Example #1
    def test_config_loader(self):
        """Tests for the :class:`ConfigLoader` class."""
        # Test support for custom filename extensions.
        loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='update-dotdee', filename_extension='conf')
        assert '/etc/update-dotdee.conf' in loader.filename_patterns
        # Test loading of multiple configuration files.
        with MockedHomeDirectory() as directory:
            # Create the main user configuration file at ~/.update-dotdee.ini.
            main_file = os.path.join(directory, '.update-dotdee.ini')
            write_file(main_file, dedent('''
                main-option = value
            # Create some modular ~/.config/update-dotdee.d/*.ini configuration files.
            config_directory = os.path.join(directory, '.config', 'update-dotdee.d')
            modular_file_1 = os.path.join(config_directory, '1.ini')
            modular_file_2 = os.path.join(config_directory, '2.ini')
            modular_file_11 = os.path.join(config_directory, '11.ini')
            write_file(modular_file_1, dedent('''
                my-option-name = value
            write_file(modular_file_2, dedent('''
                my-option-name = value

                modular-option = value
            write_file(modular_file_11, dedent('''
                my-option-name = value
            # Use ConfigLoader to load the configuration files.
            loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='update-dotdee')
            # Make sure all configuration files were found.
            assert len(loader.available_files) == 4
            assert loader.available_files[0] == main_file
            assert loader.available_files[1] == modular_file_1
            assert loader.available_files[2] == modular_file_2
            assert loader.available_files[3] == modular_file_11
            # Make sure all configuration file sections are loaded.
            assert set(loader.section_names) == set([
            assert loader.get_options('main-section') == {
                'main-option': 'value',
                'modular-option': 'value',
Example #2
    def config_loader(self):
        A :class:`~update_dotdee.ConfigLoader` object.

        See also :attr:`config` and :attr:`config_section`.
        return ConfigLoader(program_name='unlock-remote-system')
Example #3
    def config_loader(self):
        A :class:`~update_dotdee.ConfigLoader` object that provides access to the configuration.

        .. [[[cog
        .. from update_dotdee import inject_documentation
        .. inject_documentation(program_name='chat-archive')
        .. ]]]

        Configuration files are text files in the subset of `ini syntax`_ supported by
        Python's configparser_ module. They can be located in the following places:

        =========  ==========================  ===============================
        Directory  Main configuration file     Modular configuration files
        =========  ==========================  ===============================
        /etc       /etc/chat-archive.ini       /etc/chat-archive.d/\*.ini
        ~          ~/.chat-archive.ini         ~/.chat-archive.d/\*.ini
        ~/.config  ~/.config/chat-archive.ini  ~/.config/chat-archive.d/\*.ini
        =========  ==========================  ===============================

        The available configuration files are loaded in the order given above, so that
        user specific configuration files override system wide configuration files.

        .. _configparser: https://docs.python.org/3/library/configparser.html
        .. _ini syntax: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INI_file

        .. [[[end]]]
        return ConfigLoader(program_name="chat-archive")
def get_post_context(name):
    Get an execution context for the post-boot environment of a remote host.

