def loop(self): topic = self.socket.recv() if topic == b"ping": self.socket.send(b"Hello, World!") if topic == b"login": args = unpack(self.socket.recv()) res = self.login(**args) self.socket.send(pack(res)) if topic == b"logout": self.logout() self.socket.send(b"ok") if topic == b"shutdown": self.done = True if topic == b"query": tr, args = unpack(self.socket.recv()) try: res = Query(tr).send(**args) self.socket.send(b"ok", zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(pack(res)) except Exception as e: log.critical(e.args) self.socket.send(b"error", zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(pack(e.args)) else: pass
def verify_attached(message): input = io.BytesIO(message) output = io.BytesIO() public_key, header_hash, major_version = read_header(input) packetnum = 0 while True: payload_packet = umsgpack.unpack(input) debug("payload packet:", json_repr(payload_packet)) final_flag = False if major_version == 1: [detached_payload_sig, chunk, *_] = payload_packet else: [final_flag, detached_payload_sig, chunk, *_] = payload_packet packetnum_64 = packetnum.to_bytes(8, 'big') debug("packet number:", packetnum_64) if major_version == 1: final_flag_byte = b"" else: final_flag_byte = b"\x01" if final_flag else b"\x00" payload_digest = hashlib.sha512(header_hash + packetnum_64 + final_flag_byte + chunk).digest() debug("digest:", payload_digest) payload_sig_text = b"saltpack attached signature\0" + payload_digest payload_sig = detached_payload_sig + payload_sig_text nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_open(payload_sig, public_key) output.write(chunk) if chunk == b"" or final_flag: break packetnum += 1 verified_message = output.getvalue() return verified_message
def loadEofs(fin): """ Loads flattened Breeze eofs stored by msgpack from a given file handle. Note that Breeze and Numpy use different major order for storing matrices """ numcols = umsgpack.unpack(fin) numrows = umsgpack.unpack(fin) listofvals = umsgpack.unpack(fin) u = np.array(listofvals).reshape(numcols, len(listofvals)/numcols) U = np.matrix(u.T) listofvals = umsgpack.unpack(fin) v = np.array(listofvals).reshape(numcols, len(listofvals)/numcols) V = np.matrix(v.T) s = np.array(umsgpack.unpack(fin)) return [U, s, V]
def main(args): prediction_files = [] gt_files = [] seq_ids = [] seq = {} count_seq = 0 for _file in listdir(args.gt_dir): if 'metadata' in _file: continue elif _file.split('_')[0] not in seq: seq[_file.split('_')[0]] = count_seq * 1000000 count_seq += 1 gt_files.append(path.join(args.gt_dir, _file)) seq_ids.append(_file.split('_')[0]) if path.exists(path.join(args.prediction_dir, _file)): prediction_files.append(path.join(args.prediction_dir, _file)) else: print('prediction doesn\'t exist for {}'.format( path.join(args.prediction_dir, _file))) with open(path.join(args.gt_dir, "metadata.bin"), "rb") as fid: meta = umsgpack.unpack(fid, encoding="utf-8") num_stuff = meta['num_stuff'] num_classes = meta['num_stuff'] + meta['num_thing'] panoptic_buffer = torch.zeros(4, num_classes, dtype=torch.double) seq_trajectories = defaultdict(list) class_trajectories = defaultdict(list) iou_trajectories = defaultdict(list) #Accumulation count = 0 for gt, prediction, seq_id in zip(gt_files, prediction_files, seq_ids): gt_i = np.load(gt) prediction_i = np.load(prediction) msk_gt, cat_gt, track_gt = get_processing_format( gt_i, num_stuff, seq[seq_id]) msk_pred, cat_pred, track_pred = get_processing_format( prediction_i, num_stuff, seq[seq_id]) iou, tp, fp, fn, seq_trajectories, class_trajectories, iou_trajectories = panoptic_compute( msk_gt, cat_gt, track_gt, seq_trajectories, class_trajectories, iou_trajectories, msk_pred, cat_pred, track_pred, num_classes, num_stuff) panoptic_buffer += torch.stack((iou, tp, fp, fn), dim=0) count += 1 print("\rFiles Processed: {}".format(count), end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() print() MOTSA, sMOTSA, MOTSP, PTQ, sPTQ = get_MOTSP_metrics( panoptic_buffer, num_stuff, seq_trajectories, class_trajectories, iou_trajectories) print_results( { 'MOTSA': MOTSA, 'sMOTSA': sMOTSA, 'MOTSP': MOTSP, 'PTQ': PTQ, 'sPTQ': sPTQ }, meta)
