def _create_dialog(self, config): table, self.dialog = create_table_dialog(self.parent, "Machine configuration", 6, 4, "Set and reboot") row = 0 self.machines = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "Machine:", config.get_machine_types(), self._machine_cb) row += 1 self.dsps = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "DSP type:", config.get_dsp_types()) row += 1 # start next table column row = 0 table_set_col_offset(table, 2) self.monitors = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "Monitor:", config.get_monitor_types()) row += 1 self.clocks = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "CPU clock:", config.get_cpuclock_types()) row += 1 # fullspan at bottom fullspan = True combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for text in config.get_cpulevel_types(): combo.append_text(text) self.cpulevel = table_add_widget_row(table, row, "CPU type:", combo, fullspan) row += 1 combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for text in config.get_memory_names(): combo.append_text(text) self.memory = table_add_widget_row(table, row, "Memory:", combo, fullspan) row += 1 label = "TOS image:" fsel = self._fsel(label, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN) self.tos = table_add_widget_row(table, row, label, fsel, fullspan) row += 1 vbox = gtk.VBox() self.compatible = gtk.CheckButton("Compatible CPU") self.rtc = gtk.CheckButton("Real-time clock") self.timerd = gtk.CheckButton("Patch Timer-D") vbox.add(self.compatible) vbox.add(self.timerd) vbox.add(self.rtc) table_add_widget_row(table, row, "Misc.:", vbox, fullspan) row += 1 table.show_all()
def _create_dialog(self, config): table, self.dialog = create_table_dialog(self.parent, "Machine configuration", 6, 4, "Set and reboot") row = 0 self.machines = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "Machine:", config.get_machine_types(), self._machine_cb) row += 1 self.dsps = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "DSP type:", config.get_dsp_types()) row += 1 # start next table column row = 0 table_set_col_offset(table, 2) self.monitors = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "Monitor:", config.get_monitor_types()) row += 1 self.clocks = table_add_radio_rows(table, row, "CPU clock:", config.get_cpuclock_types()) row += 1 # fullspan at bottom fullspan = True combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for text in config.get_cpulevel_types(): combo.append_text(text) self.cpulevel = table_add_widget_row(table, row, "CPU type:", combo, fullspan) row += 1 combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text() for text in config.get_memory_names(): combo.append_text(text) self.memory = table_add_widget_row(table, row, "Memory:", combo, fullspan) row += 1 label = "TOS image:" fsel = self._fsel(label, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN) self.tos = table_add_widget_row(table, row, label, fsel, fullspan) row += 1 vbox = gtk.VBox() self.compatible = gtk.CheckButton("Compatible CPU") self.rtc = gtk.CheckButton("Real-time clock") self.timerd = gtk.CheckButton("Patch Timer-D") self.compatible.set_tooltip_text("Needed for overscan and other timing sensitive things to work correctly") self.rtc.set_tooltip_text("Some rare games and demos don't work with this") self.timerd.set_tooltip_text("Improves ST/STE emulation performance, but some rare demos/games don't work with this") vbox.add(self.compatible) vbox.add(self.timerd) vbox.add(self.rtc) table_add_widget_row(table, row, "Misc.:", vbox, fullspan) row += 1 table.show_all()