Example #1
    def test_bounds_all_elts(self):
        '''bounds() with all the elements competing'''
        net = Net('foo')
        mkbounds(net, 3, 3, -1, -2)

        annot = Annotation('foo', 3, 3, 0, True)
        mkbounds(annot, 3, 3, 3, 5)

        libcomp = Component('bar')
        mkbounds(libcomp.symbols[0].bodies[0], 0, 0, 3, 3)
        self.des.add_component('foo', libcomp)

        compinst = ComponentInstance('bar', 'foo', 0)
        compinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(3, 0, 0, False))

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, -1)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, -2)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, 6)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, 5)
    def parse_component_instance(self, f):
        """ Parse a component instance from a $Comp block """
        # pylint: disable=R0914

        # name & reference
        prefix, name, reference = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'L'

        ref_count_idx = 1
        while reference in self.instance_names:
            ref_count_idx += 1
            reference = reference + '-' + str(ref_count_idx)


        comp = None
        if self.library is not None:
            library_part = self.library.lookup_part(name)
            if library_part is not None:
                name = library_part.name

        # unit & convert
        prefix, unit, convert, ar_path = f.readline().split(None, 3)
        unit, convert = int(unit), int(convert)
        assert prefix == 'U'

        # position
        prefix, compx, compy = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'P'
        compx, compy = int(compx), int(compy)

        line = f.readline()
        rotation = 0
        flip = False
        annotations = []

        while line.strip() not in ("$EndComp", ''):
            if line.startswith('F '):
                annotations.append(self.parse_field(compx, compy, line))
            elif line.startswith('\t'):
                parts = line.strip().split()
                if len(parts) == 4:
                    rotation, flip = MATRIX2ROTATIONFLIP.get(
                        tuple(int(i) for i in parts), (0, False))
            elif line.startswith('AR Path'):
                if '?' in reference:
                    path_line = line.strip().split()
                    ar_path_check = path_line[1].strip('"')[7:] #removes Path="/
                    if ar_path.strip() == ar_path_check:
                        reference = path_line[2].strip('"')[5:] #removes Ref="

            line = f.readline()

        inst = ComponentInstance(reference, library_part, name.upper(), convert - 1)
        symbattr = SymbolAttribute(compx, -compy, rotation, flip)
        for ann in annotations:

        return inst, comp
    def test_bounds_all_elts(self):
        '''bounds() with all the elements competing'''
        net = Net('foo')
        mkbounds(net, 3, 3, -1, -2)

        annot = Annotation('foo', 3, 3, 0, True)
        mkbounds(annot, 3, 3, 3, 5)

        libcomp = Component('bar')
        mkbounds(libcomp.symbols[0].bodies[0], 0, 0, 3, 3)
        self.des.add_component('foo', libcomp)

        compinst = ComponentInstance('bar', 'foo', 0)
        compinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(3, 0, 0, False))

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, -1)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, -2)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, 6)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, 5)
 def test_write_instance(self):
     """ Convert component instance """
     inst = ComponentInstance('id', 'libid', 1)
     inst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(3, 4, 0.5, False))
     writer = Specctra()
     obj = writer._convert_component_instance(inst)
             to_string(writer, obj),
             '(component libid-1 (place id 31.250000 41.666667 front 270) )')
Example #5
 def test_write_instance(self):
     """ Convert component instance """
     inst = ComponentInstance('id', 'libid', 1)
     inst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(3, 4, 0.5, False))
     writer = Specctra()
     obj = writer._convert_component_instance(inst)
         to_string(writer, obj),
         '(component libid-1 (place id 31.250000 41.666667 front 270) )')
    def ensure_component_instance(self, parts, instance):
        """ Ensure there is a component instance for an eagle instance. """

        part = parts[instance.part]

        if part.name in self.part2inst:
            return self.part2inst[part.name]

        library_id = part.library + ':' + part.deviceset + ':' + part.device

        cpt = self.design.components.components[library_id]

        self.part2inst[part.name] = ComponentInstance(instance.part, part,
                                                      library_id, 0)
        self.part2inst[part.name].add_attribute('refdes', part.name)

