Example #1
def load_ood_dataset(n_ood, fix_len, vocab, vocab_size):
  """Load LM1B dataset for OOD test."""
  ## import ood dataset
  data = tfds.load('lm1b')
  _, test_lm1b_tfds = data['train'], data['test']
  i = 0
  test_lm1b_list = []
  for example in tfds.as_numpy(test_lm1b_tfds):
    x = example['text'].decode('utf-8')  # for PY3
    x = re.sub(r'\W+', ' ', x).strip()  # remove "," "."
    i += 1
    if i % n_ood == 0:

  test_lm1b_x = data_utilsh.text_to_rank(
      test_lm1b_list, vocab, desired_vocab_size=vocab_size)
  # pad text to achieve the same length
  test_lm1b_x_pad = data_utilsh.pad_sequences(test_lm1b_x, maxlen=fix_len)
  test_lm1b_y = -1 * np.ones(len(test_lm1b_x))

  return test_lm1b_x_pad, test_lm1b_y
Example #2
def make_dataset(params):
  """Make np arrays for 20 news groups."""

  # odd number classes are in-distribution, even number classes are OODs.
  if params['filter_label'] == -1:
    to_include = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
    to_include = [params['filter_label']]
  to_exclude = list(set(range(params['n_class'])).difference(to_include))
  logging.info('exclude classes=%s', to_exclude)

  logging.info('Loading raw data')
  x_train, y_train = data_utilsh.load_data(params['tr_data_file'])
  x_test, y_test = data_utilsh.load_data(params['test_data_file'])

  logging.info('Get vocab and encode words to ints')
  # vocab is a dict ordered by word freqs
  vocab = data_utilsh.get_vocab(x_train)
  # words with top vocab_size-1 freqs are encoded as 1 to vocab_size-1,
  # words with less freqs are encoded as vocab_size for unknown token
  # sentences > max_len is truncated from the beginning,
  # sentences < max_len is padded from the beginning with 0.
  # so the total vocab = vocab_size-1 (specific words) + 1 (unk) + 1 (padding)
  x_train = data_utilsh.text_to_rank(x_train, vocab, params['vocab_size'])
  x_test = data_utilsh.text_to_rank(x_test, vocab, params['vocab_size'])

  # shuffle
  indices = np.arange(len(x_train))
  x_train = [x_train[i] for i in indices]
  y_train = [y_train[i] for i in indices]

  indices = np.arange(len(x_test))
  x_test = [x_test[i] for i in indices]
  y_test = [y_test[i] for i in indices]

  # split into train/dev
  n_dev = int(len(x_train) * (1 - params['tr_frac']))
  x_dev = x_train[-n_dev:]
  y_dev = y_train[-n_dev:]
  x_train = x_train[:-n_dev]
  y_train = y_train[:-n_dev]

  # if fragment text into short pieces
  if params['shortfrag']:
    logging.info('sampling sub-text.')
    x_train, y_train = data_utils.fragment_into_short_sentence(
        x_train, y_train, params['fix_len'], params['sample_rate'])
    logging.info('x_train_frag=%s', x_train[0])

    x_dev, y_dev = data_utils.fragment_into_short_sentence(
        x_dev, y_dev, params['fix_len'], params['sample_rate'])
    logging.info('x_dev_frag=%s', x_dev[0])

    x_test, y_test = data_utils.fragment_into_short_sentence(
        x_test, y_test, params['fix_len'], params['sample_rate'])
    logging.info('x_test_frag=%s', x_test[0])

    logging.info('pad original text with 0s.')
    # pad text to achieve the same length
    x_train = data_utilsh.pad_sequences(x_train, maxlen=params['fix_len'])
    x_dev = data_utilsh.pad_sequences(x_dev, maxlen=params['fix_len'])
    x_test = data_utilsh.pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen=params['fix_len'])

    y_train = np.array(y_train)
    y_dev = np.array(y_dev)
    y_test = np.array(y_test)

  # partition data into in-distribution and OODs by their labels
  in_sample_examples, in_sample_labels, oos_examples, oos_labels =\
  data_utilsh.partion_data_in_two(x_train, np.array(y_train), to_include, to_exclude)
  dev_in_sample_examples, dev_in_sample_labels, dev_oos_examples, dev_oos_labels =\
  data_utilsh.partion_data_in_two(x_dev, np.array(y_dev), to_include, to_exclude)
  test_in_sample_examples, test_in_sample_labels, test_oos_examples, test_oos_labels =\
  data_utilsh.partion_data_in_two(x_test, np.array(y_test), to_include, to_exclude)

  class_freq = np.bincount(in_sample_labels)
  logging.info('in_sample_labels_freq=%s', class_freq)

  class_freq = np.bincount(dev_in_sample_labels)
  logging.info('dev_in_sample_labels_freq=%s', class_freq)

  class_freq = np.bincount(dev_oos_labels)
  logging.info('dev_oos_labels_freq=%s', class_freq)

  # relabel in-distribution from 0,2,4... to 0,1,2, for encoding labels
  # when training classifier
  # safely assumes there is an example for each in_sample class i
  # n both the training and dev class
  in_sample_labels = data_utilsh.relabel_in_sample_labels(in_sample_labels)
  dev_in_sample_labels = data_utilsh.relabel_in_sample_labels(
  test_in_sample_labels = data_utilsh.relabel_in_sample_labels(

  logging.info('# word id>15000=%s', np.sum(in_sample_labels > 15000))
      'n_tr_in=%s, n_val_in=%s, n_val_ood=%s, n_test_in=%s, n_test_ood=%s',
      in_sample_labels.shape[0], dev_in_sample_labels.shape[0],
      dev_oos_labels.shape[0], test_in_sample_labels.shape[0],
  logging.info('example in_sample_examples1=%s, \n in_sample_examples2=%s',
               in_sample_examples[0], in_sample_examples[1])

  ## save to disk
  if params['shortfrag']:
    # if fragment text into fix-length short pieces,
    # we subsample short pieces with sample_rate
    # so the data file name has the this parameter
    out_file_name = '20news_encode_maxlen{}_vs{}_rate{}_in{}_trfrac{}.pkl'.format(
        params['fix_len'], params['vocab_size'], params['sample_rate'],
        '-'.join([str(x) for x in to_include]), params['tr_frac'])
    # if we do not fragment text, we use all text examples
    # Given a fixed length, pad text if it is shorter than the fixed length,
    # truncate text if it is longer than the fixed length.
    out_file_name = '20news_encode_maxlen{}_vs{}_in{}_trfrac{}.pkl'.format(
        params['fix_len'], params['vocab_size'],
        '-'.join([str(x) for x in to_include]), params['tr_frac'])
  with tf.gfile.Open(os.path.join(params['out_dir'], out_file_name), 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(in_sample_examples, f)
    pickle.dump(in_sample_labels, f)
    pickle.dump(oos_examples, f)
    pickle.dump(oos_labels, f)

    pickle.dump(dev_in_sample_examples, f)
    pickle.dump(dev_in_sample_labels, f)
    pickle.dump(dev_oos_examples, f)
    pickle.dump(dev_oos_labels, f)

    pickle.dump(test_in_sample_examples, f)
    pickle.dump(test_in_sample_labels, f)
    pickle.dump(test_oos_examples, f)
    pickle.dump(test_oos_labels, f)
    pickle.dump(vocab, f)