def Algo3_Semidistributed_NC_sel(net, sim, runopts, crit, ecc): # MATLAB function ncnodes = Algo3_Semidistributed_NC_sel(net, sim, runopts, crit, ecc) #compute_p0_matrix = @compute_p0_matrix; #compute_p0_matrix = @compute_p0_matrix_optimized; # Number of nodes in the network #N = size(net.capacities,1); N = net['capacities'].shape[0] # Nodes' input capacities #b_i = sum(net.capacities .* (1-net.errorrates), 1); b_i = numpy.sum(net['capacities'] * (1-net['errorrates']), 0) # Nodes' output capacities #b_o = sum(net.capacities, 2)'; b_o = numpy.sum(net['capacities'], 1) # Initialize list of NC nodes #ncnodes = []; ncnodes = numpy.array([]) # Find initial (no NC nodes) estimates #tc_nonc = Algo1_delay_computation(net, sim, [], []); tc_nonc = Algo1_delay_computation(net, sim, numpy.array([]), numpy.array([])) prev_estim = dict() #prev_estim.ncnodes = []; prev_estim['ncnodes'] = numpy.array([]) = tc_nonc; prev_estim['tc'] = tc_nonc.copy() # Initialize replication rates #R = b_o ./ b_i; R = b_o / b_i #R = repmat(R, numel(net.receivers), 1); R = numpy.tile(R, (net['receivers'].size, 1)) # Update replication rates since initial (no NC nodes) estimates are available # Needs to compute p0matrix #p0matrix_origR = compute_p0_matrix(net, prev_estim.ncnodes, R); p0matrix_origR = computings.compute_p0_matrix(net, prev_estim['ncnodes'], R) #R = update_R(R, net, p0matrix_origR, prev_estim.ncnodes,; R = updateR.update_R(R, net, p0matrix_origR, prev_estim['ncnodes'], prev_estim['tc']) # Select nodes one by one #for i = 1:runopts.nNC for i in xrange(runopts['nNC']): # Find the set of SF nodes #SFnodes = setdiff(net.helpers,ncnodes); SFnodes = numpy.setdiff1d(net['helpers'],ncnodes) # Initialize #tc_all = Inf * ones(N, numel(net.receivers)); tc_all = numpy.Inf * numpy.ones((N, net['receivers'].size)) #tc = Inf * ones(N,1); tc = numpy.Inf * numpy.ones(N) #fc_all = zeros(N, numel(net.receivers)); fc_all = numpy.zeros((N, net['receivers'].size)) #fc = zeros(N,1); fc = numpy.zeros(N) # Find the p0matrix that of the global network, using updated R #p0matrix_updR = compute_p0_matrix(net, prev_estim.ncnodes, R); p0matrix_updR = computings.compute_p0_matrix(net, prev_estim['ncnodes'], R) # For each candidate SF node #for u_idx = 1:numel(SFnodes) for u_idx in xrange(SFnodes.size): #u = SFnodes(u_idx); u = SFnodes[u_idx] # Turn temporarily u into a NC node #ncnodes_temp = union(ncnodes, u); ncnodes_temp = numpy.union1d(ncnodes, numpy.array([u])) # Estimate the average decoding delay at the clients tc (using # Algorithm 1) # Use the accurate p0matrix computed once above the loop # (i) Create local network from the neighbourhood around node u #[localnet l2g g2l] = create_local_network(net, u, p0matrix_updR, ecc); localnet,l2g,g2l = dist_specific.create_local_network(net, u, p0matrix_updR, ecc) # TODO localnet to globalnet NC node mapping! # Don't forget to translate global node indices of NC nodes to local indices #prev_estim_g2l = prev_estim; prev_estim_g2l = prev_estim.copy() #prev_estim_g2l.ncnodes = g2l(prev_estim.ncnodes); prev_estim_g2l['ncnodes'] = numpy.atleast_1d(g2l[numpy.int32(prev_estim['ncnodes'])]) #ncnodes_temp_g2l = g2l(ncnodes_temp); ncnodes_temp_g2l = numpy.atleast_1d(g2l[numpy.int32(ncnodes_temp)]) #ncnodes_temp_g2l(ncnodes_temp_g2l == 0) = []; # remove NC nodes which are not in local network #numpy.delete(ncnodes_temp_g2l[ncnodes_temp_g2l == 0]) # remove NC nodes which are not in local network numpy.delete(ncnodes_temp_g2l, ncnodes_temp_g2l == 0) # remove NC nodes which are not in local network # (ii) Run Algorithm 1 on local network #if (~runopts.do_old_icc_version) if not runopts['do_old_icc_version']: #tc_all(u,:) = Algo1_delay_computation(localnet, sim, ncnodes_temp_g2l, prev_estim_g2l); tc_all[u,:] = Algo1_delay_computation(localnet, sim, ncnodes_temp_g2l, prev_estim_g2l) else: #tc_all(u,:) = Algo1_delay_computation_NCasS(localnet, sim, ncnodes_temp_g2l, prev_estim_g2l); tc_all[u,:] = Algo1_delay_computation_NCasS(localnet, sim, ncnodes_temp_g2l, prev_estim_g2l) #end #tc(u) = mean(tc_all(u,:)); tc[u] = numpy.mean(tc_all[u,:]) # Convert delay to flow #fc_all(u,:) = sim.N ./ tc_all(u,:); fc_all[u,:] = sim['N'] / tc_all[u,:] #fc(u) = sum(fc_all(u,:), 2); fc[u] = numpy.sum(fc_all[u,:]) #end # Find node which minimizes total delay / maximizes total flow #if strcmp(crit,'delay') if crit == 'delay': #[min_tc, sel_u] = min(tc); #min_tc = numpy.min(tc) sel_u = numpy.argmin(tc) #elseif strcmp(crit,'flow') elif crit == 'flow': #[max_fc, sel_u] = max(fc); #max_fc = numpy.max(fc) sel_u = numpy.argmax(fc) else: #error('Not a valid selection criterion'); print('Not a valid selection criterion') raise #end # Save time estimates to use for next NC node #prev_estim.ncnodes = ncnodes; prev_estim['ncnodes'] = ncnodes.copy() = tc_all(sel_u,:); prev_estim['tc'] = tc_all[sel_u,:] # Update replication rates using new delay estimates, to use for next NC node #R = update_R(R, net, p0matrix_origR, prev_estim.ncnodes,; R = updateR.update_R(R, net, p0matrix_origR, prev_estim['ncnodes'], prev_estim['tc']); # Add node to NC list #ncnodes = [ncnodes sel_u]; ncnodes = numpy.hstack((ncnodes, sel_u)) #disp(['Selected node ' num2str(sel_u)]); print "Selected node no.",i,':',sel_u #end #disp([datestr(now) ': Selected nodes = ' num2str(ncnodes)]); print(str( + ': Selected nodes = ' + str(ncnodes)) return ncnodes
def Algo1_delay_computation(net, sim, ncnodes, prev_estim): #MATLAB function tc = Algo1_delay_computation(net, sim, ncnodes, prev_estim) ##compute_p0_matrix = @compute_p0_matrix; ##compute_p0_matrix = @compute_p0_matrix_optimized; # Precision for iterations #precision = 5e-2; precision = 5e-2 # Number of nodes #N = size(net.capacities,1); N = net['capacities'].shape[0] # Nodes' input capacities #b_i = sum(net.capacities .* (1-net.errorrates), 1); b_i = numpy.sum(net['capacities'] * (1-net['errorrates']), 0) # Nodes' output capacities #b_o = sum(net.capacities, 2)'; b_o = numpy.sum(net['capacities'], 1) # Generation size #gensize = sim.N; gensize = sim['N'] # Initialize replication rates # Careful to avoid NaN = 0/0 #R = zeros(1, numel(b_i)); R = numpy.zeros(b_i.size) #R(b_i ~= 0) = b_o(b_i ~= 0) ./ b_i(b_i~=0); R[b_i!=0] = b_o[b_i != 0] / b_i[b_i!