        # pre-create symbol attributes, to be filled in during
        # instance processing
        for _ in cpt.symbols[0].bodies:
                SymbolAttribute(0, 0, 0.0, False))

        if part.value:
            self.part2inst[part.name].add_attribute('value', part.value)


        self.part2inst[part.name].add_attribute('eaglexml_device', part.device)

        return self.part2inst[part.name]
Example #7
    def parse_component_instance(self, f):
        """ Parse a component instance from a $Comp block """
        # pylint: disable=R0914

        # name & reference
        prefix, name, reference = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'L'

        # unit & convert
        prefix, unit, convert, _ = f.readline().split(None, 3)
        unit, convert = int(unit), int(convert)
        assert prefix == 'U'

        # position
        prefix, compx, compy = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'P'
        compx, compy = int(compx), int(compy)

        line = f.readline()
        rotation = 0
        annotations = []

        while line.strip() not in ("$EndComp", ''):
            if line.startswith('F '):
                parts = line.split('"', 2)
                value = parts[1].decode('utf-8', 'replace')
                parts = parts[2].strip().split()
                               make_length(int(parts[1]) - compx),
                               -make_length(int(parts[2]) - compy),
                               0 if parts[0] == 'H' else 1, 'true'))
            elif line.startswith('\t'):
                parts = line.strip().split()
                if len(parts) == 4:
                    rotation = MATRIX2ROTATION.get(
                        tuple(int(i) for i in parts), 0)
            line = f.readline()

        inst = ComponentInstance(reference, name, convert - 1)
        symbattr = SymbolAttribute(make_length(compx), -make_length(compy),
        for ann in annotations:

        return inst
Example #8
    def test_bounds_parts(self):
        '''test bounds() with just components in the design'''
        libcomp = Component('bar')
        mkbounds(libcomp.symbols[0].bodies[0], 0, 0, 10, 10)
        self.des.add_component('foo', libcomp)
        for (x, y) in ((1, 3), (3, 2), (5, 3), (3, 7)):
            compinst = ComponentInstance(str((x, y)), 'foo', 0)
            compinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(x, y, 0, False))

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, 15)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, 17)
    def test_bounds_parts(self):
        '''test bounds() with just components in the design'''
        libcomp = Component('bar')
        mkbounds(libcomp.symbols[0].bodies[0], 0, 0, 10, 10)
        self.des.add_component('foo', libcomp)
        for (x, y) in ((1, 3), (3, 2), (5, 3), (3, 7)):
            compinst = ComponentInstance(str((x, y)), 'foo', 0)
            compinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(x, y, 0, False))

        top_left, btm_right = self.des.bounds()
        self.assertEqual(top_left.x, 1)
        self.assertEqual(top_left.y, 2)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.x, 15)
        self.assertEqual(btm_right.y, 17)
Example #10
 def test_create_new_instance(self):
     """ Test the creation of a new empty instance. """
     inst = ComponentInstance('001', None, '002', '003')
     assert inst.instance_id == '001'
     assert inst.library_id == '002'
     assert inst.symbol_index == '003'
     assert len(inst.symbol_attributes) == 0
     assert len(inst.attributes) == 0
Example #11
    def parse_inst(self, args):
        """ Returns a parsed component instance. """
        inst, libname, libnum, x, y, rot, _scale, _b = args.split()
        # scale is a floating point scaling constant. Also, evil.
        thisinst = ComponentInstance(inst, self.lookup(libname, libnum), 0)
        if int(rot) > 3:
            # part is flipped around y-axis. When applying transforms, flip it
            # first, then rotate it.
            rot = str(int(rot) - 4)
            # flip = True

        thisinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(int(x), int(y),
                                                      float(rot) / 2))
        subdata = defaultdict(list)
        for phrase in self.stream:
            cmd, _sep, args = phrase.partition(' ')
            if cmd not in ('|R', 'A', 'C'):
            k, v = self.parsenode(cmd)(args)
        for annot in subdata['annot']:
            if '=' in annot.value:
                thisinst.add_attribute(*(annot.value.split('=', 1)))

