Example #1
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # Display the UI.
        import ui
        # Run in command line mode.
        from optparse import OptionParser
        parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog\n       %prog [options] filename\n\nWhen run with no arguments, it launches the user interface.  If any arguments are specified, it runs in command line mode.")
        parser.add_option('--output', default='output.pdb', dest='output', metavar='FILENAME', help='output pdb file [default: output.pdb]')
        parser.add_option('--add-atoms', default='all', dest='atoms', choices=('all', 'heavy', 'hydrogen', 'none'), help='which missing atoms to add: all, heavy, hydrogen, or none [default: all]')
        parser.add_option('--keep-heterogens', default='all', dest='heterogens', choices=('all', 'water', 'none'), metavar='OPTION', help='which heterogens to keep: all, water, or none [default: all]')
        parser.add_option('--replace-nonstandard', action='store_true', default=False, dest='nonstandard', help='replace nonstandard residues with standard equivalents')
        parser.add_option('--add-residues', action='store_true', default=False, dest='residues', help='add missing residues')
        parser.add_option('--water-box', dest='box', type='float', nargs=3, metavar='X Y Z', help='add a water box. The value is the box dimensions in nm [example: --water-box=2.5 2.4 3.0]')
        parser.add_option('--ph', type='float', default=7.0, dest='ph', help='the pH to use for adding missing hydrogens [default: 7.0]')
        parser.add_option('--positive-ion', default='Na+', dest='positiveIon', choices=('Cs+', 'K+', 'Li+', 'Na+', 'Rb+'), metavar='ION', help='positive ion to include in the water box: Cs+, K+, Li+, Na+, or Rb+ [default: Na+]')
        parser.add_option('--negative-ion', default='Cl-', dest='negativeIon', choices=('Cl-', 'Br-', 'F-', 'I-'), metavar='ION', help='negative ion to include in the water box: Cl-, Br-, F-, or I- [default: Cl-]')
        parser.add_option('--ionic-strength', type='float', default=0.0, dest='ionic', metavar='STRENGTH', help='molar concentration of ions to add to the water box [default: 0.0]')
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        if len(args) == 0:
            parser.error('No filename specified')
        if len(args) > 1:
            parser.error('Must specify a single filename')
        fixer = PDBFixer(filename=sys.argv[1])
        if options.residues:
            fixer.missingResidues = {}
        if options.nonstandard:
        if options.atoms not in ('all', 'heavy'):
            fixer.missingAtoms = {}
            fixer.missingTerminals = {}
        if options.heterogens == 'none':
        elif options.heterogens == 'water':
        if options.atoms in ('all', 'hydrogen'):
        if options.box is not None:
            fixer.addSolvent(boxSize=options.box*unit.nanometer, positiveIon=options.positiveIon, 
                negativeIon=options.negativeIon, ionicStrength=options.ionic*unit.molar)
        with open(options.output, 'w') as f:
            if fixer.source is not None:
                f.write("REMARK   1 PDBFIXER FROM: %s\n" % fixer.source)
            app.PDBFile.writeFile(fixer.topology, fixer.positions, f)
Example #2
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # Display the UI.
        import ui
        # Run in command line mode.
        from optparse import OptionParser
        parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog\n       %prog [options] filename\n\nWhen run with no arguments, it launches the user interface.  If any arguments are specified, it runs in command line mode.")
