def spawn_actors():
    actors = []
    # Spawn a static mesh actor and assign a cylinder to its static mesh
    # component
    actor = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.spawn_actor_from_class(
        unreal.StaticMeshActor, location=(0, 0, 0))
        (-200, 0, 0),
        (0, 0, 0),
        (2, 2, 2),

    # Spawn a static mesh actor and assign a cube to its static mesh
    # component
    actor = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.spawn_actor_from_class(
        unreal.StaticMeshActor, location=(0, 0, 0))
        (200, 0, 100),
        (45, 0, 45),
        (2, 2, 2),

    return actors
def configure_inputs(in_wrapper):

    # Unbind from the delegate

    # Deprecated input functions
    # in_wrapper.set_input_type(0, unreal.HoudiniInputType.GEOMETRY)
    # in_wrapper.set_input_objects(0, (get_geo_asset(), ))

    # in_wrapper.set_input_type(1, unreal.HoudiniInputType.GEOMETRY)
    # in_wrapper.set_input_objects(1, (get_geo_asset(), ))
    # in_wrapper.set_input_import_as_reference(1, True)

    # Create a geometry input
    geo_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIGeoInput)
    # Set the input objects/assets for this input
    geo_asset = get_geo_asset()
    geo_input.set_input_objects((geo_asset, ))
    # Set the transform of the input geo
        geo_asset, unreal.Transform(
            (200, 0, 100),
            (45, 0, 45),
            (2, 2, 2),
    # copy the input data to the HDA as node input 0
    in_wrapper.set_input_at_index(0, geo_input)
    # We can now discard the API input object
    geo_input = None

    # Create a another geometry input
    geo_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIGeoInput)
    # Set the input objects/assets for this input (cylinder in this case)
    geo_asset = get_cylinder_asset()
    geo_input.set_input_objects((geo_asset, ))
    # Set the transform of the input geo
        geo_asset, unreal.Transform(
            (-200, 0, 0),
            (0, 0, 0),
            (2, 2, 2),
    # copy the input data to the HDA as input parameter 'objpath1'
    in_wrapper.set_input_parameter('objpath1', geo_input)
    # We can now discard the API input object
    geo_input = None

    # Set the subnet_test HDA to output its first input
    in_wrapper.set_int_parameter_value('enable_geo', 1)
Example #3
    def transform_from_usd_transform(self,

        transform = None
        if up_axis == 'z':
            transform = TransformAttributes.convert_rotation_from_usd_z_up(
        elif up_axis == 'y':
            transform = TransformAttributes.convert_rotation_from_usd_y_up(

        # Cameras/Lights in unreal may face a different direction
        if extra_rotate != None and not extra_rotate.is_identity():

            t = unreal.Transform()
            t.rotation = extra_rotate
            transform.translation = unreal.MathLibrary.transform_location(
                t, transform.translation)

            transform.rotation = extra_rotate * transform.rotation

        transform.translation.x *= unit_scale
        transform.translation.y *= unit_scale
        transform.translation.z *= unit_scale

        return transform
def run():
    # get the API singleton
    api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()

    global _g_wrapper1, _g_wrapper2
    # instantiate the input HDA with auto-cook enabled
    _g_wrapper1 = api.instantiate_asset(get_pig_head_hda(), unreal.Transform())

