extract_sandwiched():
    The script hex is packed with additional data above and bellow and should
    still be returned as a the original string only.
    python = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    python_hex_lines = python.split('\n')
    python_sandwiched = [python_hex_lines[0]] + \
        python_hex_lines[1:] + [':10E50000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1B']
    result = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, '\n'.join(python_sandwiched))
    extracted = uflash.extract_script(result)
    assert extracted == TEST_SCRIPT.decode('utf-8')
Example #10
def test_flash_with_path_to_microbit():
    Flash the referenced path to the micro:bit with a hex file generated from
    the MicroPython firmware and the referenced Python script.
    with mock.patch('uflash.save_hex') as mock_save:
        uflash.flash('tests/example.py', ['test_path'])
        assert mock_save.call_count == 1
        # Create the hex we're expecting to flash onto the device.
        with open('tests/example.py', 'rb') as py_file:
            python = uflash.hexlify(py_file.read())
        assert python
        expected_hex = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
        assert mock_save.call_args[0][0] == expected_hex
        expected_path = os.path.join('test_path', 'micropython.hex')
        assert mock_save.call_args[0][1] == expected_path
Example #11
def test_flash_with_path_to_microbit():
    Flash the referenced path to the micro:bit with a hex file generated from
    the MicroPython firmware and the referenced Python script.
    with mock.patch('uflash.save_hex') as mock_save:
        uflash.flash('tests/example.py', ['test_path'])
        assert mock_save.call_count == 1
        # Create the hex we're expecting to flash onto the device.
        with open('tests/example.py', 'rb') as py_file:
            python = uflash.hexlify(py_file.read())
        assert python
        expected_hex = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
        assert mock_save.call_args[0][0] == expected_hex
        expected_path = os.path.join('test_path', 'micropython.hex')
        assert mock_save.call_args[0][1] == expected_path
Example #12
def test_save_hex():
    Ensure the good case works.
    # Ensure we have a temporary file to write to that doesn't already exist.
    path_to_hex = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'microbit.hex')
    if os.path.exists(path_to_hex):
    assert not os.path.exists(path_to_hex)
    # Create the hex file we want to "flash"
    python = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    hex_file = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
    # Save the hex.
    uflash.save_hex(hex_file, path_to_hex)
    # Ensure the hex has been written as expected.
    assert os.path.exists(path_to_hex)
    with open(path_to_hex) as written_file:
        assert written_file.read() == hex_file
Example #13
def test_save_hex():
    Ensure the good case works.
    # Ensure we have a temporary file to write to that doesn't already exist.
    path_to_hex = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'microbit.hex')
    if os.path.exists(path_to_hex):
    assert not os.path.exists(path_to_hex)
    # Create the hex file we want to "flash"
    python = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    hex_file = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
    # Save the hex.
    uflash.save_hex(hex_file, path_to_hex)
    # Ensure the hex has been written as expected.
    assert os.path.exists(path_to_hex)
    with open(path_to_hex) as written_file:
        assert written_file.read() == hex_file
Example #14
def test_flash_has_python_no_path_to_microbit():
    The good case with a path to a Python file. When it's possible to find a
    path to the micro:bit.

    The resulting payload should be a correctly created micropython.hex file.
    with mock.patch('uflash.find_microbit', return_value='foo'):
        with mock.patch('uflash.save_hex') as mock_save:
            assert mock_save.call_count == 1
            # Create the hex we're expecting to flash onto the device.
            with open('tests/example.py', 'rb') as py_file:
                python = uflash.hexlify(py_file.read())
            assert python
            expected_hex = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
            assert mock_save.call_args[0][0] == expected_hex
            expected_path = os.path.join('foo', 'micropython.hex')
            assert mock_save.call_args[0][1] == expected_path
Example #15
def test_flash_has_python_no_path_to_microbit():
    The good case with a path to a Python file. When it's possible to find a
    path to the micro:bit.

    The resulting payload should be a correctly created micropython.hex file.
    with mock.patch('uflash.find_microbit', return_value='foo'):
        with mock.patch('uflash.save_hex') as mock_save:
            assert mock_save.call_count == 1
            # Create the hex we're expecting to flash onto the device.
            with open('tests/example.py', 'rb') as py_file:
                python = uflash.hexlify(py_file.read())
            assert python
            expected_hex = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
            assert mock_save.call_args[0][0] == expected_hex
            expected_path = os.path.join('foo', 'micropython.hex')
            assert mock_save.call_args[0][1] == expected_path
Example #16
def test_embed_hex():
    Ensure the good case works as expected.
    python = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    result = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
    # The resulting hex should be of the expected length.
    assert len(result) == len(python) + len(uflash._RUNTIME) + 1  # +1 for \n
    # The hex should end with a newline '\n'
    assert result[-1:] == '\n'
    # The Python hex should be in the correct location.
    py_list = python.split()
    result_list = result.split()
    start_of_python_from_end = len(py_list) + 2
    start_of_python = len(result_list) - start_of_python_from_end
    assert result_list[start_of_python:-2] == py_list
    # The firmware should enclose the Python correctly.
    firmware_list = uflash._RUNTIME.split()
    assert firmware_list[:-2] == result_list[:-start_of_python_from_end]
    assert firmware_list[-2:] == result_list[-2:]
Example #17
def test_embed_hex():
    Ensure the good case works as expected.
    python = uflash.hexlify(TEST_SCRIPT)
    result = uflash.embed_hex(uflash._RUNTIME, python)
    # The resulting hex should be of the expected length.
    assert len(result) == len(python) + len(uflash._RUNTIME) + 1  # +1 for \n
    # The hex should end with a newline '\n'
    assert result[-1:] == '\n'
    # The Python hex should be in the correct location.
    py_list = python.split()
    result_list = result.split()
    start_of_python_from_end = len(py_list) + 5
    start_of_python = len(result_list) - start_of_python_from_end
    assert result_list[start_of_python:-5] == py_list
    # The firmware should enclose the Python correctly.
    firmware_list = uflash._RUNTIME.split()
    assert firmware_list[:-5] == result_list[:-start_of_python_from_end]
    assert firmware_list[-5:] == result_list[-5:]
Example #18
def test_hexlify_empty_script():
    The function returns an empty string if the script is empty.
    assert uflash.hexlify('') == ''
Example #19
def test_hexlify_empty_script():
    The function returns an empty string if the script is empty.
    assert uflash.hexlify('') == ''
Example #20
def test_hexlify_validates_script_length():
    input = b"A" * 8193
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
    assert str(excinfo.value) == "Python script must be less than 8188 bytes."