Example #1
    def __init__(self, mod_class, demod_class,
                 rx_callback, options):


        # Get the modulation's bits_per_symbol
        args = mod_class.extract_kwargs_from_options(options)
        symbol_rate = options.bitrate / mod_class(**args).bits_per_symbol()

        self.source = uhd_receiver(options.rx_addr, symbol_rate,
                                   options.rx_freq, options.rx_gain,
                                   options.rx_spec, options.rx_antenna,
        self.sink = uhd_transmitter(options.tx_addr, symbol_rate,
                                    options.tx_freq, options.tx_gain,
                                    options.rx_spec, options.rx_antenna,
        options.samples_per_symbol = self.source._sps

        self.txpath = transmit_path(mod_class, options)
        self.rxpath = receive_path(demod_class, rx_callback, options)
        self.connect(self.txpath, self.sink)
        self.connect(self.source, self.rxpath)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, node_type, node_index, mod_class, demod_class,
                 rx_callback, options):


        # is this node the sub node or head?
        self._node_type = node_type
        self._node_id   = node_index

        # Get the modulation's bits_per_symbol
        args = mod_class.extract_kwargs_from_options(options)
        symbol_rate = options.bitrate / mod_class(**args).bits_per_symbol()

        # Automatically USRP devices discovery
        devices = uhd.find_devices_raw()
        n_devices = len(devices)
        addrs = []
        if (n_devices == 0):
            sys.exit("no connected devices")
        elif (n_devices >= 1):
            for i in range(n_devices):
                addr_t = devices[i].to_string()  #ex. 'type=usrp2,addr=,name=,serial=E6R14U3UP'
                addrs.append(addr_t[11:30]) # suppose the addr is 192.168.10.xxx
        if (n_devices == 1 and self._node_type == CLUSTER_NODE):
            sys.exit("only one devices for the node, we need both communicator and sensor for cluster node")
        elif (n_devices > 1 and self._node_type == CLUSTER_HEAD):
            sys.exit("only one devices is need for cluster head")
        # Configure the devices to 
        # 1 Communicator
        # N Sensors (N >= 1)
        # How to determin the Communicator?
        #       we need to assure all the sensors to be sync with GPS, except the communicator
        #       thus, the device with non-sync time will be assigned as communicator
        # Firstly, instantiate all the USRP receivers (including the sensors and the communicator)
        self.sensors = []
        t = []
        dt = []
        time_src = []
        role = []
        for i in range(n_devices):
            self.sensors.append(uhd_sensor(addrs[i], options.sx_samprate,
                                                options.sx_freq, options.sx_gain,
                                                options.sx_spec, options.sx_antenna, 
            if self.sensors[i].u.get_time_source(0) == "none":
                self.sensors[i].u.set_time_source("mimo", 0)  # Set the time source without GPS to MIMO cable

        time.sleep(4)   # time to sync between mimo connected devices
        for i in range(n_devices):

            if i > 0:
                for j in range(i):
                    if (abs(t[j] - t[i]) < 0.1): # Find a pair of GPS synched devices
                        dt[i] += 1
                        dt[j] += 1 
        # Find the communicator
        found_com = 0
        print t
        print addrs
        print time_src
        print dt
        cind = 0
        for i in range(n_devices):
            if found_com == 1:
            if n_devices == 2:
                if self.sensors[i].u.get_time_source(0) == "mimo" and found_com == 0:
                    cind = i
                    found_com = 1
                elif i == 1 and slef.sensors[i].u.get_time_source(0) == "gpsdo" and found_com == 0:
                    cind = i
                    found_com = 1
                elif i == 1:
                    sys.exit("configure error, no communicaotr found for 2 devices")                    
            elif (dt[i] != n_devices - 1 and dt[i] != 1) or (sum(dt) == n_devices):
                sys.exit("configure error or Not sync")
            elif dt[i] == 1 and found_com == 0: # We select this as communicator
                cind = i
                found_com = 1
            if found_com == 1:
                del self.sensors[cind] # delete this devices from sensor list
                role[cind] = "com"
                self.source =  uhd_receiver(addrs[cind], symbol_rate,
                                            options.rx_freq, options.rx_gain,
                                            options.rx_spec, options.rx_antenna,
                self.sink = uhd_transmitter(addrs[cind], symbol_rate,
                                            options.tx_freq, options.tx_gain,
                                            options.rx_spec, options.rx_antenna,
                del addrs[cind] # Ignore the addrs of communicator                                            

        print role
        if found_com == 0: # no communicator found
            sys.exit("Configuration Error")

        # Setup the rest of USRPs as sensors
        if (self._node_type == CLUSTER_NODE and STREAM_OR_FINITE == 0):
            for i in range(n_devices - 1):
                filename = "%s_sensed.dat" %(addrs[i])
                self.connect(self.sensors[i].u, gr.file_sink(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, filename))
        options.samples_per_symbol = self.source._sps     
        self.txpath = transmit_path(mod_class, options)
        self.rxpath = receive_path(demod_class, rx_callback, options)
        self.connect(self.txpath, self.sink)
        self.connect(self.source, self.rxpath)