def senti(csv_file=CSV_FILE): """graph of positive and negative tweets over time (mandatory) :param: :return: """ polar_pattern = re.compile(r'[-]?\d+\.\d+') sentiment_list = list() polar_list = list() dates_list = list() with open(csv_file) as file_object: reader_object = csv.reader(file_object) next(reader_object, None) # Skip headers sentiment_list = [i[-1] for i in reader_object] # get sentiment column for i in sentiment_list: polarity = re.findall(polar_pattern, i) # Just the numbers polarity = polarity[0] # Only the polarity part polar_list.append(polarity) # In a list. polar_float = [float(i) for i in polar_list] # Make if float. # for i in polar_float: # For testing # print(i) # print(polar_float) with open(csv_file) as file_object: reader_object = csv.reader(file_object) next(reader_object, None) # Skip headers created_list = [i[2] for i in reader_object] for i in created_list: # this is dt object, not subscriptable dates_tweets_1 = datetime.datetime.strptime( i, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y') # Convert into string of dates and times + GMT # dates_tweets = str(dates_tweets_1) # Adds tuples together in a list [('date', 'time'), ('date', 'time')] dates_list.append(dates_tweets_1) try: # dates = mdates.date2num(dates_list) # yearsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y') fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(dates_list, polar_float) # print(polar_float) plt.title("Sentiment analysis over Time") plt.xlabel("Time and Date") plt.ylabel("Sentiment Polarity") # The following lines does not seem to have any effect # ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y') # ax.format_ydata = polar_float # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%f')) ax.grid(True) # Cute grid. ui.info_1("Saving...") plt.savefig("Q4_sentiment.png") except TypeError as e: print("TypeError") exit()
def main(args): workspace_path = args.workspace_path or os.getcwd() workspace = tsrc.workspace.Workspace(path.Path(workspace_path)) ui.info_1("Creating new workspace in", ui.bold, workspace_path) workspace.init_manifest(args.manifest_url, branch=args.branch) workspace.load_manifest() workspace.clone_missing() workspace.set_remotes() workspace.copy_files()"Done", ui.check)
def help(args, name=None): if(name == '-list_users'): print(list_users.__doc__) elif(name == '-create_project'): print(create_project.__doc__) elif(name == '-create_user'): print(create_user.__doc__) elif(name == '-update_user'): print(update_user.__doc__) elif(name == '-list_users'): print(list_users.__doc__) elif(name == '-list_projects'): print(list_projects.__doc__) elif(name == '-list_domains'): print(list_domains.__doc__) elif(name == '-grant_role'): print(grant_role.__doc__) elif(name == '-grant_role2'): print(grant_role2.__doc__) elif(name == '-create_network'): print(create_network.__doc__) elif(name == '-list_networks'): print(list_networks.__doc__) elif(name == '-create_instance'): print(create_instance.__doc__) elif(name == '-create_route'): print(create_router.__doc__) elif(name == '-create_floatingip'): print(create_floatingip.__doc__) elif(name == '-delete_users'): print(delete_users.__doc__) elif(name == '-delete_network'): print(delete_network.__doc__) elif(name == '-delete_project'): print(delete_project.__doc__) elif(name == '-revoke_role'): print(revoke_role.__doc__) elif(name == '-update_user'): print(update_user.__doc__) elif(name == '-delete_users'): print(update_users.__doc__) elif(name == '-update_project'): print(update_project.__doc__) elif name is None: print('') ui.info_1( 'Untuk informasi command Anda bisa mengetik help <spasi> -cmd: \n') print(' -create_project \n -create_user \n -create_network \n -create_instance \n -create_route \n -create_floatingip') print(' -list_users \n -list_networks \n -list_projects \n -list_domains \n -list_images') print(' -grant_role \n -grant_role2 \n -delete_project \n -delete_network \n -delete_user \n -delete_users') print(' -update_user \n -update_project \n') else: print('command yang anda masukkan tidak tersedia')
def main(args): workspace_path = args.workspace_path or os.getcwd() workspace = tsrc.workspace.Workspace(path.Path(workspace_path)) ui.info_1("Configuring workspace in", ui.bold, workspace_path) workspace.configure_manifest(url=args.manifest_url, branch=args.branch, groups=args.groups) workspace.load_manifest() workspace.clone_missing() workspace.set_remotes() workspace.copy_files()"Done", ui.check)
