class GUI(wx.Frame): '''mfc1.GUI(tna, clock, menu, tbicon) GUI of the MindfulClock. tna = True, False, start in the taskbar notification area. clock = True, False, start clock automatically. menu = True, False, show the time not beside te indicator. tbicon = True, False, use instead of appindicator wx.TaskBarIcon. ''' def __init__(self, tna, clock, menu, tbicon): '''Initalize the wx.Frame. timer = wx.Timer ''' # Init public attributes. self.init_public_system() # Internationalisation self.set_in18() # Load saved datas. self.config_load() self.init_public_user() # Get frame title, frame size and icon. title =['frame_title'] size =['frame_size'] icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_name']) # Subclass super(GUI, self).__init__(None, wx.ID_ANY, title, size=size) # Icon if icon.endswith('.png'): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(icon, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) # Initalize time interval. intervalbox = self.init_interval() # Initialize text notification. textbox = self.init_text() # Initialize Sound notification. soundbox = self.init_sound() # Ininitialize clock control. controlbox = self.init_buttons() # wx.Timer self.timer = wx.Timer(self, 1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_timer, self.timer) # Lock file self.lock_file() # Exit bindings. self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_system_close) # Exit when tbicon is False and __lockstate is 'exit' if not tbicon and self.lockstate == 'exit': self.Close() # Layout vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(intervalbox, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) vbox.Add(textbox, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) vbox.Add(soundbox, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) vbox.Add(controlbox, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) self.SetSizer(vbox) # Disable stop & pause button self.btnstop.Enable(False) self.btnpause.Enable(False) # Taskbar, command line option, checkbox in GUI. if tna: # Start in the taskbar. self.tna = True else: if self.miniopt.GetValue(): # Checkbox is set, start in the taskbar. self.tna = True else: # Start normal. self.tna = False if tbicon: # Use wx.TaskBarIcon self.init_tbicon() else: # Use Appindicator if menu: # Show the time not beside the indicator. self.menutime = True else: # Show the time beside. self.menutime = False wx.FutureCall(100, self.init_appind) # Centre window, show window. self.Center() # Exit when tbicon is True and __lockstate is 'exit' if tbicon and self.lockstate == 'exit': self.Close() # Check autostart, command line option, check box in GUI. if clock: # Start clock automatically. wx.FutureCall(200, self.clock_start) else: if self.autostart.GetValue(): # Checkbox is set, start clock automatically. wx.FutureCall(200, self.clock_start) if self.tna: # Start in the system tray. self.Hide() else: self.Show() def clock_pause(self): '''Pause the clock.''' # stop timer self.timer.Stop() # Show start icon, hide stop & pause icon self.btnstart.Enable(True) self.btnstop.Enable(True) self.btnpause.Enable(False) self.clockstatus = True # Read current time, set elapsed seconds timenow = int(time.time()) self.pausetime = timenow - self.start # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.end - timenow) remain = '%s (pause)' % remain # Taskbar if self.tbtype == 'appind': # Application indicator self.indic.set_menu_stop() self.indic.set_menu_continue() self.indic.set_remain_time(remain) elif self.tbtype == 'tbicon': # TaskBarIcon self.tbicon.set_menu_stop() self.tbicon.set_menu_continue() self.tbicon.set_remain_time(remain) def clock_start(self): '''Start the clock.''' # Clock paused ? if self.pausetime == -99: # No pause, start clock, read interval interval = self.get_integer_interval() if interval != 'dev': # Time interval in seconds self.seconds = interval * 60.0 # Start and end time, UTC in seconds self.start = int(time.time()) self.end = self.start + self.seconds else: self.seconds = 5.0 self.start = int(time.time()) self.end = self.start + self.seconds # Status text notification & sound. self.textnotif = 'clear' self.soundplay = 'clear' else: # Clock paused, continue. timenow = int(time.time()) self.start = timenow - self.pausetime self.end = self.start + self.seconds self.pausetime = -99 # Start timer self.timer.Start(['wxtimer']) # Hide start icon, show stop & pause icon self.btnstart.Enable(False) self.btnstop.Enable(True) self.btnpause.Enable(True) self.clockstatus = True # Taskbar if self.tbtype == 'appind': # Application indicator self.indic.set_menu_stop() self.indic.set_menu_pause() elif self.tbtype == 'tbicon': # TaskBarIcon self.tbicon.set_menu_stop() self.tbicon.set_menu_pause() def clock_stop(self): '''Stop the clock.''' # stop timer self.timer.Stop() # Show start icon, hide stop & pause icon self.btnstart.Enable(True) self.btnstop.Enable(False) self.btnpause.Enable(False) self.clockstatus = False # No pause self.pausetime = -99 # Gauge self.gauge.SetValue(0) # Taskbar if self.tbtype == 'appind': # Application indicator self.indic.set_menu_start() self.indic.set_menu_pause_clear() self.indic.set_remain_time('--:--') elif self.tbtype == 'tbicon': # TaskBarIcon self.tbicon.set_menu_start() self.tbicon.set_menu_pause_clear() self.tbicon.set_remain_time('--:--') def config_load(self): '''Load the settings with wx.config.''' # Config file config = wx.Config(['config_file']) # Get the default dictionairy as text deftextdic = str( # Read new text, textdic as default. newtextdic = config.Read(key='dic', defaultVal=deftextdic) # Set new text as new dictionairy. def config_save(self): '''Save the settings with wx.config.''' # Config file config = wx.Config(['config_file']) # Set text notification.['text'] = self.msgtext.GetValue() # Set sound notification.['sound'] = self.sound # Set time interval. if self.interval != 'dev':['interval'] = self.interval # Set frame size. size = self.GetSize()['frame_size'] = (size[0], size[1]) # Set checkbox values.['mini_opt'] = self.miniopt.GetValue()['autostart'] = self.autostart.GetValue() # Get data dictionariy as text. textdic = str( # Write text. config.Write(key='dic', value=textdic) def determine_path(self): '''Borrowed from, get the package directory.''' try: root = __file__ if os.path.islink(root): root = os.path.realpath(root) return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root)) except: print('There is no __file__ variable.') def get_integer_interval(self): '''Convert time interval as text to a integer value.''' # Get text from entry. text = self.txtinterval.GetValue() # Error handling. try: if text != 'dev': interval = int(text) else: interval = text except ValueError: interval = self.interval # Return integer. return(interval) def get_pause(self): '''Is the clock paused, True of False.''' if self.pausetime == -99: # Clock not paused. status = False else: # Clock paused. status = True return(status) def get_text_minutes(self, seconds): '''Get the seconds in minutes as text, 'mm:ss'.''' try: mins = int(seconds // 60) secs = int(seconds % 60) except ValueError: mins, secs = 0, 0 return('%#02d:%#02d' % (mins, secs)) def init_appind(self): '''Create the application indicator. Public objects: indic = mfc1.AppIndicator ''' # status of the indicator. self.tbtype = 'appind' # Application indicator. icon =['indicator_icon'] path = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['indicator_path']) self.indic = AppIndicator(frame=self, icon=icon, path=path, textdic={'start': _(u'Start'), 'stop': _(u'Stop'), 'show': _(u'Show'), 'hide': _(u'Hide'), 'exit': _(u'Exit'), 'pause': _(u'Pause'), 'cont': _(u'Continue')}, menutime=self.menutime) if self.tna: # Start in the system tray. self.indic.set_menu_show() self.indic.main() def init_buttons(self): '''Create the control buttons. Public widgets: btnstart = wx.BitmapButton btnstop = wx.BitmapButton btnpause = wx.BitmapButton gauge = wx.Gauge miniopt = wx.CheckBox autostart = wx.CheckBox ''' # Title t = _(u'Clock control') label = wx.StaticText(self, label=t) # Start bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_start']) self.btnstart = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.btnstart.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Start Clock'))) # Stop bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_stop']) self.btnstop = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.btnstop.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Clock stop'))) # Pause bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_pause']) self.btnpause = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.btnpause.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Clock pause'))) # Minimize bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_minimize']) minimize = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) t = _(u'Minimize to Taskbar Notification Area') minimize.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(t)) # Exit bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_exit']) exit_ = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) exit_.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Exit Clock'))) # Gauge to show the process. self.gauge = wx.Gauge(self, range=self.gaugerange) # Checkbox options t = _(u'Start in the Taskbar Notification Area') self.miniopt = wx.CheckBox(self, label=t) t = _(u'Automatically start the clock on program startup') self.autostart = wx.CheckBox(self, label=t) # Set value from user datas. if['mini_opt']: self.miniopt.SetValue(True) else: self.miniopt.SetValue(False) if['autostart']: self.autostart.SetValue(True) else: self.autostart.SetValue(False) # Bindings. self.btnstart.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_start) self.btnstop.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_stop) self.btnpause.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_pause) minimize.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_minimize) exit_.