async def add_filter(e): if not e.text[0].isalpha(): from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note message = e.text kek = message.split() string = "" for i in range(2, len(kek)): string = string + " " + str(kek[i]) add_note(str(e.chat_id), kek[1], string) await e.edit( "```Note added successfully. Use # followed by note name, to get it```" )
async def add_filter(e): if not e.text[0].isalpha(): try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except: await e.edit("`Running on Non-SQL mode!`") return notename = string = e.text.partition(notename)[2] if e.reply_to_msg_id: rep_msg = await e.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text add_note(str(e.chat_id), notename, string) await e.edit("`Note added successfully. Use` #{} `to get it`".format(notename))
async def add_note(fltr): """For .save command, saves notes in a chat.""" try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: return await fltr.edit("**Running on Non-SQL mode!**") keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\nCHAT ID: {fltr.chat_id}\nKEYWORD: {keyword}" "\n\nThe following message is saved as the note's reply data for the chat, please do NOT delete it !!", ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: return await fltr.edit( "**Saving media as data for the note requires BOTLOG_CHATID to be set.**" ) elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "**Note {} successfully. Use** `#{}` **to get it.**" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format("updated", keyword)) return await fltr.edit(success.format("added", keyword))
async def add_note(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("`Running on Non-SQL mode!`") return notename = msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() if not msg: await fltr.edit("`I need something to save as a note.`") elif BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\ \nCHAT: {}\ \nKEYWORD: {notename}\ \nThe following message is saved as the note's reply data for the chat, please do NOT delete it !!" ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) else: await fltr.edit("`This feature requires the BOTLOG_CHATID to be set.`") return success = "`Note {} successfully. Use` #{} `to get it`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), notename, is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format('updated', notename)) else: return await fltr.edit(success.format('added', notename))
async def add_filter(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("`Running on Non-SQL mode!`") return notename = msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() if not msg: await fltr.edit("`I need something to save as a note.`") else: snip = {'type': TYPE_TEXT, 'text': msg.message or ''} if media = None if isinstance(, types.MessageMediaPhoto): media = utils.get_input_photo( snip['type'] = TYPE_PHOTO elif isinstance(, types.MessageMediaDocument): media = utils.get_input_document( snip['type'] = TYPE_DOCUMENT if media: snip['id'] = snip['hash'] = media.access_hash snip['fr'] = media.file_reference success = "`Note {} successfully. Use` #{} `to get it`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), notename, snip['text'], snip['type'], snip.get('id'), snip.get('hash'), snip.get('fr')) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format('updated', notename)) else: return await fltr.edit(success.format('added', notename))
async def add_note(fltr): try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: return await fltr.edit("**Running on Non-SQL mode!**") keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\nCHAT ID: {fltr.chat_id}\nKEYWORD: {keyword}" "\n\nPesan berikut disimpan sebagai data balasan catatan untuk obrolan, mohon JANGAN dihapus !!", ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages( entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True ) msg_id = else: return await fltr.edit( "**Menyimpan media sebagai data untuk catatan memerlukan BOTLOG_CHATID untuk disetel.**" ) elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "**Catatan {} disimpan. Gunakan** `#{}` **untuk mengambilnya**" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format("Berhasil", keyword)) return await fltr.edit(success.format("Berhasil", keyword))
async def add_note(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: return await fltr.edit("**Executando em modo não SQL!**") keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\nCHAT ID: {fltr.chat_id}\nPALAVRA-CHAVE: {keyword}" "\n\nA mensagem a seguir é salva como os dados de resposta da nota para o bate-papo, NÃO a exclua !!", ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: return await fltr.edit( "**Salvar mídia como dados para a nota requer que BOTLOG_CHATID seja definido.**" ) elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "**Nota {} com sucesso. Use** `#{}` **para obtê-la.**" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format("atualizada", keyword)) return await fltr.edit(success.format("adicionado", keyword))
async def add_note(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: return await fltr.edit("`Running on Non-SQL mode!`") keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\nCHAT ID: {fltr.chat_id}\nKEYWORD: {keyword}" "\n\n`Untuk mengikuti catatan mantan yang anda kirimkan, tolong jangan dihapus catatan ini !`" ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: return await fltr.edit( "`Saving media as data for the note requires the BOTLOG_CHATID to be set.`" ) elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "`Note {} successfully. Use` #{} `to get it`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format('updated', keyword)) else: return await fltr.edit(success.format('added', keyword))