        parser.add_option('--output', default='output.pdb', dest='output', metavar='FILENAME', help='output pdb file [default: output.pdb]')
        parser.add_option('--add-atoms', default='all', dest='atoms', choices=('all', 'heavy', 'hydrogen', 'none'), help='which missing atoms to add: all, heavy, hydrogen, or none [default: all]')
        parser.add_option('--keep-heterogens', default='all', dest='heterogens', choices=('all', 'water', 'none'), metavar='OPTION', help='which heterogens to keep: all, water, or none [default: all]')
        parser.add_option('--replace-nonstandard', action='store_true', default=False, dest='nonstandard', help='replace nonstandard residues with standard equivalents')
        parser.add_option('--add-residues', action='store_true', default=False, dest='residues', help='add missing residues')
        parser.add_option('--water-box', dest='box', type='float', nargs=3, metavar='X Y Z', help='add a water box. The value is the box dimensions in nm [example: --water-box=2.5 2.4 3.0]')
        parser.add_option('--ph', type='float', default=7.0, dest='ph', help='the pH to use for adding missing hydrogens [default: 7.0]')
        parser.add_option('--positive-ion', default='Na+', dest='positiveIon', choices=('Cs+', 'K+', 'Li+', 'Na+', 'Rb+'), metavar='ION', help='positive ion to include in the water box: Cs+, K+, Li+, Na+, or Rb+ [default: Na+]')
        parser.add_option('--negative-ion', default='Cl-', dest='negativeIon', choices=('Cl-', 'Br-', 'F-', 'I-'), metavar='ION', help='negative ion to include in the water box: Cl-, Br-, F-, or I- [default: Cl-]')
        parser.add_option('--ionic-strength', type='float', default=0.0, dest='ionic', metavar='STRENGTH', help='molar concentration of ions to add to the water box [default: 0.0]')
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        if len(args) == 0:
            parser.error('No filename specified')
        if len(args) > 1:
            parser.error('Must specify a single filename')
        fixer = PDBFixer(filename=sys.argv[1])
        if options.residues:
            fixer.missingResidues = {}
        if options.nonstandard:
        if options.atoms not in ('all', 'heavy'):
            fixer.missingAtoms = {}
            fixer.missingTerminals = {}
        if options.heterogens == 'none':
        elif options.heterogens == 'water':
        if options.atoms in ('all', 'hydrogen'):
        if options.box is not None:
            fixer.addSolvent(boxSize=options.box*unit.nanometer, positiveIon=options.positiveIon, 
                negativeIon=options.negativeIon, ionicStrength=options.ionic*unit.molar)
        with open(options.output, 'w') as f:
            if fixer.source is not None:
                f.write("REMARK   1 PDBFIXER FROM: %s\n" % fixer.source)
            app.PDBFile.writeFile(fixer.topology, fixer.positions, f)
Example #3
        atomResidue = [atom.residue for atom in topology.atoms()]
        nearest = sys.float_info.max
        for atom in newAtoms:
            p = positions-positions[atom.index]
            dist = math.sqrt(min(np.dot(p[i], p[i]) for i in range(len(atomResidue)) if atomResidue[i] != atom.residue))
            if dist < nearest:
                nearest = dist
        return nearest

if __name__=='__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        # Display the UI.
        import ui
        # Run in command line mode.
        from optparse import OptionParser
        parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog\n       %prog [options] filename\n\nWhen run with no arguments, it launches the user interface.  If any arguments are specified, it runs in command line mode.")
        parser.add_option('--output', default='output.pdb', dest='output', metavar='FILENAME', help='output pdb file [default: output.pdb]')
        parser.add_option('--add-atoms', default='all', dest='atoms', choices=('all', 'heavy', 'hydrogen', 'none'), help='which missing atoms to add: all, heavy, hydrogen, or none [default: all]')
        parser.add_option('--keep-heterogens', default='all', dest='heterogens', choices=('all', 'water', 'none'), metavar='OPTION', help='which heterogens to keep: all, water, or none [default: all]')
        parser.add_option('--replace-nonstandard', action='store_true', default=False, dest='nonstandard', help='replace nonstandard residues with standard equivalents')
        parser.add_option('--add-residues', action='store_true', default=False, dest='residues', help='add missing residues')
        parser.add_option('--water-box', dest='box', type='float', nargs=3, metavar='X Y Z', help='add a water box. The value is the box dimensions in nm [example: --water-box=2.5 2.4 3.0]')
        parser.add_option('--ph', type='float', default=7.0, dest='ph', help='the pH to use for adding missing hydrogens [default: 7.0]')
        parser.add_option('--positive-ion', default='Na+', dest='positiveIon', choices=('Cs+', 'K+', 'Li+', 'Na+', 'Rb+'), metavar='ION', help='positive ion to include in the water box: Cs+, K+, Li+, Na+, or Rb+ [default: Na+]')
        parser.add_option('--negative-ion', default='Cl-', dest='negativeIon', choices=('Cl-', 'Br-', 'F-', 'I-'), metavar='ION', help='negative ion to include in the water box: Cl-, Br-, F-, or I- [default: Cl-]')
        parser.add_option('--ionic-strength', type='float', default=0.0, dest='ionic', metavar='STRENGTH', help='molar concentration of ions to add to the water box [default: 0.0]')