=0] #R = repmat(R, numel(net.receivers), 1); R = numpy.tile(R, (net['receivers'].size, 1)) #Rinit = R; Rinit = R.copy() # Better estimate replication rates if previous delay estimates available #if ~isempty(prev_estim) #if prev_estim.size != 0: if prev_estim: #p0matrix_prevestim = compute_p0_matrix(net, prev_estim.ncnodes, R); p0matrix_prevestim = computings.compute_p0_matrix(net, prev_estim['ncnodes'], R) # Update R #R = update_R(R, net, p0matrix_prevestim, prev_estim.ncnodes,; R = updateR.update_R(R, net, p0matrix_prevestim, prev_estim['ncnodes'], prev_estim['tc']) else: #p0matrix_prevestim = compute_p0_matrix(net, [], R); p0matrix_prevestim = computings.compute_p0_matrix(net, numpy.array([]), R) #end # Nic: Python says: init tc tc = numpy.Inf * numpy.ones(net['receivers'].size) # Repeat until converged #converged_tc = false; converged_tc = False #prev_tc = Inf * ones(1, numel(net.receivers)); prev_tc = numpy.Inf * numpy.ones(net['receivers'].size) #max_tc = zeros(1, numel(net.receivers)); max_tc = numpy.zeros(net['receivers'].size) #niter = 0; niter = 0 #maxiter = 50; maxiter = 50 #while ~converged_tc && niter < maxiter while (not converged_tc) and (niter < maxiter): # Compute p0 matrix for all clients at once #p0matrix_allncnodes = compute_p0_matrix(net, ncnodes, R); p0matrix_allncnodes = computings.compute_p0_matrix(net, ncnodes, R) # Repeat for each client r #for r_idx = 1:numel(net.receivers) for r_idx in range(net['receivers'].size): #r = net.receivers(r_idx); #r = net['receivers'][r_idx] #Nc = zeros(1, N); Nc = numpy.zeros(N) #Nc(net.sources) = b_o(net.sources)' .* (1 - p0matrix_allncnodes(net.sources, r_idx)); Nc[net['sources']] = b_o[net['sources']] * (1 - p0matrix_allncnodes[net['sources'], r_idx]) # For each NC node u # Go in topo order #order = topological_order(sparse(net.capacities)); #xs, ys = numpy.nonzero(net['capacities']) #order = graph.topological_sort([(xs[i], ys[i]) for i in range(xs.size)]) order = graph.topological_sort(net['capacities']) # is member returns a logical array of size(order) with 1 on the # positions where the node is in ncnodes #ncnodes_topo = order(ismember(order, ncnodes)); ncnodes_topo = order[numpy.in1d(order,ncnodes)] # For each NC node u #for u_idx = 1:numel(ncnodes_topo) for u_idx in range(ncnodes_topo.size): #u = ncnodes_topo(u_idx); u = ncnodes_topo[u_idx] # Compute p0 matrix with only the previous NC ndoes ##p0matrix_prevNC = compute_p0_matrix(net, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), R); #p0matrix_prevNC_single_r = compute_p0_matrix_single_r(net, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), R, r_idx); p0matrix_prevNC_single_r = computings.compute_p0_matrix_single_r(net, ncnodes_topo[:u_idx], R, r_idx) # Compute t_c(u) with u SF ##tc1 = compute_tc(net, sim, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), Nc, p0matrix_prevNC(:,r_idx)); #tc1 = compute_tc(net, sim, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), Nc, p0matrix_prevNC_single_r); tc1 = computings.compute_tc(net, sim, ncnodes_topo[:u_idx], Nc, p0matrix_prevNC_single_r) # Make node u silent #silent_net = make_node_silent(net,u); silent_net = dist_specific.make_node_silent(net,u) # Compute p0 matrix