async def add_note(fltr): """ Untuk perintah .save, simpan catatan dalam obrolan. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: return await fltr.edit("`Berjalan pada mode Non-SQL!`") keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\nCHAT ID: {fltr.chat_id}\nKEYWORD: {keyword}" "\n\nPesan berikut disimpan sebagai data balasan catatan untuk obrolan, JANGAN hapus !!" ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: return await fltr.edit( "`Menyimpan media sebagai data untuk catatan membutuhkan pengaturan BOTLOG_CHATID.`" ) elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "`Note {} successfully. Use` #{} `to get it`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format('updated', keyword)) else: return await fltr.edit(success.format('added', keyword))
async def add_note(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: return await fltr.edit("`Berjalan di mode Non-SQL!`") keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#CATATAN\n**ID Obrolan** : {fltr.chat_id}\n**Kata Kunci** : {keyword}" "\n\nPesan berikut disimpan sebagai data catatan untuk obrolan.\n**Tolong jangan dihapus!**", ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: return await fltr.edit( "`Menyimpan media sebagai data untuk catatan membutuhkan pengaturan BOTLOG_CHATID.`" ) elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "`Catatan berhasil` **{}**.\n`Gunakan` **#{}** `untuk mendapatkannya.`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format("diperbarui", keyword)) else: return await fltr.edit(success.format("ditambahkan", keyword))
async def add_filter(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ if not fltr.text[0].isalpha() and fltr.text[0] not in ("/", "#", "@", "!"): try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("`Running on Non-SQL mode!`") return notename = string = fltr.text.partition(notename)[2] if fltr.reply_to_msg_id: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), notename, string) await fltr.edit( "`Note added successfully. Use` #{} `to get it`".format(notename))
async def add_note(fltr): """ .save """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("`Bot Non-SQL modunda işləyir!!`") return keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\ \nQrup ID: {fltr.chat_id}\ \nAçar söz: {keyword}\ \n\nBu mesaj söhbətdə notu cavablamaq üçün qeyd edildi, xaiş bu mesajı silməyin!" ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: await fltr.edit( "`Bir medyanı not olaraq qeyd etmək üçün BOTLOG_CHATID dəyərini tənzimlənməsi lazımdır.`" ) return elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "`{} {}. ` #{} `{}`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit( success.format(LANG['SUCCESS'], 'yeniləndi', keyword, LANG['CALL'])) else: return await fltr.edit( success.format(LANG['SUCCESS'], 'əlavə edildi', keyword, LANG['CALL']))
async def add_note(fltr): """ .save komutu bir sohbette not kaydeder. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("`Bot Non-SQL modunda çalışıyor!!`") return keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\ \nGrup ID: {fltr.chat_id}\ \nAnahtar kelime: {keyword}\ \n\nBu mesaj sohbette notu cevaplamak için kaydedildi, lütfen bu mesajı silmeyin!" ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: await fltr.edit( "`Bir medyayı not olarak kaydetmek için BOTLOG_CHATID değerinin ayarlanmış olması gereklidir.`" ) return elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "`{} {}. ` #{} `{}`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit( success.format(LANG['SUCCESS'], 'güncellendi', keyword, LANG['CALL'])) else: return await fltr.edit( success.format(LANG['SUCCESS'], 'eklendi', keyword, LANG['CALL']))
async def add_note(fltr): try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("`Bot qeyri-SQL rejimində işləyir!!`") return keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\ \nGrup ID: {fltr.chat_id}\ \nAçar söz: {keyword}\ \n\nÇatdakı qeydə cavab vermək üçün bu mesaj qeyd edildi, xahiş edirəm bu mesajı silməyin!" ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: await fltr.edit( "`Medianı qeyd kimi saxlamaq üçün BOTLOG_CHATID dəyəri təyin olunmalıdır.`" ) return elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "`{} {}. ` #{} `{}`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit( success.format(LANG['SUCCESS'], 'güncəllendi', keyword, LANG['CALL'])) else: return await fltr.edit( success.format(LANG['SUCCESS'], 'Əlavə edildi', keyword, LANG['CALL']))
async def add_note(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("`Berjalan pada mode Non-SQL!`") return keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\ \nCHAT ID: {fltr.chat_id}\ \nKEYWORD: {keyword}\ \n\nPesan berikut ini disimpan sebagai data balasan catatan untuk chat, JANGAN hapus!!", ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: await fltr.edit( "`Saving media as data for the note requires the BOTLOG_CHATID to be set.`" ) return elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "`Catatan {} berhasil. Gunakan` #{} `untuk mendapatkannya`" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format("updated", keyword)) else: return await fltr.edit(success.format("added", keyword))
async def add_note(fltr): """ For .save command, saves notes in a chat. """ try: from userbot.modules.sql_helper.notes_sql import add_note except AttributeError: await fltr.edit("Running on Non-SQL mode!") return keyword = string = fltr.text.partition(keyword)[2] msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() msg_id = None if msg and and not string: if BOTLOG_CHATID: await fltr.client.send_message( BOTLOG_CHATID, f"#NOTE\ \nCHAT ID: {fltr.chat_id}\ \nKEYWORD: {keyword}" ) msg_o = await fltr.client.forward_messages(entity=BOTLOG_CHATID, messages=msg, from_peer=fltr.chat_id, silent=True) msg_id = else: await fltr.edit( "Saving media as data for the note requires the BOTLOG_CHATID to be set." ) return elif fltr.reply_to_msg_id and not string: rep_msg = await fltr.get_reply_message() string = rep_msg.text success = "Saved {}. Use #{} to get it" if add_note(str(fltr.chat_id), keyword, string, msg_id) is False: return await fltr.edit(success.format('updated', keyword)) else: return await fltr.edit(success.format('added', keyword))