    # instantiate the copy curve HDA
    _g_wrapper2 = api.instantiate_asset(get_copy_curve_hda(),

    # Configure inputs on_post_instantiation, after instantiation, but before first cook
    # Print the input state after the cook and output creation.
def deferredSpawnActor():
    world = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_editor_world()
    # ! blueprint actor
    actor_class = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_blueprint_class(
    actor_location = unreal.Vector(random.uniform(0.0, 2000.0),
                                   random.uniform(0.0, 2000.0), 0.0)
    actor_rotation = unreal.Rotator(random.uniform(0.0, 360.0),
                                    random.uniform(0.0, 360.0),
                                    random.uniform(0.0, 360.0))
    actor_scale = unreal.Vector(random.uniform(0.1, 2.0),
                                random.uniform(0.1, 2.0),
                                random.uniform(0.1, 2.0))
    actor_transform = unreal.Transform(actor_location, actor_rotation,
    # ! "GameplayStatics.begin_spawning_actor_from_class()" is deprecated. Use BeginDeferredActorSpawnFromClass instead.
    # actor = unreal.GameplayStatics.begin_spawning_actor_from_class(world, actor_class, actor_transform)
    # unreal.GameplayStatics.finish_spawning_actor(actor, actor_transform)
    actor = unreal.EditorCppLib.begin_spawn_actor(world, actor_class,
    unreal.EditorCppLib.finish_spawn_actor(actor, actor_transform)

# import EditorFunction_1 as ef
# reload(ef)
# ef.executeSlowTask()
    def _set_inputs(self, in_wrapper):
        """ Configure our inputs: input 0 is a cube and input 1 a helix. """
        # Create an empty geometry input
        geo_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIGeoInput)
        # Load the cube static mesh asset
        cube = unreal.load_object(None, '/Engine/BasicShapes/Cube.Cube')
        # Set the input object array for our geometry input, in this case containing only the cube
        geo_input.set_input_objects((cube, ))

        # Set the input on the instantiated HDA via the wrapper
        in_wrapper.set_input_at_index(0, geo_input)

        # Create a curve input
        curve_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(unreal.HoudiniPublicAPICurveInput)
        # Create a curve wrapper/helper
        curve_object = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPICurveInputObject(curve_input)
        # Make it a Nurbs curve
        # Set the points of the curve, for this example we create a helix
        # consisting of 100 points
        curve_points = []
        for i in range(100):
            t = i / 20.0 * math.pi * 2.0
            x = 100.0 * math.cos(t)
            y = 100.0 * math.sin(t)
            z = i
            curve_points.append(unreal.Transform([x, y, z], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]))
        # Set the curve wrapper as an input object
        curve_input.set_input_objects((curve_object, ))
        # Copy the input data to the HDA as node input 1
        in_wrapper.set_input_at_index(1, curve_input)

        # unbind from the delegate, since we are done with setting inputs
        in_wrapper.on_post_instantiation_delegate.remove_function(self, '_set_inputs')
Example #7
    def capture(self, deltatime):
        Render the scene out of the selected camera viewport for every frame's track.

        :param deltatime: time tick of each frame on the engine's renderer
        :type deltatime: float
            frame_pos = next(self.positions)
            x = frame_pos[2]
            y = frame_pos[0]
            z = frame_pos[1]
            r1 = frame_pos[3] * 180.0
            r2 = frame_pos[4] * 180.0
            r3 = frame_pos[5] * 180.0
            transformation = unreal.Transform(location=[x, y, z],
                                              rotation=[r1, r2, r3],
                                              scale=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
            self.camera_actor.set_actor_transform(transformation, False, False)
                1920, 1080, "shot" + str(self.frame_index) + ".png")
            self.frame_index += 1
        except Exception as error:
Example #8
def get_socket_transform(socket):
    Convenience method for getting a sockets transform.

    :param Socket socket: The socket to get the transform for.
    :return: Returns the sockets transform as an unreal Transform object.
    :rtype: Transform
    return unreal.Transform(socket.relative_location, socket.relative_rotation,
Example #9
def run():
    # get the API singleton
    api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()

    global _g_wrapper
    # instantiate an asset with auto-cook enabled
    _g_wrapper = api.instantiate_asset(get_test_hda(), unreal.Transform())

    # Bind on_post_instantiation (before the first cook) callback to set parameters
Example #10
def run():
    # get the API singleton
    api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()

    global _g_wrapper
    # instantiate an asset with auto-cook enabled
    _g_wrapper = api.instantiate_asset(get_test_hda(), unreal.Transform())