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_exit) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(label, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, self.bdist) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hsiz.Add(self.btnstart, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(self.btnpause, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(self.btnstop, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.AddStretchSpacer() hsiz.Add(minimize, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(exit_, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) vsiz.Add(hsiz, 1, wx.EXPAND) vsiz.Add(self.gauge, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) vsiz.Add(self.miniopt, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, self.bdist) vsiz.Add(self.autostart, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, self.bdist) return(vsiz) def init_interval(self): '''Create the time interval widgets. Public widgets: txtinterval = wx.TextCtrl ''' # Title t = _(u'Time interval in minutes') label = wx.StaticText(self, label=t) # Text entry: Read default, create entry. self.txtinterval = wx.TextCtrl(self, value=str(self.interval)) # Increase bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_increase']) increase = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) increase.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Increase time'))) # Decrease bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_decrease']) decrease = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) decrease.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Decrease time'))) # Bindings. increase.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_increase) decrease.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_decrease) self.txtinterval.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.on_interval) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(label, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(self.txtinterval, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(increase, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(decrease, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) vsiz.Add(hsiz, 1, wx.EXPAND) return(vsiz) def init_public_system(self): '''Initialize public system attributes. data = Data object, mfc1.Data() mfcdir = Path of the package mfc1, string. bstyl = GUI border style, wx.BORDER. bdist = GUI distance between widgets, integer. clockstatus = Clock is running, True or False. tbtype = Type of Taskbar Notification, string. 'appind' = application indicator 'tbicon' = taskbaricon '' = no taskbar started. textnotif = Status of the text notification, string. 'show' message on the screen 'close' message closed, 'clear' since the clock is running no message showed. playsound = Status of the sound message, string. 'clear' = since the clock is running no sound played, 'close' = sound finished., 'play-sound' = play wav or ogg 'play-music' = play mp3 pausetime >= 0: clock is paused, elapsed time. == -99: clock is not paused. ''' = Data() self.mfcdir = self.determine_path() # bstyl bstyl =['gui_borderstyle'] guiborders = {'simple': wx.SIMPLE_BORDER, 'raised': wx.RAISED_BORDER, 'sunken': wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, 'no': wx.NO_BORDER} if bstyl in guiborders: self.bstyl = guiborders[bstyl] else: self.bstyl = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER # bdist self.bdist =['gui_borderdist'] # gaugerange, clockstatus, tbtype. self.gaugerange =['gauge'] self.clockstatus = False self.tbtype = '' # textnotif, soundplay, pausetime. self.textnotif = 'clear' self.soundplay = 'clear' self.pausetime = -99 def init_public_user(self): '''Initialize public user datas. interval = Interval in seconds, integer. sound = Path to sound, music, file, string. ''' self.interval =['interval'] s =['sound'] if s: self.sound = os.path.join(self.mfcdir, s) else: self.sound = '' def init_sound(self): '''Create the sound notification widgets. Public objects: msgsound = wx.TextCtrl ''' # Title t = _(u'Sound notification') label = wx.StaticText(self, label=t) # Sound change button icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_change']) change = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) change.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Change sound file'))) # Sound preview button icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_preview']) preview = wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) preview.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Preview sound'))) # Text entry, read defaults self.msgsound = wx.TextCtrl(self, value=self.sound) # Bindings change.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_change) preview.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_preview) self.msgsound.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.on_msgsound) # Layout vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(label, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(self.msgsound, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(change, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) hsiz.Add(preview, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) vsiz.Add(hsiz, 1, wx.EXPAND) return(vsiz) def init_tbicon(self): '''Create the wx.TaskBarIcon. Public objects: tbicon = mfc1.TBIcon ''' self.tbtype = 'tbicon' # TaskbarIcon icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['tna_icon']) title =['frame_title'] self.tbicon = TBIcon(frame=self, icon=icon, title=title, textdic={'start': _(u'Start'), 'stop': _(u'Stop'), 'show': _(u'Show'), 'hide': _(u'Hide'), 'exit': _(u'Exit'), 'pause': _(u'Pause'), 'cont': _(u'Continue')}) if self.tna: # Start in the system tray. self.tbicon.set_menu_show() def init_text(self): '''Create the text notification widgets. Public widgets: msgtext = wx.TextCtrl ''' # Title t = _(u'Text notification') label = wx.StaticText(self, label=t) # Text entry, read default, create entry. t =['text'] self.msgtext = wx.TextCtrl(self, value=t, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(label, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, self.bdist) vsiz.Add(self.msgtext, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, self.bdist) return(vsiz) def lock_file(self): '''Handle the mc1.Lock object. Public objects: lock = mfc1.Lock lockstate = Status of the lock file. '' = No status. 'written' = Lock file is written 'deleted' = Lock file is deleted 'exit' = Program exit ''' userid = wx.GetUserId() wxpath = wx.StandardPaths.Get() userdir = wxpath.GetDocumentsDir() self.lock = Lock(path=userdir, userid=userid) self.lockstate = '' if self.lock.one_instance('mindfulclock1'): # One instance. self.lock.write_lock() self.lockstate = 'written' else: # More than one instance. if self.start_question(): # Start the clock. self.lock.write_lock() self.lockstate = 'written' else: # Exit the program. self.lockstate = 'exit' def on_change(self, event): '''Event for button, change sound file.''' # Set filename, directory path, wildcards and title. t = _(u'file') w1 = 'OGG- %s (*.ogg)|*.ogg' % (t) w2 = 'MP3- %s (*.mp3)|*.mp3' % (t) w3 = 'WAV- %s (*.wav)|*.wav' % (t) #~ wcard = # Show open dialog, get user datas. dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _(u'Select the sound file'), os.path.dirname(self.sound), os.path.basename(self.sound), '%s|%s|%s' % (w1, w2, w3), wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Clicked ok, set path, destroy dialog. path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() # Set path to text entry and sound attribute. self.sound = path self.msgsound.SetValue(path) self.msgsound.SetInsertionPointEnd() else: # Not clicked ok, destroy dialog. dlg.Destroy() def on_decrease(self, event): '''Event for bitmap button, decrease time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval - 1) def on_exit(self, event): '''Event for button, exit program.''' self.Close() def on_increase(self, event): '''Event for bitmap button, increase time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval + 1) def on_interval(self, event): '''Event for text control, check time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # Set interval to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval) def on_minimize(self, event): '''Event for button, minimize frame.''' if self.IsShown(): self.Hide() if self.tbtype == 'appind': # Application indicator self.indic.set_menu_show() elif self.tbtype == 'tbicon': # wx.TaskBarIcon self.tbicon.set_menu_show() def on_msgsound(self, event): '''Event for text control, check path to sound file.''' # Get text from entry. text = self.msgsound.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, check path if not os.path.exists(text): self.msgsound.SetValue(self.sound) else: self.sound = text else: # Text is not set. self.sound = '' def on_pause(self, event): '''Event for button, pause the clock.''' self.clock_pause() def on_preview(self, event): '''Event for button, preview sound file.''' self.pygame_sound(True) def on_start(self, event): '''Event for button, start the clock.''' self.config_save() self.clock_start() def on_stop(self, event): '''Event for button, stop the clock.''' self.clock_stop() def on_system_close(self, event): '''Event before close the frame.''' if self.lockstate == 'written': # Normal program start, normal program end, # delete lock file. self.lock.delete_lock() self.lockstate = 'deleted' # Close the taksbar or the indicator. if self.tbtype == 'appind': # Application indicator self.indic.quit_() elif self.tbtype == 'tbicon': # TaskBarIcon self.tbicon.Destroy() # Save the settings self.config_save() self.Destroy() def on_timer(self, event): '''Event for timer, the MindfulClock.''' timenow = int(time.time()) if self.textnotif == 'close' and self.soundplay == 'close': # Text message & sound closed, start new interval. self.start = timenow self.end = self.start + self.seconds self.gauge.SetValue(0) # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.seconds) # Set text notification & sound clear. self.textnotif = 'clear' self.soundplay = 'clear' elif self.textnotif == 'clear' and \ self.soundplay == 'clear' and timenow < self.end: # End is not reached. progress = timenow - self.start + 1 value = (self.gaugerange / self.seconds) * progress self.gauge.SetValue(value) # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.end - timenow) elif self.textnotif == 'clear' and \ self.soundplay == 'clear' and timenow >= self.end: # Play sound. self.pygame_sound(False) # Show text. self.show_popup() if self.textnotif == 'clear' and self.soundplay == 'clear': # Taskbar if self.tbtype == 'appind': # Application indicator self.indic.set_remain_time(remain) elif self.tbtype == 'tbicon': # wx.TaskBarIcon self.tbicon.set_remain_time(remain) elif self.textnotif == 'show' or \ self.soundplay.startswith('play'): # Taskbar if self.tbtype == 'appind': # Application indicator self.indic.set_remain_time('..') elif self.tbtype == 'tbicon': # wx.TaskBarIcon self.tbicon.set_remain_time('..') # Check sound. if self.soundplay == 'play-sound': # wav or ogg if not pygame.mixer.get_busy(): self.soundplay = 'close' elif self.soundplay == 'play-music': # mp3 if not self.soundplay = 'close' def pygame_sound(self, preview): '''Play the 'soundfile' with Pygame, preview= True or False.''' # preview = False: Clock stop while playing sound or music. # preview = True: No interrupt of the clock. if self.sound: # Soundfile is set, play sound. if self.sound.endswith('.wav') or \ self.sound.endswith('.ogg'): mixer = pygame.mixer.Sound(self.sound) if not preview: self.soundplay = 'play-sound' elif self.sound.endswith('.mp3'): if not preview: self.soundplay = 'play-music' else: # No sound, set __soundplay 'close'. self.soundplay = 'close' def set_integer_interval(self, interval): '''Control value of time interval and set it to the entry.''' # Check interval if interval != 'dev': minimum =['min_interval'] maximum =['max_interval'] if interval < minimum: interval = minimum elif interval > maximum: interval = maximum self.txtinterval.SetValue(str(interval)) # Set current value as new default value. self.interval = interval def start_question(self): '''Show Question, run mfc again?, return True or False.''' t1 = _(u'It seems the MindfulClock is running.') t2 = _(u'Do you want to start the clock anyway?') style = wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, '%s %s' %(t1, t2), _(u'Start control'), style) answer = dlg.ShowModal() if answer == wx.ID_NO: # Do not overwrite, return None status = False else: # Overwrite, return 'path' status = True return(status) def set_in18(self): '''Set the internationalization.''' # Get directory dir_ = os.path.join(self.mfcdir, 'locale') # Locale, set default language. self.wxloc = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT) self.wxloc.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(dir_) self.wxloc.AddCatalog('mfc1') def show_popup(self): '''Show the text notification popup.''' text = self.msgtext.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, show dialog. Status of text notification. self.textnotif = 'show' font =['msg_font'] colors =['popup_colors'] icon = os.path.join(self.mfcdir,['icon_close']) popup = Popup(parent=self, style=self.bdist, text=text, font=font, colors=colors, icon=icon) popw, poph = popup.size dispw, disph = wx.GetDisplaySize() offx = (dispw - popw) / 2 offy = (disph - poph) / 2 popup.Position(ptOrigin=(0, 0), size=(offx, offy)) popup.Popup() else: # No text, no Popup, set __textnotif 'close'. self.textnotif = 'close'
class GUI(wx.Frame): """mfc1.GUI(tna, clock, menu, tbicon) GUI of the MindfulClock. tna = True, False, start in the taskbar notification area. clock = True, False, start clock automatically. menu = True, False, show the time not beside te indicator. tbicon = True, False, use instead of appindicator wx.TaskBarIcon. """ def __init__(self, tna, clock, menu, tbicon): # Data object. self.__data = Data() # Package directory self.__dir = self.determine_path() # Internationalisation self.set_in18() # Load saved datas. self.config_load() # Get frame title, frame size and icon. title = self.__data.get_sys("frame_title") size = self.__data.get_user("frame_size") icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_name")) # Subclass wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=title, size=size) # Lock file userid = wx.GetUserId() wxpath = wx.StandardPaths.Get() userdir = wxpath.GetDocumentsDir() self.__lock = Lock(path=userdir, userid=userid) self.__lockwrite = False if self.__lock.is_lock(): # Lock file exist. if self.start_question(): # Start the clock. self.__lock.write_lock() self.__lockwrite = True else: # Exit the program. self.Close() else: # Lock file don't exist. self.__lock.write_lock() self.__lockwrite = True # Icon if icon.endswith(".png"): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(name=icon, type=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) # GUI border style and distance between widgets. bstyl = self.__data.get_sys("gui_borderstyle") guiborders = { "simple": wx.SIMPLE_BORDER, "raised": wx.RAISED_BORDER, "sunken": wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, "no": wx.NO_BORDER, } if bstyl in guiborders: self.__bstyl = guiborders[bstyl] else: self.__bstyl = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER self.__bdist = self.__data.get_sys("gui_borderdist") if not self.__bdist: self.__bdist = 5 # Set attributes for time interval and sound file. self.__interval = self.__data.get_user("interval") self.__sound = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_user("sound")) # time interval. intervalbox = self.init_interval() # Text notification. textbox = self.init_text() # Sound notification. soundbox = self.init_sound() # Clock control. controlbox = self.init_buttons() # Timer self.__timer = wx.Timer(self, 1) self.Bind(event=wx.EVT_TIMER, handler=self.on_timer, source=self.__timer) # Clock status self.__clockstatus = False # Exit bindings. self.Bind(event=wx.EVT_CLOSE, handler=self.on_system_close) # Layout vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(item=intervalbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=textbox, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=soundbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=controlbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) self.SetSizer(vbox) # Disable stop & pause button self.__btnstop.Enable(False) self.__btnpause.Enable(False) # Clock not paused. self.__pausetime = -99 # System tray from command line options if tna: # Start in the taskbar. self.__tna = True else: if self.__miniopt.GetValue(): # Checkbox is set, start in the taskbar. self.__tna = True else: # Start normal. self.__tna = False if tbicon: # Use wx.TaskBarIcon self.init_tbicon() else: # Use Appindicator if menu: # Show the time not beside the indicator. self.__menutime = True else: # Show the time beside. self.__menutime = False wx.FutureCall(100, self.init_appind) # Centre window, show window. self.Center() # Check autostart if clock: # Start clock automatically. wx.FutureCall(200, self.clock_start) else: if self.__autostart.GetValue(): # Checkbox is set, start clock automatically. wx.FutureCall(200, self.clock_start) if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.Hide() else: self.Show() def clock_pause(self): """Pause the clock.""" # stop timer self.__timer.Stop() # Show start icon, hide stop & pause icon self.__btnstart.Enable(True) self.__btnstop.Enable(True) self.__btnpause.Enable(False) self.__clockstatus = True # Read current time, set elapsed seconds timenow = int(time.time()) self.__pausetime = timenow - self.__start # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.__end - timenow) remain = "%s (pause)" % remain # Taskbar if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_stop() self.__ind.set_menu_continue() self.__ind.set_remain_time(remain) else: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_stop() self.__tbicon.set_menu_continue() self.__tbicon.set_remain_time(remain) def clock_start(self): """Start the clock.""" # Clock paused ? if self.__pausetime == -99: # No pause, start clock, read interval interval = self.get_integer_interval() if interval != "dev": # Time interval in seconds self.__seconds = interval * 60.0 # Start and end time, UTC in seconds self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds else: self.__seconds = 5.0 self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds # Status is text notification shown. self.__textnotif = "clear" else: # Clock paused, continue. timenow = int(time.time()) self.__start = timenow - self.__pausetime self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds self.__pausetime = -99 # Start timer self.__timer.Start(self.__data.get_sys("wxtimer")) # Hide start icon, show stop & pause icon self.__btnstart.Enable(False) self.__btnstop.Enable(True) self.__btnpause.Enable(True) self.__clockstatus = True # Taskbar if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_stop() self.__ind.set_menu_pause() else: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_stop() self.__tbicon.set_menu_pause() def clock_stop(self): """Stop the clock.""" # stop timer self.__timer.Stop() # Show start icon, hide stop & pause icon self.__btnstart.Enable(True) self.__btnstop.Enable(False) self.__btnpause.Enable(False) self.__clockstatus = False # No pause self.__pausetime = -99 # Gauge self.__gauge.SetValue(0) # Taskbar if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_start() self.__ind.set_menu_pause_clear() self.__ind.set_remain_time("--:--") else: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_start() self.__tbicon.set_menu_pause_clear() self.__tbicon.set_remain_time("--:--") def config_load(self): """Load the settings with wx.config.""" # Config file config = wx.Config(self.__data.get_sys("config_file")) # Get the default dictionairy as text textdic = self.__data.get_user_textdic() # Read text, textdic as default. newdic = config.Read(key="dic", defaultVal=textdic) # Set text as new dictionairy. self.__data.set_user_textdic(newdic) def config_save(self): """Save the settings with wx.config.""" # Config file config = wx.Config(self.__data.get_sys("config_file")) # Set text notification. self.__data.set_user("text", self.__msgtext.GetValue()) # Set sound notification. self.__data.set_user("sound", self.__sound) # Set time interval. if self.__interval != "dev": self.__data.set_user("interval", self.__interval) # Set frame size. size = self.GetSize() self.__data.set_user("frame_size", (size[0], size[1])) # Set checkbox values. self.__data.set_user("mini_opt", self.__miniopt.GetValue()) self.__data.set_user("autostart", self.__autostart.GetValue()) # Get data dictionariy as text. textdic = self.__data.get_user_textdic() # Write text. config.Write(key="dic", value=textdic) def determine_path(self): """Borrowed from, get the package directory.""" try: root = __file__ if os.path.islink(root): root = os.path.realpath(root) return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root)) except: print "I am sorry, but something is wrong. There is no " print "__file__ variable. Please contact the author." def get_clock(self): """Get the status of the clock, True of False.""" return self.__clockstatus def get_integer_interval(self): """Convert time interval as text to a integer value.""" # Get text from entry. text = self.__txtinterval.GetValue() # Error handling. try: if text != "dev": interval = int(text) else: interval = text except ValueError: interval = self.__interval # Return integer. return interval def get_pause(self): """Is the clock paused, True of False.""" if self.