def get_ui_info(self) -> UIInfo: return UIInfo(from_station=self.from_station.get(), to_station=self.to_station.get(), travel_class=self.travel_class.get(), way=self.way.get(),, payment=self.payment.get())
def __init__(self, **traits): """ Initializes the object. """ super(UI, self).__init__(**traits) = UIInfo(ui=self)
class UI ( HasPrivateFacets ): """ Information about the user interface for a View. """ #-- Facet Definitions ------------------------------------------------------ # The ViewElements object from which this UI resolves Include items: view_elements = Instance( ViewElements ) # Context objects that the UI is editing: context = DictStrAny # Handler object used for event handling: handler = Instance( Handler ) # View template used to construct the user interface: view = Instance( 'facets.ui.view.View' ) # Panel or dialog associated with the user interface: control = Any # Is the ui 'control' a control (True) or a layout (False)? is_control = Bool( True ) # The parent UI (if any) of this UI: parent = Instance( 'UI' ) # Toolkit-specific object that "owns" **control**: owner = Any # The top-level DockWindow for this user interface (if any): dock_window = Instance( 'facets.ui.dock.dock_window.DockWindow' ) # UIInfo object containing context or editor objects: info = Instance( UIInfo ) # Result from a modal or wizard dialog: result = Bool( False ) # Undo and Redo history: history = Any # The KeyBindings object (if any) for this UI: key_bindings = Property # Instance( KeyBindings ) # The unique ID for this UI for persistence: id = Str # Have any modifications been made to UI contents? modified = Bool( False ) # Event when the user interface has changed: updated = Event( Bool ) # Title of the dialog, if any: title = Str # The ImageResource of the icon, if any: icon = Any # Should the created UI have scroll bars? scrollable = Bool( False ) # The number of currently pending editor error conditions: errors = Int # The code used to rebuild an updated user interface: rebuild = Callable # The kind of user interface: kind = AKind #-- Private Facets --------------------------------------------------------- # Original context when used with a modal dialog: _context = DictStrAny # Copy of original context used for reverting changes: _revert = DictStrAny # List of methods to call once the user interface is created: _defined = List # List of (visible_when,Editor) pairs: _visible = List # List of (enabled_when,Editor) pairs: _enabled = List # List of (checked_when,Editor) pairs: _checked = List # Search stack used while building a user interface: _search = List # List of dispatchable Handler methods: _dispatchers = List # List of editors used to build the user interface: _editors = List # List of names bound to the **info** object: _names = List # Index of currently the active group in the user interface: _active_group = Int # List of top-level groups used to build the user interface: _groups = Property _groups_cache = Any # Count of levels of nesting for undoable actions: _undoable = Int( -1 ) # Code used to rebuild an updated user interface: _rebuild = Callable # The statusbar listeners that have been set up: _statusbar = List # Does the UI contain any scrollable widgets? # # The _scrollable facet is set correctly, but not used currently because # its value is arrived at too late to be of use in building the UI: _scrollable = Bool( False ) # List of facets that are reset when a user interface is recycled # (i.e. rebuilt): recyclable_facets = [ '_context', '_revert', '_defined', '_visible', '_enabled', '_checked', '_search', '_dispatchers', '_editors', '_names', '_active_group', '_undoable', '_rebuild', '_groups_cache', 'dock_window' ] # List of additional facets that are discarded when a user interface is # disposed: disposable_facets = [ 'view_elements', 'info', 'handler', 'context', 'view', 'history', 'key_bindings', 'icon', 'rebuild', ] #-- Public Methods --------------------------------------------------------- def facets_init ( self ): """ Initializes the facets object. """ = UIInfo( ui = self ) self.handler.init_info( ) def ui ( self, parent ): """ Creates a user interface from the associated View template object. """ if (parent is None) and (self.kind in kind_must_have_parent): self.kind = 'live' self.view.on_facet_set( self._updated_set, 'updated', dispatch = 'ui' ) self.rebuild = getattr( self, '_create_' + self.kind ) self.rebuild( self, toolkit().as_toolkit_adapter( parent ) ) def rebuild_ui ( self ): """ Rebuilds the user interface. """ parent = size = None control = self.control if control is not None: parent = self.control.parent self.recycle() = self self.rebuild( self, parent ) if control is not None: control.destroy() if parent is not None: layout = parent.layout if layout is not None: layout.add( self.control, stretch = 1 ) def dispose ( self, result = None, abort = False ): """ Disposes of the contents of a user interface. """ if result is not None: self.result = result # Only continue if the view has not already been disposed of: if self.control is not None: # Save the user preference information for the user interface: if not abort: self.save_prefs() # Finish disposing of the user interface: self.finish() def recycle ( self ): """ Recycles the user interface prior to rebuilding it. """ # Reset all user interface editors: self.reset( destroy = False ) # Discard any context object associated