Example #1
def extract_hrcveto_data():
    extract hrc veto data
    input:  none
    output: fits file data related to grad and comp
    #--- set basic information
    group = 'Hrcveto'
    cols = ['TLEVART', 'VLEVART', 'SHEVART']
    [udict, ddict, mta_db, mta_cross] = ecf.get_basic_info_dict()
    #--- find the date to be filled
    ctime = ecf.find_the_last_entry_time(testfits)
    start = Chandra.Time.DateTime(ctime).date

    today = time.strftime("%Y:%j:00:00:00", time.gmtime())
    ctime = Chandra.Time.DateTime(today).secs - 43200.0
    stop = Chandra.Time.DateTime(ctime).date

    print("Group: " + group + ': ' + str(start) + '<-->' + str(stop))

    [xxx, tbdata] = uds.extract_data_arc5gl('hrc', '0', 'hrcss', start, stop)
    #--- get time data in the list form
    dtime = list(tbdata.field('time'))

    for col in cols:
        #---- extract data in a list form
        data = list(tbdata.field(col))
        #--- change col name to msid
        msid = col.lower()
        #--- get limit data table for the msid
            tchk = ecf.convert_unit_indicator(udict[msid])
            tchk = 0

        glim = ecf.get_limit(msid, tchk, mta_db, mta_cross)
        #--- update database
        uds.update_database(msid, group, dtime, data, glim)
Example #2
def update_simdiag_data(date=''):
    collect sim diag msids
    input:  date    ---- the date in yyyymmdd format. if not given, yesterday's date is used
    output: fits file data related to simdiag
    #--- read group names which need special treatment
    sfile = house_keeping + 'msid_list_simdiag'
    data = mcf.read_data_file(sfile)
    cols = []
    g_dir = {}
    for ent in data:
        atemp = re.split('\s+', ent)
        g_dir[atemp[0]] = atemp[1]
#--- get the basic information
    [udict, ddict, mta_db, mta_cross] = ecf.get_basic_info_dict()
    #--- find date to read the data
    if date == '':
        date_list = ecf.create_date_list_to_yestaday(testfits)
        date_list = [date]

    for sday in date_list:
        sday = sday[:4] + '-' + sday[4:6] + '-' + sday[6:]
        print("Date: " + sday)

        start = sday + 'T00:00:00'
        stop = sday + 'T23:59:59'

        [xxxx, tbdata] = uds.extract_data_arc5gl('sim', '0', 'simdiag', start,
        #--- get time data in the list form
        try:  #---03/07/19
            dtime = list(tbdata.field('time'))

        for k in range(0, len(cols)):
            col = cols[k]
            #---- extract data in a list form
            data = list(tbdata.field(col))
            #--- change col name to msid
            msid = col.lower()
            #--- get limit data table for the msid
                tchk = ecf.convert_unit_indicator(udict[msid])
                tchk = 0

            glim = ecf.get_limit(msid, tchk, mta_db, mta_cross)
            #--- update database
            uds.update_database(msid, g_dir[msid], dtime, data, glim)
Example #3
def update_grad_and_comp_data(date=''):
    collect grad and  comp data for trending
    input:  date    ---- the data colletion  end date in yyyymmdd format. if not given, yesterday's date is used
    output: fits file data related to grad and comp
    #--- read group names which need special treatment
    sfile = house_keeping + 'mp_process_list'
    glist = mcf.read_data_file(sfile)
    #--- create msid <---> unit dictionary
    [udict, ddict] = ecf.read_unit_list()
    #--- read mta database
    mta_db = ecf.read_mta_database()
    #--- read mta msid <---> sql msid conversion list
    mta_cross = ecf.read_cross_check_table()
    #--- find date to read the data
    if date == '':
        date_list = ecf.create_date_list_to_yestaday(testfits)

        date_list = [date]

    for day in date_list:
        #--- find the names of the fits files of the day of the group
        print("Date: " + str(day))

        for group in glist:
            print("Group: " + str(group))
            cmd = 'ls /data/mta_www/mp_reports/' + day + '/' + group + '/data/mta*fits* > ' + zspace

            flist = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)
            #--- combined them
            flen = len(flist)

            if flen == 0:

            elif flen == 1:
                cmd = 'cp ' + flist[0] + ' ./ztemp.fits'

                mfo.appendFitsTable(flist[0], flist[1], 'ztemp.fits')
                if flen > 2:
                    for k in range(2, flen):
                        mfo.appendFitsTable('ztemp.fits', flist[k], 'out.fits')
                        cmd = 'mv out.fits ztemp.fits'
#--- read out the data for the full day
            [cols, tbdata] = ecf.read_fits_file('ztemp.fits')

            cmd = 'rm -f ztemp.fits out.fits'
            #--- get time data in the list form
            dtime = list(tbdata.field('time'))

            for k in range(1, len(cols)):
                #--- select col name without ST_ (which is standard dev)
                col = cols[k]
                mc = re.search('ST_', col)
                if mc is not None:
#---- extract data in a list form
                data = list(tbdata.field(col))
                #--- change col name to msid
                msid = col.lower()
                #--- get limit data table for the msid
                    tchk = ecf.convert_unit_indicator(udict[msid])
                    tchk = 0

