errors['email_error'] = "" if not USER_RE.match(username): errors['username_error'] = ("invalid username. " + "try just letters and numbers") return False if not PASS_RE.match(password): errors['password_error'] = "invalid password." return False if password != verify: errors['verify_error'] = "password must match" return False if email != "": if not EMAIL_RE.match(email): errors['email_error'] = "invalid email address" return False return True connection_string = "mongodb://localhost" connection = pymongo.MongoClient(connection_string) database = posts = blogPostDAO.BlogPostDAO(database) users = userDAO.UserDAO(database) sessions = sessionDAO.SessionDAO(database) bottle.debug(True)'localhost', port=8082) # Start the webserver, listens
def blog_index(): cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session") username = sessions.get_username(cookie) # even if there is no logged in user, we can show the blog l = posts.get_posts(10) return bottle.template('blog_template', dict(myposts=l, username=username)) # Displays a particular blog post @bottle.get("/post/<permalink>") def show_post(permalink="notfound"): cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session") username = sessions.get_username(cookie) permalink = cgi.escape(permalink) print "about to query on permalink = ", permalink post = posts.get_post_by_permalink(permalink) if post is None: bottle.redirect("/post_not_found") # init comment form fields for additional comment comment = {'name': "", 'body': "", 'email': ""} return bottle.template( "entry_template", dict(post=post, username=username, errors="", comment=comment)) # used to process a comment on a blog post'/newcomment') def post_new_comment(): name = bottle.request.forms.get("commentName") email = bottle.request.forms.get("commentEmail") body = bottle.request.forms.get("commentBody") permalink = bottle.request.forms.get("permalink") post = posts.get_post_by_permalink(permalink) cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session") username = sessions.get_username(cookie) # if post not found, redirect to post not found error if post is None: bottle.redirect("/post_not_found") return # if values not good, redirect to view with errors if name == "" or body == "": # user did not fill in enough information # init comment for web form comment = {'name': name, 'email': email, 'body': body} errors = "Post must contain your name and an actual comment." return bottle.template( "entry_template", dict(post=post, username=username, errors=errors, comment=comment)) else: # it all looks good, insert the comment into the blog post and redirect back to the post viewer posts.add_comment(permalink, name, email, body) bottle.redirect("/post/" + permalink) @bottle.get("/post_not_found") def post_not_found(): return "Sorry, post not found" # Displays the form allowing a user to add a new post. Only works for logged in users @bottle.get('/newpost') def get_newpost(): cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session") username = sessions.get_username(cookie) # see if user is logged in if username is None: bottle.redirect("/login") return bottle.template( "newpost_template", dict(subject="", body="", errors="", tags="", username=username)) # # Post handler for setting up a new post. # Only works for logged in user.'/newpost') def post_newpost(): title = bottle.request.forms.get("subject") post = bottle.request.forms.get("body") tags = bottle.request.forms.get("tags") cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session") username = sessions.get_username(cookie) # see if user is logged in if username is None: bottle.redirect("/login") if title == "" or post == "": errors = "Post must contain a title and blog entry" return bottle.template( "newpost_template", dict(subject=cgi.escape(title, quote=True), username=username, body=cgi.escape(post, quote=True), tags=tags, errors=errors)) # extract tags tags = cgi.escape(tags) tags_array = extract_tags(tags) # looks like a good entry, insert it escaped escaped_post = cgi.escape(post, quote=True) # substitute some <p> for the paragraph breaks newline = re.compile('\r?\n') formatted_post = newline.sub("<p>", escaped_post) permalink = posts.insert_entry(title, formatted_post, tags_array, username) # now bottle.redirect to the blog permalink bottle.redirect("/post/" + permalink) # displays the initial blog signup form @bottle.get('/signup') def present_signup(): return bottle.template( "signup", dict(username="", password="", password_error="", email="", username_error="", email_error="", verify_error="")) # displays the initial blog login form @bottle.get('/login') def present_login(): return bottle.template("login", dict(username="", password="", login_error="")) # handles a login request'/login') def process_login(): username = bottle.request.forms.get("username") password = bottle.request.forms.get("password") print "user submitted ", username, "pass ", password user_record = users.validate_login(username, password) if user_record: # username is stored in the user collection in the _id key session_id = sessions.start_session(user_record['_id']) if session_id is None: bottle.redirect("/internal_error") cookie = session_id # Warning, if you are running into a problem whereby the cookie being set here is # not getting set on the redirect, you are probably using the experimental version of bottle (.12). # revert to .11 to solve the problem. bottle.response.set_cookie("session", cookie) bottle.redirect("/welcome") else: return bottle.template( "login", dict(username=cgi.escape(username), password="", login_error="Invalid Login")) @bottle.get('/internal_error') @bottle.view('error_template') def present_internal_error(): return {'error': "System has encountered a DB error"} @bottle.get('/logout') def process_logout(): cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session") sessions.end_session(cookie) bottle.response.set_cookie("session", "") bottle.redirect("/signup")'/signup') def process_signup(): email = bottle.request.forms.get("email") username = bottle.request.forms.get("username") password = bottle.request.forms.get("password") verify = bottle.request.forms.get("verify") # set these up in case we have an error case errors = {'username': cgi.escape(username), 'email': cgi.escape(email)} if validate_signup(username, password, verify, email, errors): if not users.add_user(username, password, email): # this was a duplicate errors[ 'username_error'] = "Username already in use. Please choose another" return bottle.template("signup", errors) session_id = sessions.start_session(username) print session_id bottle.response.set_cookie("session", session_id) bottle.redirect("/welcome") else: print "user did not validate" return bottle.template("signup", errors) @bottle.get("/welcome") def present_welcome(): # check for a cookie, if present, then extract value cookie = bottle.request.get_cookie("session") username = sessions.get_username(cookie) # see if user is logged in if username is None: print "welcome: can't identify user...redirecting to signup" bottle.redirect("/signup") return bottle.template("welcome", {'username': username}) def extract_tags(tags): whitespace = re.compile('\s') nowhite = whitespace.sub("", tags) tags_array = nowhite.split(',') # let's clean it up cleaned = [] for tag in tags_array: if tag not in cleaned and tag != "": cleaned.append(tag) return cleaned # validates that the user information is valid for new signup, return True of False # and fills in the error string if there is an issue def validate_signup(username, password, verify, email, errors): USER_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20}$") PASS_RE = re.compile(r"^.{3,20}$") EMAIL_RE = re.compile(r"^[\S]+@[\S]+\.[\S]+$") errors['username_error'] = "" errors['password_error'] = "" errors['verify_error'] = "" errors['email_error'] = "" if not USER_RE.match(username): errors[ 'username_error'] = "invalid username. try just letters and numbers" return False if not PASS_RE.match(password): errors['password_error'] = "invalid password." return False if password != verify: errors['verify_error'] = "password must match" return False if email != "": if not EMAIL_RE.match(email): errors['email_error'] = "invalid email address" return False return True connection_string = "mongodb://localhost" connection = pymongo.MongoClient(connection_string) database = connection.blogging posts = blogPostDAO.BlogPostDAO(database) users = userDAO.UserDAO(database) sessions = sessionDAO.SessionDAO(database)