def verify_attached(message): input = io.BytesIO(message) output = io.BytesIO() public_key, header_hash = read_header(input) packetnum = 0 while True: payload_packet = umsgpack.unpack(input) debug("payload packet:", json_repr(payload_packet)) [detached_payload_sig, chunk, *_] = payload_packet packetnum_64 = packetnum.to_bytes(8, 'big') debug("packet number:", packetnum_64) payload_digest = hashlib.sha512( header_hash + packetnum_64 + chunk).digest() debug("digest:", payload_digest) payload_sig_text = b"saltpack attached signature\0" + payload_digest payload_sig = detached_payload_sig + payload_sig_text nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_open(payload_sig, public_key) if chunk == b"": break output.write(chunk) packetnum += 1 verified_message = output.getvalue() return verified_message
def test_objects_comitted(self): """Do a backup and then assert the objects actually get committed to the backing store""" self.create_file("dir/file1", "file contents") self.backathon.scan() self.backathon.backup() for obj in self.object.all(): # Assert that an object file exists in the backing store and is # named properly. In particular, make sure we're naming them with # the hex representation of the objid obj_filepath = pathlib.Path( self.datadir, "objects", obj.objid.hex()[:3], obj.objid.hex(), ) self.assertTrue(obj_filepath.is_file()) remote_payload = self.repo.get_object(obj.objid) self.assertEqual( obj.type, umsgpack.unpack(util.BytesReader(remote_payload)) )
def test_objects_comitted(self): """Do a backup and then assert the objects actually get committed to the backing store""" self.create_file("dir/file1", "file contents") scan.scan() backup.backup() ds = datastore.default_datastore for obj in models.Object.objects.all(): # Assert that an object file exists in the backing store and is # named properly. In particular, make sure we're naming them with # the hex representation of the objid obj_filepath = pathlib.Path( self.datadir, "objects", obj.objid.hex()[:3], obj.objid.hex(), ) self.assertTrue(obj_filepath.is_file()) cached_payload = obj.payload remote_payload = ds.get_object(obj.objid) if cached_payload is None: # Only blob type objects don't have a cached payload self.assertEqual( "blob", umsgpack.unpack(util.BytesReader(remote_payload))) else: self.assertEqual( cached_payload, remote_payload, )
def _parse_legacy_file(self, fp): state = umsgpack.unpack(fp) if PY3 and b'py_version' in state: for key in list(state.keys()): state[key.decode("ASCII")] = state[key] del state[key] version = state["version"] py_version = state["py_version"] fails = set() if version >= 0x0200: self.config.warn("W1", "test expectation file in unsupported version") elif version >= 0x0100: xfail = state["expect_xfail"] for s in xfail: fails.add(s) if PY3 and py_version == 2 and isinstance(s, binary_type): fails.add(s.decode('latin1')) elif PY2 and py_version == 3 and isinstance(s, text_type): try: fails.add(s.encode("latin1")) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass else: self.config.warn("W1", "test expectation file in unsupported version") return fails
def main(stdscr): dev = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '/dev/ttyUSB0' stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.curs_set(0) y = 0 for l in COREY.split('\n'): stdscr.addstr(y, 0, l) y += 1, 0) stdscr.refresh() win = curses.newwin(curses.LINES // 2 - 2, curses.COLS - 2, curses.LINES // 2 + 1, 1) win.scrollok(True) win.addstr(1, 10, '') win.refresh() found_cores = [] with serial.Serial(dev, 57600) as ser: while (True): u = umsgpack.unpack(ser) if type(u) == str: (y, x) = win.getyx() win.addstr(curses.LINES // 2 - 3, 6, u[0:-1]) win.refresh() n = int(u[5:10]) if not (n in found_cores): found_cores.append(n) stdscr.addstr(10, 35, "Found {} cores".format(len(found_cores))) stdscr.refresh()
def from_file(self, infile): """Load data from given file into the instance :returns: None """ hashed_blocks = umsgpack.unpack(infile) self._from_hashed_blocks(hashed_blocks)
