Example #1
 def _parse_url(url):
     """ Returns scheme, host, port, path, query. """
     scheme, netloc, path, _params, query, _frag = rhnLib.parseUrl(url)
     host, port = urllib.splitnport(netloc)
     if (port <= 0):
         port = None
     return scheme, host, port, path, query
Example #2
def split_git_url(url):
    """Split a Git URL.

    :param url: Git URL
    :return: Tuple with host, port, username, path.
    (scheme, netloc, loc, _, _) = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
    path = urlparse.unquote(loc)
    if path.startswith("/~"):
        path = path[1:]
    (username, hostport) = splituser(netloc)
    (host, port) = splitnport(hostport, None)
    return (host, port, username, path)
Example #3
def parse_host(addr, is_win32=False, tls=False):
    path = ''
    port = None
    host = None

    # Sensible defaults
    if not addr and is_win32:
        return DEFAULT_NPIPE
    if not addr or addr.strip() == 'unix://':
        return DEFAULT_UNIX_SOCKET

    addr = addr.strip()

    parsed_url = urlparse(addr)
    proto = parsed_url.scheme
    if not proto or any([x not in string.ascii_letters + '+' for x in proto]):
        # https://bugs.python.org/issue754016
        parsed_url = urlparse('//' + addr, 'tcp')
        proto = 'tcp'

    if proto == 'fd':
        raise errors.DockerException('fd protocol is not implemented')

    # These protos are valid aliases for our library but not for the
    # official spec
    if proto == 'http' or proto == 'https':
        tls = proto == 'https'
        proto = 'tcp'
    elif proto == 'http+unix':
        proto = 'unix'

    if proto not in ('tcp', 'unix', 'npipe', 'ssh'):
        raise errors.DockerException(
            "Invalid bind address protocol: {}".format(addr))

    if proto == 'tcp' and not parsed_url.netloc:
        # "tcp://" is exceptionally disallowed by convention;
        # omitting a hostname for other protocols is fine
        raise errors.DockerException(
            'Invalid bind address format: {}'.format(addr))

    if any([
            parsed_url.params, parsed_url.query, parsed_url.fragment,
        raise errors.DockerException(
            'Invalid bind address format: {}'.format(addr))

    if parsed_url.path and proto == 'ssh':
        raise errors.DockerException(
            'Invalid bind address format: no path allowed for this protocol:'
            ' {}'.format(addr))
        path = parsed_url.path
        if proto == 'unix' and parsed_url.hostname is not None:
            # For legacy reasons, we consider unix://path
            # to be valid and equivalent to unix:///path
            path = '/'.join((parsed_url.hostname, path))

    if proto in ('tcp', 'ssh'):
        # parsed_url.hostname strips brackets from IPv6 addresses,
        # which can be problematic hence our use of splitnport() instead.
        host, port = splitnport(parsed_url.netloc)
        if port is None or port < 0:
            if proto != 'ssh':
                raise errors.DockerException(
                    'Invalid bind address format: port is required:'
                    ' {}'.format(addr))
            port = 22

        if not host:
            host = DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST

    # Rewrite schemes to fit library internals (requests adapters)
    if proto == 'tcp':
        proto = 'http{}'.format('s' if tls else '')
    elif proto == 'unix':
        proto = 'http+unix'

    if proto in ('http+unix', 'npipe'):
        return "{}://{}".format(proto, path).rstrip('/')
    return '{0}://{1}:{2}{3}'.format(proto, host, port, path).rstrip('/')