Example #1
def test_debug(mock_print):
        interval_list=[(0, 9)],
    assert mock_print.call_count == 1
from undebt.pattern.common import INDENT
from undebt.pattern.common import LPAREN_IND
from undebt.pattern.lang.python import EXPR
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_dict
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import Optional
from undebt.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore

expr_list = (
    LPAREN_IND.suppress() + EXPR
    + ZeroOrMore(COMMA_IND.suppress() + EXPR)
    + Optional(COMMA_IND.suppress()) + IND_RPAREN.suppress()
grammar = (
    INDENT("leading indent") + Keyword("with")
    + Optional(Keyword("contextlib") + DOT) + Keyword("nested") + expr_list("nested calls")
    + Optional(Keyword("as").suppress() + expr_list("as assignments")) + COLON

@tokens_as_dict(assert_keys_in=["leading indent", "nested calls", "as assignments"])
def replace(tokens):
    with contextlib.nested(a, b, c) as (x, y, z):
    with a as x, \\
        b as y, \\
        c as z:
    leading_indent, nested_calls = tokens["leading indent"], tokens["nested calls"]
Example #3
from __future__ import print_function

from undebt.pattern.common import COMMA
from undebt.pattern.common import NAME
from undebt.pattern.common import STRING
from undebt.pattern.util import condense
from undebt.pattern.util import in_string
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_list
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import Literal
from undebt.pyparsing import Optional
from undebt.pyparsing import originalTextFor
from undebt.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore

unicode_literals = Keyword("unicode_literals")
non_unicode_literals_name = ~unicode_literals + NAME
import_grammar = originalTextFor(
    Keyword("from") + Keyword("__future__") + Keyword("import")
    + ZeroOrMore(non_unicode_literals_name + COMMA)
    + unicode_literals
    + ZeroOrMore(COMMA + non_unicode_literals_name)
    + Optional(COMMA)

def identity_replace(tokens):
    return tokens[0]

Example #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from undebt.pattern.common import DOT
from undebt.pattern.common import LPAREN
from undebt.pattern.common import PARENS
from undebt.pattern.common import RPAREN
from undebt.pattern.util import leading_whitespace
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_dict
from undebt.pattern.util import trailing_whitespace
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import Literal

grammar = (Keyword("session") + DOT + Keyword("query") + PARENS + DOT +
           Literal("filter") + PARENS("filter call") + DOT + Keyword("count") +
           LPAREN + RPAREN)

@tokens_as_dict(assert_keys=["filter call"])
def replace(tokens):
Example #5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from undebt.pattern.common import COMMA
from undebt.pattern.common import INDENT
from undebt.pattern.lang.python import ATOM
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_list
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import Optional

grammar = (INDENT + Keyword("exec").suppress() + ATOM +
           Keyword("in").suppress() + ATOM + Optional(COMMA.suppress() + ATOM))

@tokens_as_list(assert_len_in=(3, 4))
def replace(tokens):
    exec str in globals(), locals()
    exec(str, globals(), locals())
    return tokens[0] + "exec(" + ", ".join(tokens[1:]) + ")"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from undebt.pattern.common import BRACKETS
from undebt.pattern.common import DOT
from undebt.pattern.common import NAME
from undebt.pattern.common import PARENS
from undebt.pattern.lang.python import ATOM_BASE
from undebt.pattern.util import condense
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_list
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore

attribute = Keyword("attribute")
grammar = (condense(ATOM_BASE +
                    ZeroOrMore(DOT + ~attribute + NAME | PARENS | BRACKETS)) +
           (DOT + attribute).suppress())

def replace(tokens):
    """obj.attribute -> function(obj)"""
    return "function(" + tokens[0] + ")"

extra = "from function_lives_here import function"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from undebt.pattern.common import COLON
from undebt.pattern.common import INDENT
from undebt.pattern.common import LPAREN
from undebt.pattern.common import NAME
from undebt.pattern.common import RPAREN
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_list
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import Optional

grammar = INDENT + Keyword("class").suppress() + NAME + (
    Optional(LPAREN + RPAREN) + COLON).suppress()

def replace(tokens):
    return tokens[0] + "class " + tokens[1] + "(object):"
Example #8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from undebt.pattern.common import NAME
from undebt.pattern.lang.python import EXPR
from undebt.pattern.util import condense
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_dict
from undebt.pyparsing import delimitedList
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import Literal
from undebt.pyparsing import SkipTo

if_ = Keyword("if")
let = Keyword("let")
where = Keyword("where")
eq = Literal("=")

assign = condense(NAME + eq + EXPR)

grammar = (
    if_ + let + delimitedList(assign)("let-bindings")
    + where + SkipTo("{")("where-clause")

@tokens_as_dict(assert_keys=["let-bindings", "where-clause"])
def replace(tokens):
    assigns = tokens["let-bindings"]
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from undebt.pattern.common import BRACKETS
from undebt.pattern.common import DOT
from undebt.pattern.common import LPAREN
from undebt.pattern.common import NAME
from undebt.pattern.common import PARENS
from undebt.pattern.common import RPAREN
from undebt.pattern.lang.python import ATOM_BASE
from undebt.pattern.util import condense
from undebt.pattern.util import tokens_as_list
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore

method = Keyword("method")
grammar = (~(Keyword("self") + DOT + method) +
           condense(ATOM_BASE +
                    ZeroOrMore(DOT + ~method + NAME | PARENS | BRACKETS)) +
           (DOT + method + LPAREN + RPAREN).suppress())

def replace(tokens):
    """obj.method() -> function(obj)"""
    return "function(" + tokens[0] + ")"

extra = "from function_lives_here import function"
Example #10
from undebt.pattern.util import addspace
from undebt.pattern.util import condense
from undebt.pyparsing import Combine
from undebt.pyparsing import Keyword
from undebt.pyparsing import Literal
from undebt.pyparsing import OneOrMore
from undebt.pyparsing import Optional
from undebt.pyparsing import originalTextFor
from undebt.pyparsing import pythonStyleComment
from undebt.pyparsing import SkipTo
from undebt.pyparsing import Word
from undebt.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore

ASSIGN_OP = Combine((Word("~%^&*-+|/") | ~Literal("==")) + Literal("="))

UNARY_OP = addspace(OneOrMore(Word("~-+") | Keyword("not")))

    | Keyword("and")
    | Keyword("or")
    | addspace(OneOrMore(Keyword("is")
                         | Keyword("not")
                         | Keyword("in"))))


TRAILERS = condense(ZeroOrMore(TRAILER))