    # Bind to the on post processing delegate (after a cook and after all
    # outputs have been generated in Unreal)
def configure_inputs(in_wrapper):

    # Unbind from the delegate

    # Create a geo input
    geo_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIGeoInput)
    # Set the input objects/assets for this input
    geo_object = get_geo_asset()
    if not geo_input.set_input_objects((geo_object, )):
        # If any errors occurred, get the last error message
        print('Error on geo_input: {0}'.format(
    # copy the input data to the HDA as node input 0
    in_wrapper.set_input_at_index(0, geo_input)
    # We can now discard the API input object
    geo_input = None

    # Create a curve input
    curve_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(
    # Create a curve wrapper/helper
    curve_object = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPICurveInputObject(curve_input)
    # Make it a Nurbs curve
    # Set the points of the curve, for this example we create a helix
    # consisting of 100 points
    curve_points = []
    for i in range(100):
        t = i / 20.0 * math.pi * 2.0
        x = 100.0 * math.cos(t)
        y = 100.0 * math.sin(t)
        z = i
        curve_points.append(unreal.Transform([x, y, z], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]))
    # Error handling/message example: try to set geo_object on curve input
    if not curve_input.set_input_objects((geo_object, )):
            'Error (example) while setting \'{0}\' on curve input: {1}'.format(
                geo_object.get_name(), curve_input.get_last_error_message()))
    # Set the curve wrapper as an input object
    curve_input.set_input_objects((curve_object, ))
    # Copy the input data to the HDA as node input 1
    in_wrapper.set_input_at_index(1, curve_input)
    # We can now discard the API input object
    curve_input = None

    # Check for errors on the wrapper
    last_error = in_wrapper.get_last_error_message()
    if last_error:
        print('Error on wrapper during input configuration: {0}'.format(
def run():
    # get the API singleton
    api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()

    global _g_wrapper
    # instantiate an asset with auto-cook enabled
    _g_wrapper = api.instantiate_asset(get_test_hda(), unreal.Transform())

    # Configure inputs on_post_instantiation, after instantiation, but before first cook
    # Bind on_post_processing, after cook + output creation
def run():
    # get the API singleton
    api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()

    global _g_wrapper
    # instantiate an asset with auto-cook enabled
    _g_wrapper = api.instantiate_asset(get_test_hda(), unreal.Transform())

    # Set the float and color ramps on post instantiation, before the first
    # cook.
    # Print the parameter state after the cook and output creation.
def run():
    # get the API singleton
    api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()

    global _g_wrapper

    # instantiate an asset, disabling auto-cook of the asset
    _g_wrapper = api.instantiate_asset(get_test_hda(),

    # Bind to the on pre instantiation delegate (before the first cook) and
    # set parameters
    # Bind to the on post processing delegate (after a cook and after all
    # outputs have been generated in Unreal)
def deferredSpawnActor():
    world = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_editor_world()
    actor_class = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_blueprint_class('/Game/BluePrint/MyActor')
    actor_location = unreal.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    actor_rotation = unreal.Rotator(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    actor_scale = unreal.Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

    actor_transform = unreal.Transform(actor_location, actor_rotation, actor_scale)
    actor = unreal.EditorCppLib.begin_spawn_actor(world, actor_class, actor_transform)
    actor_tags = actor.get_editor_property('tags')
    actor_tags.append('My Python Tag')
    actor.set_editor_property('tags', actor_tags)
    unreal.EditorCppLib.finish_spawn_actor(actor, actor_transform)

