def build_hsc_sample(sql_file, out_dir, tmp_dir, filters='i', cutout_size=10.0, # in arcsec data_release='pdr2', rerun='pdr2_wide', nproc=2): """ This function runs an sql query to extract a catalog, then proceeds to download cutouts in requested bands for all catalog entries. """ # Creates output directory if doesn't already exists if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) # Create archive instance and login archive = hsc.Hsc(dr=data_release, rerun=rerun) catalog_filename = os.path.join(out_dir, 'catalog.fits') if os.path.isfile(catalog_filename): print("Readding hsc catalog from %s"%catalog_filename) catalog = else: # Query the database catalog = archive.sql_query(sql_file, from_file=True, verbose=True) print("Saving hsc catalog to %s"%catalog_filename) catalog.write(catalog_filename) # Query corresponding postage stamps cutouts_filename = task.hsc_bulk_cutout(catalog, cutout_size=cutout_size* u.Unit('arcsec'), filters=filters, archive=archive, nproc=nproc, tmp_dir=tmp_dir, output_dir=out_dir) # Rename the cutout file shutil.move(cutouts_filename, os.path.join(out_dir, 'cutouts.hdf'))
#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, time import numpy as np import astropy.units as u from astropy import wcs from import fits from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from import download_file, clear_download_cache from unagi import config from unagi import hsc from unagi import plotting from unagi.task import hsc_cutout pdr2 = hsc.Hsc(dr='pdr2', rerun='pdr2_wide') cutout_width = 525 # pixels arcsec_per_pixel = 0.168 # arcsec/pixel s_ang = cutout_width / 2 * arcsec_per_pixel * u.arcsec # arcsec # Catalogue catalogue = '/Users/cbottrell/Project/HSC-Subaru/Catalogues/HSC-TF_all_2019-07-16.txt' output_dir = '/Volumes/Project_Data/HSC_Subaru/Input/' # filename prefix prefix = '{}_Cutout-{}x{}' cat_data = np.loadtxt(catalogue, delimiter=',', dtype='str') objIDs = cat_data[:, 0].astype(int) ras = cat_data[:, 2].astype(float) decs = cat_data[:, 3].astype(float) zs = cat_data[:, 1].astype(float)
def download_hsc_large(ra, dec, band, size=0.7*u.deg, radius=0.5*u.deg, verbose=True, output_dir='./', output_name='HSC', overwrite=True): '''Download HSC patches and stitch them together using ``swarp``. Hence ``swarp`` must be installed! ``swarp`` resamples the image, but doesn't correct background. Parameters: ra (float): RA of the object. dec (float): DEC of the object. band (string): such as 'r' or 'g'. size (``astropy.units`` object): size of cutout, it should be comparable to ``radius``. radius (``astropy.units`` object): bricks whose distances to the object are nearer than this radius will be download. output_dir (str): directory of output files. output_name (str): prefix of output images. The suffix `.fits` will be appended automatically. overwrite (bool): overwrite files or not. Return: None ''' import urllib from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from .utils import save_to_fits import subprocess ## Setup ``unagi`` try: from unagi import hsc except: raise ImportError('`unagi` ( must be installed to download HSC data!') pdr2 = hsc.Hsc(dr='pdr2', rerun='pdr2_wide') ## Download survey-summary URL = '' if os.path.isfile('_survey_summary_hsc.fits'): os.remove('_survey_summary_hsc.fits') urllib.request.urlretrieve(URL, filename='_survey_summary_hsc.fits', data=None) # Find nearby bricks patch_cat ='_survey_summary_hsc.fits', format='fits') patch_sky = SkyCoord(ra=np.array(patch_cat['ra_cen']), dec=np.array(patch_cat['dec_cen']), unit='deg') object_coord = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit='deg') flag = patch_sky.separation(object_coord) <= radius to_download = patch_cat[flag] distance = patch_sky.separation(object_coord)[flag] to_download.add_column(Column(data=distance.value, name='distance')) to_download.sort('distance') print('# You have {} patches to be downloaded.'