        # Turns out C can reference a net before it's been created via
        # the N command. Really don't like passing stuff inband like this. Ugh.
        thisinst.conns = subdata['conn']
        return ('inst', thisinst)
    def parse_component_instance(self, f):
        """ Parse a component instance from a $Comp block """
        # pylint: disable=R0914

        # name & reference
        prefix, name, reference = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'L'

        if self.library is not None:
            library_part = self.library.lookup_part(name)
            if library_part is not None:
                name = library_part.name

        # unit & convert
        prefix, unit, convert, _ = f.readline().split(None, 3)
        unit, convert = int(unit), int(convert)
        assert prefix == 'U'

        # position
        prefix, compx, compy = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'P'
        compx, compy = int(compx), int(compy)

        line = f.readline()
        rotation = 0
        annotations = []

        while line.strip() not in ("$EndComp", ''):
            if line.startswith('F '):
                annotations.append(self.parse_field(compx, compy, line))
            elif line.startswith('\t'):
                parts = line.strip().split()
                if len(parts) == 4:
                    rotation = MATRIX2ROTATION.get(
                        tuple(int(i) for i in parts), 0)
            line = f.readline()

        inst = ComponentInstance(reference, name.upper(), convert - 1)
        symbattr = SymbolAttribute(make_length(compx), -make_length(compy),
                                   rotation, False)
        for ann in annotations:

        return inst
    def _convert_components(self, struct):
        for component in struct.placement.component:
            library_id = component.image_id
            for place in component.place:
                # Outside PCB boundary
                if not place.vertex:

                mirror = {90:270, 270:90}
                if place.side == 'back':
                    rotation = place.rotation
                    rotation = mirror.get(int(place.rotation), place.rotation)
                inst = ComponentInstance(place.component_id, library_id, 0)
                v = self.to_pixels(place.vertex)
                symbattr = SymbolAttribute(v[0], v[1], to_piradians(rotation), False)
    def _convert_components(self, struct):
        """ Convert component """
        for component in struct.placement.component:
            library_id = component.image_id
            for place in component.place:
                # Outside PCB boundary
                if not place.vertex:

                mirror = {90:270, 270:90}
                if place.side == 'back':
                    rotation = place.rotation
                    rotation = mirror.get(int(place.rotation), place.rotation)
                inst = ComponentInstance(place.component_id, component, library_id, 0)
                v = self.to_pixels(place.vertex)
                symbattr = FootprintAttribute(v[0], v[1], to_piradians(rotation), False)
    def make_component_instance(self, parts, instance):
        """ Construct an openjson component instance for an eagle instance. """

        part = parts[instance.part]

        library_id = part.library + ':' + part.deviceset

        # TODO pick correct symbol index
        inst = ComponentInstance(instance.part, library_id, 0)

        # TODO handle mirror
        # TODO handle smashed?
        attr = SymbolAttribute(self.make_length(instance.x),
                               self.make_angle(instance.rot or '0'))


        return inst
    def make_component_instance(self, parts, instance):
        """ Construct an openjson component instance for an eagle instance. """

        part = parts[instance.part]

        library_id = part.library + ':' + part.deviceset

        # TODO pick correct symbol index
        inst = ComponentInstance(instance.part, library_id, 0)

        # TODO handle mirror
        # TODO handle smashed?
        attr = SymbolAttribute(self.make_length(instance.x),
                               self.make_angle(instance.rot or '0'))


        return inst
    def test_write_instance(self):
        The write_instance method serializes a component instance

        inst = ComponentInstance('id', 'libid', 1)
        inst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(3, 4, 0.5))
        writer = KiCAD()
        buf = StringIO()
        writer.write_instance(buf, inst)
        self.assertEqual(buf.getvalue(), '''\
L libid id
U 1 1 00000000
P 33 -44
\t1    33 -44
\t0    1    1    0
    def test_write_instance(self):
        The write_instance method serializes a component instance

        inst = ComponentInstance('id', 'libid', 1)
        inst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(3, 4, 0.5, False))
        writer = KiCAD()
        buf = StringIO()
        writer.write_instance(buf, inst)
            buf.getvalue(), '''\
L libid id
U 1 1 00000000
P 33 -44
\t1    33 -44
\t0    1    1    0
    def parse_component_instance(self, f):
        """ Parse a component instance from a $Comp block """
        # pylint: disable=R0914