# import WorldFunctions as wf
# reload(wf)
# wf.spawnActor()
 def run_curve_input_example(self):
     # Get the API instance
     api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()
     # Ensure we have a running session
     if not api.is_session_valid():
     # Load our HDA uasset
     example_hda = unreal.load_object(None, '/HoudiniEngine/Examples/hda/copy_to_curve_1_0.copy_to_curve_1_0')
     # Create an API wrapper instance for instantiating the HDA and interacting with it
     wrapper = api.instantiate_asset(example_hda, instantiate_at=unreal.Transform())
     if wrapper:
         # Pre-instantiation is the earliest point where we can set parameter values
         wrapper.on_pre_instantiation_delegate.add_function(self, '_set_initial_parameter_values')
         # Jumping ahead a bit: we also want to configure inputs, but inputs are only available after instantiation
         wrapper.on_post_instantiation_delegate.add_function(self, '_set_inputs')
         # Jumping ahead a bit: we also want to print the outputs after the node has cook and the plug-in has processed the output
         wrapper.on_post_processing_delegate.add_function(self, '_print_outputs')
     self.set_editor_property('_asset_wrapper', wrapper)
    def ZeroSelectedElementsInitialTransfrom(rig):
        Set selected rig elements' intial transform to default
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        for item in selection:

            updated_xform = unreal.Transform(location=[0, 0, 0],
                                             rotation=[0, 0, 0],
                                             scale=[1, 1, 1])

            hierarchy_mod.set_initial_global_transform(item, updated_xform)
def configure_inputs(in_wrapper):

    # Unbind from the delegate

    # Create a geo input
    asset_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(
    # Set the input objects/assets for this input
    # asset_input.set_input_objects((_g_wrapper1.get_houdini_asset_actor().houdini_asset_component, ))
    asset_input.set_input_objects((_g_wrapper1, ))
    # copy the input data to the HDA as node input 0
    in_wrapper.set_input_at_index(0, asset_input)
    # We can now discard the API input object
    asset_input = None

    # Create a curve input
    curve_input = in_wrapper.create_empty_input(
    # Create a curve wrapper/helper
    curve_object = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPICurveInputObject(curve_input)
    # Make it a Nurbs curve
    # Set the points of the curve, for this example we create a helix
    # consisting of 100 points
    curve_points = []
    for i in range(10):
        t = i / 10.0 * math.pi * 2.0
        x = 100.0 * math.cos(t)
        y = 100.0 * math.sin(t)
        z = i * 10.0
        curve_points.append(unreal.Transform([x, y, z], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]))
    # Set the curve wrapper as an input object
    curve_input.set_input_objects((curve_object, ))
    # Copy the input data to the HDA as node input 1
    in_wrapper.set_input_at_index(1, curve_input)
    # We can now discard the API input object
    curve_input = None
Example #19
def build_inputs():

    # get the API singleton
    houdini_api = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIBlueprintLib.get_api()

    node_inputs = {}

    # Create a geo input
    geo_input = houdini_api.create_empty_input(unreal.HoudiniPublicAPIGeoInput)
    # Set the input objects/assets for this input
    geo_object = get_geo_asset()
    geo_input.set_input_objects((geo_object, ))
    # store the input data to the HDA as node input 0
    node_inputs[0] = geo_input

    # Create a curve input
    curve_input = houdini_api.create_empty_input(
    # Create a curve wrapper/helper
    curve_object = unreal.HoudiniPublicAPICurveInputObject(curve_input)
    # Make it a Nurbs curve
    # Set the points of the curve, for this example we create a helix
    # consisting of 100 points
    curve_points = []
    for i in range(100):
        t = i / 20.0 * math.pi * 2.0
        x = 100.0 * math.cos(t)
        y = 100.0 * math.sin(t)
        z = i
        curve_points.append(unreal.Transform([x, y, z], [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]))
    # Set the curve wrapper as an input object
    curve_input.set_input_objects((curve_object, ))
    # Store the input data to the HDA as node input 1
    node_inputs[1] = curve_input

    return node_inputs
Example #20
def spawnBlueprintActor(path='',
    actor_class = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_blueprint_class(path)
    actor_transform = unreal.Transform(actor_location, actor_rotation,
    world = world if world is not None else unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_editor_world(
    )  # Make sure to have a valid world
    # Begin Spawn
    actor = unreal.GameplayStatics.begin_spawning_actor_from_class(
    # Edit Properties
    for x in properties:
        actor.set_editor_property(x, properties[x])
    # Complete Spawn
        actor=actor, spawn_transform=actor_transform)
    return actor
Example #21
    varCam = unreal.Variant()
    varCam.set_display_text("From cam")

    varViewport = unreal.Variant()
    varViewport.set_display_text("From viewport")