.format(len(to_download))) filenameset = [] for obj in to_download: file = 'calexp_{0}_{1}_{2}.fits'.format(obj['tract'], obj['patch'].replace(',', '_'), band) filenameset.append(os.path.join(output_dir, file)) if not os.path.isfile(file): pdr2.download_patch(obj['tract'], obj['patch'], filt='HSC-{}'.format(band.upper()), output_file=file); hdu =, file)) img = hdu[1].data hdr = hdu[1].header mask = hdu[2].data mask_hdr = hdu[2].header hdr['XTENSION'] = 'IMAGE' mask_hdr['XTENSION'] = 'IMAGE' hdu.close() save_to_fits(img, os.path.join(output_dir, file), header=hdr); save_to_fits(img, os.path.join(output_dir, file), header=hdr); # Calculating image size in pixels imgsize = int( / HSC_pixel_scale) # Configure ``swarp`` with open("","w+") as f: # check if swarp is installed f.write('for cmd in SWarp; do\n') f.write('\t hasCmd=$(which ${cmd} 2>/dev/null)\n') f.write('\t if [[ -z "${hasCmd}" ]]; then\n') f.write('\t\t echo "This script requires ${cmd}, which is not in your \$PATH." \n') f.write('\t\t exit 1 \n') f.write('\t fi \n done \n\n') # Write ``default.swarp``. f.write('/bin/rm -f default.swarp \n') f.write('cat > default.swarp <<EOT \n') f.write('IMAGEOUT_NAME \t\t {}.fits # Output filename\n'.format(os.path.join(output_dir, '_'.join([output_name, band])))) f.write('WEIGHTOUT_NAME \t\t {}_weights.fits # Output weight-map filename\n\n'.format(os.path.join(output_dir, '_'.join([output_name, band])))) f.write('HEADER_ONLY N # Only a header as an output file (Y/N)?\nHEADER_SUFFIX .head # Filename extension for additional headers\n\n') f.write('#------------------------------- Input Weights --------------------------------\n\nWEIGHT_TYPE NONE # BACKGROUND,MAP_RMS,MAP_VARIANCE\n # or MAP_WEIGHT\nWEIGHT_SUFFIX weight.fits # Suffix to use for weight-maps\nWEIGHT_IMAGE # Weightmap filename if suffix not used\n # (all or for each weight-map)\n\n') f.write('#------------------------------- Co-addition ----------------------------------\n\nCOMBINE Y # Combine resampled images (Y/N)?\nCOMBINE_TYPE MEDIAN # MEDIAN,AVERAGE,MIN,MAX,WEIGHTED,CHI2\n # or SUM\n\n') f.write('#-------------------------------- Astrometry ----------------------------------\n\nCELESTIAL_TYPE NATIVE # NATIVE, PIXEL, EQUATORIAL,\n # GALACTIC,ECLIPTIC, or SUPERGALACTIC\nPROJECTION_TYPE TAN # Any WCS projection code or NONE\nPROJECTION_ERR 0.001 # Maximum projection error (in output\n # pixels), or 0 for no approximation\nCENTER_TYPE MANUAL # MANUAL, ALL or MOST\n') f.write('CENTER {0}, {1} # Image Center\n'.format(ra, dec)) f.write('PIXELSCALE_TYPE MANUAL # MANUAL,FIT,MIN,MAX or MEDIAN\n') f.write('PIXEL_SCALE {} # Pixel scale\n'.format(HSC_pixel_scale)) f.write('IMAGE_SIZE {0},{1} # scale = 0.262 arcsec/pixel\n\n'.format(imgsize, imgsize)) f.write('#-------------------------------- Resampling ----------------------------------\n\nRESAMPLE Y # Resample input images (Y/N)?\nRESAMPLE_DIR . # Directory path for resampled images\nRESAMPLE_SUFFIX .resamp.fits # filename extension for resampled images\n\nRESAMPLING_TYPE LANCZOS3 # NEAREST,BILINEAR,LANCZOS2,LANCZOS3\n # or LANCZOS4 (1 per axis)\nOVERSAMPLING 0 # Oversampling in each dimension\n # (0 = automatic)\nINTERPOLATE N # Interpolate bad input pixels (Y/N)?\n # (all or for each image)\n\nFSCALASTRO_TYPE FIXED # NONE,FIXED, or VARIABLE\nFSCALE_KEYWORD FLXSCALE # FITS keyword for the multiplicative\n # factor applied to each input image\nFSCALE_DEFAULT 1.0 # Default FSCALE value if not in header\n\nGAIN_KEYWORD GAIN # FITS keyword for effect. gain (e-/ADU)\nGAIN_DEFAULT 0.0 # Default gain if no FITS keyword found\n\n') f.write('#--------------------------- Background subtraction ---------------------------\n\nSUBTRACT_BACK N # Subtraction sky background (Y/N)?\n # (all or for each image)\n\nBACK_TYPE AUTO # AUTO or MANUAL\n # (all or for each image)\nBACK_DEFAULT 0.0 # Default background value in MANUAL\n # (all or for each image)\nBACK_SIZE 128 # Background mesh size (pixels)\n # (all or for each image)\nBACK_FILTERSIZE 3 # Background map filter range (meshes)\n # (all or for each image)\n\n') f.write('#------------------------------ Memory management -----------------------------\n\nVMEM_DIR . # Directory path for swap files\nVMEM_MAX 2047 # Maximum amount of virtual memory (MB)\nMEM_MAX 2048 # Maximum amount of usable RAM (MB)\nCOMBINE_BUFSIZE 1024 # Buffer size for combine (MB)\n\n') f.write('#------------------------------ Miscellaneous ---------------------------------\n\nDELETE_TMPFILES Y # Delete temporary resampled FITS files\n # (Y/N)?