for silent network ##p0matrix_silent = compute_p0_matrix(silent_net, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), R); #p0matrix_silent_single_r = compute_p0_matrix_single_r(silent_net, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), R, r_idx); p0matrix_silent_single_r = computings.compute_p0_matrix_single_r(silent_net, ncnodes_topo[:u_idx], R, r_idx) # Compute t_c(u) with u silent ##tc2 = compute_tc(silent_net, sim, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), Nc, p0matrix_silent(:,r_idx)); #tc2 = compute_tc(silent_net, sim, ncnodes_topo(1:u_idx-1), Nc, p0matrix_silent_single_r); tc2 = computings.compute_tc(silent_net, sim, ncnodes_topo[:u_idx], Nc, p0matrix_silent_single_r) #delta_tc = tc2 - tc1; #delta_tc = tc2 - tc1 #delta_Nc = gensize * (1/tc1 - 1/tc2); delta_Nc = gensize * (1./tc1 - 1./tc2) #sanity check #if delta_Nc < 0 if delta_Nc < 0: #delta_Nc = 0; delta_Nc = 0. #end # Compute Nc(u) using equation 8 # sanity check (avoid division by 0) #if abs( p0matrix_prevNC(u,r_idx) - 1) < 1e-6 if abs( p0matrix_prevNC_single_r[u] - 1) < 1e-6: #Nc(u) = 0; Nc[u] = 0 else: #if b_o(u) > b_i(u) if b_o[u] > b_i[u]: ##Nc(u) = delta_Nc / (1 - p0matrix_prevNC(u,r_idx)^R(r_idx,u)); #Nc(u) = delta_Nc / (1 - p0matrix_prevNC_single_r(u)^R(r_idx,u)); Nc[u] = delta_Nc / (1. - p0matrix_prevNC_single_r[u]**R[r_idx,u]) else: ##Nc(u) = delta_Nc / ( b_o(u) / b_i(u) * (1 - p0matrix_prevNC(u,r_idx))); #Nc(u) = delta_Nc / ( b_o(u) / b_i(u) * (1 - p0matrix_prevNC_single_r(u))); Nc[u] = delta_Nc / ( b_o[u] / b_i[u] * (1. - p0matrix_prevNC_single_r[u])) #end #end # sanity check #if abs(Nc(u)) < 1e-6 if abs(Nc[u]) < 1e-6: #Nc(u) = 0; Nc[u] = 0 #end #end # Compute the average decoding delay tc considering all sources and # NC nodes simultaneously with Eq. (16) #tc(r_idx) = compute_tc(net, sim, ncnodes, Nc, p0matrix_allncnodes(:,r_idx)); tc[r_idx] = computings.compute_tc(net, sim, ncnodes, Nc, p0matrix_allncnodes[:,r_idx]) #end # Update R ##R1 = update_R(R, net, p0matrix_allncnodes, ncnodes, tc); ##R = update_R_vectorized(R, net, p0matrix_allncnodes, ncnodes, tc); ##R = update_R_vectorized(Rinit, net, p0matrix_allncnodes, ncnodes, tc); #R = update_R_vectorized(Rinit, net, p0matrix_prevestim, ncnodes, tc); R = updateR.update_R_vectorized(Rinit, net, p0matrix_prevestim, ncnodes, tc) ##assert(norm(R1 - R2) < 1e-6); ##disp(['Average tc = ' num2str(mean(tc))]); # If tc has Inf values (this may happen for distrib algorithm), ignore # them #if norm(tc(isfinite(tc)) - prev_tc(isfinite(tc))) <= precision * norm(tc(isfinite(tc))) if numpy.linalg.norm(tc[numpy.isfinite(tc)] - prev_tc[numpy.isfinite(tc)]) <= precision * numpy.linalg.norm(tc[numpy.isfinite(tc)]): #converged_tc = true; converged_tc = True #end #prev_tc = tc; prev_tc = tc.copy() # Save max tc #max_tc(tc > max_tc) = tc(tc > max_tc); max_tc[tc > max_tc] = tc[tc > max_tc] #niter = niter + 1; niter = niter + 1 #end # Check if converged or not #if niter == maxiter if niter == maxiter: #tc = Inf * ones(1, numel(net.receivers)); # not converged #If not converged, don't put Inf, put largest values instead #tc = max_tc; tc = max_tc.copy() #end return tc