Example #1
def report_excel(request):
    log_start_time = datetime.utcnow()
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/login/?next=/ui/')
    log_entry = LogEntry()
    log_entry.user = request.user
    log_entry.timestamp = log_start_time
    log_entry.post_data = request.POST
    if request.POST.has_key('chkReporter') \
        and request.POST.has_key('hdnResultType') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtStartDate') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtEndDate'):
        start_date = request.POST.get('txtStartDate')
        end_date = request.POST.get('txtEndDate')
        reporters = request.POST.get('chkReporter').split(',')
        reporter_type = request.POST.get('hdnResultType')

        return HttpResponse('insufficient parameters')
    filename = 'wqm_reporters_%s_%s.xls' % (start_date, end_date)
    if reporter_type == 'NAME':
        samples = Sample.objects.filter(reporter_name__in=reporters, date_taken__gte=start_date, date_taken__lte=end_date).order_by('date_taken')
        log_entry.event_type = 'rep_reporter_name'
    elif reporter_type == 'TEL':
        samples = Sample.objects.filter(taken_by__connections__identity__in=reporters, date_taken__gte=start_date, date_taken__lte=end_date).order_by('date_taken')
        log_entry.event_type = 'rep_reporter_tel'
        return HttpResponse('Unknown reporter type supplied')
    # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate XLS header info.
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="application/ms-excel")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename
    wb = Reports.get_basic_for_samples(samples)
    return response
Example #2
def report(request):
    log_start_time = datetime.utcnow()
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/login/?next=/ui/')

    sample_point_ids = []
    # create a log entry    
    log_entry = LogEntry()
    log_entry.user = request.user
    log_entry.timestamp = log_start_time
    log_entry.post_data = request.POST
    #check if the post was from an info window (single sample point)
    if request.POST.has_key('btnInfoWindow') \
        and request.POST.has_key('sample_point_id') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtInfoStartDate') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtInfoEndDate'):
        start_date = request.POST.get('txtInfoStartDate')
        end_date = request.POST.get('txtInfoEndDate')
        report_type = 'FULL'
    elif request.POST.has_key('btnSidePanel')\
        and request.POST.has_key('sample_point') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtSideStartDate') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtSideEndDate') \
        and request.POST.has_key('radReportType'):
        report_type = request.POST.get('radReportType') 
        start_date = request.POST.get('txtSideStartDate') 
        end_date = request.POST.get('txtSideEndDate') 
        sample_point_ids = request.POST.getlist('sample_point')
        return HttpResponse('insufficient parameters')
    if report_type == 'SITE_COUNT':
        filename = Reports.get_filename(sample_point_ids, start_date, end_date, 'site-test-count')
        log_entry.event_type = 'rep_site_test_count'
    elif report_type == 'REPORTER_COUNT':
        filename = Reports.get_filename(sample_point_ids, start_date, end_date, 'reporter-test-count')
        log_entry.event_type = 'rep_test_count'
        filename = Reports.get_filename(sample_point_ids, start_date, end_date)
        log_entry.event_type = 'rep_full'
    # Create the HttpResponse object with the appropriate XLS header info.
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="application/ms-excel")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename
    if report_type == 'SITE_COUNT':
        wb = Reports.render_excel(Reports.get_test_counts(sample_point_ids, start_date, end_date))
    elif report_type == 'REPORTER_COUNT':
        wb = Reports.render_excel(Reports.get_reporter_test_counts(sample_point_ids, start_date, end_date))
        wb = Reports.get_basic(sample_point_ids, start_date, end_date)
    return response
Example #3
def report_preview(request, domain_id):
    log_start_time = datetime.utcnow()
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/login/?next=/ui/')
        # attempt load up the requested domain if the user has access to it
        domain = Domain.objects.filter(  membership__member_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User), 
                                                    membership__member_id = request.user.id, 
                                                    membership__is_active=True, # Looks in membership table
                                                    id = domain_id)[0] # Looks in domain table
    except IndexError:
        # if it wasn't loaded it either doesn't exist (in which case the user is poking around with the url)
        # or the user doesn't have access to it. Either way, best to just display access denied so people
        # messing with URLs get as little info as possible.
        #TODO: redirect to an access denied page
        return HttpResponse('access denied - you don\'t have access to this domain id')
    log_entry = LogEntry()
    log_entry.user = request.user
    log_entry.timestamp = log_start_time
    log_entry.post_data = request.POST
    if request.POST.has_key('chkReporter') \
        and request.POST.has_key('hdnResultType') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtStartDate') \
        and request.POST.has_key('txtEndDate'):
        start_date = request.POST.get('txtStartDate')
        end_date = request.POST.get('txtEndDate')
        reporters = request.POST.getlist('chkReporter')
        reporter_type = request.POST.get('hdnResultType')

