Example #1
class Tests(object):
    def setup_method(self):
        self.centreManager = CentreManager()
        self.userManager = UserManager(self.centreManager)
        self.appointmentManager = AppointmentManager()
#this will be where tests for user stories are conducted
# According to the google doc
# 1: Book and Appointment
# US7
# "User-Story Description:
# As a patient, I want to book an appointment so I can receive healthcare service easily
# Acceptance Criteria:
# Enter required information including Medicare number into a form
# Be able to book an appointment through a healthcare provider?s or centre?s profile page
# Have an option of 48 equally sized time slots, each of which is 30 minutes long
# Be able to enter brief information for the appointment
# Be able to display a confirmation that the appointment has been booked to the user

# 2: View Patient History
# US13
# User-Story Description:
# As a patient, I want to be able to view my own appointments history so I can easily access which appointments I have recently attended
# Acceptance Criteria:
# The list of appointments should have links to the profile pages of the corresponding health provider and healthcare centre
# The list of appointments should be chronological and listed with the date of appointment

# US15
# User-Story Description:
# As a healthcare provider, I want to be able to view a patient?s appointment history so I can consult with the patient accordingly
# Acceptance Criteria:
# The patient?s appointment history should be accessed through their profile page
# A description of what occured in a specific appointment should be viewable, including any medication prescribed and notes taken at the previous visit

# 3: Manage a patient history

# 	def addAppointment(self, userManager, provider_email, patient_email, date, time, reason):

# Testing that the appointment added is in the patient class and the provider class

    def test_book_appointment(self):
                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Biopsy Required")

        # Check that the appointment is in the provider class
        provider = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
        providerAppointment = provider.getSpecificAppointment(0)
        assert (providerAppointment.provider == "*****@*****.**")
        assert (providerAppointment.patient == "*****@*****.**")
        assert (providerAppointment.date == "12/31/2018")
        assert (providerAppointment.time == "00.00-00.30")
        assert (providerAppointment.reason == "Biopsy Required")

        # Check that the appointment is in the patient class
        patient = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
        patientAppointment = patient.getSpecificAppointment(0)
        assert (patientAppointment.provider == "*****@*****.**")
        assert (patientAppointment.patient == "*****@*****.**")
        assert (patientAppointment.date == "12/31/2018")
        assert (patientAppointment.time == "00.00-00.30")
        assert (patientAppointment.reason == "Biopsy Required")

    # Check that booking an appointment in the same timeslot does not work
    def test_book_same_time_slot_appointment(self):
                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Biopsy Required")

        status = self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(
            self.userManager, "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30",
            "12/31/2018", "Same Time slot")

        assert (status == "Time Slot Taken")

    # Check that you cannot book an appointment in the past
    def test_book_past_appointment(self):
        status = self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(
            self.userManager, "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            "00.00-00.30", "09/24/2018", "Biopsy Required")

        assert (status == "Date in the past")

    # provider makes an appointment for himself/herself
    def test_provider_makes_appointment(self):
        status = self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(
            self.userManager, "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**",
            "00.00-00.30", "12/1/2018", "Biopsy Required")

        assert (status == "Provider making appointment")

    # Test that getting the history works
    def test_get_appointment_history(self):
                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Biopsy Required")

                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.30-01.00",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Mole on foot")

        user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
        assert (len(self.appointmentManager.getAppointments(user)) == 2)

    # Test getting the history with an email that does not have any appointments
    def test_get_wrong_id_history(self):
                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Biopsy Required")

                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.30-01.00",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Mole on foot")

        user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
        assert (len(self.appointmentManager.getAppointments(user)) == 0)

    # Test updating an appointment
    def test_update_appointment(self):
                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Biopsy Required")

        # def getAppointmentUsingDate(self, user, date, time)
        user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
        appointment = self.appointmentManager.getAppointmentUsingDate(
            user, "12/31/2018", "00.00-00.30")
        appointment.notes = "Original Notes"
        appointment.prescribedMedicine = "Original Medicine"
        notes = "Updated Notes"
        medicine = "Updated Medicine"
        self.appointmentManager.updateAppointment(appointment, notes, medicine)
        assert (appointment.notes == "Original Notes\nUpdated Notes")
        assert (appointment.prescribedMedicine ==
                "Original Medicine\nUpdated Medicine")

    # Test updating history with nothing
    def test_update_appointment_nothing(self):
                                               "*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30",
                                               "12/31/2018", "Biopsy Required")

        # def getAppointmentUsingDate(self, user, date, time)
        user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
        appointment = self.appointmentManager.getAppointmentUsingDate(
            user, "12/31/2018", "00.00-00.30")
        appointment.notes = "Original Notes"
        appointment.prescribedMedicine = "Original Medicine"

        self.appointmentManager.updateAppointment(appointment, "", "")
        assert (appointment.notes == "Original Notes\n")
        assert (appointment.prescribedMedicine == "Original Medicine\n")
Example #2
class Tests(object):
	def setup_method(self):
		self.centreManager = CentreManager()
		self.userManager = UserManager(self.centreManager)
		self.appointmentManager = AppointmentManager()

