def _extract_lp(self, name, tok):
     """ Extract "layer param" and reset image layer. """
     if self.img_buff.not_empty():
         self.img_buff = Image('', self.img_buff.is_additive)
         self.trace_buff = TraceBuffer()
             'x': 0,
             'y': 0,
             'draw': 'OFF',
             'interpolation': 'LINEAR',
             'aperture': None,
             'outline_fill': False,
             'multi_quadrant': False,
             'units': None,
             'incremental_coords': None
     if name == 'LN': = tok
     elif name == 'LP':
         self.img_buff.is_additive = IMAGE_POLARITIES[tok]
     elif name == 'SR':
         tok, j = self._pop_val('J', tok, coerce_='float')
         tok, i = self._pop_val('I', tok, coerce_='float')
         tok, y = self._pop_val('Y', tok)
         tok, x = self._pop_val('X', tok)
         self.img_buff.x_repeats = x
         self.img_buff.x_step = i
         self.img_buff.y_repeats = y
         self.img_buff.y_step = j
 def test_images(self):
     """ Capture images with no data. """
     layer = Layer()
     layout = Layout()
     layout.units = 'mm'
     design = Design()
     design.layout = layout
     writer = Writer()
    def __init__(self, ignore_unknown=True):
        self.ignore_unknown = ignore_unknown
        self.layout = Layout()
        self.layer_buff = None
        self.macro_buff = None
        self.img_buff = Image()
        self.trace_buff = TraceBuffer()
        self.fill_buff = []

        # establish gerber defaults
        self.params = {
            'AS': AxisDef('x', 'y'),  # axis select
            'FS': None,  # format spec
            'MI': AxisDef(0, 0),  # mirror image
            'MO': 'IN',  # mode: inches/mm
            'OF': AxisDef(0, 0),  # offset
            'SF': AxisDef(1, 1),  # scale factor
            'IJ': AxisDef(
                ('L', 0),  # image justify
                ('L', 0)),
            'IO': AxisDef(0, 0),  # image offset
            'IP': True,  # image polarity
            'IR': 0
        }  # image rotation

        # simulate a photo plotter
        self.status = {
            'x': 0,
            'y': 0,
            'draw': 'OFF',
            'interpolation': 'LINEAR',
            'aperture': None,
            'outline_fill': False,
            'multi_quadrant': False,
            'units': None,
            'incremental_coords': None
Example #4
    def  _define_images(self, design, layer_name):
        """ Define the images that make up the layer information. """
        log.debug('creating images for layer "%s"', layer_name)

        # trace segments on this layer
        traces_image = Image(layer_name + '_traces', font_renderer=self.face)
        for segment in design.trace_segments:
            if segment.layer != layer_name:
            log.debug('Creating smear for trace: %s', segment)

            # Assumes segment is rounded, straignt
            trace_smear = Smear(Line(segment.p1, segment.p2), Circle(0, 0, segment.width / 2.0))

        # Generated objects in the design (vias, PTHs)
        zero_pos = FootprintPos(0, 0, 0.0, False, 'top')
        for gen_obj in design.layout_objects:
            # XXX(shamer): body attr is only being used to hold the layer, other placement details are contained
            # elsewhere
            for body_attr, body in gen_obj.bodies(zero_pos, {}):
                if body_attr.layer == layer_name:
                    for shape in body.shapes:
                        traces_image.add_shape(shape, design, zero_pos, body_attr)


        # Pours on this layer
        for pour in design.pours:
            log.debug('adding body for pour: %s points, %s', len(pour.points), pour.layer)
            if layer_name == pour.layer:
                log.debug('adding body for pour: %s points, %s subtractive shapes', len(pour.points), len(pour.subtractive_shapes))
                fill_image = Image('pour fill', font_renderer=self.face)

                subtractive_image = Image('pour subtractive shapes', font_renderer=self.face, is_additive=False)
                for shape in pour.subtractive_shapes:
                    if shape.type == 'rounded_segment':
                        trace_smear = Smear(Line(shape.p1, shape.p2), Circle(0, 0, shape.width / 2.0))
                        subtractive_image.add_shape(shape, None, FootprintPos(0, 0, 0.0, False, ''), FootprintPos(0, 0, 0.0, False, ''))

                readded_image = Image('pour readded shapes', font_renderer=self.face, is_additive=True)
                for shape in pour.readded_shapes:
                    if shape.type == 'rounded_segment':
                        trace_smear = Smear(Line(shape.p1, shape.p2), Circle(0, 0, shape.width / 2.0))
                        readded_image.add_shape(shape, None, FootprintPos(0, 0, 0.0, False, ''), FootprintPos(0, 0, 0.0, False, ''))