    # Set thumbnail from an unreal texture
    texture = import_texture("C:\\Path\\To\\Image.jpg", "/Game/Textures")
    if texture:

    # Set thumbnail directly from a filepath

    # Set thumbnail from camera transform and properties
    trans = unreal.Transform()
    fov = 50
    minZ = 50
    gamma = 2.2
    varCam.set_thumbnail_from_camera(lvs_actor, trans, fov, minZ, gamma)

    # Set thumbnail directly from the active editor viewport
Example #22
                    unreal.AttachmentRule.KEEP_WORLD, False)
            # delete unnecessary nodes
            actors_to_delete = [
                a for a in [old_actor] + get_actor_hierarchy(old_actor)
                if a.__class__ != unreal.StaticMeshActor
            for delete_actor in actors_to_delete:
                print("deleting actor " + delete_actor.get_actor_label())

    print("merging all static meshes under " + actor.get_actor_label())
    backup_transform = actor.get_actor_transform()
    actor.set_actor_transform(unreal.Transform(), False, False)

    cleaned_actor_name = re.sub('[^-a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '_',
    new_path_name = content_folder + cleaned_actor_name
    print("new path name " + new_path_name)

    merge_options = unreal.EditorScriptingMergeStaticMeshActorsOptions()
    merge_options.base_package_name = new_path_name
    merge_options.destroy_source_actors = False
    merge_options.mesh_merging_settings.bake_vertex_data_to_mesh = False
    merge_options.mesh_merging_settings.computed_light_map_resolution = False
    merge_options.mesh_merging_settings.generate_light_map_uv = False
    merge_options.mesh_merging_settings.lod_selection_type = unreal.MeshLODSelectionType.ALL_LO_DS
    # only if single LOD level is merged
    # merge_options.mesh_merging_settings.lod_selection_type = unreal.MeshLODSelectionType.SPECIFIC_LOD
Example #23
def create_rig_element_key(rig, key_type):
    Given a RigElementType, add desired rig element to the rig with specific identifier.
    If there are selected rig elements, this will add desired rig element with selected transforms and name attached.
    :param rig: The rig we are looking at
    :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
    :param key_type: enum value of Rig Element Type
    :type key_type: unreal.RigElementType value
    :return: A list of the selected object
    :rtype: list[unreal.RigElementKey] | list[]

    element_list = []

    if key_type == unreal.RigElementType.BONE:

        type_name = "bone"

    elif key_type == unreal.RigElementType.SPACE:

        type_name = "space"

    elif key_type == unreal.RigElementType.CONTROL:

        type_name = "ctrl"

    elif key_type == unreal.RigElementType.CURVE:

        type_name = "curve"

    elif key_type == unreal.RigElementType.NONE or key_type == unreal.RigElementType.ALL:

        return element_list

    hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
    selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

    if not selection:

        global_xform = unreal.Transform()

        element_name = type_name

        element = add_element_with_init_transform(hierarchy_mod, element_name,
                                                  key_type, global_xform)


    for item in selection:

        global_xform = hierarchy_mod.get_global_transform(item)

        element_name = "{0}_{1}".format(item.get_editor_property("Name"),

        element = add_element_with_init_transform(hierarchy_mod, element_name,
                                                  key_type, global_xform)


    return element_list
    def __init__(
        """ Instantiates an HDA in the specified world/level. Sets parameters
        and inputs supplied in InParameters, InNodeInputs and parameter_inputs.
        If bInEnableAutoCook is true, cooks the HDA. If bInEnableAutoBake is
        true, bakes the cooked outputs according to the supplied baking

        This all happens asynchronously, with the various output pins firing at
        the various points in the process:

            - PreInstantiation: before the HDA is instantiated, a good place
              to set parameter values before the first cook (parameter values
              from ``parameters`` are automatically applied at this point)
            - PostInstantiation: after the HDA is instantiated, a good place
              to set/configure inputs before the first cook (inputs from
              ``node_inputs`` and ``parameter_inputs`` are automatically applied
              at this point)
            - PostAutoCook: right after a cook
            - PreProcess: after a cook but before output objects have been
            - PostProcessing: after output objects have been created
            - PostAutoBake: after outputs have been baked
            - Completed: upon successful completion (could be PostInstantiation
              if auto cook is disabled, PostProcessing if auto bake is disabled,
              or after PostAutoBake if auto bake is enabled).
            - Failed: If the process failed at any point.

            houdini_asset (HoudiniAsset): The HDA to instantiate.
            instantiate_at (Transform):  The Transform to instantiate the HDA with.
            parameters (Map(Name, HoudiniParameterTuple)): The parameters to set before cooking the instantiated HDA.
            node_inputs (Map(int32, HoudiniPublicAPIInput)): The node inputs to set before cooking the instantiated HDA.
            parameter_inputs (Map(Name, HoudiniPublicAPIInput)): The parameter-based inputs to set before cooking the instantiated HDA.
            world_context_object (Object): A world context object for identifying the world to spawn in, if spawn_in_level_override is null.
            spawn_in_level_override (Level): If not nullptr, then the HoudiniAssetActor is spawned in that level. If both spawn_in_level_override and world_context_object are null, then the actor is spawned in the current editor context world's current level.
            enable_auto_cook (bool): If true (the default) the HDA will cook automatically after instantiation and after parameter, transform and input changes.
            enable_auto_bake (bool): If true, the HDA output is automatically baked after a cook. Defaults to false.
            bake_directory_path (str): The directory to bake to if the bake path is not set via attributes on the HDA output.
            bake_method (HoudiniEngineBakeOption): The bake target (to actor vs blueprint). @see HoudiniEngineBakeOption.
            remove_output_after_bake (bool): If true, HDA temporary outputs are removed after a bake. Defaults to false.
            recenter_baked_actors (bool): Recenter the baked actors to their bounding box center. Defaults to false.
            replace_previous_bake (bool): If true, on every bake replace the previous bake's output (assets + actors) with the new bake's output. Defaults to false.
            delete_instantiated_asset_on_completion_or_failure (bool): If true, deletes the instantiated asset actor on completion or failure. Defaults to false.

        super(ProcessHDA, self).__init__()
        self._houdini_asset = houdini_asset
        self._instantiate_at = instantiate_at
        self._parameters = parameters
        self._node_inputs = node_inputs
        self._parameter_inputs = parameter_inputs
        self._world_context_object = world_context_object
        self._spawn_in_level_override = spawn_in_level_override
        self._enable_auto_cook = enable_auto_cook
        self._enable_auto_bake = enable_auto_bake
        self._bake_directory_path = bake_directory_path
        self._bake_method = bake_method
        self._remove_output_after_bake = remove_output_after_bake
        self._recenter_baked_actors = recenter_baked_actors
        self._replace_previous_bake = replace_previous_bake
        self._delete_instantiated_asset_on_completion_or_failure = delete_instantiated_asset_on_completion_or_failure

        self._asset_wrapper = None
        self._cook_success = False
        self._bake_success = False
class ControlRigBPExt(unreal.BlueprintFunctionLibrary):
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def GetSelectedControls(rig):
        Returns the controls that are selected in the hierarchy panel. These return in a first-in/last-out manner
        :param rig: The rig we are looking at
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: A list of the selected object
        :rtype: list[unreal.RigElementKey]

        return rig.get_hierarchy_modifier().get_selection()

    @unreal.ufunction(params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, unreal.Name],
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def GetIndexByControlName(rig, control_name):
        Given a name, returns the associated RigElementKey.
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param control_name: The path of the key to query
        :type control_name: str
        :return: The RigElementKeys with the given name, if any
        :rtype: unreal.RigElementKey