with the ui view control: self.control._object = None # Reset all recyclable facets: self.reset_facets( self.recyclable_facets ) def finish ( self ): """ Finishes disposing of a user interface. """ if is not None: # Reset the contents of the user interface: self.reset( destroy = False ) # Notify the handler that the view has been closed: self.handler.closed(, self.result ) # Clear the back-link from the UIInfo object to us: = None # Dispose of any KeyBindings object we reference: if self.key_bindings is not None: self.key_bindings.dispose() # Destroy the view control (if necessary): self.control._object = None self.control.destroy() self.control = None # Break the linkage to any objects in the context dictionary: self.context.clear() # Remove specified symbols from our dictionary to aid in clean-up: self.reset_facets( self.recyclable_facets ) self.reset_facets( self.disposable_facets ) def reset ( self, destroy = True ): """ Resets the contents of a user interface. """ for editor in self._editors: if editor._ui is not None: # Propagate result to enclosed ui objects: editor._ui.result = self.result editor.dispose() # Zap the control. If there are pending events for the control in # the UI queue, the editor's '_update_editor' method will see that # the control is None and discard the update request: editor.control = None # Remove any statusbar listeners that have been set up: for object, handler, name in self._statusbar: object.on_facet_set( handler, name, remove = True ) del self._statusbar[:] if destroy: self.control.destroy_children() for dispatcher in self._dispatchers: dispatcher.remove() def find ( self, include ): """ Finds the definition of the specified Include object in the current user interface building context. """ context = self.context result = None # Get the context 'object' (if available): if len( context ) == 1: object = context.values()[ 0 ] else: object = context.get( 'object' ) # Try to use our ViewElements objects: ve = self.view_elements # If none specified, try to get it from the UI context: if (ve is None) and (object is not None): # Use the context object's ViewElements (if available): ve = object.facet_view_elements() # Ask the ViewElements to find the requested item for us: if ve is not None: result = ve.find(, self._search ) # If not found, then try to search the 'handler' and 'object' for a # method we can call that will define it: if result is None: handler = context.get( 'handler' ) if handler is not None: method = getattr( handler,, None ) if callable( method ): result = method() if (result is None) and (object is not None): method = getattr( object,, None ) if callable( method ): result = method() return result def push_level ( self ): """ Returns the current search stack level. """ return len( self._search ) def pop_level ( self, level ): """ Restores a previously pushed search stack level. """ del self._search[ : len( self._search ) - level ] def prepare_ui ( self ): """ Performs all processing that occurs after the user interface is created. """ # Invoke all of the editor 'name_defined' methods we've accumulated: info = initialized = False ) for method in self._defined: method( info ) # Then reset the list, since we don't need it anymore: del self._defined[:] # Synchronize all context facets with associated editor facets: self.sync_view() # Hook all keyboard events: toolkit().hook_events( self, self.control, 'keys', self.key_handler ) # Hook all events if the handler is an extended 'ViewHandler': handler = self.handler if isinstance( handler, ViewHandler ): toolkit().hook_events( self, self.control ) # Invoke the handler's 'init' method, and abort if it indicates failure: if handler.init( info ) == False: raise FacetError( 'User interface creation aborted' ) # For each Handler method whose name is of the form # 'object_name_changed', where 'object' is the name of an object in the # UI's 'context', create a facet notification handler that will call # the method whenever 'object's 'name' facet changes. Also invoke the # method immediately so initial user interface state can be correctly # set: context = self.context for name in self._each_facet_method( handler ): if name[-8:] == '_changed': prefix = name[:-8] col = prefix.find( '_', 1 ) if col >= 0: object = context.get( prefix[ : col ] ) if object is not None: method = getattr( handler, name ) facet_name = prefix[ col + 1: ] self._dispatchers.append( Dispatcher( method, info, object, facet_name ) ) if object.base_facet( facet_name ).type != 'event': method( info ) # If there are any Editor object's whose 'visible', 'enabled' or # 'checked' state is controlled by a 'visible_when', 'enabled_when' or # 'checked_when' expression, set up an 'anyfacet' changed notification # handler on each object in the 'context' that will cause the 'visible', # 'enabled' or 'checked' state of each affected Editor to be set. Also # trigger the evaluation immediately, so the visible, enabled or checked # state of each Editor can be correctly initialized: if (len( self._visible ) + len( self._enabled ) + len( self._checked )) > 0: for object in context.values(): object.on_facet_set( self._evaluate_when, dispatch = 'ui' ) self._evaluate_when() # Indicate that the user interface has been initialized: info.initialized = True def sync_view ( self ): """ Synchronize context object facets with view editor facets. """ for name, object in self.context.items(): self._sync_view( name, object, 'sync_to_view', 'from' ) self._sync_view( name, object, 'sync_from_view', 'to' ) self._sync_view( name, object, 'sync_with_view', 'both' ) def _sync_view ( self, name, object, metadata, direction ): info = for facet_name, facet in object.facets( **{metadata: is_str} ).items(): for sync in getattr( facet, metadata ).split( ',' ): try: editor_id, editor_name = [ item.strip() for item in sync.split( '.' ) ] except: raise FacetError( ("The '%s' metadata for the '%s' facet in the '%s' " "context object should be of the form: " "'id1.facet1[,...,idn.facetn].") % ( metadata, facet_name, name ) ) editor = getattr( info, editor_id, None ) if editor is not None: editor.sync_value( '%s.