__pausetime == -99: # Clock not paused. status = False else: # Clock paused. status = True return status def get_text_minutes(self, seconds): """Get the seconds in minutes as text, 'mm:ss'.""" try: mins = int(seconds // 60) secs = int(seconds % 60) except ValueError: mins, secs = 0, 0 return "%#02d:%#02d" % (mins, secs) def init_appind(self): """Create the application indicator.""" # status of the indicator. self.__indstatus = True # Application indicator. icon = self.__data.get_sys("indicator_icon") path = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("indicator_path")) self.__ind = AppIndicator( frame=self, icon=icon, path=path, textdic={ "start": _(u"Start"), "stop": _(u"Stop"), "show": _(u"Show"), "hide": _(u"Hide"), "exit": _(u"Exit"), "pause": _(u"Pause"), "cont": _(u"Continue"), }, menutime=self.__menutime, ) if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.__ind.set_menu_show() self.__ind.main() def init_buttons(self): """Create the control buttons.""" # Title t = _(u"Clock control") label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Start bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_start")) self.__btnstart = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.__btnstart.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Start Clock"))) # Stop bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_stop")) self.__btnstop = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.__btnstop.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Clock stop"))) # Pause bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_pause")) self.__btnpause = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.__btnpause.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Clock pause"))) # Minimize bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_minimize")) minimize = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) t = _(u"Minimize to Taskbar Notification Area") minimize.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(t)) # Exit bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_exit")) exit_ = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) exit_.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Exit Clock"))) # Gauge to show the process. self.__gaugerange = self.__data.get_sys("gauge") self.__gauge = wx.Gauge(parent=self, range=self.__gaugerange) # Checkbox options t = _(u"Start in the Taskbar Notification Area") self.__miniopt = wx.CheckBox(parent=self, label=t) t = _(u"Automatically start the clock on program startup") self.__autostart = wx.CheckBox(parent=self, label=t) # Set value from user datas. if self.__data.get_user("mini_opt"): self.__miniopt.SetValue(True) else: self.__miniopt.SetValue(False) if self.__data.get_user("autostart"): self.__autostart.SetValue(True) else: self.__autostart.SetValue(False) # Bindings. self.__btnstart.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_start) self.__btnstop.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_stop) self.__btnpause.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_pause) minimize.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_minimize) exit_.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_exit) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hsiz.Add(item=self.__btnstart, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__btnpause, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__btnstop, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.AddStretchSpacer() hsiz.Add(item=minimize, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=exit_, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) vsiz.Add(item=self.__gauge, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=self.__miniopt, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=self.__autostart, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, border=self.__bdist) return vsiz def init_interval(self): """Create the time interval widgets.""" # Title t = _(u"Time interval in minutes") label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Text entry: Read default, create entry. self.__txtinterval = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=str(self.__interval)) # Increase bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_increase")) increase = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) increase.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Increase time"))) # Decrease bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_decrease")) decrease = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) decrease.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Decrease time"))) # Bindings. increase.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_increase) decrease.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_decrease) self.__txtinterval.Bind(event=wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, handler=self.on_interval) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__txtinterval, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=increase, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=decrease, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) return vsiz def init_sound(self): """Create the sound notification widgets.""" # Title t = _(u"Sound notification") label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Sound change button icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_change")) change = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) change.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Change sound file"))) # Sound preview button icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_preview")) preview = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) preview.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u"Preview sound"))) # Text entry, read defaults self.__msgsound = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=self.__sound) # Bindings change.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_change) preview.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_preview) self.__msgsound.Bind(event=wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, handler=self.on_msgsound) # Layout vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__msgsound, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=change, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=preview, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) return vsiz def init_tbicon(self): """Create the wx.TaskBarIcon.""" self.__indstatus = False # TaskbarIcon icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("tna_icon")) title = self.__data.get_sys("frame_title") self.__tbicon = TBIcon( frame=self, icon=icon, title=title, textdic={ "start": _(u"Start"), "stop": _(u"Stop"), "show": _(u"Show"), "hide": _(u"Hide"), "exit": _(u"Exit"), "pause": _(u"Pause"), "cont": _(u"Continue"), }, ) if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.__tbicon.set_menu_show() def init_text(self): """Create the text notification widgets.""" # Title t = _(u"Text notification") label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Text entry, read default, create entry. t = self.__data.get_user("text") self.__msgtext = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=t, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=self.__msgtext, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) return vsiz def on_change(self, event): """Event for button, change sound file.""" # Set filename, directory path, wildcards and title. sfile = os.path.basename(self.__sound) sdir = os.path.dirname(self.__sound) t = _(u"file") w1 = "OGG- %s (*.ogg)|*.ogg" % (t) w2 = "MP3- %s (*.mp3)|*.mp3" % (t) w3 = "WAV- %s (*.wav)|*.wav" % (t) wcard = "%s|%s|%s" % (w1, w2, w3) t = _(u"Select the sound file") # Show open dialog, get user datas. dlg = wx.FileDialog( parent=self, message=t, defaultDir=sdir, defaultFile=sfile, wildcard=wcard, style=wx.FD_OPEN ) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Clicked ok, set path, destroy dialog. path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() # Set path to text entry and sound attribute. self.__sound = path self.__msgsound.SetValue(path) self.__msgsound.SetInsertionPointEnd() else: # Not clicked ok, destroy dialog. dlg.Destroy() def on_decrease(self, event): """Event for bitmap button, decrease time interval.""" # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval - 1) def on_exit(self, event): """Event for button, exit program.""" self.Close() def on_increase(self, event): """Event for bitmap button, increase time interval.""" # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval + 1) def on_interval(self, event): """Event for text control, check time interval.""" # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # Set interval to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval) def on_minimize(self, event): """Event for button, minimize frame.""" if self.IsShown(): self.Hide() if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_show() else: # wx.TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_show() def on_msgsound(self, event): """Event for text control, check path to sound file.""" # Get text from entry. text = self.__msgsound.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, check path if not os.path.exists(text): self.__msgsound.SetValue(self.__sound) else: self.__sound = text else: # Text is not set. self.__sound = "" def on_pause(self, event): """Event for button, pause the clock.""" self.clock_pause() def on_preview(self, event): """Event for button, preview sound file.""" self.pygame_sound() def on_start(self, event): """Event for button, start the clock.""" self.clock_start() def on_stop(self, event): """Event for button, stop the clock.""" self.clock_stop() def on_system_close(self, event): """Event before close the frame.""" if self.__lockwrite: # Normal program start, normal program end, delte lock file. self.__lock.delete_lock() # Close the taksbar or the indicator. if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.quit() elif not self.__indstatus: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.Destroy() # Save the settings self.config_save() self.Destroy() def on_timer(self, event): """Event for timer, the MindfulClock.""" timenow = int(time.time()) if self.__textnotif == "close": # Text message closed, start new interval. self.__start = timenow self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds self.__gauge.SetValue(0) # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.__seconds) # Set textnotification clear. self.__textnotif = "clear" elif self.__textnotif == "clear" and timenow < self.