def main(url, uname, passw, csv_in_file, csv_out_file): date = sdate = "%02d-%02d-%04d"%(date.month,, date.year) try: rmsg, rcount, fcount = upsert.main("update", csv_in_file, csv_out_file, url, uname, passw) if rmsg != "": emsg = "Error at update: %s"%rmsg print emsg return 1 except sf.SFException, e: print e return 1
def main(save_dir, work_dir, src_fname, mail_file): global logger doesnotwant = "Does Not Want" logger = utils.createLogger("fpn_unsubs") logger.debug("main started") if not os.path.isdir(save_dir): r,c = commands.getstatusoutput("mkdir -p "+save_dir) if r: logger.error(c) mail_file_o = open(mail_file, "w") mail_file_o.write("ERROR\n") mail_file_o.write(c) sys.exit(1) # save_dir has timestamp:email_add donefile = os.path.join(save_dir, "donefile.dat") grep1 = "grep -n \"%%s\" %s"%donefile open(donefile, "a").close() # wtf consider = {} for p in [l for l in os.listdir(work_dir) if l.find(src_fname) != -1]: for line in open(os.path.join(work_dir, p)).read().split("\n"): if len(line): parts = line.split(delim) if len(parts) == 3: addy = parts[1].strip().lower() eds = parts[2] token = parts[0] blk = "%s:%s"%(token, addy) cmd = grep1%blk # logger.debug(cmd) r,c = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) if r == 0: logger.debug("Already done "+line) else: logger.debug("Will consider "+line) try: tup = consider[addy] except KeyError: tup = ([], []) consider[addy] = tup tup[0].append(token) for ed in eds.split(";"): edx = ed.split(",")[0] if edx not in tup[1]: tup[1].append(edx) if len(consider) == 0:"Nothing to process") return 0 (sfurl, username, password) = utils.getSFSiteCred(os.path.join(sf_home, "sfrunner.cfg")) where = None for key in consider.keys(): def escapeQ(x): return x.replace("'", "\\'") if not where: where = "where Email in ('%s'"%escapeQ(key) else: where = where + ",'%s'"%escapeQ(key) where = where + ") and FPN_Subscriptions__c != '' and FPN_Subscriptions__c != '%s' and FPN_Subscriptions__c != 'Not Authorized - see JMC'"%doesnotwant queryRes = os.path.join(work_dir, "fpnunsubsw.csv") if os.path.isfile(queryRes): try: os.unlink(queryRes) except OSError: mail_file_o = open(mail_file, "w") mail_file_o.write("ERROR") msg = "*** cannot delete file "+queryRes mail_file_o.write(msg) logger.error(msg) return 1 p1.main(queryRes, sfurl, username, password, where) if not os.path.isfile(queryRes): msg = "ERROR\n**** query for unsubs did not generate output file\n Query: "+where logger.error(msg); mail_file_o = open(mail_file, "w") mail_file_o.write(msg) return 1 # diff what we got from the server and what is currently in sf sfmap = {} first = True for r in csv.reader(open(queryRes, 'r')): if first: first = False else: key = r[1].strip().lower() sfmap[key] = (r[0], r[4].split(";")) # create the input file csv_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "update.csv") logger.debug("LOADER CSV "+csv_file) csv_fileo = open(csv_file, 'w') csvw = csv.writer(csv_fileo, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) csvw.writerow(["ID", "FPN_Subscriptions__c"]) id_to_unsub_map = {} has_one = False for key in consider.keys(): try: insf_tup = sfmap[key] except KeyError: # if this is the case then it means the contact was deleted from SF continue to_remove = consider[key][1] logger.debug("CONTACT: "+key) logger.debug("SF val: "+str(insf_tup)) logger.debug("toRemove: "+str(to_remove)) has_one = True new_val = "" for i in insf_tup[1]: i1 = i.split(" ")[0] if i1 not in to_remove: if new_val == "": new_val = i else: new_val = new_val + ";" + i if new_val == "": new_val = doesnotwant csvw.writerow([insf_tup[0], new_val]) id_to_unsub_map[insf_tup[0]] = (key, to_remove) csv_fileo.close() if has_one: logger.debug("id_to_unsub_map "+str(id_to_unsub_map)) stat_file = os.path.join(work_dir, "fpnunsubs.out") logger.debug("STAT FILE "+stat_file) try: rmsg, rcount, fcount = upsert.main("update", csv_file, stat_file, sfurl, username, password) if rmsg != "": emsg = "Error at update: %s"%rmsg mail_file_o = open(mail_file, "w") mail_file_o.write(emsg) return 1 except sf.SFException, e: mail_file_o = open(mail_file, "w") mail_file_o.write("ERROR") mail_file_o.write(str(e)) logger.error(str(e)) return 1 mail_file_o = open(mail_file, "w") mail_file_o.write("SF Updated: Records Processed: %d\nFailed: %d\n"%(rcount, fcount)) mail_file_o.write("Successful updates\nEmail Address\t\tFPN Unsubscribes\n") stat_file_o = open(stat_file) first = True fail_rec = [] for r in csv.reader(stat_file_o): if first: first = False else: id = r[0] success = r[1] create = r[2] reason = r[3] try: email, unsub = id_to_unsub_map[id] if success.lower() == "true": mail_file_o.write("%s\t\t%s\n"%(email, ";".join(unsub))) else: fail_rec.append((email, ";".join(unsub), reason)) except KeyError: fail_rec.append(("", "", reason)) if len(fail_rec): mail_file_o.write("Failed updates\nEmail Address\t\tFPN Unsubscribes\tReason\n") for z in fail_rec: mail_file_o.write("%s\t\t%s\t%s\n"%(z[0], z[1], z[2]))