def handle_movie_choice(choice, results): if choice >= "1" and choice <= "5": synopsis(int(choice) - 1, results) else: ui.print_to_user("Please enter a valid selection")
def main(): log.write_to_log("Main function executed.") ui.print_to_user("\nWelcome to Fun Night Out!") quit = "q" choice = None # main menu display loop while choice != quit: choice = ui.display_menu() handle_choice(choice)
def handle_choice(choice): if choice == "1": restaurants.food_start() elif choice == "2": DBmovie.movie_start() elif choice == "q" or choice == "Q": ui.print_to_user("\nGoodbye!\n") # close log file log.close_file() exit(0) else: ui.print_to_user("Please enter a valid selection")
def print_restaurant(json_obj): # hopping through the json_obj and printing the necessary information for item in json_obj["restaurants"]: restaurant = item["restaurant"] location = restaurant["location"] ui.print_to_user("\nName: " + restaurant["name"]) ui.print_to_user("Tags: " + restaurant["cuisines"]) ui.print_to_user("$ for 2: " + str(restaurant["average_cost_for_two"]) + "$") ui.print_to_user("Address: " + location["address"] + "\n")
def print_movie_list(response): count = 0 ui.print_to_user("") for i in response['results']: if count >= 5: break count += 1 ui.print_to_user(str(count) + ". " + i['title']) ui.print_to_user('b. back') ui.print_to_user("")
def movie_start(): ui.print_to_user("\n*Top 5 movies in Twin Cities Area Theaters*") results = movie_api_top_5_movies_request() # log response status code log.write_to_log("Status code for request to Movie API: " + str(results)) json_obj = convert_to_json(results) quit = "b" choice = None while choice != quit: print_movie_list(json_obj) choice = pick_movie() handle_movie_choice(choice, json_obj) ui.print_to_user("\n*Main Menu") log.write_to_log("Back to main menu.")
def movie_api_top_5_movies_request(): url = "" key = os.environ.get("MOVIE_KEY") country = 'US' payload = {'api_key': key, 'region': country} response = requests.get(url, payload) # error handling for bad API key if str(response) == "<Response [401]>": ui.print_to_user("\nInvalid API key. Exiting Fun Night Out.\n") log.write_to_log("Bad Movie API key, exiting program.") exit(0) # return data if response 200 (valid API key, working response) elif str(response) == "<Response [200]>": # return response return response # handles all other status codes from API request. else: ui.print_to_user("\nStatus code: " + str(response)) ui.print_to_user( "An unknown error occured with the Movie API. Exiting Fun Night Out.\n" ) log.write_to_log("Unknown error with Movie API. " + str(response)) exit(0)
def food_start(): # var used for storing count number of current restaurant from API call restaurant_id = 0 # init choice to "y" choice = "y" ui.print_to_user("\n*Restaraunts in the Twin Cities Area*") # while loop prompting user if they want info on other restaurants while choice != "n": if choice == "y": response = zomato_request(restaurant_id) json_obj = convert_to_json(response) print_restaurant(json_obj) choice = ui.prompt_for_more() restaurant_id += 1 else: ui.print_to_user("Please enter y or n:\n") choice = ui.prompt_for_more() continue ui.print_to_user("\n*Main Menu*") log.write_to_log("Back to main menu.")
def zomato_request(restaurant_id): # api key for zomato zomato_api = os.environ.get("FOOD_KEY") # base url for requests in the Twin Cities area base_url = "" # header for api request header = { "User-agent": "curl/7.43.0", "Accept": "application/json", "user_key": zomato_api } # adds on to base_url to create new query with start position passed in and count of 1 url = base_url + "&start=" + str(restaurant_id) + "&count=1" # raw_data from API request raw_data = requests.get(url, headers=header) # log response status code log.write_to_log("Status code for request to Zomato API: " + str(raw_data)) # error handling for bad API key if str(raw_data) == "<Response [403]>": ui.print_to_user("\nInvalid API key. Exiting Fun Night Out.\n") log.write_to_log("Bad Zomato API key, exiting program.") exit(0) # return data if response 200 (valid API key, working response) elif str(raw_data) == "<Response [200]>": # return raw_data return raw_data # handles all other status codes from API request. else: ui.print_to_user("\nStatus code: " + str(raw_data)) ui.print_to_user( "An unknown error occured with the Zomato API. Exiting Fun Night Out.\n" ) log.write_to_log("Unknown error with the Zomato API. " + str(raw_data))
def synopsis(which_movie_number, response): result_for_number = response['results'][which_movie_number] ui.print_to_user('\nMovie:') ui.print_to_user(result_for_number["title"]) ui.print_to_user('\nRelease date:') ui.print_to_user(result_for_number["release_date"]) ui.print_to_user('\nSynopsis:') ui.print_to_user(result_for_number['overview'])