def main(): ui.info_1("Starting CI") checks = init_checks() for check in checks: failed_checks = [check for check in checks if not check.ok] if not failed_checks:, "CI passed") return for check in failed_checks: ui.error(, "failed") sys.exit(1)
def process(self, items): if not items: return True ui.info_1(self.task.description()) self.errors = list() num_items = len(items) for i, item in enumerate(items): if not self.task.quiet(): ui.info_count(i, num_items, end="") self.process_one(item) if self.errors: self.handle_errors()
def change_filter(): """Changes the search filter for myStream.filter(track=[trump]) :param: :return trump: New keyword or DEFAULT keyword 'trump'""" trump = 'trump' # A variable named trump. ui.info_1(ui.yellow, "SEARCH:",, ui.standout, "'trump'") ans_filter = ui.ask_yes_no("Change search keyword? [Ctrl-C Quits] >>>", default=False) if ans_filter == False: return trump else: ui.info_1(, "Really change?") ans_really = ui.ask_yes_no("[ENTER] for No >>>", default=False) if ans_really == False: return trump else: trump = ui.ask_string("Enter new search keyword") ui.info_3("Starting search for new keyword:",, trump) return trump
def tweets_table_create( conn=create_conection(), sql_file=TWEETS_DB, table_name=TABLE_NAME): """Create tweets table. :param: :return: This code was take from SQLite Tutorial, (2018), accessed on 22-Nov-2018 It was modified to have {tn} instead of the table name, and added ui interface. """ tweet_id = "tweets_id" tweet_text = "tweet_text" created_at = "created_at" location = "location" coordinates = "geocoordinates" user_followers = "user_followers" friends_no = "number_of_friends" senti = "sentiment_analysis" create_tweets_database = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {tn} ( {ti} interger NOT NULL, {tt} text NOT NULL, {ct} text NOT NULL, {loc} text, {coor} text, {uf} interger, {fn} interger, {sn} text)""".format(tn=table_name, ti=tweet_id, tt=tweet_text, ct=created_at, loc=location, coor=coordinates, uf=user_followers, fn=friends_no, sn=senti) if conn is not None: create_table(conn, create_tweets_database) ui.info_1("New table created:",, table_name) else: ui.error("Cannot create connection to DATABASE")
def user_ans_tweets(table_name=TABLE_NAME): """Asks user how many tweets to append to table, and does so. :param table_name: name of table """ ui.info_1(ui.bold, "Add Tweets to",, MyStreamListener.table_name) ans_int = input(" How many tweets? (interger) >>> ") MyStreamListener.tweet_stop = 0 try: ans_int = int(ans_int) if ans_int > 0: MyStreamListener.tweet_stop = ans_int fetch_tweets() else: print("0 tweets gathered") return except ValueError: ui.info_1(, "Please write an interger") user_ans_tweets() except ConnectionError: ui.error(ui.cross, "Connection Error"), "Program Finished") exit()
def test_record_message(message_recorder): ui.info_1("This is foo") assert message_recorder.find("foo") message_recorder.reset() ui.info_1("This is bar") assert not message_recorder.find("foo")
def ask_table(db_file=TWEETS_DB, conn=create_conection(), table_name=TABLE_NAME): """Default table or new table. Checks if table exists, creates one if not with name from user and calls user_ans_tweets(). :param db_file: DEFAULT database :param conn: creates connection() :param table_name: name of table """ def ploting(tweets_db=TWEETS_DB, csv_file=CSV_FILE): table_name = MyStreamListener.table_name plot_question = ui.ask_yes_no("Plot?", default=True) if plot_question:, "Populating csv file with {}".format(table_name)) q_four.db_into_csv(TWEETS_DB, CSV_FILE, table_name) ui.info_3("Ploting...") q_four.frecuency() q_four.senti() else:, "Program Finished") exit() tables_list = list() conn = create_conection() cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master") for table in cur: tables = str(table).strip('(').strip(')').strip(',').strip("'") tables_list.append(tables) if "trump" in tables_list: ui.info_1(ui.yellow, ui.bold, "DEFAULT TABLE FOUND! =>",, ui.standout, "'trump'") new_db_ans = ui.ask_yes_no("Add tweets to table 'trump'?", default=True) if new_db_ans: ui.warning("Creating database (If it doesn't exist)") create_conection() ui.info_2(, "Accessing Database") MyStreamListener.table_name = TABLE_NAME