async def test_replica_tries_to_take_over(app): plugins = setup_plugins(app, pg_replication_role='replica') assert app.initialize() == None plugins.reset_mock() # if there is no lock owner, we start looping trying to become master app.master_lock_changed(None) assert app._plugins.mock_calls == [call.pg_replication_role()] plugins.reset_mock() from asyncio import sleep as real_sleep with patch('asyncio.sleep') as sleep: sleeper = FakeSleeper() sleep.side_effect = sleeper # the first thing is to sleep a bit await assert sleeper.log == [3] assert app._plugins.mock_calls == [] # takeover attempted states = [(app.my_id, {})] plugins.dcs_get_all_state.side_effect = iter_states = [iter(states)] plugins.willing_replicas.side_effect = iter_willing_replicas = [iter(states)] plugins.best_replicas.side_effect = iter_best_replicas = [iter(states)] await assert sleeper.log == [3, 3] assert app._plugins.mock_calls == [ call.dcs_get_all_state(), call.willing_replicas(iter_states[0]), call.best_replicas(iter_willing_replicas[0]), call.dcs_lock('master')]
async def test_master_unhealthy(app): plugins = setup_plugins(app, pg_replication_role='master') app.initialize() plugins.reset_mock() app.unhealthy('boom', 'It went Boom', can_be_replica=True) assert plugins.mock_calls == [ call.dcs_set_state({ 'host': '', 'replication_role': 'master', 'health_problems': {'boom': {'reason': 'It went Boom', 'can_be_replica': True}}}), call.pg_replication_role(), call.dcs_delete_conn_info(), ] plugins.reset_mock() # now we should have _handle_unhealthy_master running with patch('asyncio.sleep') as sleep, patch('sys.exit') as exit, patch('time.sleep') as blocking_sleep: sleeper = FakeSleeper() sleep.side_effect = sleeper exit.side_effect = lambda x: sleeper.finish() # there is no replica, so we just sleep and ping the # DCS to find a willing replica states = [iter([])] plugins.dcs_get_all_state.side_effect = states plugins.willing_replicas.side_effect = [iter([])] await assert plugins.mock_calls == [ call.dcs_get_all_state(), call.willing_replicas(states[0])] # we add a willing replica states = [iter([])] plugins.dcs_get_all_state.side_effect = states plugins.willing_replicas.side_effect = [iter([('other', {})])] plugins.reset_mock() await assert plugins.mock_calls == [ call.dcs_get_all_state(), call.willing_replicas(states[0]), call.pg_replication_role(), call.pg_stop(), call.dcs_disconnect() ]