        # name & reference
        prefix, name, reference = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'L'

        # unit & convert
        prefix, unit, convert, _ = f.readline().split(None, 3)
        unit, convert = int(unit), int(convert)
        assert prefix == 'U'

        # position
        prefix, compx, compy = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'P'
        compx, compy = int(compx), int(compy)

        line = f.readline()
        rotation = 0
        annotations = []

        while line.strip() not in ("$EndComp", ''):
            if line.startswith('F '):
                annotations.append(self.parse_field(compx, compy, line))
            elif line.startswith('\t'):
                parts = line.strip().split()
                if len(parts) == 4:
                    rotation = MATRIX2ROTATION.get(
                        tuple(int(i) for i in parts), 0)
            line = f.readline()

        inst = ComponentInstance(reference, name, convert - 1)
        symbattr = SymbolAttribute(make_length(compx), -make_length(compy),
        for ann in annotations:

        return inst
    def parse_inst(self, args):
        """ Returns a parsed component instance. """
        inst, libname, libnum, x, y, rot, _scale, _unknown = args.split()
        # scale is a floating point scaling constant. Also, evil.
        thisinst = ComponentInstance(inst, self.lookup(libname, libnum), 0)
        flip = False
        if int(rot) > 3:
            # part is flipped around y-axis. When applying transforms, flip it
            # first, then rotate it.
            rot = str(int(rot) - 4)
            flip = True

        thisinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(int(x), int(y),
                                                      (2 - float(rot) / 2) % 2,
        subdata = self.sub_nodes('|R A C'.split())
        for annot in subdata['annot']:
            if '=' in annot.value:
                thisinst.add_attribute(*(annot.value.split('=', 1)))

        # Turns out C can reference a net before it's been created via
        # the N command. Really don't like passing stuff inband like this. Ugh.
        thisinst.conns = subdata['conn']
        return ('inst', thisinst)
    def parse_inst(self, args):
        """ Returns a parsed component instance. """
        inst, libname, libnum, x, y, rot, _scale, _b = args.split()
        # scale is a floating point scaling constant. Also, evil.
        thisinst = ComponentInstance(inst, self.lookup(libname, libnum), 0)
        if int(rot) > 3:
            # part is flipped around y-axis. When applying transforms, flip it
            # first, then rotate it.
            rot = str(int(rot) - 4)
            # flip = True

        thisinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(int(x), int(y),
                                                      float(rot) / 2))
        subdata = defaultdict(list)
        for phrase in self.stream:
            cmd, _sep, args = phrase.partition(' ')
            if cmd not in ('|R', 'A', 'C'):
            k, v = self.parsenode(cmd)(args)
        for annot in subdata['annot']:
            if '=' in annot.value:
                thisinst.add_attribute(*(annot.value.split('=', 1)))

        # Turns out C can reference a net before it's been created via
        # the N command. Really don't like passing stuff inband like this. Ugh.
        thisinst.conns = subdata['conn']
        return ('inst', thisinst)
    def parse_component_instance(self, inst):
        """ Parse a Fritzing non-wire instance into a ComponentInstance """

        view = inst.find('views/schematicView')

        if view is None:

        if view.get('layer') == 'breadboardbreadboard':

        cpt = self.ensure_component(inst)

        if cpt is None:

        index = inst.get('modelIndex')
        idref = inst.get('moduleIdRef')
        title = inst.find('title').text
        geom = view.find('geometry')
        xform = geom.find('transform')

        x, y = float(geom.get('x', 0)), float(geom.get('y', 0))

        if xform is None:
            rotation = 0.0
            matrix = tuple(
                int(float(xform.get(key, 0)))
                for key in ('m11', 'm12', 'm21', 'm22'))
            x, y = rotate_component(cpt, matrix, x, y)
            rotation = MATRIX2ROTATION.get(matrix, 0.0)

        compinst = ComponentInstance(title, cpt, idref, 0)