user_ans_tweets() ploting() else: choices = ["Create New Table", "Load table", "Plot", "Quit"] new = ui.ask_choice("Select: ", choices) if new == "Create New Table": ui.warning("Tables with the same name will not be created") new_table_name = ui.ask_string("Enter new table name:") new_table_name = new_table_name.lower() new_table_name = new_table_name.replace(" ", "_")"Table name with format:",, new_table_name) create_ans = ui.ask_yes_no("Create?") if create_ans: tweets_table_create(create_conection(), TWEETS_DB, new_table_name) insert_new_tbl = ui.ask_yes_no( "Insert new tweets into {}?".format(new_table_name)) if insert_new_tbl: MyStreamListener.table_name = new_table_name user_ans_tweets() ploting() else:, ("Program Finished")) else:, "Program Finished") elif new == "Load table": new_table_name = ui.ask_choice("Select Table to load:", tables_list) MyStreamListener.table_name = new_table_name user_ans_tweets() ploting() elif new == "Plot": new_table_name = ui.ask_choice("Select Table to plot:", tables_list) MyStreamListener.table_name = new_table_name ploting() elif new == "Quit": ui.warning("Program Finished") exit()
def frecuency(csv_file=CSV_FILE): """Frecuency of the tweets over time (mandatory) :param csv_file: the csv file containing the data to be graphed. :return: # line of code bellow is from the Python Documentation, last updated 04-12-2018 by the Python Software Foundation, accessed on 4-12-2018: ************************************************** I believe a scatter plot is better for representing this kind of data. With pandas is trivial to group the times of the day in hour intervarls, but I could not find a way to do it with just lists. My attempts at this task are kept in the comments bellow. """ created_list = list() dates_list = list() dates_tweets = list() datetimex = list() x_list = list() x = list() y = list() with open(csv_file) as file_object: reader_object = csv.reader(file_object) next(reader_object, None) # Skip headers created_list = [i[2] for i in reader_object] for i in created_list: # this is dt object, not subscriptable dates_tweets = datetime.datetime.strptime( i, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %z %Y') # Thu Apr 23 13:38:19 +0000 2009 # datetime objects # Convert into string of dates and times + GMT # dates_tweets = str(dates_tweets_1) # Remove +GMT # dates_tweets = dates_tweets[:-6] # Make a ['date','time'] list. # dates_tweets = dates_tweets.split('') # Make a tuple ('date', 'time') # dates_tweets = tuple(dates_tweets) # Adds tuples together in a list [('date', 'time'), ('date', 'time')] dates_list.append(dates_tweets) # Make test list(100 entries) comment this lines for production # jig = list() # for x, i in dates_list[3100:3200]: # jig.append(i) # dates_list = jig # End of test list # This sorts the list: dates_list = sorted(dates_list) dates_list = [(key, len(list(group))) for key, group in groupby(dates_list)] # print(dates_list) = (datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 6, 18, 2, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 6)] for i in dates_list: x.append(i[0]) # for i in x: # print(i) # for i in x: # i = str(i) # datetime_x = datetime.datetime.strptime(i, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z') # x_list.append(datetime_x) dates = mdates.date2num(x) # datetime_x = datetime.datetime.strptime(i, '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p') # return dates_list # for i in dates_list: # x.append(i[1]) # x = list(range(9)) # jig = [(len(list(group)), key) for key, group in groupby(jig)] # below doesnt work properly # x = [ + datetime.timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(9)] # dates_tweets_3 = dates_tweets_2[1100:1200] # print(dates_tweets_3) # dates_tweets_3 = sorted(dates_tweets_3, reverse=True) # dates_tweets_3 = [(len(list(key)), group) for key, group in groupby(dates_tweets_3)] # x = mdates.date2num(dates_tweets_3) for i in dates_list: y.append(i[1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.title("Frequency of tweets over time") plt.xlabel('Date and Time') plt.ylabel('No of tweets') plt.plot_date(dates, y) # plt.plot(dates, y) # xmft = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z') # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xmft) # print(x) # print(y) ui.info_1("Saving...") plt.savefig('Q4_Frequency.png')