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        indexes = hierarchy_mod.get_elements()
        for ind in indexes:
            if == control_name:
                return ind
        return None

                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def CopyPasteSelectedGlobalXform(rig):
        Given a selection, copy the global transform from the first control into the initial transform of the second
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        if not len(selection) == 2:

            unreal.log("Not enough Control Rig controls selected")


        global_xform = hierarchy_mod.get_global_transform(selection[1])
        hierarchy_mod.set_initial_global_transform(selection[0], global_xform)

        params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, unreal.RigElementType],
        meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def CreateRigElement(rig, element_type):
        Given an element type, create a RigElement of that type. If any RigElement is selected, the new element will have the selected element's global transform as initial.
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: elements
        :rtype: list[unreal.RigElementKey]

        elements = control_rig_utils.create_rig_element_key(rig, element_type)

        return elements

        unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, unreal.RigElementKey, unreal.RigElementKey
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def ParentRigElements(rig, parent, child):
        Given 2 rig elements, parent one to the other in the rig hierarchy
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param parent: The parent element
        :type parent: unreal.RigElementKey
        :param child: The child element
        :type child: unreal.RigElementKey
        :return: elements
        :rtype: list[unreal.RigElementKey]

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()

        hierarchy_mod.reparent_element(child, parent)

                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def UpdateSelectedElementsInitialTransfromFromCurrentGlobal(rig):
        Get selected rig elements, take the current transforms as the initial transforms
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        for item in selection:

            updated_xform = hierarchy_mod.get_global_transform(item)

            hierarchy_mod.set_initial_global_transform(item, updated_xform)

                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def ZeroSelectedElementsInitialTransfrom(rig):
        Set selected rig elements' intial transform to default
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        for item in selection:

            updated_xform = unreal.Transform(location=[0, 0, 0],
                                             rotation=[0, 0, 0],
                                             scale=[1, 1, 1])

            hierarchy_mod.set_initial_global_transform(item, updated_xform)

                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def CopyPasteSelectedGizmos(rig):
        Copy the first selected control gizmo attributes and paste it to the second control.
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        if not len(selection) == 2:


        src_element = control_rig_utils.cast_key_to_type(rig, selection[1])
        dst_element = control_rig_utils.cast_key_to_type(rig, selection[0])

        if type(src_element) != unreal.RigControl and type(
                dst_element) != unreal.RigControl:


        gizmo_name = src_element.get_editor_property("gizmo_name")
        gizmo_color = src_element.get_editor_property("gizmo_color")
        gizmo_transform = src_element.get_editor_property("gizmo_transform")
        gizmo_enabled = src_element.get_editor_property("gizmo_enabled")

        dst_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_name", gizmo_name)
        dst_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_color", gizmo_color)
        dst_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_transform", gizmo_transform)
        dst_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_enabled", gizmo_enabled)


    @unreal.ufunction(params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, unreal.LinearColor],
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def EditGizmoColor(rig, color):
        Given a color, set selected controls' gizmo to that color
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param color: The color object
        :type color: unreal.LinearColor
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        rig_elements = control_rig_utils.get_elements_by_rig_type(
            rig, selection, unreal.RigControl)

        for rig_element in rig_elements:

            rig_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_color", color)

                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def EditGizmoTransform(rig, transform):
        Given a transform, set selected controls' gizmo to that color
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param transform: The transform object
        :type transform: unreal.Transform
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        rig_elements = control_rig_utils.get_elements_by_rig_type(
            rig, selection, unreal.RigControl)

        for rig_element in rig_elements:

            rig_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_transform", transform)

    @unreal.ufunction(params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, bool],
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def EditGizmoEnabled(rig, is_enabled):
        Given a boolean, set selected controls' gizmo to that color
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param is_enabled: is gizmo enabled
        :type is_enabled: bool
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        rig_elements = control_rig_utils.get_elements_by_rig_type(
            rig, selection, unreal.RigControl)

        for rig_element in rig_elements:

            rig_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_enabled", is_enabled)

