def main(argv, workerFunc, configDir='/etc/mirrorball', enableLogging=True): if len(argv) < 2 or len(argv) > 3: return usage(argv) logFile = None if len(argv) == 3: logFile = argv[2] if enableLogging: log.addRootLogger(logFile=logFile) platform = argv[1] if not validatePlatform(platform, configDir): return 1 cfg = config.UpdateBotConfig(), platform, 'updatebotrc')) rc = workerFunc(cfg) return rc
def main(argv): rootLogger = logger.addRootLogger() log = logging.getLogger('updatebot.main') try: argv = list(argv) debugAll = '--debug-all' in argv debuggerException = errors.UpdateBotError if debugAll: debuggerException = Exception argv.remove('--debug-all') sys.excepthook = util.genExcepthook(debug=debugAll, debugCtrlC=debugAll) return BotMain().main(argv, debuggerException=debuggerException) except debuggerException, err: raise
def initialize(self): """ Setup initial state. """ store, product = self.handle.productStore, self.handle.product ui = self.handle.ui cny = self.handle.facade.conary rmk = self.handle.facade.rmake # This happens when we aren't in a rBuild checkout directory. Most # common case, probably when "rbuild init" is being run. Bail since we # can't do anyhthing anyway. if not store: return activeStage = store.getActiveStageName() activeLabel = product.getLabelForStage(activeStage) #nextStage = store.getNextStageName(activeStage) #nextLabel = product.getLabelForStage(nextStage) self.conarycfg = cny.getConaryConfig() self.rmakecfg, contextNames = rmk._getRmakeConfigWithContexts() self.updatebotcfg = config.UpdateBotConfig() self.updatebotcfg.archContexts = [(x, None) for x in contextNames.itervalues()] self.conarycfg.buildLabel = cny._getLabel(activeLabel) self.builder = build.Builder(self.updatebotcfg, ui, conaryCfg=self.conarycfg, rmakeCfg=self.rmakecfg) log.addRootLogger()
import rmake import conary import updatebot print >>sys.stderr, "using conary from", os.path.dirname(conary.__file__) print >>sys.stderr, "using rmake from", os.path.dirname(rmake.__file__) print >>sys.stderr, "using updatebot from", os.path.dirname(updatebot.__file__) from conary.lib import util sys.excepthook = util.genExcepthook() from updatebot import log as logSetup logSetup.addRootLogger() import logging from updatebot import OrderedBot log = logging.getLogger("scripts.testgroup") class Bot(OrderedBot): def generateInitialGroup(self): """ Generate config for standard group contents based on repository history. """ # self._pkgSource.load()
from updatebot import config from updatebot import bot from updatebot import current from updatebot import log # These dep classes will be inspected, all others will be ignored for buildreq # generation purposes. #DEP_CLASSES = (deps.PythonDependencies, deps.PerlDependencies) DEP_CLASSES = (deps.PythonDependencies, deps.PerlDependencies, deps.RpmDependencies, deps.RpmLibDependencies) #import epdb; logfile = '%s_%s.log' % (sys.argv[0], time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S')) log.addRootLogger(logfile) def main(obj): helper = obj._updater._conaryhelper print "Collecting RPM list" rpmBins = set() for name, verDict in helper._getLatestTroves().iteritems(): if not name.endswith(':rpm'): continue for version, flavors in verDict.iteritems(): for flavor in flavors: rpmBins.add((name, version, flavor)) rpmBins = sorted(rpmBins)
# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Script for walking a tree of rpms and building the metadata needed to detect repository state based on the contents of such a directory. """ from header import * from updatebot import log as logger from updatebot.pkgsource import rpmSource log = logger.addRootLogger() path = sys.argv[2] obj = RpmDirectoryIndexer(cfg, path) obj.loadFromUrl(sys.argv[2], basePath=sys.argv[3]) nv = [x for x in obj.iterPackageSet()] import epdb