        return HttpResponse('insufficient parameters')
    filename = 'wqm_reporters_%s_%s_%s.xls' % (domain.name.replace(' ', '_') .replace('\\','_').replace('//','_').replace('?','_').replace("'","_"),
    if reporter_type == 'NAME':
        samples = Sample.objects.filter(reporter_name__in=reporters, date_taken__gte=start_date, date_taken__lte=end_date).order_by('date_taken')
        log_entry.event_type = 'rep_prev_reporter_name'
    elif reporter_type == 'TEL':
        samples = Sample.objects.filter(taken_by__connections__identity__in=reporters, date_taken__gte=start_date, date_taken__lte=end_date).order_by('date_taken')
        log_entry.event_type = 'rep_prev_reporter_tel'
        return HttpResponse('Unknown reporter type supplied')
    report_html = Reports.get_report_html(samples)
    template = loader.get_template('ui-report-preview.html')
    context = Context({    'domain' : domain,
                        'user' : request.user,
                        'report_table' : report_html,
                        'start_date' : start_date,
                        'end_date' : end_date,
                        'result_type' : reporter_type,
                        'reporters' : ','.join(reporters)

    response = HttpResponse(template.render(context))
    return response
Example #4
def reporters(request, domain_id):
    log_start_time = datetime.utcnow()
    # user authentication - this is done manually to force the use of a login URL specifc to the UI app
    # dev version of django can do this using @login_required, but 1.2 can't, hence this work-around
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/ui/login/?next=%s' % request.path)
        # attempt load up the requested domain if the user has access to it
        domain = Domain.objects.filter(  membership__member_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(User), 
                                                    membership__member_id = request.user.id, 
                                                    membership__is_active=True, # Looks in membership table
                                                    id = domain_id)[0] # Looks in domain table
    except IndexError:
        # if it wasn't loaded it either doesn't exist (in which case the user is poking around with the url)
        # or the user doesn't have access to it. Either way, best to just display access denied so people
        # messing with URLs get as little info as possible.
        #TODO: redirect to an access denied page
        return HttpResponse('access denied - you don\'t have access to this domain id')

    # authentication and authorisation taken care of
    log_entry = LogEntry()
    log_entry.user = request.user
    log_entry.timestamp = log_start_time
    log_entry.post_data = request.POST
    log_entry.event_type = 'page_search'
    # check if this is a search and there's something to search on
    if request.POST.has_key('btnSearch') and request.POST.has_key('txtName') and request.POST.get('txtName') != '':
        search_name = request.POST.get('txtName')
        search_tel = ''
        result_type = 'NAME'
        result = Sample.objects.filter(reporter_name__icontains=search_name).filter(sampling_point__wqmarea__wqmauthority__domain__id=domain_id).values('reporter_name').order_by('reporter_name').distinct()
        reporters = list(rep['reporter_name'] for rep in result)        
    elif request.POST.has_key('btnSearch') and request.POST.has_key('txtTel') and request.POST.get('txtTel') != '':
        result_type = 'TEL'
        search_name = ''
        search_tel = request.POST.get('txtTel')
        result = PersistantConnection.objects \
            .filter(identity__icontains=search_tel) \
            .filter(reporter__sample__sampling_point__wqmarea__wqmauthority__domain__id=domain_id) \
        reporters = list(rep['identity'] for rep in result)
        reporters = None
        search_name = ''
        search_tel = ''
        result_type = ''
    template = loader.get_template('ui-reporters.html')
    context = Context({    'domain' : domain,
                        'user' : request.user,
                        'reporters' : reporters,
                        'search_name' : search_name,
                        'search_tel' : search_tel,
                        'result_type' : result_type,

    response = HttpResponse(template.render(context))
    return response