def urlform_decode(formencoded): "map URL encoded form data to UNICODE keys and values" query_strings = {} for param in formencoded.split('&'): if param.find('=') > -1: name, value = param.split('=', 1) query_strings[unicode(urldecode(name), 'UTF-8')] = unicode(urldecode(value), 'UTF-8') elif param: query_strings[unicode(urldecode(param), 'UTF-8')] = None return query_strings
def urlform_decode (formencoded): "map URL encoded form data to UNICODE keys and values" query_strings = {} for param in formencoded.split ('&'): if param.find ('=') > -1: name, value = param.split ('=', 1) query_strings[unicode ( urldecode (name), 'UTF-8' )] = unicode (urldecode (value), 'UTF-8') elif param: query_strings[unicode ( urldecode (param), 'UTF-8' )] = None return query_strings
def request(self,endpoint, post = None, login = False, flood_wait = False, assoc = True): if not self.parent.isLoggedIn and not login: Exception("Not logged in\n") return headers = { 'Connection': 'close', 'Accept': '*/*', 'X-IG-Capabilities ': Constants.X_IG_Capabilities, 'X-IG-Connection-Type': 'WIFI', 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'Accept-Language':' en-US', } ch =requests.Session() ret =requests.Request() req = ch.prepare_request(ret) req.url= Constants.API_URL+endpoint headers['User-agent']=self.userAgent req.headers=headers if self.parent.settingsAdopter['type'] == 'file': cook = load_cookies(self.parent.settings.cookiesPath) req.cookies = cook else : cookieJar = self.parent.settings.get('cookies'); cookieJarFile = os.tempnam(( tempfile.gettempdir(), uuid.uuid1())) save_cookies(cookieJar,cookieJarFile) req.cookies = cookieJar if (post): req.method='POST' post if (self.parent.proxy) : resp = ch.send(req, verify=self.verifyHost, proxies=self.parent.proxy, cert=False, ) else: resp = ch.send(req, verify=self.verifyHost, cert=False) if (self.parent.debug): print "REQUEST: endpoint" if post: print 'DATA: '+urllib.urldecode(post) print "RESPONSE: body\n\n"; return [resp.response.headers, resp.json()];
def url_decode(string): if python_version < (3, 0): from urllib import quote as urldecode; else: from urllib.parse import unquote_plus as urldecode; #endif return urldecode(string);
def urlDecode(what): res = None if type(what) == type(""): res = urllib.unquote(string.replace(what, "+", " ")) elif type(what) == type({}): res = urllib.urldecode(what) else: raise "urlDecode doesn't know how to deal with this kind of data" return res
def arg(otherwise, query, name): """Extracts the value of a query argument.""" nameLen = len(name) if name + "=" == query[:1 + nameLen]: first = 1 + nameLen else: first = query.find("&" + name + "=") if -1 == first: return otherwise first += 2 + nameLen last = query.find("&", first) return urldecode(query[first:last])
def arg(otherwise, query, name): """Extracts the value of a query argument.""" nameLen = len(name) if name+"=" == query[:1+nameLen]: first = 1 + nameLen else: first = query.find("&"+name+"=") if -1 == first: return otherwise first += 2 + nameLen last = query.find("&",first) return urldecode(query[first:last])
def http_continue (self, http): uri = http.request[1] try: uri = list (HTTP_URI.match (uri).groups ()) except: uri = ['http://', http.collector_headers.get ( 'host', self.presto_path ), uri, '', ''] else: uri[0] = uri[0] or 'http://' uri[1] = uri[1] or http.collector_headers.get ( 'host', self.presto_path ) http.uri = uri about = uri[2].split ('/', 2) about[0] = uri[1] about = http.uri_about = tuple (( unicode (urldecode (n), 'UTF-8') for n in about )) try: # context, subject and maybe predicate # || http://host/folder || http://host/folder/file controller = self.presto_cached[about] except: if len (about) > 2: about = (about[0], about[1]) else: about = (about[0],) try: # context and subject || http://host/folder controller = self.presto_cached[about] except: controller = http_404_close try: stalled = controller (http, about) except: self.loginfo_traceback () http (500) stalled = False try: digest = http.irtd2[4] except: digest = '%x' % id (http) loginfo.log (str (netstring.encode (( ' '.join (http.request), ''.join (uri[:3]), digest ))), '%d' % http.response) return stalled