def register_data(path, prefix='yeast_cells_'): """Register all data sets as {prefix}_{setname}, i.e. yeast_cells_train""" assert ( os.path.exists(f'{path}/labels.umsgpack') or os.path.exists(f'{path}/labels.json')), ( "Labels not found, ensure either labels.umsgpack or labels.json " f"exists at {path}.") if os.path.exists(f'{path}/labels.umsgpack'): with open(f'{path}/labels.umsgpack', 'rb') as f: labels = umsgpack.unpack(f, encoding="utf-8") else: with open(f'{path}/labels.json', 'r') as f: labels = json.load(f) labels = validate_labels(labels, path) DatasetCatalog.clear() for label in labels: DatasetCatalog.register(f"{prefix}{label}", lambda label_=label: labels[label_]) MetadataCatalog.get(f"{prefix}{label}").set( thing_classes=["yeast_cell"]) # yeast_cells_metadata = MetadataCatalog.get(f"{prefix}train") return labels
def main(): args = get_args() with open(args['input'], 'rb') as f: payload = umsgpack.unpack(f) keys = ['lobby', 'rule', 'map', 'weapon', 'result', 'kill', 'death', 'rank', 'rank_exp', 'rank_after', 'rank_exp_after', 'link_url'] for key in keys: value = args.get(key) if not value: continue if value == 'DELETE': prev_value = payload.pop(key) else: prev_value = payload.get(key, '') payload[key] = args[key] print('Modified %s : %s -> %s' % (key, str(prev_value), str(value))) # Gears. Primary ability is only supported. gear_keys = ['clothing', 'headgear', 'shoes'] for key in gear_keys: value = args.get(key) if not value: continue if value == 'DELETE': prev_value = payload['gears'].pop(key) else: prev_value = payload['gears'][key].get('primary_ability', '') payload['gears'][key]['primary_ability'] = args[key] print('Modified %s : %s -> %s' % (key, str(prev_value), str(value))) output = args.get('output') or args['input'] with open(output, 'wb') as f: umsgpack.pack(payload, f)
def deserialize_repo(filename: str) -> Repository: with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: repo_data = umsgpack.unpack(fp) func_callees = dict( map(lambda x: (x[b'id'], x[b'callees']), repo_data[b'funcs'].values())) funcs = dict( map( lambda x: (x[b'id'], Function(x[b'id'], x[b'name'], np.array(x[b'vec']))), repo_data[b'funcs'].values())) for fn in funcs.values(): for callee_id in func_callees[]: fn.add_callee(funcs[callee_id]) repo = Repository() for program_data in repo_data[b'programs']: program = Program(program_data[b'name'], ProgramTag(program_data[b'label'])) for fid in program_data[b'entries']: program.add_entry(funcs[fid]) repo.add_program(program) return repo
def main(): args = get_args() f = open(args['payload'], 'rb') payload = umsgpack.unpack(f) f.close() url = '' api_key = (args['api_key'] or IkaConfig.OUTPUT_ARGS['StatInk']['api_key']) error, response = UploadToStatInk(payload, api_key, url, args['video_id']) print(response.get('url'))
def _recv_pack(self): try: self._pack = msgpack.unpack(self._io) return True except msgpack.UnpackException as e: print("Unpack failure", e) return False except Exception as e: print("Receive package failure", e) return False
def login(self, **kwargs): assert all(key in kwargs for key in ("id", "passwd")) assert all(isinstance(val, str) for val in kwargs.values()) self.socket.send(b"login", zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(pack(kwargs)) res = unpack(self.socket.recv()) if not res:"login falied") else:"login ok") return res
def init_asm2vec(model_file_name: str) -> None:'Initializing asm2vec from file "%s"', model_file_name) memento = asm2vec.model.Asm2VecMemento() with open(model_file_name, 'rb') as fp: memento_data = umsgpack.unpack(fp) memento.populate(memento_data) global _model _model = asm2vec.model.Asm2Vec() _model.set_memento(memento)
def query(self, tr, **kwargs): if not kwargs: kwargs = {} self.socket.send(b"query", zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(pack([tr, kwargs])) res = self.socket.recv() msg = unpack(self.socket.recv()) if res == b"ok": return msg else: return None
def _load_split(self): with open(path.join(self.root_dir, ISSDataset._METADATA_FILE), "rb") as fid: metadata = umsgpack.unpack(fid, encoding="utf-8") with open(path.join(self._lst_dir, self.split_name + ".txt"), "r") as fid: lst = fid.readlines() lst = set(line.strip() for line in lst) meta = metadata["meta"] images = [img_desc for img_desc in metadata["images"] if img_desc["id"] in lst] return meta, images
