def extract_pack():
    zip_file = etc['zip_file']
    conf = update.etc['conf']
    tmp_path = etc['tmp_path']
    # extract file
    extract_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, conf['local']['youtube_dl_extract_path'])
    etc['extract_path'] = extract_path
    print('update: INFO: extract youtube-dl to \"' + update.rel_path(extract_path) + '\" ')
    # get file list
    finfo = make_zip.get_file_list(zip_file)
    t = 'update: [ OK ] got file list, '
    t += str(finfo['count']) + ' files, '
    t += update.byte2size(finfo['size'], True)
    t += ' (' + update.byte2size(finfo['zsize']) + ') '
    # delete exist files
    clean_dir(extract_path)	# NOTE clean 2 times, fix BUGs here
    # do extract zip file
    make_zip.extract_zip_file(zip_file, finfo['list'], extract_path)
    print('update: [ OK ] extract zip file done')
def extract_pack():

    zip_file = etc['zip_file']
    conf = update.etc['conf']
    tmp_path = etc['tmp_path']

    # extract file
    extract_path = os.path.join(tmp_path,
    etc['extract_path'] = extract_path
    print('update: INFO: extract youtube-dl to \"' +
          update.rel_path(extract_path) + '\" ')
    # get file list
    finfo = make_zip.get_file_list(zip_file)
    t = 'update: [ OK ] got file list, '
    t += str(finfo['count']) + ' files, '
    t += update.byte2size(finfo['size'], True)
    t += ' (' + update.byte2size(finfo['zsize']) + ') '

    # delete exist files
    clean_dir(extract_path)  # NOTE clean 2 times, fix BUGs here

    # do extract zip file
    make_zip.extract_zip_file(zip_file, finfo['list'], extract_path)
    print('update: [ OK ] extract zip file done')
def re_pack():

    root_path = update.etc['root_path']
    conf = update.etc['conf']
    tmp_path = conf['local']['tmp_path']

    # start re-pack
    print('update: INFO: start re-pack plugin zip bag file ')

    # get file list
    finfo = make_zip.gen_file_list(root_path)

    # ignore some from flist
    flist = []  # keep file list
    ilist = []  # ignored file list
    for f in finfo['list']:
        # ignore .git
        if f['name'].startswith('.git'):
        # ignore __pycache__
        elif '__pycache__' in f['name']:
        # ignore tmp path
        elif f['name'].startswith(tmp_path):
        else:  # should keep this file
    # count something
    isize = 0
    fsize = 0
    for f in ilist:
        isize += f['size']
    for f in flist:
        fsize += f['size']
    # print info
    t = 'update: [ OK ] make file list done, ' + str(len(flist)) + ' files, '
    t += update.byte2size(fsize, True) + '; '
    t += 'ignored ' + str(
        len(ilist)) + ' files, ' + update.byte2size(isize) + '. '

    tmp_path2 = etc['tmp_path']
    # create zip file
    zip_file = conf['local']['re_pack_file'] + make_re_pack_name() + '.zip'
    zip_path = os.path.join(tmp_path2, zip_file)
    print('update: INFO: create zip file \"' + update.rel_path(zip_path) +
          '\" ')