def http_continue(self, http): uri = http.request[1] try: uri = list(HTTP_URI.match(uri).groups()) except: uri = [ 'http://', http.collector_headers.get('host', self.presto_path), uri, '', '' ] else: uri[0] = uri[0] or 'http://' uri[1] = uri[1] or http.collector_headers.get( 'host', self.presto_path) http.uri = uri about = uri[2].split('/', 2) about[0] = uri[1] about = http.uri_about = tuple( (unicode(urldecode(n), 'UTF-8') for n in about)) try: # context, subject and maybe predicate # || http://host/folder || http://host/folder/file controller = self.presto_cached[about] except: if len(about) > 2: about = (about[0], about[1]) else: about = (about[0], ) try: # context and subject || http://host/folder controller = self.presto_cached[about] except: controller = http_404_close try: stalled = controller(http, about) except: self.loginfo_traceback() http(500) stalled = False try: digest = http.irtd2[4] except: digest = '%x' % id(http) loginfo.log( str( netstring.encode( (' '.join(http.request), ''.join(uri[:3]), digest))), '%d' % http.response) return stalled
def prepare(self, record): """ Prepares the record to be placed on the queue """ if record.exc_info: record.exc_text = self.formatException(record.exc_info) record.exc_info = None # Apply string formatting to the message using args if hasattr(record, 'args'): record.msg = urldecode(record.msg) % record.args record.args = [] serialized_record = json.dumps(record.__dict__) return serialized_record
def decode_string(s): """ >>> decode_string('foo') u'foo' >>> decode_string('foo%20bar') u'foo bar' >>> decode_string('föö%20bär') u'f\\xf6\\xf6 b\\xe4r' """ try: s = s.decode('utf-8') except: if not type(s) in (str, unicode): s = unicode(s) s = unicode(non_ascii_pattern.sub('', s)) return urldecode(s)
def get_pingback_uri(url_to_ping): """ Get Pingback url for RPC """ pingback_uri = '' try: response = urlfetch.fetch(url_to_ping, method=urlfetch.GET, deadline = 10) except: pass try: pingback_uri = response.headers['X-Pingback'] except KeyError: _pingback_re = re.compile(r'<link rel="pingback" href="([^"]+)" ?/?>(?i)') match = if match: pingback_uri =urldecode( return pingback_uri
def get(self, value): value = urldecode(value) qr_key = QRKey.from_value(value) jsonp = self.request.get('callback') try: qr_image = QRStore.get(qr_key) if not qr_image: qr_image = QRStore(value) qr_image.put() # saves the image if new, but otherwise just updates the access time if self.request.get('info'): if jsonp: jsonify(self.response, {"success": True, "message": "QR code now stored in database."}, jsonp) else: jsonify(self.response, {"success": True, "message": "QR code now stored in database."}) else: self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "image/png" self.response.out.write(qr_image.get_image()) except QRValueError: if jsonp: jsonify(self.response, {"success": False, "message": "Value too short."}, jsonp) else: jsonify(self.response, {"success": False, "message": "Value too short."})
def changeProfilePicture(self,photo): if not photo: print "Photo not valid\n\n"; return; uData = json.loads({ '_csrftoken' : self.parent.token, '_uuid' : self.parent.uuid, '_uid' : self.parent.username_id, }); endpoint = Constants.API_URL+'accounts/change_profile_picture/'; boundary = self.parent.uuid; with open(photo,'rb') as e: ph= bodies = { { 'type' : 'form-data', 'name' : 'ig_sig_key_version', 'data' : Constants.SIG_KEY_VERSION, }, { 'type' : 'form-data', 'name' : 'signed_body', 'data' Constants.IG_SIG_KEY,uData,hashlib.sha256).digest()+uData, }, { 'type' : 'form-data', 'name' : 'profile_pic', 'data' :ph , 'filename' : 'profile_pic', 'headers' : [ 'Content-type: application/octet-stream', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', ], }, }; data = self.buildBody(bodies, boundary); headers = { 'Proxy-Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Accept': '*/*', 'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary='+boundary, 'Accept-Language': 'en-en', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', }; ch =requests.Session() ret =requests.Request() req = ch.prepare_request(ret) req.url= endpoint headers['User-agent']=self.userAgent req.headers=headers cook = load_cookies(self.parent.IGDataPath+self.parent.username+'-cookies.dat') #curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, self.parent.IGDataPath+self.parent.username+'-cookies.dat'); #curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, self.parent.IGDataPath+self.parent.username+'-cookies.dat'); req.cookies = cook req.method='POST' if (self.parent.proxy) : resp = s.send(req, verify=False, proxies=self.parent.proxy, cert=False, ) else: resp = s.send(req, verify=False, cert=False) if (self.parent.debug): print "REQUEST: endpoint" if post: print 'DATA: '+urllib.urldecode(post) print "RESPONSE: body\n\n";
def urldecode_rfc3986(string): return urllib.urldecode(string)
def url_decode(url): return urllib.urldecode(url)
def parse(self, elt, ps): val = String.parse(self, elt, ps) return urldecode(val)
def urldecode(self, st): return urllib.urldecode(st)
def decode(self, text=""): if(type(text) == str): return urllib.unquote(text) elif(type(text) == dict): return urllib.urldecode(text) return text