Example #1
class Uploader(object):
    """Universal uploader class"""

    def __init__(self, hex_file, board):


        if board.bldr == "noboot":

            # TODO : interface here something like PICpgm (http://www.members.aon.at/electronics/pic/picpgm/)
            #self.logwindow("You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board", 1)
            raise Exception, "You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board"

        elif board.bldr == "boot2":
            from uploaderVSC import uploaderVSC as Uploader

        #elif board.bldr == 'boot3':
        #    self.uploader = self.uploaderDLN(*parameters)

        elif board.bldr == "boot4":
            from uploader8 import uploader8 as Uploader

        elif board.bldr == "microchip":
            from uploader32 import uploader32 as Uploader

        self.uploader = Uploader(hex_file, board)

    def write_hex(self):

        return self.uploader.report
Example #2
class Uploader(object):
    """Universal uploader class"""

    def __init__(self, hex_file, board):


        if board.bldr == "noboot":

            # TODO : interface here something like PICpgm (http://www.members.aon.at/electronics/pic/picpgm/)
            #self.logwindow("You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board", 1)
            raise Exception(
                "You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board"

        elif board.bldr == "boot2":
            from uploaderVSC import uploaderVSC as Uploader

        #elif board.bldr == 'boot3':
        #    self.uploader = self.uploaderDLN(*parameters)

        elif board.bldr == "boot4":
            from uploader8 import uploader8 as Uploader

        elif board.bldr == "microchip":
            from uploader32 import uploader32 as Uploader

        self.uploader = Uploader(hex_file, board)

    def write_hex(self):

        return self.uploader.report
Example #3
    def __init__(self, hexfile, board):


        self.hexfile = hexfile
        #self.filename = hexfile
        self.board = board

        if board.bldr == "noboot":

            # TODO : interface here something like PICpgm (http://www.members.aon.at/electronics/pic/picpgm/)
            #self.logwindow("You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board", 1)
            raise Exception(
                "You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board"

        elif board.bldr == "boot2":
            from uploaderVSC import uploaderVSC as Uploader

        #elif board.bldr == 'boot3':
        #    self.uploader = self.uploaderDLN(*parameters)

        elif board.bldr == "boot4":
            from uploader8 import uploader8 as Uploader

        elif board.bldr == "microchip":
            from uploader32 import uploader32 as Uploader

        #self.uploader = Uploader(hexfile, board)
        self.uploader = Uploader()
Example #4
    def __init__(self, hexfile, board):


        self.hexfile = hexfile
        #self.filename = hexfile
        self.board = board

        if board.bldr == "noboot":

            # TODO : interface here something like PICpgm (http://www.members.aon.at/electronics/pic/picpgm/)
            #self.logwindow("You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board", 1)
            raise Exception("You choose a board without bootloader.\nYou should either change your board type\nor use a programmer to upload your application on your board")

        elif board.bldr == "boot2":
            from uploaderVSC import uploaderVSC as Uploader

        #elif board.bldr == 'boot3':
        #    self.uploader = self.uploaderDLN(*parameters)

        elif board.bldr == "boot4":
            from uploader8 import uploader8 as Uploader

        elif board.bldr == "microchip":
            from uploader32 import uploader32 as Uploader

        self.uploader = Uploader(hexfile, board)