Example #1
async def stats(event: NewMessage.Event) -> None:  # pylint: disable = R0912, R0914, R0915
    """Command to get stats about the account"""
    start_time = time.time()
    private_chats = 0
    bots = 0
    groups = 0
    broadcast_channels = 0
    admin_in_groups = 0
    creator_in_groups = 0
    admin_in_broadcast_channels = 0
    creator_in_channels = 0
    unread_mentions = 0
    unread = 0
    dialog: Dialog
    async for dialog in event.client.iter_dialogs():
        entity = dialog.entity

        if isinstance(entity, Channel):
            if entity.broadcast:
                broadcast_channels += 1
                if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
                    admin_in_broadcast_channels += 1
                if entity.creator:
                    creator_in_channels += 1

            elif entity.megagroup:
                groups += 1
                if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
                    admin_in_groups += 1
                if entity.creator:
                    creator_in_groups += 1

        elif isinstance(entity, User):
            private_chats += 1
            if entity.bot:
                bots += 1

        elif isinstance(entity, Chat):
            groups += 1
            if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
                admin_in_groups += 1
            if entity.creator:
                creator_in_groups += 1

        unread_mentions += dialog.unread_mentions_count
        unread += dialog.unread_count
    stop_time = time.time() - start_time

    full_name = inline_mention(await event.client.get_me())
    response = f'**Stats for {full_name}** \n'
    response += f'    **Private Chats:** {private_chats} \n'
    response += f'        **Users:** {private_chats - bots} \n'
    response += f'        **Bots:** {bots} \n'
    response += f'    **Groups:** {groups} \n'
    response += f'    **Channels:** {broadcast_channels} \n'
    response += f'    **Admin in Groups:** {admin_in_groups} \n'
    response += f'        **Creator:** {creator_in_groups} \n'
    response += f'        **Admin Rights:** {admin_in_groups - creator_in_groups} \n'
    response += f'    **Admin in Channels:** {admin_in_broadcast_channels} \n'
    response += f'        **Creator:** {creator_in_channels} \n'
    response += f'        **Admin Rights:** {admin_in_broadcast_channels - creator_in_channels} \n'
    response += f'    **Unread:** {unread} \n'
    response += f'    **Unread Mentions:** {unread_mentions} \n\n'
    response += f'__Took:__ {stop_time:.02f}s \n'

    await event.edit(response)
Example #2
async def stats(
        event: NewMessage.Event
) -> None:  # pylint: disable = R0912, R0914, R0915
    """Command to get stats about the account"""
    waiting_message = await event.edit(
        'Collecting stats. This might take a while.')
    start_time = time.time()
    private_chats = 0
    bots = 0
    groups = 0
    broadcast_channels = 0
    admin_in_groups = 0
    creator_in_groups = 0
    admin_in_broadcast_channels = 0
    creator_in_channels = 0
    unread_mentions = 0
    unread = 0
    largest_group_member_count = 0
    largest_group_with_admin = 0
    dialog: Dialog
    async for dialog in event.client.iter_dialogs():
        entity = dialog.entity

        if isinstance(entity, Channel):
            # participants_count = (await event.get_participants(dialog, limit=0)).total
            if entity.broadcast:
                broadcast_channels += 1
                if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
                    admin_in_broadcast_channels += 1
                if entity.creator:
                    creator_in_channels += 1

            elif entity.megagroup:
                groups += 1
                # if participants_count > largest_group_member_count:
                #     largest_group_member_count = participants_count
                if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
                    # if participants_count > largest_group_with_admin:
                    #     largest_group_with_admin = participants_count
                    admin_in_groups += 1
                if entity.creator:
                    creator_in_groups += 1

        elif isinstance(entity, User):
            private_chats += 1
            if entity.bot:
                bots += 1

        elif isinstance(entity, Chat):
            groups += 1
            if entity.creator or entity.admin_rights:
                admin_in_groups += 1
            if entity.creator:
                creator_in_groups += 1

        unread_mentions += dialog.unread_mentions_count
        unread += dialog.unread_count
    stop_time = time.time() - start_time

    full_name = inline_mention(await event.client.get_me())
    response = f'**Stats for {full_name}** \n'
    response += f'    **Private Chats:** {private_chats} \n'
    response += f'        **Users:** {private_chats - bots} \n'
    response += f'        **Bots:** {bots} \n'
    response += f'    **Groups:** {groups} \n'
    response += f'    **Channels:** {broadcast_channels} \n'
    response += f'    **Admin in Groups:** {admin_in_groups} \n'
    response += f'        **Creator:** {creator_in_groups} \n'
    response += f'        **Admin Rights:** {admin_in_groups - creator_in_groups} \n'
    response += f'    **Admin in Channels:** {admin_in_broadcast_channels} \n'
    response += f'        **Creator:** {creator_in_channels} \n'
    response += f'        **Admin Rights:** {admin_in_broadcast_channels - creator_in_channels} \n'
    response += f'    **Unread:** {unread} \n'
    response += f'    **Unread Mentions:** {unread_mentions} \n\n'
    response += f'__Took:__ {stop_time:.02f}s \n'

    await event.edit(response)
Example #3
async def fetch_info(event, full_chat, **kwargs):
    chat = full_chat.chats[0]
    show_all = kwargs.get('all', False)
    id_only = kwargs.get('id', False)
    show_general = kwargs.get('general', True)
    show_admins = kwargs.get('admins', False)
    show_bots = kwargs.get('bots', False)

    is_private = False
    if isinstance(chat, Channel) and chat.username:
        name = chat.title if chat.title else chat.username
        title = Bold("Chat Informations")
    elif chat.title:
        is_private = True
        title = Bold("Chat Informations")
        is_private = True
        title = Bold(f"Chat {chat.id}")

    if show_all:
        show_general = True
        show_admins = True
        show_bots = True
    elif id_only:
        return KeyValueItem(title, Code(str(chat.id)))

    admin_list = await list_admins(event)

    if show_general:
        exported_invite = full_chat.full_chat.exported_invite
        invite_link = exported_invite.link if isinstance(
            exported_invite, ChatInviteExported) else None
        admin_count = full_chat.full_chat.admins_count or len(admin_list)

        general = SubSection(
            KeyValueItem("   \tChat Id", Code(str(f"-100{chat.id}"))),
            KeyValueItem("Title", f"[{chat.title}](t.me/{chat.username})"),
            KeyValueItem("Private", Code(str(is_private))),
            KeyValueItem("Invite Link",
                         Link(invite_link.split('/')[-1], invite_link))
            if invite_link else None,
            KeyValueItem("Admins", Code(str(admin_count))),
        general = None

    if show_admins:
        admins = SubSection(Bold("Admins"))
        for admin in admin_list:
        if not admins:
            admins.items.append(String("No Admins"))

    if show_bots:
        bots_list = await list_bots(event)
        bots = SubSection(Bold("Bots"))
        for bot in bots_list:
        if not bots:
            bots.items.append(String("No Bots"))

    return TGDoc(
        Section(title, general if show_general else None,
                admins if show_admins else None, bots if show_bots else None))