def __buildExl(self, stock, workbook):
        ''' get one stock historical data and store it '''
            ws = workbook.add_sheet(stock)

            #get data
            yahooFinance = YahooFinance()
            allData = yahooFinance.getHistoricalPrices(stock, self.__startDate,
            for col, field in enumerate(
                ['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume',
                ws.write(0, col, field)

            for row, data in enumerate(allData):
                for col, field in enumerate([
                        'date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume',
                    ws.write(row + 1, col, getattr(data, field))

        except UfException as excp:
            raise excp
        except Exception:
            raise UfException(
                "historicalStorage.__buildExl got unknown error  %s" %
class HistoricalDataFeeder(BaseModule):
    feeder that get stock data from Yahoo Finance
    def __init__(self):
        ''' Constructor '''
        super(HistoricalDataFeeder, self).__init__()
        self.__yahooFinance = YahooFinance()

    def execute(self, input):
        ''' preparing data'''
        super(HistoricalDataFeeder, self).execute(input)
        return {'history stock': self.__yahooFinance.getHistoricalPrices(input, '1990-01-01',}
Example #3
class HistoricalDataFeeder(BaseModule):
    feeder that get stock data from Yahoo Finance
    def __init__(self):
        ''' Constructor '''
        super(HistoricalDataFeeder, self).__init__()
        self.__yahooFinance = YahooFinance()

    def execute(self, input):
        ''' preparing data'''
        super(HistoricalDataFeeder, self).execute(input)
        return {
            'history stock':
            self.__yahooFinance.getHistoricalPrices(input, '1990-01-01',
    def __buildExl(self, stock, workbook):
        ''' get one stock historical data and store it '''
            ws = workbook.add_sheet(stock)

            #get data
            yahooFinance = YahooFinance()
            allData = yahooFinance.getHistoricalPrices(stock, self.__startDate, self.__endDate)
            for col, field in enumerate(['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'adjClose']):
                ws.write(0, col, field)

            for row, data in enumerate(allData):
                for col, field in enumerate(['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'adjClose']):
                    ws.write(row+1, col, getattr(data, field) )

        except UfException as excp:
            raise excp
        except Exception:
            raise UfException(Errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR, "historicalStorage.__buildExl got unknown error  %s"
                              % traceback.print_exc())