def prepare(flags): if len(flags.GPUS) > 0: torch.cuda.set_device(flags.GPUS[0]) handlers = Handlers() # IO configuration handlers.data_io = io_factory(flags) handlers.data_io.initialize() if 'sparse' in flags.IO_TYPE: handlers.data_io.start_threads() # if 'sparse' in flags.MODEL_NAME and 'sparse' not in flags.IO_TYPE: sys.stderr.write('Sparse UResNet needs sparse IO.') sys.exit(1) # Trainer configuration flags.NUM_CHANNEL = handlers.data_io.num_channels() handlers.trainer = trainval(flags) # Restore weights if necessary handlers.iteration = 0 loaded_iteration = 0 if not flags.FULL: loaded_iteration = handlers.trainer.initialize() if flags.TRAIN: handlers.iteration = loaded_iteration # Weight save directory if flags.WEIGHT_PREFIX: save_dir = flags.WEIGHT_PREFIX[0:flags.WEIGHT_PREFIX.rfind('/')] if save_dir and not os.path.isdir(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) # Log save directory if flags.LOG_DIR: if not os.path.exists(flags.LOG_DIR): os.mkdir(flags.LOG_DIR) logname = '%s/train_log-%07d.csv' % (flags.LOG_DIR, loaded_iteration) if not flags.TRAIN: logname = '%s/inference_log-%07d.csv' % (flags.LOG_DIR, loaded_iteration) handlers.csv_logger = utils.CSVData(logname) if not flags.TRAIN and flags.FULL: handlers.metrics_logger = utils.CSVData( '%s/metrics_log-%07d.csv' % (flags.LOG_DIR, loaded_iteration)) handlers.pixels_logger = utils.CSVData( '%s/pixels_log-%07d.csv' % (flags.LOG_DIR, loaded_iteration)) handlers.michel_logger = utils.CSVData( '%s/michel_log-%07d.csv' % (flags.LOG_DIR, loaded_iteration)) handlers.michel_logger2 = utils.CSVData( '%s/michel2_log-%07d.csv' % (flags.LOG_DIR, loaded_iteration)) return handlers
def __init__(self, broker_address, plane, weight_file, batch_size, row_tick_dim=512, col_wire_dim=512, device_id=None, use_half=False, nlayers=5, nfilters=32, use_compression=False, **kwargs): """ Constructor inputs ------ broker_address str IP address of broker plane int Plane ID number. Currently [0,1,2] only weight_file str path to files with weights batch_size int number of batches to process in one pass """ if type(plane) is not int: raise ValueError("'plane' argument must be integer for plane ID") elif plane not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("unrecognized plane argument. \ should be either one of [0,1,2]") else: pass if type(batch_size) is not int or batch_size < 0: raise ValueError("'batch_size' must be a positive integer") self.plane = plane self.batch_size = batch_size self._still_processing_msg = False self._use_half = use_half self._use_compression = use_compression if self._use_half: print("Using half-precision for sparse ssnet not tested") assert 1 == 2 service_name = "sparse_uresnet_plane%d" % (self.plane) super(SparseSSNetWorker, self).__init__(service_name, broker_address, **kwargs) # Get Configs going: # configuration from Ran: """ inference --full -pl 1 -mp PATH_TO_Plane1Weights-13999.ckpt -io larcv_sparse -bs 64 -nc 5 -rs 1 -ss 512 -dd 2 -uns 5 -dkeys wire,label -mn uresnet_sparse -it 10 -ld log/ -if PATH_TO_INPUT_ROOT_FILE """ self.config = uresnet.flags.URESNET_FLAGS() args = { "full": True, # --full "plane": self.plane, # -pl "model_path": weight_file, # -mp "io_type": "larcv_sparse", # -io "batch_size": 1, # -bs "num_class": 5, # -nc "uresnet_filters": nfilters, # -uf "report_step": 1, # -rs "spatial_size": row_tick_dim, # -ss "data_dim": 2, # -dd "uresnet_num_strides": nlayers, # -uns "data_keys": "wire,label", # -dkeys "model_name": "uresnet_sparse", # -mn "iteration": 1, # -it "log_dir": "log/", # -ld "input_file": "none" } # -if self.config.update(args) self.config.TRAIN = False self.config.SPATIAL_SIZE = (row_tick_dim, col_wire_dim) print("\n\n-- CONFIG --") for name in vars(self.config): attribute = getattr(self.config, name) if type(attribute) == type(self.config.parser): continue print("%s = %r" % (name, getattr(self.config, name))) # Set random seed for reproducibility np.random.seed(self.config.SEED) torch.manual_seed(self.config.SEED) self.trainval = trainval(self.config) self.trainval.initialize()"Loaded ubMRCNN model. Service={}".format(service_name))