__end: # End is not reached. progress = timenow - self.__start + 1 value = (self.__gaugerange / self.__seconds) * progress self.__gauge.SetValue(value) # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.__end - timenow) elif self.__textnotif == "clear" and timenow >= self.__end: # Play sound. self.pygame_sound() # Show text. self.show_popup() if self.__textnotif == "clear": # Taskbar if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_remain_time(remain) else: # wx.TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_remain_time(remain) elif self.__textnotif == "show": # Taskbar if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_remain_time("..") else: # wx.TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_remain_time("..") def pygame_sound(self): """Play the 'soundfile' with Pygame.""" if self.__sound: # Soundfile is set, play sound. if self.__sound.endswith(".wav") or self.__sound.endswith(".ogg"): pygame.init() mixer = pygame.mixer.Sound(self.__sound) elif self.__sound.endswith(".mp3"): pygame.init() def set_integer_interval(self, interval): """Control value of time interval and set it to the entry.""" # Check interval if interval != "dev": minimum = self.__data.get_sys("min_interval") maximum = self.__data.get_sys("max_interval") if interval < minimum: interval = minimum elif interval > maximum: interval = maximum self.__txtinterval.SetValue(str(interval)) # Set current value as new default value. self.__interval = interval def start_question(self): """Show Question, run mfc again?, return True or False.""" t1 = _(u"It seems the MindfulClock is running.") t2 = _(u"Do you want to start the clock anyway?") style = wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION dlg = wx.MessageDialog(parent=None, message="%s %s" % (t1, t2), caption=_(u"Start control"), style=style) answer = dlg.ShowModal() if answer == wx.ID_NO: # Do not overwrite, return None status = False else: # Overwrite, return 'path' status = True return status def set_in18(self): """Set the internationalization.""" # Get directory dir_ = os.path.join(self.__dir, "locale") # Locale, set default language. self.__wxloc = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT) self.__wxloc.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(dir_) self.__wxloc.AddCatalog("mfc1") def set_textnotif(self, value): """Set the value of __textnotif.""" # Values = 'show' message on the screen, 'close' message closed, # 'clear' since the clock is running no message showed. if value in ("show", "close", "clear"): self.__textnotif = value else: self.__textnotif = None def show_popup(self): """Show the text notification popup.""" text = self.__msgtext.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, show dialog. Status of text notification. self.__textnotif = "show" font = self.__data.get_sys("msg_font") colors = self.__data.get_sys("popup_colors") icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys("icon_close")) popup = Popup(parent=self, style=self.__bdist, text=text, font=font, colors=colors, icon=icon) popw, poph = popup.get_size() dispw, disph = wx.GetDisplaySize() offx = (dispw - popw) / 2 offy = (disph - poph) / 2 popup.Position(ptOrigin=(0, 0), size=(offx, offy)) popup.Popup()
class GUI(wx.Frame): '''mfc1.GUI(tna, tbicon) GUI of the MindfulClock. tna = True, False, start in the taskbar notification area. tbicon = True, False, use instead of appindicator wx.TaskBarIcon. clock_start() Start the clock. clock_stop() Stop the clock. config_load() Load the settings with wx.config. config_save() Save the settings with wx.config. determine_path() Borrowed from, get the package directory. get_clock() Get the status of the clock, True of False. get_integer_interval Convert time interval as text to a integer value. get_text_minutes(seconds): Get the seconds in minutes as text, 'mm:ss'. init_appind(): Create the application indicator. init_buttons(): Create the control buttons. init_interval() Create the time interval widgets. init_sound() Create the sound notification widgets. init_tbicon(self): Create the wx.TaskBarIcon. init_text() Create the text notification widgets. on_change(event) Event for button, change sound file. on_decrease(event) Event for Bitmap Button, decrease time interval. on_exit(event) Event for button, exit program. on_increase(event) Event for Bitmap Button, increase time interval. on_interval(event) Event for text control, check time interval. on_minimize(event) Event for button, minimize frame. on_msgsound(event) Event for text control, check path to sound file. on_preview(event) Event for button, preview sound file. on_start(event) Event for button, start the clock. on_stop(event) Event for button, stop the clock. on_system_close(event) Event before close the frame. on_timer(event) Event for timer, the MindfulClock. pygame_sound() Play the soundfile with Pygame. set_in18(self): Set the internationalization. set_integer_interval(interval) Control value of time interval and set it to the entry. show_dialog(self): Show the text notification dialogue. show_popup(self): Show the text notification popup. ''' def __init__(self, tna, tbicon): # Data object. self.__data = Data() # Package directory self.__dir = self.determine_path() # Internationalisation self.set_in18() # Load saved datas. self.config_load() # Get frame title, frame size and icon. title = self.__data.get_sys('frame_title') size = self.__data.get_user('frame_size') icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_name')) # Subclass wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=title, size=size) # Icon if icon.endswith('.png'): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(name=icon, type=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) # GUI border style and distance between widgets. bstyl = self.__data.get_sys('gui_borderstyle') guiborders = {'simple': wx.SIMPLE_BORDER, 'raised': wx.RAISED_BORDER, 'sunken': wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, 'no': wx.NO_BORDER} if bstyl in guiborders: self.__bstyl = guiborders[bstyl] else: self.__bstyl = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER self.__bdist = self.__data.get_sys('gui_borderdist') if not self.__bdist: self.__bdist = 5 # Set attributes for time interval and sound file. self.__interval = self.__data.get_user('interval') self.__sound = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_user('sound')) # time interval. intervalbox = self.init_interval() # Text notification. textbox = self.init_text() # Sound notification. soundbox = self.init_sound() # Clock control. controlbox = self.init_buttons() # Timer self.__timer = wx.Timer(self, 1) self.Bind(event=wx.EVT_TIMER, handler=self.on_timer, source=self.__timer) # Clock status self.__clockstatus = False # Exit bindings. self.Bind(event=wx.EVT_CLOSE, handler=self.on_system_close) # Layout vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(item=intervalbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=textbox, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=soundbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=controlbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) self.SetSizer(vbox) # Disable stop button self.__btnstop.Enable(False) # System tray from command line options if tna: self.__tna = True else: if self.__miniopt.GetValue(): # Minimize option is set. self.__tna = True else: self.__tna = False if tbicon: # TaskBarIcon self.init_tbicon() else: # Appiciation indicator wx.FutureCall(100, self.init_appind) # Centre window, show window. self.Center() if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.Hide() else: self.Show() def clock_start(self): '''Start the clock.''' # Read interval interval = self.get_integer_interval() if interval != 'dev': # Time interval in seconds self.__seconds = interval * 60.0 # Start and end time, UTC in seconds self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds else: self.__seconds = 5.0 self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds # start timer self.__timer.Start(self.__data.get_sys('wxtimer')) # Hide start icon, show stop icon self.__btnstart.Enable(False) self.__btnstop.Enable(True) self.__clockstatus = True if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_stop() else: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_stop() def clock_stop(self): '''Stop the clock.''' # stop timer self.__timer.Stop() # Show start icon, hide stop icon self.__btnstart.Enable(True) self.__btnstop.Enable(False) self.__gauge.SetValue(0) self.__clockstatus = False if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_start() self.__ind.set_remain_time('--:--') else: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_start() self.__tbicon.set_remain_time('--:--') def config_load(self): '''Load the settings with wx.config.''' # Config file config = wx.Config(self.__data.get_sys('config_file')) # Get the default dictionairy as text textdic = self.__data.get_user_textdic() # Read text, textdic as default. newdic = config.Read(key='dic', defaultVal=textdic) # Set text as new dictionairy. self.__data.set_user_textdic(newdic) def config_save(self): '''Save the settings with wx.config.''' # Config file config = wx.Config(self.__data.get_sys('config_file')) # Set text notification. self.__data.set_user('text', self.__msgtext.GetValue()) # Set sound notification. self.__data.set_user('sound', self.__sound) # Set time interval. if self.__interval != 'dev': self.__data.set_user('interval', self.__interval) # Set frame size. size = self.GetSize() self.__data.set_user('frame_size', (size[0], size[1])) # Set start minimize option self.__data.set_user('mini_opt', self.__miniopt.GetValue()) # Get data dictionariy as text. textdic = self.__data.get_user_textdic() # Write text. config.Write(key='dic', value=textdic) def determine_path(self): '''Borrowed from, get the package directory.''' try: root = __file__ if os.path.islink(root): root = os.path.realpath(root) return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root)) except: print 'I am sorry, but something is wrong. There is no ' print '__file__ variable. Please contact the author.' def get_clock(self): '''Get the status of the clock, True of False.''' return(self.__clockstatus) def get_integer_interval(self): '''Convert time interval as text to a integer value.''' # Get text from entry. text = self.__txtinterval.GetValue() # Error handling. try: if text != 'dev': interval = int(text) else: interval = text except ValueError: interval = self.