sys.path.insert(0, os.environ['CONARY_PATH']) import rmake import conary import updatebot print >> sys.stderr, 'using conary from', os.path.dirname(conary.__file__) print >> sys.stderr, 'using rmake from', os.path.dirname(rmake.__file__) print >> sys.stderr, 'using updatebot from', os.path.dirname( updatebot.__file__) from conary.lib import util sys.excepthook = util.genExcepthook() from updatebot import log as logSetup logSetup.addRootLogger() import logging from updatebot import OrderedBot log = logging.getLogger('scripts.testgroup') class Bot(OrderedBot): def generateInitialGroup(self): """ Generate config for standard group contents based on repository history. """ # self._pkgSource.load()
sys.path.insert(0, os.environ['HOME'] + '/hg/conary') sys.path.insert(0, os.environ['HOME'] + '/hg/xobj/py') sys.path.insert(0, os.environ['HOME'] + '/hg/rbuilder-trunk/rpath-xmllib') from conary.lib import util sys.excepthook = util.genExcepthook() from conary.deps import deps mbdir = os.path.abspath('../') sys.path.insert(0, mbdir) from updatebot import log from updatebot import groupmgr slog = log.addRootLogger() def toxml(pkgList, toFile): groupName = 'group-rhel-standard' byDefault = True depCheck = True contents = groupmgr.GroupContentsModel(groupName, byDefault=byDefault, depCheck=depCheck) for pkg in pkgList:'adding %s' % (pkg, )) if type(pkg) == tuple: pkg, flavor = pkg contents.add(pkg, flavor=deps.parseFlavor(flavor))
cfg = config.UpdateBotConfig() platformConfigs.append(cfg) return platformConfigs def display(cfg, pkg, nvfs): print cfg.platformName, cfg.upstreamProductVersion for nvf in nvfs: print ' %s=%s[%s]' % nvf if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() log.addRootLogger() pkgName = sys.argv[1] platforms = getPlatformConfigs(os.path.join(mirrorballDir, 'config')) results = [] for cfg in platforms: helper = conaryhelper.ConaryHelper(cfg) spec = (pkgName, cfg.targetLabel, None) try: nvf = helper.findTrove(spec) except: nvf = [] if nvf:
conf = os.path.join(cfgDir, dname, 'updatebotrc') if os.path.exists(conf): cfg = config.UpdateBotConfig() platformConfigs.append(cfg) return platformConfigs def display(cfg, pkg, nvfs): print cfg.platformName, cfg.upstreamProductVersion for nvf in nvfs: print ' %s=%s[%s]' % nvf if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage() log.addRootLogger() pkgName = sys.argv[1] platforms = getPlatformConfigs(os.path.join(mirrorballDir, 'config')) results = [] for cfg in platforms: helper = conaryhelper.ConaryHelper(cfg) spec = (pkgName, cfg.targetLabel, None) try: nvf = helper.findTrove(spec) except: nvf = [] if nvf:
# # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """ Script for walking a tree of rpms and building the metadata needed to detect repository state based on the contents of such a directory. """ from header import * from updatebot import log as logger from updatebot.pkgsource import rpmSource log = logger.addRootLogger() path = sys.argv[2] obj = RpmDirectoryIndexer(cfg, path) obj.loadFromUrl(sys.argv[2], basePath=sys.argv[3]) nv = [ x for x in obj.iterPackageSet() ] import epdb;
from conary.lib import util sys.excepthook = util.genExcepthook() mbdir = os.path.abspath('../') sys.path.insert(0, mbdir) confDir = os.path.join(mbdir, 'config', sys.argv[1]) from updatebot import log from updatebot import Bot from updatebot import UpdateBotConfig import time import logging slog = log.addRootLogger() cfg = UpdateBotConfig(), 'updatebotrc')) bot = Bot(cfg) from updatebot import groupmgr versionFactory = groupmgr.VersionFactory(cfg) pkgset = bot._updater.getSourceVersionMap() sources = set([ (x, y.trailingRevision().getVersion()) for x, y in pkgset.iteritems() ]) match = versionFactory.getVersions(sources) import epdb;