def verify_detached(message, signature): input = io.BytesIO(signature) public_key, header_hash = read_header(input) detached_message_sig = umsgpack.unpack(input) debug("sig:", detached_message_sig) message_digest = hashlib.sha512(header_hash + message).digest() debug("digest:", message_digest) message_sig_text = b"saltpack detached signature\0" + message_digest message_sig = detached_message_sig + message_sig_text nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_open(message_sig, public_key) return message
def extract_data(): """Get data dict from database. :return: data dict. """ data = {} try: fh = open(database) data = umsgpack.unpack(fh) fh.close() except IOError: pass return data
def load(self, path, area=np.empty(0)): serialized_weights = {} with open(path, 'rb') as f: serialized_weights = umsgpack.unpack(f) for worm_weights in serialized_weights: worm_position = worm_weights.pop('_position') if area: pos_id = npr.randint(len(area[0])) worm_position = (area[1][pos_id], area[0][pos_id], npr.randint(4)) for weight_name in worm_weights: worm_weights[weight_name] = torch.Tensor( worm_weights[weight_name]) self.emplace_worm(worm_position[0], worm_position[1], worm_position[2], worm_weights)
def unpack_payload(payload): """Returns an iterator over a payload, iterating over the msgpacked objects within This exists as a static method since callers may need to call it without wanting to load in into an Object instance """ buf = util.BytesReader(payload) try: while True: try: yield umsgpack.unpack(buf) except umsgpack.InsufficientDataException: return finally: buf.close()
def unpack_payload(payload): """Returns an iterator over a payload, iterating over the msgpacked objects within :param payload: A byte-like object """ buf = util.BytesReader(payload) try: while True: try: yield umsgpack.unpack(buf) except umsgpack.InsufficientDataException: return finally: buf.close()
def print_statink(filepath): with open(filepath, 'rb') as data: payload = umsgpack.unpack(data) if 'image_result' in payload: payload['image_result'] = '(PNG Data)' if 'image_judge' in payload: payload['image_judge'] = '(PNG Data)' if 'image_gear' in payload: payload['image_gear'] = '(PNG Data)' if 'events' in payload: payload['events'] = '(Events)' pprint.pprint(payload)
def read_header(stream): header_bytes = umsgpack.unpack(stream) header_hash = hashlib.sha512(header_bytes).digest() header = umsgpack.unpackb(header_bytes) debug("header packet:", json_repr(header)) debug("header hash:", json_repr(header_hash)) [ format_name, [major_version, minor_version], mode, public_key, nonce, *_, # ignore additional elements ] = header if format_name != "saltpack": raise error.BadFormatError( "Unrecognized format name: '{}'".format(format_name)) if major_version != 1: raise error.BadVersionError( "Incompatible major version: {}".format(major_version)) return public_key, header_hash
def main(): args = get_args() with open(args['input'], 'rb') as f: payload = umsgpack.unpack(f) keys = ['lobby', 'rule', 'map', 'weapon', 'result', 'kill', 'death', 'rank', 'rank_exp', 'rank_after', 'rank_exp_after', 'link_url'] for key in keys: value = args.get(key) if not value: continue if value == 'DELETE': prev_value = payload.pop(key) else: prev_value = payload.get(key, '') payload[key] = args[key] print('Modified %s : %s -> %s' % (key, str(prev_value), str(value))) output = args.get('output') or args['input'] with open(output, 'wb') as f: umsgpack.pack(payload, f)
def _replay(cls, fp):, os.SEEK_END) end = fp.tell(), os.SEEK_SET) magic = if magic != 'BUK0': raise BucketFileError('magic mismatch', 0) while True: position = fp.tell() if position >= end: break try: flag, key, _ = umsgpack.unpack(fp) if flag not in [cls.OP_DELETE, cls.OP_SET]: raise BucketFileError('data corrupted', position) except umsgpack.InsufficientDataException: raise BucketFileError('data corrupted', position) else: yield flag, key, position raise StopIteration()