            SymbolAttribute(make_x(x), make_y(y), rotation, False))

        self.component_instances[index] = compinst
    def parse_component_instance(self, inst):
        """ Parse a Fritzing non-wire instance into a ComponentInstance """

        view = inst.find('views/schematicView')

        if view is None:

        if view.get('layer') == 'breadboardbreadboard':

        cpt = self.ensure_component(inst)

        if cpt is None:

        index = inst.get('modelIndex')
        idref = inst.get('moduleIdRef')
        title = inst.find('title').text
        geom = view.find('geometry')
        xform = geom.find('transform')

        x, y = float(geom.get('x', 0)), float(geom.get('y', 0))

        if xform is None:
            rotation = 0.0
            matrix = tuple(int(float(xform.get(key, 0)))
                           for key in ('m11', 'm12', 'm21', 'm22'))
            x, y = rotate_component(cpt, matrix, x, y)
            rotation = MATRIX2ROTATION.get(matrix, 0.0)

        compinst = ComponentInstance(title, cpt, idref, 0)

            SymbolAttribute(make_x(x), make_y(y), rotation, False))

        self.component_instances[index] = compinst
Example #24
    def parse_inst(self, args):
        """ Returns a parsed component instance. """
        inst, libname, libnum, x, y, rot, scale, _unknown = args.split()
        # scale is a floating point scaling constant. Also, evil.
        if scale != '1':
            libkey = self.scaled_component(libname, libnum, scale)
            libkey = self.lookup(libname, libnum)
        thisinst = ComponentInstance(inst, self.lib.components[libkey], libkey,
        rot, flip = self.rot_and_flip(rot)
            SymbolAttribute(int(x), int(y), rot, flip))
        subdata = self.sub_nodes('|R A C'.split())
        for annot in subdata['annot']:
            if '=' in annot.value:
                thisinst.add_attribute(*(annot.value.split('=', 1)))

        # Turns out C can reference a net before it's been created via
        # the N command. Really don't like passing stuff inband like this. Ugh.
        thisinst.conns = subdata['conn']
        return ('inst', thisinst)
    def parse_inst(self, args):
        """ Returns a parsed component instance. """
        inst, libname, libnum, x, y, rot, _scale, _unknown = args.split()
        # scale is a floating point scaling constant. Also, evil.
        thisinst = ComponentInstance(inst, self.lookup(libname, libnum), 0)
        flip = False
        if int(rot) > 3:
            # part is flipped around y-axis. When applying transforms, flip it
            # first, then rotate it.
            rot = str(int(rot) - 4)
            flip = True

            SymbolAttribute(int(x), int(y), (2 - float(rot) / 2) % 2, flip))
        subdata = self.sub_nodes('|R A C'.split())
        for annot in subdata['annot']:
            if '=' in annot.value:
                thisinst.add_attribute(*(annot.value.split('=', 1)))

        # Turns out C can reference a net before it's been created via
        # the N command. Really don't like passing stuff inband like this. Ugh.
        thisinst.conns = subdata['conn']
        return ('inst', thisinst)
Example #26
    def parse_component_instances(self, component_instances):
        """ Extract the component instances. """
        for instance in component_instances:
            # Get instance_id, library_id and symbol_index
            instance_id = instance.get('instance_id')
            library_id = instance.get('library_id')
            symbol_index = int(instance.get('symbol_index'))
            # Make the ComponentInstance()
            inst = ComponentInstance(instance_id, library_id, symbol_index)