        # trace segments on this layer
        traces_image = Image(layer_name + '_traces', font_renderer=self.face)
        for segment in design.trace_segments:
            if segment.layer != layer_name:
            log.debug('Creating smear for trace: %s', segment)

            # Assumes segment is rounded, straignt
            trace_smear = Smear(Line(segment.p1, segment.p2), Circle(0, 0, segment.width / 2.0))

        # Generated objects in the design (vias, PTHs)
        zero_pos = FootprintPos(0, 0, 0.0, False, 'top')
        for gen_obj in design.layout_objects:
            # XXX(shamer): body attr is only being used to hold the layer, other placement details are contained
            # elsewhere
            for body_attr, body in gen_obj.bodies(zero_pos, {}):
                if body_attr.layer == layer_name:
                    for shape in body.shapes:
                        traces_image.add_shape(shape, design, zero_pos, body_attr)


        # Component aspects on this layer
        # a separate image is used for each component
        for component_instance in design.component_instances:
            component = design.components.components[component_instance.library_id]
            component_image = Image(layer_name + ' component ' + component_instance.instance_id, font_renderer=self.face)
            footprint_pos = component_instance.footprint_pos
            if footprint_pos.side is None:

            for idx, footprint_attr in enumerate(component_instance.footprint_attributes):
                log.debug('footprint pos: %s, side %s, flip %s', footprint_attr.layer, footprint_pos.side, footprint_pos.flip_horizontal)
                fp_attr_cpy = copy.deepcopy(footprint_attr)
                if footprint_attr.layer:
                    if footprint_pos.side == 'bottom':
                        rev_sides = {'top': 'bottom', 'bottom': 'top'}
                        fp_attr_cpy.layer = ' '.join([rev_sides.get(piece, piece) for piece in footprint_attr.layer.split(' ')])
                if fp_attr_cpy.layer == layer_name:
                    footprint_body = component.footprints[component_instance.footprint_index].bodies[idx]
                    log.debug('adding footprint attribute: %s, %d shapes', fp_attr_cpy, len(footprint_body.shapes))
                    for shape in footprint_body.shapes:
                        component_image.add_shape(shape, component_instance, footprint_pos, fp_attr_cpy)

            for idx, gen_obj_attr in enumerate(component_instance.gen_obj_attributes):
                gen_obj = component.footprints[component_instance.footprint_index].gen_objs[idx]
                # FIXME(shamer): check for unplaced generated objects.

                # XXX(shamer): body attr is only being used to hold the layer, other placement details are contained
                # elsewhere
                for body_attr, body in gen_obj.bodies(footprint_pos, gen_obj_attr.attributes):
                    if body_attr.layer == layer_name:
                        log.debug('adding body for generated object: %s, %s', footprint_pos, gen_obj_attr)
                        for shape in body.shapes:
                            component_image.add_shape(shape, component_instance, footprint_pos, body_attr)

            if component_image.not_empty():

        # paths on the layer
        for path in design.paths:
            if layer_name == path.layer:
                log.debug('adding body for path: %s points, %s, %s, is closed: %s', len(path.points), path.width, path.layer, path.is_closed)
                path_image = Image('path', font_renderer=self.face)
                start = path.points[0]
                for point in path.points[1:]:
                    path_image.add_shape(Line(start, point), Circle(0, 0, path.width), zero_pos, zero_pos)
                    start = point
                if path.is_closed:
                    path_image.add_shape(Line(path.points[0], path.points[-1]), Circle(0, 0, path.width), zero_pos, zero_pos)

        # stand alone text on the layer
        text_image = Image('text', font_renderer=self.face)
        for text in design.pcb_text:
            if layer_name == text.layer:
                log.debug('adding body for text: "%s"', text.value)
                text_image.add_shape(text.label, design, text, zero_pos)

        if text_image.not_empty():