def forwardpass( plane, sparse_bson_list, weights_filepath ): # Get Configs going: # configuration from Ran: """ inference --full -pl 1 -mp PATH_TO_Plane1Weights-13999.ckpt -io larcv_sparse -bs 64 -nc 5 -rs 1 -ss 512 -dd 2 -uns 5 -dkeys wire,label -mn uresnet_sparse -it 10 -ld log/ -if PATH_TO_INPUT_ROOT_FILE """ config = uresnet.flags.URESNET_FLAGS() args = { "full":True, # --full "plane":plane, # -pl "model_path":weights_filepath, # -mp "io_type":"larcv_sparse", # -io "batch_size":1, # -bs "num_class":5, # -nc "uresnet_filters":16, # -uf "report_step":1, # -rs "spatial_size":512, # -ss "data_dim":2, # -dd "uresnet_num_strides": 5, # -uns "data_keys":"wire,label", # -dkeys "model_name":"uresnet_sparse", # -mn "iteration":1, # -it "log_dir":"./log/", # -ld "input_file":"none" } # -if config.update(args) config.TRAIN = False print("\n\n-- CONFIG --") for name in vars(config): attribute = getattr(config,name) if type(attribute) == type(config.parser): continue print("%s = %r" % (name, getattr(config, name))) # Set random seed for reproducibility #np.random.seed(config.SEED) #torch.manual_seed(config.SEED) interface = trainval(config) interface.initialize() print("Loaded sparse pytorch_uresnet plane={}".format(plane)) # parse the input data, loop over pybyte objects sparsedata_v = [] rseid_v = [] npts_v = [] ntotalpts = 0 for bson in sparse_bson_list: c_run = c_int() c_subrun = c_int() c_event = c_int() c_id = c_int() imgdata = larcv.json.sparseimg_from_bson_pybytes(bson, c_run, c_subrun, c_event, c_id ) npts = int(imgdata.pixellist().size()/(imgdata.nfeatures()+2)) ntotalpts += npts sparsedata_v.append(imgdata) npts_v.append( npts ) rseid_v.append( (c_run.value, c_subrun.value, c_event.value, c_id.value) ) # make batch array batch_np = np.zeros( ( ntotalpts, 4 ) ) startidx = 0 idx = 0 for npts,img2d in zip( npts_v, sparsedata_v ): endidx = startidx+npts spimg_np = larcv.as_ndarray( img2d, larcv.msg.kNORMAL ) #print("spimg_np: {}".format(spimg_np[:,0:2])) # coords batch_np[startidx:endidx,0] = spimg_np[:,0] # tick batch_np[startidx:endidx,1] = spimg_np[:,1] # wire batch_np[startidx:endidx,2] = idx # batch index batch_np[startidx:endidx,3] = spimg_np[:,2] # pixel value #print("batch_np: {}".format(batch_np[:,0:2])) idx += 1 # pass to network data_blob = { 'data': [[batch_np]] } results = interface.forward( data_blob ) bson_reply = [] startidx = 0 for idx in xrange(len(results['softmax'])): ssnetout_np = results['softmax'][idx] #print("ssneout_np: {}".format(ssnetout_np.shape)) rseid = rseid_v[idx] meta = sparsedata_v[idx].meta(0) npts = int( npts_v[idx] ) endidx = startidx+npts #print("numpoints for img[{}]: {}".format(idx,npts)) ssnetout_wcoords = np.zeros( (ssnetout_np.shape[0],ssnetout_np.shape[1]+2), dtype=np.float32 ) ssnetout_wcoords[:,0] = batch_np[startidx:endidx,0] # tick ssnetout_wcoords[:,1] = batch_np[startidx:endidx,1] # wire # pixel value ssnetout_wcoords[:,2:2+ssnetout_np.shape[1]] = ssnetout_np[:,:] startidx = endidx #print("ssnetout_wcoords: {}".format(ssnetout_wcoords[:,0:2])) meta_v = std.vector("larcv::ImageMeta")() for i in xrange(5): meta_v.push_back(meta) ssnetout_spimg = larcv.sparseimg_from_ndarray( ssnetout_wcoords, meta_v, larcv.msg.kDEBUG ) bson = larcv.json.as_bson_pybytes( ssnetout_spimg, rseid[0], rseid[1], rseid[2], rseid[3] ) bson_reply.append(bson) return bson_reply