__interval # Return integer. return(interval) def get_text_minutes(self, seconds): '''Get the seconds in minutes as text, 'mm:ss'.''' try: mins = int(seconds // 60) secs = int(seconds % 60) except ValueError: mins, secs = 0, 0 return('%#02d:%#02d' % (mins, secs)) def init_appind(self): '''Create the application indicator.''' # status of the indicator. self.__indstatus = True # Application indicator. icon = self.__data.get_sys('indicator_icon') path = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('indicator_path')) self.__ind = AppIndicator(frame=self, icon=icon, path=path, textdic={'start': _(u'Start'), 'stop': _(u'Stop'), 'show': _(u'Show'), 'hide': _(u'Hide'), 'exit': _(u'Exit')}) if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.__ind.set_menu_show() self.__ind.main() def init_buttons(self): '''Create the control buttons.''' # Title t = _(u'Clock control') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Start bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_start')) self.__btnstart = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.__btnstart.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Start Clock'))) # Stop bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_stop')) self.__btnstop = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.__btnstop.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Stop Clock'))) # Minimize bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_minimize')) minimize = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) t = _(u'Minimize to Taskbar Notification Area') minimize.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(t)) # Exit bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_exit')) exit_ = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) exit_.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Exit Clock'))) # Gauge to show the process. self.__gaugerange = self.__data.get_sys('gauge') self.__gauge = wx.Gauge(parent=self, range=self.__gaugerange) # Checkbox option t = _(u'Start in the Taskbar Notification Area') self.__miniopt = wx.CheckBox(parent=self, label=t) # Set value from user datas. if self.__data.get_user('mini_opt'): self.__miniopt.SetValue(True) else: self.__miniopt.SetValue(False) # Bindings. self.__btnstart.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_start) self.__btnstop.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_stop) minimize.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_minimize) exit_.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_exit) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hsiz.Add(item=self.__btnstart, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__btnstop, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.AddStretchSpacer() hsiz.Add(item=minimize, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=exit_, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) vsiz.Add(item=self.__gauge, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=self.__miniopt, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) return(vsiz) def init_interval(self): '''Create the time interval widgets.''' # Title t = _(u'Time interval in minutes') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Text entry: Read default, create entry. self.__txtinterval = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=str(self.__interval)) # Increase bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_increase')) increase = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) increase.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Increase time'))) # Decrease bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_decrease')) decrease = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) decrease.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Decrease time'))) # Bindings. increase.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_increase) decrease.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_decrease) self.__txtinterval.Bind(event=wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, handler=self.on_interval) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__txtinterval, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=increase, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=decrease, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) return(vsiz) def init_sound(self): '''Create the sound notification widgets.''' # Title t = _(u'Sound notification') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Sound change button icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_change')) change = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) change.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Change sound file'))) # Sound preview button icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_preview')) preview = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) preview.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Preview sound'))) # Text entry, read defaults self.__msgsound = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=self.__sound) # Bindings change.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_change) preview.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_preview) self.__msgsound.Bind(event=wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, handler=self.on_msgsound) # Layout vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__msgsound, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=change, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=preview, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) return(vsiz) def init_tbicon(self): '''Create the wx.TaskBarIcon.''' self.__indstatus = False # TaskbarIcon icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('tna_icon')) title = self.__data.get_sys('frame_title') self.__tbicon = TBIcon(frame=self, icon=icon, title=title, textdic={'start': _(u'Start'), 'stop': _(u'Stop'), 'show': _(u'Show'), 'hide': _(u'Hide'), 'exit': _(u'Exit')}) if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.__tbicon.set_menu_show() def init_text(self): '''Create the text notification widgets.''' # Title t = _(u'Text notification') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Text entry, read default, create entry. t = self.__data.get_user('text') self.__msgtext = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=t, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=self.__msgtext, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) return(vsiz) def on_change(self, event): '''Event for button, change sound file.''' # Set filename, directory path, wildcards and title. sfile = os.path.basename(self.__sound) sdir = os.path.dirname(self.__sound) t = _(u'file') w1 = 'OGG- %s (*.ogg)|*.ogg' % (t) w2 = 'MP3- %s (*.mp3)|*.mp3' % (t) w3 = 'WAV- %s (*.wav)|*.wav' % (t) wcard = '%s|%s|%s' % (w1, w2, w3) t = _(u'Select the sound file') # Show open dialog, get user datas. dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent=self, message=t, defaultDir=sdir, defaultFile=sfile, wildcard=wcard, style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Clicked ok, set path, destroy dialog. path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() # Set path to text entry and sound attribute. self.__sound = path self.__msgsound.SetValue(path) self.__msgsound.SetInsertionPointEnd() else: # Not clicked ok, destroy dialog. dlg.Destroy() def on_decrease(self, event): '''Event for bitmap button, decrease time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval - 1) def on_exit(self, event): '''Event for button, exit program.''' if self.__indstatus: self.__ind.quit() self.Close() def on_increase(self, event): '''Event for bitmap button, increase time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval + 1) def on_interval(self, event): '''Event for text control, check time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # Set interval to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval) def on_minimize(self, event): '''Event for button, minimize frame.''' if self.IsShown(): self.Hide() if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_show() else: # wx.TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_show() def on_msgsound(self, event): '''Event for text control, check path to sound file.''' # Get text from entry. text = self.__msgsound.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, check path if not os.path.exists(text): self.__msgsound.SetValue(self.__sound) else: self.__sound = text else: # Text is not set. self.__sound = '' def on_preview(self, event): '''Event for button, preview sound file.''' self.pygame_sound() def on_start(self, event): '''Event for button, start the clock.''' self.clock_start() def on_stop(self, event): '''Event for button, stop the clock.''' self.clock_stop() def on_system_close(self, event): '''Event before close the frame.''' # Save the settings if not self.__indstatus: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.Destroy() self.config_save() self.Destroy() def on_timer(self, event): '''Event for timer, the MindfulClock.''' timenow = int(time.time()) if timenow < self.__end: # End is not reached. progress = timenow - self.__start value = (self.__gaugerange / self.__seconds) * progress self.__gauge.SetValue(value) # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.__end - timenow) elif timenow >= self.__end: # End is reached, start new interval. self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds self.__gauge.SetValue(0) # Play sound. self.pygame_sound() # Show text, select dialogue or popup. if self.__data.get_sys('msg_type') == 'dialog': self.show_dialog() elif self.__data.get_sys('msg_type') == 'popup': self.show_popup() # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.__seconds) # Systemtray if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_remain_time(remain) else: # wx.TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_remain_time(remain) def pygame_sound(self): '''Play the 'soundfile' with Pygame.''' if self.__sound: # Soundfile is set, play sound. if self.__sound.endswith('.wav') or \ self.__sound.endswith('.ogg'): pygame.init() mixer = pygame.mixer.Sound(self.__sound) elif self.__sound.endswith('.mp3'): pygame.init() def set_integer_interval(self, interval): '''Control value of time interval and set it to the entry.''' # Check interval if interval != 'dev': minimum = self.__data.get_sys('min_interval') maximum = self.__data.get_sys('max_interval') if interval < minimum: interval = minimum elif interval > maximum: interval = maximum self.__txtinterval.SetValue(str(interval)) # Set current value as new default value. self.__interval = interval def set_in18(self): '''Set the internationalization.''' # Get directory dir_ = os.path.join(self.__dir, 'locale') # Locale, set default language. self.__wxloc = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT) self.__wxloc.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(dir_) self.__wxloc.AddCatalog('mfc1') def show_dialog(self): '''Show the text notification dialogue.''' text = self.__msgtext.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, show dialog. title = self.__data.get_sys('msg_title') size = self.__data.get_user('msg_size') icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_close')) font = self.__data.get_sys('msg_font') dlg = Msg(parent=self, title=title, size=size, icon=icon, text=text, font=font) dlg.ShowModal() # Set dialog size size = dlg.GetSize() self.__data.set_user('msg_size', (size[0], size[1])) # Destroy dialogue. dlg.Destroy() def show_popup(self): '''Show the text notification popup.''' text = self.__msgtext.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, show dialog. font = self.__data.get_sys('msg_font') colors = self.__data.get_sys('popup_colors') icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_close')) popup = Popup(parent=self, style=self.__bdist, text=text, font=font, colors=colors, icon=icon) popw, poph = popup.get_size() dispw, disph = wx.GetDisplaySize() offx = (dispw - popw) / 2 offy = (disph - poph) / 2 popup.Position(ptOrigin=(0, 0), size=(offx, offy)) popup.Popup()