                glim = ecf.get_limit(msid, tchk, mta_db, mta_cross)
                #--- update database
                uds.update_database(msid, group, dtime, data, glim)
Example #4
def update_eph_data_from_comm(date = ''):
    collect eph data for trending
    input:  date    ---- the data collection end date in yyyymmdd format. 
                        if not given, yesterday's date is used
    output: fits file data related to grad and comp
#--- read group names which need special treatment
    #sfile = house_keeping + 'eph_list'
    #glist = mcf.read_data_file(sfile)
    glist = ['ephhk',]
#--- create msid <---> unit dictionary
    [udict, ddict] = ecf.read_unit_list()
#--- read mta database
    mta_db = ecf.read_mta_database()
#--- read mta msid <---> sql msid conversion list
    mta_cross = ecf.read_cross_check_table()
#--- find date to read the data
    if date == '':
        yesterday = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(1)
        yesterday = str(yesterday).replace('-', '')
        date_list = create_date_list(yesterday)

        date_list = [date]

    error_message = ''
    for day in date_list:
#--- find the names of the fits files of the day of the group
        dline = "Date: " + str(day)
        for group in glist:
            print("Group: " + str(group))
            cmd = 'ls /data/mta_www/mp_reports/' + day + '/' + group + '/data/* > ' + zspace
            tlist = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)
            flist = []
            for ent in tlist:
                mc = re.search('_STephhk_static_eio0.fits',  ent)
                if mc is not None:
#--- combined them
            flen = len(flist)
            if flen == 0:
            elif flen == 1:
                cmd = 'cp ' + flist[0] + ' ./ztemp.fits'
                mfo. appendFitsTable(flist[0], flist[1], 'ztemp.fits')
                if flen > 2:
                    for k in range(2, flen):
                        mfo. appendFitsTable('ztemp.fits', flist[k], 'out.fits')
                        cmd = 'mv out.fits ztemp.fits'
#--- read out the data for the full day
            [cols, tbdata] = ecf.read_fits_file('ztemp.fits')
            cmd = 'rm -f ztemp.fits out.fits'
#--- get time data in the list form
            dtime = list(tbdata.field('time'))
            for k in range(1, len(cols)):
#--- select col name without ST_ (which is standard dev)
                col = cols[k]
                mc  = re.search('ST_', col)
                if mc is not None:
                mc  = re.search('quality', col, re.IGNORECASE)
                if mc is not None:
#---- extract data in a list form
                data = list(tbdata.field(col))
#--- change col name to msid
                msid = col.lower()
#--- get limit data table for the msid
                    tchk  = ecf.convert_unit_indicator(udict[msid])
                    tchk  = 0
                glim  = ecf.get_limit(msid, tchk, mta_db, mta_cross)
#--- update database
                wline = uds.update_database(msid, group.capitalize(), dtime, data, glim)

                if wline != "":
                    error_message = error_message + dline + '\n' + wline
#--- if there are errors, sending error message
    if error_message != "":
        error_message = 'MTA limit trend EPH got problems: \n' + error_message

        fo = open(zspace, 'w')
        cmd  = 'cat ' + zspace + ' | mailx -s "Subject: EPH data update problem "'
        cmd  = cmd    + '*****@*****.**'
Example #5
def update_simsuppl_data(date = ''):
    collect sim msids data
    input:  date    ---- the date in yyyymmdd format. if not given, yesterday's date is used
    output: fits file data related to sim
#--- read group names which need special treatment
    sfile = house_keeping + 'msid_list_simactu_supple'
    data  = ecf.read_file_data(sfile)
    cols  = []
    g_dir = {}
    for ent in data:
        atemp = re.split('\s+', ent)
        g_dir[atemp[0]] = atemp[1]
#--- get the basic information
    [udict, ddict, mta_db, mta_cross] = ecf.get_basic_info_dict()
#--- find date to read the data
    if date == '':
        yesterday = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(1)
        yesterday = str(yesterday).replace('-', '')
        date_list = find_the_last_entry_time(yesterday)
        date_list = [date]

    for sday in date_list:
        print "Date: " + sday

        start = sday + 'T00:00:00'
        stop  = sday + 'T23:59:59'

        [xxx, tbdata] = uds.extract_data_arc5gl('sim', '0', 'sim', start, stop)

#--- get time data in the list form
        dtime = list(tbdata.field('time'))

        for k in range(0, len(cols)):
#--- select col name without ST_ (which is standard dev)
            col = cols[k]
#---- extract data in a list form
            data = list(tbdata.field(col))
#--- change col name to msid
            msid = col.lower()
#--- get limit data table for the msid
                tchk  = ecf.convert_unit_indicator(udict[msid])
                tchk  = 0

            glim  = ecf.get_limit(msid, tchk, mta_db, mta_cross)
#--- update database
            uds.update_database(msid, g_dir[msid], dtime, data, glim)