            # Get the SymbolAttributes
            for symbol_attribute in instance.get('symbol_attributes'):
                attr = self.parse_symbol_attribute(symbol_attribute)

            # Get the Attributes
            for key, value in instance.get('attributes').items():
                inst.add_attribute(key, value)

            # Add the ComponentInstance
    def parse_inst(self, args):
        """ Returns a parsed component instance. """
        inst, libname, libnum, x, y, rot, scale, _unknown = args.split()
        # scale is a floating point scaling constant. Also, evil.
        if scale != '1':
            libkey = self.scaled_component(libname, libnum, scale)
            libkey = self.lookup(libname, libnum)
        thisinst = ComponentInstance(inst, libkey, 0)
        rot, flip = self.rot_and_flip(rot)
        thisinst.add_symbol_attribute(SymbolAttribute(int(x), int(y),
                                                      rot, flip))
        subdata = self.sub_nodes('|R A C'.split())
        for annot in subdata['annot']:
            if '=' in annot.value:
                thisinst.add_attribute(*(annot.value.split('=', 1)))

        # Turns out C can reference a net before it's been created via
        # the N command. Really don't like passing stuff inband like this. Ugh.
        thisinst.conns = subdata['conn']
        return ('inst', thisinst)
Example #28
    def _parse_component(self, stream, params):
        """ Creates a component instance according to the component *params*.
            If the component is not known in the library, a the component
            will be created according to its description in the embedded
            environment ``[]`` or a symbol file. The component is added
            to the library automatically if necessary.
            An instance of this component will be created and added to
            the design.
            A GEDAError is raised when either the component file
            is invalid or the referenced symbol file cannot be found
            in the known directories.

            Returns a tuple of Component and ComponentInstance objects.
        basename, _ = os.path.splitext(params['basename'])

        component_name = basename
        if params.get('mirror'):
            component_name += '_MIRRORED'

        if component_name in self.design.components.components:
            component = self.design.components.components[component_name]

            ## skipping embedded data might be required

            ##check if sym file is embedded or referenced
            if basename.startswith('EMBEDDED'):
                ## embedded only has to be processed when NOT in symbol lookup
                if basename not in self.known_symbols:
                    component = self.parse_component_data(stream, params)
                if basename not in self.known_symbols:
                    log.warn("referenced symbol file '%s' unknown" % basename)
                    ## create a unknown symbol reference
                    component = self.parse_component_data(
                        StringIO(UNKNOWN_COMPONENT % basename),
                    ## parse optional attached environment before continuing
                    return None, None

                ## requires parsing of referenced symbol file
                with open(self.known_symbols[basename], "rU") as f_in:
                    component = self.parse_component_data(f_in, params)

            self.design.add_component(component_name, component)

        ## get all attributes assigned to component instance
        attributes = self._parse_environment(stream)

        ## refdes attribute is name of component (mandatory as of gEDA doc)
        ## examples if gaf repo have components without refdes, use part of
        ## basename
        if attributes is not None:
            instance = ComponentInstance(
                attributes.get('_refdes', component.name),
                component.name, 0
            for key, value in attributes.items():
                instance.add_attribute(key, value)

            instance = ComponentInstance(
                component.name, component.name, 0

        ## generate a component instance using attributes

        symbol = SymbolAttribute(

        ## add annotation for special attributes
        for idx, attribute_key in enumerate(['_refdes', 'device']):
            if attribute_key in component.attributes \
               or attribute_key in instance.attributes:

                        '{{%s}}' % attribute_key,
                        0, 0+idx*10, 0.0, 'true'

        return component, instance
Example #29
    def parse_component_instance(self, f):
        """ Parse a component instance from a $Comp block """
        # pylint: disable=R0914

        # name & reference
        prefix, name, reference = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'L'

        ref_count_idx = 1
        while reference in self.instance_names:
            ref_count_idx += 1
            reference = reference + '-' + str(ref_count_idx)


        comp = None
        if self.library is not None:
            library_part = self.library.lookup_part(name)
            if library_part is not None:
                name = library_part.name