def print_statink(filepath, tsv_format=None): with open(filepath, 'rb') as data: payload = umsgpack.unpack(data) if 'image_result' in payload: payload['image_result'] = '(PNG Data)' if 'image_judge' in payload: payload['image_judge'] = '(PNG Data)' if 'image_gear' in payload: payload['image_gear'] = '(PNG Data)' if 'events' in payload: payload['events'] = '(Events)' if tsv_format: payload_summary = get_statink_summary(payload) print_tsv(payload_summary, tsv_format) else: pprint.pprint(payload)
def decode(data, tree): def decode_btree(obj): if hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and '__class__' in obj: cls_name = obj['__class__'] data = obj['data'] if cls_name == 'Leaf': obj = Leaf(tree, bucket=bucket_to_lazynodes(data, tree)) elif cls_name == 'Node': bucket = bucket_to_lazynodes(data['bucket'], tree) obj = Node(tree, bucket=bucket, rest=LazyNode(offset=data['rest'], tree=tree)) else: tree.max_size = data['max_size'] tree.root = LazyNode(offset=data['root'], tree=tree) obj = tree return obj # Decompress the first data group that can be found in the data stream data = decompress(unpack(data)) data = decode_btree(unpackb(check_integrity(data))) return data
def main(): args = get_args() with open(args['input'], 'rb') as f: payload = umsgpack.unpack(f) keys = [ 'lobby', 'rule', 'map', 'weapon', 'result', 'kill', 'death', 'rank', 'rank_exp', 'rank_after', 'rank_exp_after', 'link_url' ] for key in keys: value = args.get(key) if not value: continue if value == 'DELETE': prev_value = payload.pop(key) else: prev_value = payload.get(key, '') payload[key] = args[key] print('Modified %s : %s -> %s' % (key, str(prev_value), str(value))) output = args.get('output') or args['input'] with open(output, 'wb') as f: umsgpack.pack(payload, f)
def read(self, socket): """ Read JSON from TCP data from the Unreal Server. """ rbufsize = 0 rfile = socket.makefile('rb', rbufsize) raw_payload_size = data = struct.unpack('!II', raw_payload_size) magic = data[0] length = data[1] if magic == RESPONSE_HEADER and length > 8: if sys.version_info[0] == 3: data = umsgpack.unpack(rfile) else: packed = - 8) data = umsgpack.unpackb(packed) self.message_class = data['class'] self.status = data['status'] self.messages = data['messages'] try: = json.loads(data['data']) except: = data['data'] rfile.close()
def main(): args = get_args() with open(args['input'], 'rb') as f: payload = umsgpack.unpack(f) keys = [ 'lobby', 'rule', 'map', 'weapon', 'result', 'kill', 'death', 'rank', 'rank_exp', 'rank_after', 'rank_exp_after', 'link_url' ] for key in keys: value = args.get(key) if not value: continue if value == 'DELETE': prev_value = payload.pop(key) else: prev_value = payload.get(key, '') payload[key] = args[key] print('Modified %s : %s -> %s' % (key, str(prev_value), str(value))) # Gears. Primary ability is only supported. gear_keys = ['clothing', 'headgear', 'shoes'] for key in gear_keys: value = args.get(key) if not value: continue if value == 'DELETE': prev_value = payload['gears'].pop(key) else: prev_value = payload['gears'][key].get('primary_ability', '') payload['gears'][key]['primary_ability'] = args[key] print('Modified %s : %s -> %s' % (key, str(prev_value), str(value))) output = args.get('output') or args['input'] with open(output, 'wb') as f: umsgpack.pack(payload, f)
def _get_database(): # type: () -> Dict[str, Dict[bytes, List[Union[str, int]]]] with open(_datafile, 'rb') as database: return unpack(database)
#!/usr/bin/env python import umsgpack packed = umsgpack.packb({u'compact': True, u'schema': 0}) unpacked = umsgpack.unpackb(packed) print packed print unpacked with open('test.bin', 'w') as f: umsgpack.pack({u'compact': True, u'schema': 0}, f) umsgpack.pack([1, 2, 3], f) with open('test.bin') as f: print umsgpack.unpack(f) print umsgpack.unpack(f)