    @unreal.ufunction(params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, str],
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def EditGizmoName(rig, gizmo_name):
        Given a name, set selected controls' gizmo to that name
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param gizmo_name: Gizmo name
        :type gizmo_name: str
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        rig_elements = control_rig_utils.get_elements_by_rig_type(
            rig, selection, unreal.RigControl)

        for rig_element in rig_elements:

            rig_element.set_editor_property("gizmo_name", gizmo_name)

    @unreal.ufunction(params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, str, str],
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def SearchAndReplaceRigElementNames(rig, search_string, replace_string):
        Given a string, search for it in the selected rig elements' name 
        and replace it with another string in the selected rig elements' name
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param search_string: search for string
        :type search_string: string
        :param replace_string: string for replace
        :type replace_string: string
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        if not selection:


        for item in selection:

            src_name = str(item.get_editor_property("name"))

            new_name = src_name.replace(search_string, replace_string)

            hierarchy_mod.rename_element(item, new_name)

    @unreal.ufunction(params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, str, bool],
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def AddStringPrefixOrSuffixToSelected(rig, insert_text, is_suffix):
        Given a string, insert it at the start or end of the selected rig elements' name
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param insert_text: the insert string
        :type insert_text: string
        :param is_suffix: adding it to the end or start?
        :type is_suffix: bool
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        if not selection:


        for item in selection:

            src_name = str(item.get_editor_property("name"))

            new_name = "{0}_{1}".format(insert_text, src_name)

            if is_suffix:

                new_name = "{0}_{1}".format(src_name, insert_text)

            hierarchy_mod.rename_element(item, new_name)

    @unreal.ufunction(params=[unreal.ControlRigBlueprint, str, int, int],
                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def RenameAndNumberSelectedControls(rig, name, start_number,
        Given a name, start number, and number padding, set selected rig elements' name to a newly created name
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :param name: replacement name
        :type name: string
        :param start_number: start number for numberring items
        :type start_number: int
        :param number_padding: this many digits padded for text
        :type number_padding: int
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        hierarchy_mod = rig.get_hierarchy_modifier()
        selection = hierarchy_mod.get_selection()

        if not selection:


        x = start_number

        for item in selection:

            new_name = "{0}_{1}".format(name, str(x).zfill(number_padding))

            hierarchy_mod.rename_element(item, new_name)

            x += 1

                      meta=dict(Category="Control Rig Blueprint Ext"))
    def GetControlGizmoListFromRig(rig):
        Get a list of gizmo names from rig
        :param rig: The control rig object
        :type rig: unreal.ControlRigBlueprint
        :return: Nothing
        :rtype: None

        gizmo_library = rig.get_editor_property("gizmo_library")

        gizmos = gizmo_library.get_editor_property("gizmos")

        gizmo_names = []

        for gizmo in gizmos:


        return gizmo_names
        bIsNew = True
        space = key

    name_c = "{}_c".format(humanoidBone)
    key = unreal.RigElementKey(unreal.RigElementType.CONTROL, name_c)
    control = h_mod.get_control(key)
    if (control.get_editor_property('index') < 0):
        control = h_mod.add_control(
            gizmo_color=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
        #h_mod.get_control(control).gizmo_transform = gizmo_trans
        if (24 <= boneNo & boneNo <= 53):
            gizmo_trans = unreal.Transform([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                           [0.1, 0.1, 0.1])
            gizmo_trans = unreal.Transform([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                           [1, 1, 1])

        if (17 <= boneNo & boneNo <= 18):
            gizmo_trans = unreal.Transform([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                           [1, 1, 1])
        cc = h_mod.get_control(control)
        cc.set_editor_property('gizmo_transform', gizmo_trans)
        cc.set_editor_property('control_type', unreal.RigControlType.ROTATOR)
        bIsNew = True
        control = key