        # unit & convert
        prefix, unit, convert, ar_path = f.readline().split(None, 3)
        unit, convert = int(unit), int(convert)
        assert prefix == 'U'

        # position
        prefix, compx, compy = f.readline().split()
        assert prefix == 'P'
        compx, compy = int(compx), int(compy)

        line = f.readline()
        rotation = 0
        flip = False
        annotations = []

        while line.strip() not in ("$EndComp", ''):
            if line.startswith('F '):
                annotations.append(self.parse_field(compx, compy, line))
            elif line.startswith('\t'):
                parts = line.strip().split()
                if len(parts) == 4:
                    rotation, flip = MATRIX2ROTATIONFLIP.get(
                        tuple(int(i) for i in parts), (0, False))
            elif line.startswith('AR Path'):
                if '?' in reference:
                    path_line = line.strip().split()
                    ar_path_check = path_line[1].strip('"')[
                        7:]  #removes Path="/
                    if ar_path.strip() == ar_path_check:
                        reference = path_line[2].strip('"')[5:]  #removes Ref="

            line = f.readline()

        inst = ComponentInstance(reference, library_part, name.upper(),
                                 convert - 1)
        symbattr = SymbolAttribute(compx, -compy, rotation, flip)
        for ann in annotations:

        return inst, comp
Example #30
    def _parse_component(self, stream, params):
        """ Creates a component instance according to the component *params*.
            If the component is not known in the library, a the component
            will be created according to its description in the embedded
            environment ``[]`` or a symbol file. The component is added
            to the library automatically if necessary.
            An instance of this component will be created and added to
            the design.
            A GEDAError is raised when either the component file
            is invalid or the referenced symbol file cannot be found
            in the known directories.

            Returns a tuple of Component and ComponentInstance objects.
        basename, _ = os.path.splitext(params['basename'])

        component_name = basename
        if params.get('mirror'):
            component_name += '_MIRRORED'

        if component_name in self.design.components.components:
            component = self.design.components.components[component_name]

            ## skipping embedded data might be required

            ##check if sym file is embedded or referenced
            if basename.startswith('EMBEDDED'):
                ## embedded only has to be processed when NOT in symbol lookup
                if basename not in self.known_symbols:
                    component = self.parse_component_data(stream, params)
                if basename not in self.known_symbols:
                    log.warn("referenced symbol file '%s' unknown" % basename)
                    ## create a unknown symbol reference
                    component = self.parse_component_data(
                        StringIO(UNKNOWN_COMPONENT % basename), params)
                    ## parse optional attached environment before continuing
                    return None, None

                ## requires parsing of referenced symbol file
                with open(self.known_symbols[basename], "rU") as f_in:
                    component = self.parse_component_data(f_in, params)

            self.design.add_component(component_name, component)

        ## get all attributes assigned to component instance
        attributes = self._parse_environment(stream)

        ## refdes attribute is name of component (mandatory as of gEDA doc)
        ## examples if gaf repo have components without refdes, use part of
        ## basename
        if attributes is not None:
            instance = ComponentInstance(
                attributes.get('_refdes', component.name), component.name, 0)
            for key, value in attributes.items():
                instance.add_attribute(key, value)

            instance = ComponentInstance(component.name, component.name, 0)

        ## generate a component instance using attributes

        symbol = SymbolAttribute(self.x_to_px(params['x']),
                                 self.conv_angle(params['angle'], False))

        ## add annotation for special attributes
        for idx, attribute_key in enumerate(['_refdes', 'device']):
            if attribute_key in component.attributes \
               or attribute_key in instance.attributes:

                    Annotation('{{%s}}' % attribute_key, 0, 0 + idx * 10, 0.0,

        return component, instance
    def parse_component_instances(self, component_instances):
        """ Extract the component instances. """

        if component_instances is None:
            return None

        for instance in component_instances:
            # Get instance_id, library_id and symbol_index
            instance_id = instance.get('instance_id')
            library_id = instance.get('library_id')
            symbol_index = int(instance.get('symbol_index'))
            footprint_index = int(instance.get('footprint_index'))
            # Make the ComponentInstance()
            inst = ComponentInstance(instance_id, self.design.components.components[library_id], library_id, symbol_index, footprint_index)