    :param name: The configuration section name or SSH alias of the remote host (a string).
    :returns: A :class:`~executor.contexts.RemoteContext` object.
    account = RemoteAccount(name)
    loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='unlock-remote-system')
    if account.ssh_alias in loader.section_names:
        options = loader.get_options(account.ssh_alias)
        post_boot = options.get('post-boot')
        if post_boot:
            profile = ConnectionProfile(expression=post_boot)
            return RemoteContext(
                ssh_user=account.ssh_user or profile.username,
    return RemoteContext(ssh_alias=name)
Example #5
def main():
    """Command line interface for ``unlock-remote-system``."""
    # Initialize logging to the terminal and system log.
    # Parse the command line arguments.
    program_opts = {}
    identity_file = None
    do_shell = False
    do_watch = False
    watch_all = False
        options, arguments = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'i:k:p:r:swavqh',
        for option, value in options:
            if option in ('-i', '--identity-file'):
                identity_file = parse_path(value)
            elif option in ('-k', '--known-hosts'):
                program_opts['known_hosts_file'] = parse_path(value)
            elif option in ('-p', '--password'):
                program_opts['password'] = get_password_from_store(value)
            elif option in ('-r', '--remote-host'):
                program_opts['ssh_proxy'] = value
            elif option in ('-s', '--shell'):
                do_shell = True
            elif option in ('-w', '--watch'):
                do_watch = True
            elif option in ('-a', '--all'):
                watch_all = True
            elif option in ('-v', '--verbose'):
            elif option in ('-q', '--quiet'):
            elif option in ('-h', '--help'):
                raise Exception("Unhandled option!")
        if not arguments:
        elif len(arguments) > 2:
            raise Exception("only two positional arguments allowed")
        # Create a ConfigLoader object and prepare to pass it to the program to
        # avoid scanning for configuration files more than once (which isn't a
        # real problem but does generate somewhat confusing log output).
        loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='unlock-remote-system')
        program_opts['config_loader'] = loader
        # Check if a single positional argument was given that matches the name
        # of a user defined configuration section.
        if len(arguments) == 1 and arguments[0] in loader.section_names:
            logger.info("Loading configuration section '%s' ..", arguments[0])
            program_opts['config_section'] = arguments[0]
            # The SSH connection profile of the pre-boot environment
            # is given as the first positional argument.
            program_opts['pre_boot'] = ConnectionProfile(
                expression=arguments[0], identity_file=identity_file)
            # The SSH connection profile of the post-boot environment
            # can be given as the second positional argument, otherwise
            # it will be inferred from the connection profile of
            # the pre-boot environment.
            if len(arguments) == 2:
                program_opts['post_boot'] = ConnectionProfile(
                # By default we don't use root to login to the post-boot environment.
                program_opts['post_boot'] = ConnectionProfile(
                program_opts['post_boot'].username = find_local_username()
            # Prompt the operator to enter the disk encryption password for the remote host?
            if not program_opts.get('password'):
                program_opts['password'] = prompt_for_password(
    except Exception as e:
        warning("Failed to parse command line arguments! (%s)", e)
    # Try to unlock the remote system.
        if do_watch and watch_all:
            with EncryptedSystem(**program_opts) as program:
                if do_watch:
                    if do_shell:
    except EncryptedSystemError as e:
        logger.error("Aborting due to error: %s", e)
    except Exception:
        logger.exception("Aborting due to unexpected exception!")
def reboot_remote_system(context=None, name=None):
    Reboot a remote Linux system (unattended).

    :param context: A :class:`~executor.contexts.RemoteContext`
                    object (or :data:`None`).
    :param name: The name of the ``unlock-remote-system`` configuration
                 section for the remote host (a string) or :data:`None`.
    :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when the remote system appears to be
             using root disk encryption but there's no ``unlock-remote-system``
             configuration section available. The reasoning behind this is to
             err on the side of caution when we suspect we won't be able to get
             the remote system back online.

    This function reboots a remote Linux system, waits for the system to go
    down and then waits for it to come back up.