#ブキは プライムシューター リザルトは 999p 0k/1d です。 #スペシャルは3回ためて 3回つかい、抱え落ちはしませんでした。 msg = "\n%sをつかって %dp %dk/%ddでした。" % \ (get_reason_name(data['weapon']), data['my_point'], data['kill'], data['death']) if sp_dead == 0: sp_dead_msg = "ありません。" else: sp_dead_msg = "%d回です。" % sp_dead msg2 = "\nスペシャルを%d回溜めて%d回発動し 抱え落ちは%s" % (sp_charge, sp_used, sp_dead_msg) msg = "%s %s" % (msg, msg2) at_sec = -1 #テキストの先頭に時分を付けない msg_write(fw, at_sec, msg) if __name__ == "__main__": files = glob.glob('/tmp/*.msgpack') for file in files: f = open(file, 'rb') data = umsgpack.unpack(f) msgfn = f.close() #必要な機能以外はコメントで対応 ADD_AT_SEC = 10 #タイムラインに表示する秒数を 動画のスタートに合うように調整する値 event_write(data) #イベントをタイムライン形式でテキストファイルに保存する imgpng_write(data) #画像データ3種類出力 ※必ずjson_writeより先に処理すること。 json_write(data) #jsonファイルとして保存する。 mvfn = '.%s' % msgfn #処理済みのファイルを移動する shutil.move(msgfn, mvfn)
def decrypt(input, recipient_private): stream = io.BytesIO(input) # Parse the header. header_bytes = umsgpack.unpack(stream) header_hash = nacl.bindings.crypto_hash(header_bytes) header = umsgpack.unpackb(header_bytes) debug('header:', json_repr(header)) debug('header hash:', header_hash) [ format_name, [major_version, minor_version], mode, ephemeral_public, sender_secretbox, recipient_pairs, *_, # ignore additional elements ] = header ephemeral_beforenm = nacl.bindings.crypto_box_beforenm( pk=ephemeral_public, sk=recipient_private) if format_name != "saltpack": raise error.BadFormatError( "Unrecognized format name: '{}'".format(format_name)) if major_version != 1: raise error.BadVersionError( "Incompatible major version: {}".format(major_version)) # Try decrypting each sender box, until we find the one that works. for recipient_index, pair in enumerate(recipient_pairs): [_, payload_key_box, *_] = pair try: payload_key = nacl.bindings.crypto_box_open_afternm( ciphertext=payload_key_box, nonce=PAYLOAD_KEY_BOX_NONCE, k=ephemeral_beforenm) break except CryptoError: continue else: raise RuntimeError('Failed to find matching recipient.') sender_public = nacl.bindings.crypto_secretbox_open( ciphertext=sender_secretbox, nonce=SENDER_KEY_SECRETBOX_NONCE, key=payload_key) mac_key_nonce = header_hash[:24] mac_key_box = nacl.bindings.crypto_box( message=b'\0'*32, nonce=mac_key_nonce, pk=sender_public, sk=recipient_private) mac_key = mac_key_box[16:48] debug('recipient index:', recipient_index) debug('sender key:', sender_public) debug('payload key:', payload_key) debug('mac key nonce:', mac_key_nonce) debug('mac key:', mac_key) # Decrypt each of the packets. output = io.BytesIO() chunknum = 0 while True: packet = umsgpack.unpack(stream) debug('packet:', json_repr(packet)) [hash_authenticators, payload_secretbox, *_] = packet hash_authenticator = hash_authenticators[recipient_index] # Verify the secretbox hash. payload_nonce = PAYLOAD_NONCE_PREFIX + chunknum.to_bytes(8, "big") debug('payload nonce:', payload_nonce) payload_hash = nacl.bindings.crypto_hash( header_hash + payload_nonce + payload_secretbox) debug('hash to authenticate:', payload_hash) hmac_digest =, digestmod=hashlib.sha512) hmac_digest.update(payload_hash) our_authenticator = hmac_digest.digest()[:32] if not hmac.compare_digest(hash_authenticator, our_authenticator): raise error.HMACError("HMAC failed to verify.") # Open the payload secretbox. chunk = nacl.bindings.crypto_secretbox_open( ciphertext=payload_secretbox, nonce=payload_nonce, key=payload_key) output.write(chunk) debug('chunk:', repr(chunk)) # The empty chunk signifies the end of the message. if chunk == b'': break chunknum += 1 return output.getvalue()
import umsgpack import numpy as np import gzip f = open("testout.msgpack", "r") res = umsgpack.unpack(f) f.close() numeofs = res[0] numobs = res[1] numgridpts = res[2] # breeze's toDenseVector method converts matrices in fortran/column-major order, so specify this explicitly since numpy's default is C/row-major order U = np.array(res[3]).reshape((numgridpts, numeofs), order="F") V = np.array(res[4]).reshape((numeofs, numobs), order="F") S = np.array(res[5]) mean = np.array(res[6]) f ="testout.msgpack.gz", "r") res = umsgpack.unpack(f) f.close() gnumeofs = res[0] gnumobs = res[1] gnumgridpts = res[2] gU = np.array(res[3]).reshape((numgridpts, numeofs), order="F") gV = np.array(res[4]).reshape((numeofs, numobs), order="F") gS = np.array(res[5]) gmean = np.array(res[6])
def test_streaming_reader(self): # Try first composite test vector (name, obj, data) = composite_test_vectors[0] reader = io.BytesIO(data) self.assertEqual(umsgpack.unpack(reader), obj)