%s' % ( name, facet_name ), editor_name, direction ) else: raise FacetError( ("No editor with id = '%s' was found for the '%s' " "metadata for the '%s' facet in the '%s' context " "object.") % ( editor_id, metadata, facet_name, name ) ) def get_extended_value ( self, name ): """ Gets the current value of a specified extended facet name. """ names = name.split( '.' ) if len( names ) > 1: value = self.context[ names[ 0 ] ] del names[ 0 ] else: value = self.context[ 'object' ] for name in names: value = getattr( value, name ) return value def restore_prefs ( self, id = None ): """ Retrieves and restores any saved user preference information associated with the UI. """ if id is None: id = elif (len( id ) == 1) and (id in '~#$'): id += if id != '': ui_prefs = self.facet_db_get( id ) if (ui_prefs is None) and (id[:1] not in '~#$'): ui_prefs = self.facet_db_get( '$' + id ) try: return self.set_prefs( ui_prefs ) except: print_exc() return None def set_prefs ( self, prefs ): """ Sets the values of user preferences for the UI. """ if isinstance( prefs, dict ): info = for name in self._names: editor = getattr( info, name, None ) if isinstance( editor, Editor ) and (editor.ui is self): editor_prefs = prefs.get( name ) if editor_prefs is not None: editor.restore_prefs( editor_prefs ) if self.key_bindings is not None: key_bindings = prefs.get( '$' ) if key_bindings is not None: self.key_bindings.merge( key_bindings ) return prefs.get( '' ) return None def save_prefs ( self, prefs = None, path = '' ): """ Saves any user preference information associated with the UI. """ if prefs is None: save_window( self, path ) return if != '': self.facet_db_set( path +, self.get_prefs( prefs ) ) def get_prefs ( self, prefs = None ): """ Gets the preferences to be saved for the user interface. """ ui_prefs = {} if prefs is not None: ui_prefs[ '' ] = prefs if self.key_bindings is not None: ui_prefs[ '$' ] = self.key_bindings info = for name in self._names: editor = getattr( info, name, None ) if isinstance( editor, Editor ) and (editor.ui is self): prefs = editor.save_prefs() if prefs != None: ui_prefs[ name ] = prefs return ui_prefs def get_error_controls ( self ): """ Returns the list of editor error controls contained by the user interface. """ controls = [] for editor in self._editors: control = editor.get_error_control() if isinstance( control, list ): controls.extend( control ) else: controls.append( control ) return controls def add_defined ( self, method ): """ Adds a Handler method to the list of methods to be called once the user interface has been constructed. """ self._defined.append( method ) def add_visible ( self, visible_when, editor ): """ Adds a conditionally enabled Editor object to the list of monitored 'visible_when' objects. """ try: self._visible.append( ( compile( visible_when, '<string>', 'eval' ), editor ) ) except: print_exc() def add_enabled ( self, enabled_when, editor ): """ Adds a conditionally enabled Editor object to the list of monitored 'enabled_when' objects. """ try: self._enabled.append( ( compile( enabled_when, '<string>', 'eval' ), editor ) ) except: print_exc() def add_checked ( self, checked_when, editor ): """ Adds a conditionally enabled (menu) Editor object to the list of monitored 'checked_when' objects. """ try: self._checked.append( ( compile( checked_when, '<string>', 'eval' ), editor ) ) except: print_exc() def do_undoable ( self, action, *args, **kw ): """ Performs an action that can be undone. """ undoable = self._undoable try: if (undoable == -1) and (self.history is not None): self._undoable = action( *args, **kw ) finally: if undoable == -1: self._undoable = -1 def route_event ( self, event ): """ Routes a "hooked" event to the correct handler method. """ toolkit().route_event( self, event ) def key_handler ( self, event, skip = True ): """ Handles key events. """ key_bindings = self.key_bindings handled = ((key_bindings is not None) and event, [], )) if (not handled) and (self.parent is not None): handled = self.parent.key_handler( event, False ) if (not handled) and skip: event.Skip() return handled def evaluate ( self, function, *args, **kw_args ): """ Evaluates a specified function in the UI's **context**. """ if function is None: return None if callable( function ): return function( *args, **kw_args ) context = self.context.copy() context[ 'ui' ] = self context[ 'handler' ] = self.handler return eval( function, globals(), context )( *args, **kw_args ) def eval_when ( self, when, result = True ): """ Evaluates an expression in the UI's **context** and returns the result. """ context = self._get_context() try: result = eval( when, globals(), context ) except: print_exc() return result #-- User Interface Creation Methods ---------------------------------------- def _create_panel ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral panel-based user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_panel import ui_panel ui_panel( ui, parent ) def _create_subpanel ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral subpanel-based user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_panel import ui_subpanel ui_subpanel( ui, parent ) def _create_livemodal ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral modal "live update" dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_live import ui_livemodal ui_livemodal( ui, parent ) def _create_live ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral non-modal "live update" window user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_live import ui_live ui_live( ui, parent ) def _create_modal ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral modal dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_modal import ui_modal ui_modal( ui, parent ) def _create_nonmodal ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral non-modal dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_modal import ui_nonmodal ui_nonmodal( ui, parent ) def _create_popup ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral temporary "live update" popup dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_live import ui_popup ui_popup( ui, parent ) def _create_popout ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral temporary "live update" popup dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_live import ui_popout ui_popout( ui, parent ) def _create_popover ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral temporary "live update" popup dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_live import ui_popover ui_popover( ui, parent ) def _create_info ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral temporary "live update" popup dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_live import ui_info ui_info( ui, parent ) def _create_editor ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI toolkit neutral Facets editor implemented as a Facets UI view. """ from ui_panel import ui_editor ui_editor( ui, parent ) def _create_wizard ( self, ui, parent ): """ Creates a GUI-toolkit-specific wizard dialog user interface using information from the specified UI object. """ from ui_wizard import ui_wizard ui_wizard( ui, parent ) #-- Private Methods -------------------------------------------------------- def _get_context ( self, context = None ): """ Gets the context to use for evaluating an expression. """ if context is None: context = self.context name = 'object' n = len( context ) if (n == 2) and ('handler' in context): for name, value in context.iteritems(): if name != 'handler': break elif n == 1: name = context.keys()[0] value = context.get( name ) if value is not None: context2 = value.facet_get( value.editable_facets() ) context2.update( context ) else: context2 = context.copy() context2[ 'ui' ] = self return context2 def _evaluate_when ( self ): """ Sets the 'visible', 'enabled', and 'checked' states for all Editors controlled by a 'visible_when', 'enabled_when' or 'checked_when' expression. """ context = self._get_context() self._evaluate_condition( self._visible, 'visible', context ) self._evaluate_condition( self._enabled, 'enabled', context ) self._evaluate_condition( self._checked, 'checked', context ) def _evaluate_condition ( self, conditions, facet, context ): """ Evaluates a list of (eval,editor) pairs and sets a specified facet on each editor to reflect the Boolean value of the expression. """ for when, editor in conditions: value = True try: if not eval( when, globals(), context ): value = False except: print_exc() setattr( editor, facet, value ) def _get__groups ( self ): """ Returns the top-level Groups for the view (after resolving Includes. (Implements the **_groups** property.) """ if self._groups_cache is None: self._groups_cache = [ self.view.content.get_shadow( self ) ] return self._groups_cache #-- Property Implementations ----------------------------------------------- @property_depends_on( 'view, context' ) def _get_key_bindings ( self ): view, context = self.view, self.context if (context is None) or (view is None) or (view.key_bindings is None): return None return view.key_bindings.clone( controllers = context.values() ) #-- Facets Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------- def _updated_set ( self ): if self.rebuild is not None: do_later( self.rebuild_ui ) def _title_set ( self, title ): if self.control is not None: self.control.value = title def _icon_set ( self, icon ): if (self.control is not None) and (icon is not None): self.control.icon = icon.create_icon() @on_facet_set( 'parent, view, context' ) def _pvc_modified ( self ): parent = self.parent if (parent is not None) and (self.key_bindings is not None): # If we don't have our own history, use our parent's: if self.history is None: self.history = parent.history # Link our KeyBindings object as a child of our parent's # KeyBindings object (if any): if parent.key_bindings is not None: parent.key_bindings.children.append( self.key_bindings )
def facets_init ( self ): """ Initializes the facets object. """ = UIInfo( ui = self ) self.handler.init_info( )