    If the :attr:`~executor.ssh.client.RemoteAccount.ssh_alias` of the context
    matches a section in the `unlock-remote-system` configuration, the root disk
    encryption of the remote system will be unlocked after it is rebooted.
    timer = Timer()
    # Get the execution context from a configuration section.
    if name and not context:
        context = get_post_context(name)
    # Sanity check the provided execution context.
    if not isinstance(context, RemoteContext):
        msg = "Expected a RemoteContext object, got %s instead!"
        raise TypeError(msg % type(context))
    # Default the remote host name to the SSH alias.
    if not name:
        name = context.ssh_alias
    logger.info("Preparing to reboot %s ..", context)
    # Check if the name matches a configuration section.
    loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='unlock-remote-system')
    have_config = (name in loader.section_names)
    # Check if the remote system is using root disk encryption.
    needs_unlock = is_encrypted(context)
    # Refuse to reboot if we can't get the system back online.
    if needs_unlock and not have_config:
        raise ValueError(
            It looks like the {context} is using root disk encryption but
            there's no configuration defined for this system! Refusing to
            reboot the system because we won't be able to unlock it.
    # Get the current uptime of the remote system.
    old_uptime = get_uptime(context)
    logger.info("Rebooting after %s of uptime ..", format_timespan(old_uptime))
    # Issue the `reboot' command.
        context.execute('reboot', shell=False, silent=True, sudo=True)
        # TODO Investigate how to pro-actively close the master
        #      connection for multiplexed OpenSSH connections.
    except RemoteConnectFailed:
            While issuing the `reboot' command the SSH client reported dropping
            the connection. We will proceed under the assumption that this was
            caused by the remote SSH server being shut down as a result of the
            `reboot' command.
    # Unlock the root disk encryption.
    if have_config:
        options = dict(config_loader=loader, config_section=name)
        with EncryptedSystem(**options) as program:
    # Wait for a successful SSH connection to report a lower uptime. We do this
    # even when we just unlocked remote disk encryption, because in that case
    # the SSH server in the post-boot environment hasn't been confirmed to
    # successfully accept connections (we just observed the host keys
    # changing). This works to counteract SSH accepting the connection attempt
    # but reporting "System is booting up. See pam_nologin(8)" on the standard
    # error stream followed by exit(255) which is fairly useless to callers of
    # reboot_remote_system() that expect the system to be available...
    logger.info("Waiting for %s to come back online ..", context)
    while True:
            new_uptime = get_uptime(context)
            if old_uptime > new_uptime:
        except RemoteConnectFailed:
    logger.success("Took %s to reboot %s.", timer, context)
Example #7
def load_config_file(configuration_file=None, expand=True):
    Load a configuration file with backup directories and rotation schemes.

    :param configuration_file: Override the pathname of the configuration file
                               to load (a string or :data:`None`).
    :param expand: :data:`True` to expand filename patterns to their matches,
                   :data:`False` otherwise.
    :returns: A generator of tuples with four values each:

              1. An execution context created using :mod:`executor.contexts`.
              2. The pathname of a directory with backups (a string).
              3. A dictionary with the rotation scheme.
              4. A dictionary with additional options.
    :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when `configuration_file` is given
             but doesn't exist or can't be loaded.

    This function is used by :class:`RotateBackups` to discover user defined
    rotation schemes and by :mod:`rotate_backups.cli` to discover directories
    for which backup rotation is configured. When `configuration_file` isn't
    given :class:`~update_dotdee.ConfigLoader` is used to search for
    configuration files in the following locations:

    - ``/etc/rotate-backups.ini`` and ``/etc/rotate-backups.d/*.ini``
    - ``~/.rotate-backups.ini`` and ``~/.rotate-backups.d/*.ini``
    - ``~/.config/rotate-backups.ini`` and ``~/.config/rotate-backups.d/*.ini``

    All of the available configuration files are loaded in the order given
    above, so that sections in user-specific configuration files override
    sections by the same name in system-wide configuration files.
    expand_notice_given = False
    if configuration_file:
        loader = ConfigLoader(available_files=[configuration_file], strict=True)
        loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='rotate-backups', strict=False)
    for section in loader.section_names:
        items = dict(loader.get_options(section))
        context_options = {}
        if coerce_boolean(items.get('use-sudo')):
            context_options['sudo'] = True
        if items.get('ssh-user'):
            context_options['ssh_user'] = items['ssh-user']
        location = coerce_location(section, **context_options)
        rotation_scheme = dict((name, coerce_retention_period(items[name]))
                               for name in SUPPORTED_FREQUENCIES
                               if name in items)
        options = dict(include_list=split(items.get('include-list', '')),
                       exclude_list=split(items.get('exclude-list', '')),
                       strict=coerce_boolean(items.get('strict', 'yes')),
                       prefer_recent=coerce_boolean(items.get('prefer-recent', 'no')))
        # Don't override the value of the 'removal_command' property unless the
        # 'removal-command' configuration file option has a value set.
        if items.get('removal-command'):
            options['removal_command'] = shlex.split(items['removal-command'])
        # Expand filename patterns?
        if expand and location.have_wildcards:
            logger.verbose("Expanding filename pattern %s on %s ..", location.directory, location.context)
            if location.is_remote and not expand_notice_given:
                logger.notice("Expanding remote filename patterns (may be slow) ..")
                expand_notice_given = True
            for match in sorted(location.context.glob(location.directory)):
                if location.context.is_directory(match):
                    logger.verbose("Matched directory: %s", match)
                    expanded = Location(context=location.context, directory=match)
                    yield expanded, rotation_scheme, options
                    logger.verbose("Ignoring match (not a directory): %s", match)
            yield location, rotation_scheme, options
def load_config_file(configuration_file=None, expand=True):
    Load a configuration file with backup directories and rotation schemes.