\nCOPY_KEYWORDS OBJECT # List of FITS keywords to propagate\n # from the input to the output headers\nWRITE_FILEINFO Y # Write information about each input\n # file in the output image header?\nWRITE_XML N # Write XML file (Y/N)?\nXML_NAME swarp.xml # Filename for XML output\nVERBOSE_TYPE QUIET # QUIET,NORMAL or FULL\n\nNTHREADS 0 # Number of simultaneous threads for\n # the SMP version of SWarp\n # 0 = automatic \n') f.write('EOT\n') f.write('SWarp ' + ' '.join(filenameset) + '\n\n') #f.write('rm ' + os.path.join(output_dir, '_*')) f.close() filename = '{}.fits'.format(os.path.join(output_dir, '_'.join([output_name, band]))) if os.path.isfile(filename): if not overwrite: raise FileExistsError('# ' + filename + ' already exists!') else: os.system('/bin/bash') else: os.system('/bin/bash') print('# The image is save as ' + filename)
def download_highres(lowres_dir, high_res='hsc', band='g', overwrite=False): """ Download high resolution image which overlaps with the given low resolution image. This could be **TIME CONSUMING**! Typically one frame could be 500M to 2G. You also need to install ``unagi`` ( to download HSC images. Parameters: lowres_dir (string): the directory of input low-resolution image. high_res (string): name of high-resolution survey, now support 'HSC' and 'CFHT'. band (string): name of filter, typically 'g' or 'r'. overwrite (bool): it will overwrite the image if `overwrite=True`. Returns: None """ from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord import astropy.units as u from astropy import wcs hdu = img = hdu[0].data header = hdu[0].header w = wcs.WCS(header) hdu.close() # Calculate the (diagnal) size of image in degrees c1 = SkyCoord(float(w.wcs_pix2world(0, 0, 0)[0]), float(w.wcs_pix2world(0, 0, 0)[1]), frame='icrs', unit='deg') c2 = SkyCoord(float(w.wcs_pix2world(img.shape[1], img.shape[0], 0)[0]), float(w.wcs_pix2world(img.shape[1], img.shape[0], 0)[1]), frame='icrs', unit='deg') c_cen = SkyCoord(float(w.wcs_pix2world(img.shape[1]//2, img.shape[0]//2, 0)[0]), float(w.wcs_pix2world(img.shape[1]//2, img.shape[0]//2, 0)[1]), frame='icrs', unit='deg') print('# The center of input image is: ', c_cen.ra, c_cen.dec) radius = c1.separation(c2).to( print('# The diagnal size of input low-resolution image is ' + str(radius)) return if high_res.lower() == 'hsc': print(radius) if radius / 1.414 > 2116 * u.arcsec: raise ValueError('# Input image size is too large for HSC! Try other methods!') try: from unagi import hsc from unagi.task import hsc_cutout, hsc_tricolor, hsc_check_coverage except: raise ImportError('You should install `unagi` to download HSC images! ') # Setup HSC server pdr2 = hsc.Hsc(dr='pdr2', rerun='pdr2_wide') #pdr2 = hsc.Hsc(dr='dr2', rerun='s18a_wide') # Check if it is within the footprint cover = hsc_check_coverage(c_cen, archive=pdr2, verbose=False, return_filter=True) if len(cover) == 0: raise ValueError('# This region is NOT in the footprint of HSC PDR2!') # Angular size (must with unit!) else: if os.path.isfile('hsc_cutout_' + band): if not overwrite: raise FileExistsError('# hsc_cutout_' + band + 'already exists!') else: cutout = hsc_cutout(c_cen, cutout_size=radius / np.sqrt(2) / 2, filters=band, archive=pdr2, use_saved=False, mask=False, variance=False, output_dir='./', prefix='hsc_cutout', verbose=True, save_output=True) cutout.close() elif high_res.lower() == 'cfht': get_megapipe_catalog(c_cen.ra.value, c_cen.dec.value, radius / 2) download_cfht_megapipe(img, header, band=band.upper(), output_dir='./', overwrite=overwrite) else: raise ValueError('# This survey is not supported yet. Please use "HSC" or "CFHT"!') return