def updateCatalog(MJD, frameNumber, newObjects):
	global prevCatalog
	debug.write("Frame number: %d"%(frameNumber))
	debug.write("Number of objects in this frame: %d"%(len(newObjects)))

	if len(prevCatalog)==0:
		#This is probably the first frame and there are currently no objects to compare to ... add them all to the catalog
		x = []
		y = []
		for o in newObjects:
			x.append(o['absX'])   # Use the x, y values that include the Window offset
		prevCatalog = numpy.array(zip(x, y))
		updateMasterCatalog(newObjects, (0, 0))
	# Create a new catalog
	x = []
	y = []
	for o in newObjects:
	newCatalog = numpy.array(zip(x, y))
	psize  = 0.5
	fwhm   = 4.
	dmax   = 30.
	mmax   = 30.

	(gaussImage, xp, yp, xr, yr) = ultracam_shift.vimage(prevCatalog, newCatalog, dmax, psize, fwhm)
	(nmatch, inds) = ultracam_shift.match(prevCatalog, newCatalog, xp, yp, mmax)

	prevCatalog = newCatalog

	offsetMag = numpy.sqrt(xr*xr + yr*yr)
	debug.write("Channel: " + channel + " -> Matched objects: %d   Offset distance: %f"%(nmatch, offsetMag))
	updateMasterCatalog(newObjects, (xr, yr))
	#print inds
	if arg.preview:
		matplotlib.pyplot.figure(channel+"_gauss",  figsize=(4,4))
		gaussPlot = matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(gaussImage, cmap=colourMaps[channel], interpolation='nearest')
		allSources = sorted(allSources, key=lambda object: object[2], reverse = True)
		# Remove the flux column from the source list. We don't need it anymore. 
		tempSources = [ (x, y) for (x, y, flux) in allSources]
		allSources = tempSources
		if (applyShift):
			oldCatalog = numpy.array(masterApertureList)
			newCatalog = numpy.array(allSources)

			psize  = 0.1
			fwhm   = 4.
			dmax   = 10.
			mmax   = 10.

			(gaussImage, xp, yp, xr, yr) = ultracam_shift.vimage(oldCatalog, newCatalog, dmax, psize, fwhm)
			debug.write("Applying offset: (%2.2f, %2.2f)"%(xr, yr), level = 3)

		for windowIndex, w in enumerate(windows):
			image = w._data
			if (applyShift): image = ndimage.interpolation.shift(image, (-1.0*yr, -1.0*xr), order = 4 )
		if arg.preview: 
			fullFrame = numpy.zeros((fullFrameysize, fullFramexsize))	
			for w in allWindows:
				if (arg.stack):
					boostedImage = ultracamutils.percentiles(w.stackedData, 20, 99)
					boostedImage = ultracamutils.percentiles(, 20, 99)