	# 4 
	# (i) Testing that the appointment added is in the patient class and the provider class
	def test_book_appointment(self): ##
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "00.00-00.30", "12/31/2018","Biopsy Required")

		# Check that the appointment is in the provider class
		provider = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
		providerAppointment = provider.getSpecificAppointment(0)
		assert(providerAppointment.provider == "*****@*****.**")
		assert(providerAppointment.patient == "*****@*****.**")
		assert(providerAppointment.date == "12/31/2018")
		assert(providerAppointment.time == "00.00-00.30")
		assert(providerAppointment.reason == "Biopsy Required")
		# Check that the appointment is in the patient class
		patient = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
		patientAppointment = patient.getSpecificAppointment(0)
		assert(patientAppointment.provider == "*****@*****.**")
		assert(patientAppointment.patient == "*****@*****.**")
		assert(patientAppointment.date == "12/31/2018")
		assert(patientAppointment.time == "00.00-00.30")
		assert(patientAppointment.reason == "Biopsy Required")  
	# (ii) Check that booking an appointment in the same timeslot does not work
	def test_book_same_time_slot_appointment(self): ##
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "00.00-00.30", "12/31/2018", "Influenza")

		status = self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "00.00-00.30", "12/31/2018","Same Time slot")

		assert(status == "Time Slot Taken")
	# (iii) provider makes an appointment for himself/herself
	def test_provider_makes_appointment(self): ##
		status = self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30", "12/1/2018", "Arthiritis")

		assert(status == "Provider making appointment")

	# (additional) Check that you cannot book an appointment in the past
	def test_book_past_appointment(self): ##
		status = self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "00.00-00.30", "09/24/2018","Constipation")

		assert(status == "Date in the past")

	# 2	
	# testing that the history is saved and can be accessed
	def test_get_appointment_history(self): ##
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "00.00-00.30", "12/31/2018", "High Blood Pressure")

		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "00.30-01.00", "12/31/2018","Vomiting")

		user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
		assert(len(self.appointmentManager.getAppointments(user)) == 2) 

	# test updating with multiple people booking and 2 wanting the same time
	def multiple_appointments_clash(self):
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "04.00-04.30", "12/31/2018","Biopsy Required")
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**", 
			"*****@*****.**", "00.30-01.00", "12/31/2018", "Mole on foot")

		# this appointment has the same time and date as the previous appointment   
		clash = self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "00.30-01.00", "12/31/2018","Mole on foot")
		assert(clash == "Time Slot Taken")

		user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**") 
		assert(len(self.appointmentManager.getAppointments(user)) == 1)	 
	# 4	
	# test to ensure the provider can update appointment with notes and medicine prescribed 
	def notes_and_medicine(self):
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "09.00-09.30", "11/23/2018","Biopsy Required")    
		user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
		appointment = self.appointmentManager.getAppointmentUsingDate(user, 
			"11/23/2018", "09.00-09.30")
		notes = "Baby Shark"
		medicine = "Doo doo doo doo"
		self.appointmentManager.updateAppointment(appointment, notes, medicine)
		assert(appointment.notes == "Baby Shark")
		assert(appointment.prescribedMedicine == "Doo doo doo doo")	 
	# updating notes from a previously inputted notes and medicine
	def test_update_appointment(self): ##
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "09.00-09.30", "11/23/2018", "Biopsy Required")

		user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
		appointment = self.appointmentManager.getAppointmentUsingDate(user, 
			"11/23/2018", "09.00-09.30")
		appointment.notes = "This person did not require a doctor"
		appointment.prescribedMedicine = "Obecalp pills"
		newNotes = "I was wrong"
		newMedicine = "Sugar"
		self.appointmentManager.updateAppointment(appointment, newNotes, newMedicine)
		assert(appointment.notes == "This person did not require a doctor\nI was wrong")
		assert(appointment.prescribedMedicine == "Obecalp pills\nSugar")
	# updating notes then realising no updates are needed -> NULL submission          
	def test_update_appointment_with_nothing(self): ##
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**",  "08.00-08.30", "11/23/2018", "Biopsy Required")

		user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
		appointment = self.appointmentManager.getAppointmentUsingDate(user, 
			"11/23/2018", "08.00-08.30")
		appointment.notes = "This person did not require a doctor"
		appointment.prescribedMedicine = "Obecalp pills"
		newNotes = ""
		newMedicine = ""
		self.appointmentManager.updateAppointment(appointment, newNotes, newMedicine)
		assert(appointment.notes == "This person did not require a doctor\n")
		assert(appointment.prescribedMedicine == "Obecalp pills\n")
	# Test getting the history with an email that does not have any appointments    
	def test_get_wrong_id_history(self): ##
		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**",
			"*****@*****.**", "00.00-00.30", "12/31/2018", "Biopsy Required")

		self.appointmentManager.addAppointment(self.userManager, "*****@*****.**", 
			"*****@*****.**", "00.30-01.00", "12/31/2018", "Mole on foot")
		user = self.userManager.getID("*****@*****.**")
		assert(len(self.appointmentManager.getAppointments(user)) == 0)