class GUI(wx.Frame): '''mfc1.GUI(tna, tbicon) GUI of the MindfulClock. tna = True, False, start in the taskbar notification area. tbicon = True, False, use instead of appindicator wx.TaskBarIcon. clock_start() Start the clock. clock_stop() Stop the clock. config_load() Load the settings with wx.config. config_save() Save the settings with wx.config. determine_path() Borrowed from, get the package directory. get_clock() Get the status of the clock, True of False. get_integer_interval Convert time interval as text to a integer value. get_text_minutes(seconds): Get the seconds in minutes as text, 'mm:ss'. init_appind(): Create the application indicator. init_buttons(): Create the control buttons. init_interval() Create the time interval widgets. init_sound() Create the sound notification widgets. init_tbicon(self): Create the wx.TaskBarIcon. init_text() Create the text notification widgets. on_change(event) Event for button, change sound file. on_decrease(event) Event for Bitmap Button, decrease time interval. on_exit(event) Event for button, exit program. on_increase(event) Event for Bitmap Button, increase time interval. on_interval(event) Event for text control, check time interval. on_minimize(event) Event for button, minimize frame. on_msgsound(event) Event for text control, check path to sound file. on_preview(event) Event for button, preview sound file. on_start(event) Event for button, start the clock. on_stop(event) Event for button, stop the clock. on_system_close(event) Event before close the frame. on_timer(event) Event for timer, the MindfulClock. pygame_sound() Play the soundfile with Pygame. set_in18(self): Set the internationalization. set_integer_interval(interval) Control value of time interval and set it to the entry. show_dialog(self): Show the text notification dialogue. show_popup(self): Show the text notification popup. ''' def __init__(self, tna, tbicon): # Data object. self.__data = Data() # Package directory self.__dir = self.determine_path() # Internationalisation self.set_in18() # Load saved datas. self.config_load() # Get frame title, frame size and icon. title = self.__data.get_sys('frame_title') size = self.__data.get_user('frame_size') icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_name')) # Subclass wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title=title, size=size) # Icon if icon.endswith('.png'): self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(name=icon, type=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) # GUI border style and distance between widgets. bstyl = self.__data.get_sys('gui_borderstyle') guiborders = { 'simple': wx.SIMPLE_BORDER, 'raised': wx.RAISED_BORDER, 'sunken': wx.SUNKEN_BORDER, 'no': wx.NO_BORDER } if bstyl in guiborders: self.__bstyl = guiborders[bstyl] else: self.__bstyl = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER self.__bdist = self.__data.get_sys('gui_borderdist') if not self.__bdist: self.__bdist = 5 # Set attributes for time interval and sound file. self.__interval = self.__data.get_user('interval') self.__sound = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_user('sound')) # time interval. intervalbox = self.init_interval() # Text notification. textbox = self.init_text() # Sound notification. soundbox = self.init_sound() # Clock control. controlbox = self.init_buttons() # Timer self.__timer = wx.Timer(self, 1) self.Bind(event=wx.EVT_TIMER, handler=self.on_timer, source=self.__timer) # Clock status self.__clockstatus = False # Exit bindings. self.Bind(event=wx.EVT_CLOSE, handler=self.on_system_close) # Layout vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbox.Add(item=intervalbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=textbox, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=soundbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vbox.Add(item=controlbox, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) self.SetSizer(vbox) # Disable stop button self.__btnstop.Enable(False) # System tray from command line options if tna: self.__tna = True else: if self.__miniopt.GetValue(): # Minimize option is set. self.__tna = True else: self.__tna = False if tbicon: # TaskBarIcon self.init_tbicon() else: # Appiciation indicator wx.FutureCall(100, self.init_appind) # Centre window, show window. self.Center() if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.Hide() else: self.Show() def clock_start(self): '''Start the clock.''' # Read interval interval = self.get_integer_interval() if interval != 'dev': # Time interval in seconds self.__seconds = interval * 60.0 # Start and end time, UTC in seconds self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds else: self.__seconds = 5.0 self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds # start timer self.__timer.Start(self.__data.get_sys('wxtimer')) # Hide start icon, show stop icon self.__btnstart.Enable(False) self.__btnstop.Enable(True) self.__clockstatus = True if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_stop() else: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_stop() def clock_stop(self): '''Stop the clock.''' # stop timer self.__timer.Stop() # Show start icon, hide stop icon self.__btnstart.Enable(True) self.__btnstop.Enable(False) self.__gauge.SetValue(0) self.__clockstatus = False if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_start() self.__ind.set_remain_time('--:--') else: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_start() self.__tbicon.set_remain_time('--:--') def config_load(self): '''Load the settings with wx.config.''' # Config file config = wx.Config(self.__data.get_sys('config_file')) # Get the default dictionairy as text textdic = self.__data.get_user_textdic() # Read text, textdic as default. newdic = config.Read(key='dic', defaultVal=textdic) # Set text as new dictionairy. self.__data.set_user_textdic(newdic) def config_save(self): '''Save the settings with wx.config.''' # Config file config = wx.Config(self.__data.get_sys('config_file')) # Set text notification. self.__data.set_user('text', self.__msgtext.GetValue()) # Set sound notification. self.__data.set_user('sound', self.__sound) # Set time interval. if self.__interval != 'dev': self.__data.set_user('interval', self.__interval) # Set frame size. size = self.GetSize() self.__data.set_user('frame_size', (size[0], size[1])) # Set start minimize option self.__data.set_user('mini_opt', self.__miniopt.GetValue()) # Get data dictionariy as text. textdic = self.__data.get_user_textdic() # Write text. config.Write(key='dic', value=textdic) def determine_path(self): '''Borrowed from, get the package directory.''' try: root = __file__ if os.path.islink(root): root = os.path.realpath(root) return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root)) except: print 'I am sorry, but something is wrong. There is no ' print '__file__ variable. Please contact the author.' def get_clock(self): '''Get the status of the clock, True of False.''' return (self.__clockstatus) def get_integer_interval(self): '''Convert time interval as text to a integer value.''' # Get text from entry. text = self.__txtinterval.GetValue() # Error handling. try: if text != 'dev': interval = int(text) else: interval = text except ValueError: interval = self.__interval # Return integer. return (interval) def get_text_minutes(self, seconds): '''Get the seconds in minutes as text, 'mm:ss'.''' try: mins = int(seconds // 60) secs = int(seconds % 60) except ValueError: mins, secs = 0, 0 return ('%#02d:%#02d' % (mins, secs)) def init_appind(self): '''Create the application indicator.''' # status of the indicator. self.__indstatus = True # Application indicator. icon = self.__data.get_sys('indicator_icon') path = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('indicator_path')) self.__ind = AppIndicator(frame=self, icon=icon, path=path, textdic={ 'start': _(u'Start'), 'stop': _(u'Stop'), 'show': _(u'Show'), 'hide': _(u'Hide'), 'exit': _(u'Exit') }) if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.__ind.set_menu_show() self.__ind.main() def init_buttons(self): '''Create the control buttons.''' # Title t = _(u'Clock control') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Start bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_start')) self.__btnstart = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.__btnstart.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Start Clock'))) # Stop bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_stop')) self.__btnstop = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) self.__btnstop.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Stop Clock'))) # Minimize bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_minimize')) minimize = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) t = _(u'Minimize to Taskbar Notification Area') minimize.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(t)) # Exit bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_exit')) exit_ = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) exit_.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Exit Clock'))) # Gauge to show the process. self.__gaugerange = self.__data.get_sys('gauge') self.