    :param configuration_file: Override the pathname of the configuration file
                               to load (a string or :data:`None`).
    :param expand: :data:`True` to expand filename patterns to their matches,
                   :data:`False` otherwise.
    :returns: A generator of tuples with four values each:

              1. An execution context created using :mod:`executor.contexts`.
              2. The pathname of a directory with backups (a string).
              3. A dictionary with the rotation scheme.
              4. A dictionary with additional options.
    :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when `configuration_file` is given
             but doesn't exist or can't be loaded.

    This function is used by :class:`RotateBackups` to discover user defined
    rotation schemes and by :mod:`rotate_backups.cli` to discover directories
    for which backup rotation is configured. When `configuration_file` isn't
    given :class:`~update_dotdee.ConfigLoader` is used to search for
    configuration files in the following locations:

    - ``/etc/rotate-backups.ini`` and ``/etc/rotate-backups.d/*.ini``
    - ``~/.rotate-backups.ini`` and ``~/.rotate-backups.d/*.ini``
    - ``~/.config/rotate-backups.ini`` and ``~/.config/rotate-backups.d/*.ini``

    All of the available configuration files are loaded in the order given
    above, so that sections in user-specific configuration files override
    sections by the same name in system-wide configuration files.
    expand_notice_given = False
    if configuration_file:
        loader = ConfigLoader(available_files=[configuration_file], strict=True)
        loader = ConfigLoader(program_name='rotate-backups', strict=False)
    for section in loader.section_names:
        items = dict(loader.get_options(section))
        context_options = {}
        if coerce_boolean(items.get('use-sudo')):
            context_options['sudo'] = True
        if items.get('ssh-user'):
            context_options['ssh_user'] = items['ssh-user']
        location = coerce_location(section, **context_options)
        rotation_scheme = dict((name, coerce_retention_period(items[name]))
                               for name in SUPPORTED_FREQUENCIES
                               if name in items)
        options = dict(include_list=split(items.get('include-list', '')),
                       exclude_list=split(items.get('exclude-list', '')),
                       strict=coerce_boolean(items.get('strict', 'yes')),
                       prefer_recent=coerce_boolean(items.get('prefer-recent', 'no')))
        # Don't override the value of the 'removal_command' property unless the
        # 'removal-command' configuration file option has a value set.
        if items.get('removal-command'):
            options['removal_command'] = shlex.split(items['removal-command'])
        # Expand filename patterns?
        if expand and location.have_wildcards:
            logger.verbose("Expanding filename pattern %s on %s ..", location.directory, location.context)
            if location.is_remote and not expand_notice_given:
                logger.notice("Expanding remote filename patterns (may be slow) ..")
                expand_notice_given = True
            for match in sorted(location.context.glob(location.directory)):
                if location.context.is_directory(match):
                    logger.verbose("Matched directory: %s", match)
                    expanded = Location(context=location.context, directory=match)
                    yield expanded, rotation_scheme, options
                    logger.verbose("Ignoring match (not a directory): %s", match)
            yield location, rotation_scheme, options