            # Get the SymbolAttributes
            for symbol_attribute in instance.get('symbol_attributes', []):
                attr = self.parse_symbol_attribute(symbol_attribute)

            # TODO(shamer) footprint_pos, fleb and genobj positions are relative to the footprint_pos
            for footprint_attribute in instance.get('footprint_attributes', []):
                attr = self.parse_footprint_attribute(footprint_attribute)
            for gen_obj_attribute in instance.get('gen_obj_attributes', []):
                attr = self.parse_gen_obj_attribute(gen_obj_attribute)

            footprint_json = instance.get('footprint_pos')
            if footprint_json:
                footprint_pos = self.parse_footprint_pos(footprint_json)
                footprint_pos = None

            # Get the Attributes
            for key, value in instance.get('attributes').items():
                inst.add_attribute(key, value)

            # Add the ComponentInstance
Example #32
    def parse(self, inputfile):
        """ Parse a gEDA file into a design.

            Returns the design corresponding to the gEDA file.
        inputfiles = []

        ## check if inputfile is in ZIP format
        if zipfile.is_zipfile(inputfile):
            self.geda_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(inputfile)
            for filename in self.geda_zip.namelist():
                if filename.endswith('.sch'):
            inputfiles = [inputfile]

        self.design = Design()
        self.unassigned_body = components.Body()

        ## parse frame data of first schematic to extract
        ## page size (assumes same frame for all files)
        with self._open_file_or_zip(inputfiles[0]) as stream:

            for line in stream.readlines():
                if 'title' in line and line.startswith('C'):
                    obj_type, params = self._parse_command(StringIO(line))
                    assert(obj_type == 'C')

                    params['basename'], _ = os.path.splitext(

                    log.debug("using title file: %s", params['basename'])


        for filename in inputfiles:
            f_in = self._open_file_or_zip(filename)


            basename, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))

            ## modify offset for next page to be shifted to the right
            self.offset.x = self.offset.x - self.frame_width


        ## if unassigned shapes have been found during parsing add a new
        ## component to the design
        if len(self.unassigned_body.shapes + self.unassigned_body.pins) > 0:
            component = components.Component("UNASSIGNED_SHAPES")
            symbol = components.Symbol()

            instance = ComponentInstance(component.name, component.name, 0)
            symbol = SymbolAttribute(0, 0, 0)

            self.design.add_component(component.name, component)

        return self.design
Example #33
    def parse_component_instances(self, component_instances):
        """ Extract the component instances. """

        if component_instances is None:
            return None

        for instance in component_instances:
            # Get instance_id, library_id and symbol_index
            instance_id = instance.get('instance_id')
            library_id = instance.get('library_id')
            symbol_index = int(instance.get('symbol_index'))
            footprint_index = int(instance.get('footprint_index'))
            # Make the ComponentInstance()
            inst = ComponentInstance(
                instance_id, self.design.components.components[library_id],
                library_id, symbol_index, footprint_index)

            # Get the SymbolAttributes
            for symbol_attribute in instance.get('symbol_attributes', []):
                attr = self.parse_symbol_attribute(symbol_attribute)

            # TODO(shamer) footprint_pos, fleb and genobj positions are relative to the footprint_pos
            for footprint_attribute in instance.get('footprint_attributes',
                attr = self.parse_footprint_attribute(footprint_attribute)
            for gen_obj_attribute in instance.get('gen_obj_attributes', []):
                attr = self.parse_gen_obj_attribute(gen_obj_attribute)

            footprint_json = instance.get('footprint_pos')
            if footprint_json:
                footprint_pos = self.parse_footprint_pos(footprint_json)
                footprint_pos = None

            # Get the Attributes
            for key, value in instance.get('attributes').items():
                inst.add_attribute(key, value)

            # Add the ComponentInstance