__gauge = wx.Gauge(parent=self, range=self.__gaugerange) # Checkbox option t = _(u'Start in the Taskbar Notification Area') self.__miniopt = wx.CheckBox(parent=self, label=t) # Set value from user datas. if self.__data.get_user('mini_opt'): self.__miniopt.SetValue(True) else: self.__miniopt.SetValue(False) # Bindings. self.__btnstart.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_start) self.__btnstop.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_stop) minimize.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_minimize) exit_.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_exit) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hsiz.Add(item=self.__btnstart, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__btnstop, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.AddStretchSpacer() hsiz.Add(item=minimize, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=exit_, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) vsiz.Add(item=self.__gauge, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=self.__miniopt, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) return (vsiz) def init_interval(self): '''Create the time interval widgets.''' # Title t = _(u'Time interval in minutes') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Text entry: Read default, create entry. self.__txtinterval = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=str(self.__interval)) # Increase bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_increase')) increase = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) increase.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Increase time'))) # Decrease bitmap button. icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_decrease')) decrease = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) decrease.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Decrease time'))) # Bindings. increase.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_increase) decrease.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_decrease) self.__txtinterval.Bind(event=wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, handler=self.on_interval) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__txtinterval, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=increase, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=decrease, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) return (vsiz) def init_sound(self): '''Create the sound notification widgets.''' # Title t = _(u'Sound notification') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Sound change button icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_change')) change = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) change.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Change sound file'))) # Sound preview button icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_preview')) preview = wx.BitmapButton(parent=self, bitmap=wx.Bitmap(icon)) preview.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_(u'Preview sound'))) # Text entry, read defaults self.__msgsound = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=self.__sound) # Bindings change.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_change) preview.Bind(event=wx.EVT_BUTTON, handler=self.on_preview) self.__msgsound.Bind(event=wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, handler=self.on_msgsound) # Layout vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=self.__msgsound, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=change, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) hsiz.Add(item=preview, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=hsiz, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND) return (vsiz) def init_tbicon(self): '''Create the wx.TaskBarIcon.''' self.__indstatus = False # TaskbarIcon icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('tna_icon')) title = self.__data.get_sys('frame_title') self.__tbicon = TBIcon(frame=self, icon=icon, title=title, textdic={ 'start': _(u'Start'), 'stop': _(u'Stop'), 'show': _(u'Show'), 'hide': _(u'Hide'), 'exit': _(u'Exit') }) if self.__tna: # Start in the system tray. self.__tbicon.set_menu_show() def init_text(self): '''Create the text notification widgets.''' # Title t = _(u'Text notification') label = wx.StaticText(parent=self, label=t) # Text entry, read default, create entry. t = self.__data.get_user('text') self.__msgtext = wx.TextCtrl(parent=self, value=t, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) # Layout. vsiz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsiz.Add(item=label, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT, border=self.__bdist) vsiz.Add(item=self.__msgtext, proportion=1, flag=wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=self.__bdist) return (vsiz) def on_change(self, event): '''Event for button, change sound file.''' # Set filename, directory path, wildcards and title. sfile = os.path.basename(self.__sound) sdir = os.path.dirname(self.__sound) t = _(u'file') w1 = 'OGG- %s (*.ogg)|*.ogg' % (t) w2 = 'MP3- %s (*.mp3)|*.mp3' % (t) w3 = 'WAV- %s (*.wav)|*.wav' % (t) wcard = '%s|%s|%s' % (w1, w2, w3) t = _(u'Select the sound file') # Show open dialog, get user datas. dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent=self, message=t, defaultDir=sdir, defaultFile=sfile, wildcard=wcard, style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: # Clicked ok, set path, destroy dialog. path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() # Set path to text entry and sound attribute. self.__sound = path self.__msgsound.SetValue(path) self.__msgsound.SetInsertionPointEnd() else: # Not clicked ok, destroy dialog. dlg.Destroy() def on_decrease(self, event): '''Event for bitmap button, decrease time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval - 1) def on_exit(self, event): '''Event for button, exit program.''' if self.__indstatus: self.__ind.quit() self.Close() def on_increase(self, event): '''Event for bitmap button, increase time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # decrease interval and set it to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval + 1) def on_interval(self, event): '''Event for text control, check time interval.''' # Get interval as integer. interval = self.get_integer_interval() # Set interval to the text entry. self.set_integer_interval(interval) def on_minimize(self, event): '''Event for button, minimize frame.''' if self.IsShown(): self.Hide() if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_menu_show() else: # wx.TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_menu_show() def on_msgsound(self, event): '''Event for text control, check path to sound file.''' # Get text from entry. text = self.__msgsound.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, check path if not os.path.exists(text): self.__msgsound.SetValue(self.__sound) else: self.__sound = text else: # Text is not set. self.__sound = '' def on_preview(self, event): '''Event for button, preview sound file.''' self.pygame_sound() def on_start(self, event): '''Event for button, start the clock.''' self.clock_start() def on_stop(self, event): '''Event for button, stop the clock.''' self.clock_stop() def on_system_close(self, event): '''Event before close the frame.''' # Save the settings if not self.__indstatus: # TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.Destroy() self.config_save() self.Destroy() def on_timer(self, event): '''Event for timer, the MindfulClock.''' timenow = int(time.time()) if timenow < self.__end: # End is not reached. progress = timenow - self.__start value = (self.__gaugerange / self.__seconds) * progress self.__gauge.SetValue(value) # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.__end - timenow) elif timenow >= self.__end: # End is reached, start new interval. self.__start = int(time.time()) self.__end = self.__start + self.__seconds self.__gauge.SetValue(0) # Play sound. self.pygame_sound() # Show text, select dialogue or popup. if self.__data.get_sys('msg_type') == 'dialog': self.show_dialog() elif self.__data.get_sys('msg_type') == 'popup': self.show_popup() # Remaining minutes as text. remain = self.get_text_minutes(self.__seconds) # Systemtray if self.__indstatus: # Application indicator self.__ind.set_remain_time(remain) else: # wx.TaskBarIcon self.__tbicon.set_remain_time(remain) def pygame_sound(self): '''Play the 'soundfile' with Pygame.''' if self.__sound: # Soundfile is set, play sound. if self.__sound.endswith('.wav') or \ self.__sound.endswith('.ogg'): pygame.init() mixer = pygame.mixer.Sound(self.__sound) elif self.__sound.endswith('.mp3'): pygame.init() def set_integer_interval(self, interval): '''Control value of time interval and set it to the entry.''' # Check interval if interval != 'dev': minimum = self.__data.get_sys('min_interval') maximum = self.__data.get_sys('max_interval') if interval < minimum: interval = minimum elif interval > maximum: interval = maximum self.__txtinterval.SetValue(str(interval)) # Set current value as new default value. self.__interval = interval def set_in18(self): '''Set the internationalization.''' # Get directory dir_ = os.path.join(self.__dir, 'locale') # Locale, set default language. self.__wxloc = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_DEFAULT) self.__wxloc.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(dir_) self.__wxloc.AddCatalog('mfc1') def show_dialog(self): '''Show the text notification dialogue.''' text = self.__msgtext.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, show dialog. title = self.__data.get_sys('msg_title') size = self.__data.get_user('msg_size') icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_close')) font = self.__data.get_sys('msg_font') dlg = Msg(parent=self, title=title, size=size, icon=icon, text=text, font=font) dlg.ShowModal() # Set dialog size size = dlg.GetSize() self.__data.set_user('msg_size', (size[0], size[1])) # Destroy dialogue. dlg.Destroy() def show_popup(self): '''Show the text notification popup.''' text = self.__msgtext.GetValue() if text: # Text is set, show dialog. font = self.__data.get_sys('msg_font') colors = self.__data.get_sys('popup_colors') icon = os.path.join(self.__dir, self.__data.get_sys('icon_close')) popup = Popup(parent=self, style=self.__bdist, text=text, font=font, colors=colors, icon=icon) popw, poph = popup.get_size() dispw, disph = wx.GetDisplaySize() offx = (dispw - popw) / 2 offy = (disph - poph) / 2 popup.Position(ptOrigin=(0, 0), size=(offx, offy)) popup.Popup()