    import zipfile

    # compress done
    print('update: [ OK ] compress files done. ')
def re_pack():
    root_path = update.etc['root_path']
    conf = update.etc['conf']
    tmp_path = conf['local']['tmp_path']
    # start re-pack
    print('update: INFO: start re-pack plugin zip bag file ')
    # get file list
    finfo = make_zip.gen_file_list(root_path)
    # ignore some from flist
    flist = []	# keep file list
    ilist = []	# ignored file list
    for f in finfo['list']:
        # ignore .git
        if f['name'].startswith('.git'):
        # ignore __pycache__
        elif '__pycache__' in f['name']:
        # ignore tmp path
        elif f['name'].startswith(tmp_path):
        else:	# should keep this file
    # count something
    isize = 0
    fsize = 0
    for f in ilist:
        isize += f['size']
    for f in flist:
        fsize += f['size']
    # print info
    t = 'update: [ OK ] make file list done, ' + str(len(flist)) + ' files, '
    t += update.byte2size(fsize, True) + '; '
    t += 'ignored ' + str(len(ilist)) + ' files, ' + update.byte2size(isize) + '. '
    tmp_path2 = etc['tmp_path']
    # create zip file
    zip_file = conf['local']['re_pack_file'] + make_re_pack_name() + '.zip'
    zip_path = os.path.join(tmp_path2, zip_file)
    print('update: INFO: create zip file \"' + update.rel_path(zip_path) + '\" ')
    import zipfile
    make_zip.make_zip_file(zip_path, flist, root_path, compress=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
    # compress done
    print('update: [ OK ] compress files done. ')
def clean_dir(base_path):
    cinfo = update.rm_R(base_path)	# count info
    cleaned_count = cinfo['ok']['file'] + cinfo['err']['file']
    real_count = cleaned_count + cinfo['ok']['dir'] + cinfo['err']['dir']
    if real_count > 0:
        t = 'update: [ OK ] clean ' + str(cleaned_count) + ' exists files from \"' + update.rel_path(base_path) + '\" \n'
        t += '      OK ' + str(cinfo['ok']['file']) + ' files, '
        t += str(cinfo['ok']['dir']) + ' dirs, '
        t += update.byte2size(cinfo['ok']['byte']) + ' \n'
        t += '  FAILED ' + str(cinfo['err']['file']) + ' files, '
        t += str(cinfo['err']['dir']) + ' dirs, '
        t += update.byte2size(cinfo['err']['byte']) + ' '
        print('update: INFO: no need to clean \"' + update.rel_path(base_path) + '\"')
def clean_dir(base_path):
    cinfo = update.rm_R(base_path)  # count info
    cleaned_count = cinfo['ok']['file'] + cinfo['err']['file']
    real_count = cleaned_count + cinfo['ok']['dir'] + cinfo['err']['dir']
    if real_count > 0:
        t = 'update: [ OK ] clean ' + str(
            cleaned_count) + ' exists files from \"' + update.rel_path(
                base_path) + '\" \n'
        t += '      OK ' + str(cinfo['ok']['file']) + ' files, '
        t += str(cinfo['ok']['dir']) + ' dirs, '
        t += update.byte2size(cinfo['ok']['byte']) + ' \n'
        t += '  FAILED ' + str(cinfo['err']['file']) + ' files, '
        t += str(cinfo['err']['dir']) + ' dirs, '
        t += update.byte2size(cinfo['err']['byte']) + ' '
        print('update: INFO: no need to clean \"' +
              update.rel_path(base_path) + '\"')
def main():
    # init info
    print('update: INFO: start update youtube-dl ')
    # get and process command line args
    # load config file
    # process config content
    root_path = update.etc['root_path']
    conf = update.etc['conf']
    tmp_path = os.path.join(root_path, conf['local']['tmp_path'])
    etc['tmp_path'] = tmp_path
    conf_file = os.path.join(root_path, CONFIG_FILE)
    print('update: [ OK ] load config file \"' + update.rel_path(conf_file) + '\"')
    # check flags
    if etc['flag_dl_github']:
        # check latest commit
        if not check_latest_commit():
            # no need to update
            print('update: done')
        # start real update
        zip_url = etc['g_zip_url']
        print('update: INFO: download youtube-dl zip file from \"' + zip_url + '\" ')
        # make zip file path
        zip_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, os.path.basename(zip_url))
        if not (zip_file.endswith('.zip')):
            zip_file += '.zip'
        # do download
        ed_byte = update.dl_file(zip_url, zip_file)
        # download info
        print('update: [ OK ] saved ' + update.byte2size(ed_byte, True) + ' to \"' + update.rel_path(zip_file) + '\"')
        etc['zip_file'] = zip_file
        # extract zip file
        # move files
    # check and download from github, done
    # check flag
    if etc['flag_pack_zip']:
        # re-pack
    # check flag
    if etc['flag_dl_github']:
        latest_commit_file = conf['local']['youtube_dl_latest_commit']
        latest_commit_file = os.path.join(root_path, latest_commit_file)
        g_latest_commit = etc['g_latest_commit']
        # update latest commit
        print('update: INFO: save latest commit [' + g_latest_commit + '] to \"' + update.rel_path(latest_commit_file) + '\" ')
        with open(latest_commit_file, 'w') as f:
    # done
    print('update: [ OK ] done. All works finished. ')
def main():

    # init info
    print('update: INFO: start update youtube-dl ')

    # get and process command line args

    # load config file
    # process config content
    root_path = update.etc['root_path']
    conf = update.etc['conf']

    tmp_path = os.path.join(root_path, conf['local']['tmp_path'])
    etc['tmp_path'] = tmp_path

    conf_file = os.path.join(root_path, CONFIG_FILE)
    print('update: [ OK ] load config file \"' + update.rel_path(conf_file) +

    # check flags
    if etc['flag_dl_github']:
        # check latest commit
        if not check_latest_commit():
            # no need to update
            print('update: done')

        # start real update
        zip_url = etc['g_zip_url']
        print('update: INFO: download youtube-dl zip file from \"' + zip_url +
              '\" ')

        # make zip file path
        zip_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, os.path.basename(zip_url))
        if not (zip_file.endswith('.zip')):
            zip_file += '.zip'
        # do download
        ed_byte = update.dl_file(zip_url, zip_file)
        # download info
        print('update: [ OK ] saved ' + update.byte2size(ed_byte, True) +
              ' to \"' + update.rel_path(zip_file) + '\"')

        etc['zip_file'] = zip_file

        # extract zip file
        # move files
    # check and download from github, done

    # check flag
    if etc['flag_pack_zip']:
        # re-pack

    # check flag
    if etc['flag_dl_github']:
        latest_commit_file = conf['local']['youtube_dl_latest_commit']
        latest_commit_file = os.path.join(root_path, latest_commit_file)
        g_latest_commit = etc['g_latest_commit']
        # update latest commit
        print('update: INFO: save latest commit [' + g_latest_commit +
              '] to \"' + update.rel_path(latest_commit_file) + '\" ')
        with open(latest_commit_file, 'w') as f:
    # done
    print('update: [ OK ] done. All works finished. ')