parse_mode="html", del_in=0) return IS_ENABLED = not IS_ENABLED await USER_DATA.update_one({'_id': 'AUTO_FASTLY'}, {"$set": {'on': IS_ENABLED}}, upsert=True) await msg.edit( "Auto Fastly Response has been **{}** Successfully...".format( "Enabled" if IS_ENABLED else "Disabled" ), log=True, del_in=5 ) @userge.on_filters(IS_ENABLED_FILTER & & & filters.incoming & filters.user([1806208310, 1983714367, 1877720720, 5053950120]), # Bot IDs group=-1, allow_via_bot=False) async def fastly_handler(msg: Message): img = await parse = await ocr.ocr_space_file(img) try: text = parse["ParsedResults"][0]["ParsedText"] text = text.split("By@")[0].replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "") if text: await msg.reply_text(text.capitalize()) await CHANNEL.log(f'Auto Fastly Responded in {} [{}]') os.remove(img) except Exception as e_x: # pylint: disable=broad-except await CHANNEL.log(str(e_x)) if os.path.exists(img): os.remove(img)
markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="👥 UsergeTeam", url=""), InlineKeyboardButton(text="🧪 Repo", url=botpm.UPSTREAM_REPO) ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="🎖 GNU GPL v3.0", url=copy_)]]) await send_start_text(msg, text, path, markup) return text = "Hey, you can configure me here." markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton("Settings", callback_data="stngs")]]) if len(msg.command) > 1: # return await send_start_text(msg, text, path, markup) @bot.on_message(filters.user(userge_id) & ~filters.edited & filters.private & filters.command("settext"), group=1) async def set_text(_, msg: PyroMessage): global START_TEXT # pylint: disable=global-statement text = msg.text.split(' ', maxsplit=1)[1] if ' ' in msg.text else '' replied = msg.reply_to_message if replied: text = replied.text or replied.caption if not text: await msg.reply("Text not found!") else: START_TEXT = text await SAVED_SETTINGS.update_one({"_id": "BOT_START_TEXT"}, {"$set": { "data": text
{"_id": "AFK"}, {"$set": { "on": True, "data": REASON, "time": TIME }}, upsert=True, ), ) @userge.on_filters( IS_AFK_FILTER & & & ~filters.user(Config.TG_IDS) & ~filters.edited & (filters.mentioned | (filters.private & ~filters.service & (filters.create(lambda _, __, ___: Config.ALLOW_ALL_PMS) | Config.ALLOWED_CHATS))), allow_via_bot=False, ) async def handle_afk_incomming(message: Message) -> None: """handle incomming messages when you afk""" if not message.from_user: return user_id = chat = user_dict = await message.client.get_user_dict(user_id)
key = Config.CMD_TRIGGER + cmd key_ = Config.SUDO_TRIGGER + cmd if cmd in commands: out_str = f"<code>{cmd}</code>\n\n{commands[cmd].about}" elif key in commands: out_str = f"<code>{key}</code>\n\n{commands[key].about}" elif key_ in commands: out_str = f"<code>{key_}</code>\n\n{commands[key_].about}" else: out_str = f"<i>No Command Found for</i>: <code>{cmd}</code>" return await msg.reply(out_str, parse_mode='html', disable_web_page_preview=True) await send_start_text(msg, text, path, markup) @bot.on_message(filters.user(userge_id) & filters.private & filters.command("settext"), group=1) async def set_text(_, msg: PyroMessage): global START_TEXT # pylint: disable=global-statement text = msg.text.split(' ', maxsplit=1)[1] if ' ' in msg.text else '' replied = msg.reply_to_message if replied: text = replied.text or replied.caption if not text: await msg.reply("Text not found!") else: START_TEXT = text await SAVED_SETTINGS.update_one({"_id": "BOT_START_TEXT"}, {"$set": { "data": text
from pyrogram.types import (CallbackQuery, InlineQuery, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent, InlineKeyboardMarkup) from pyrogram.types import Message as PyroMessage from userge import userge, filters, config PRVT_MSGS = {} FILTER = filters.create(lambda _, __, q: '-' in q.query and q.from_user and q. in config.OWNER_ID) MEDIA_FID_S = {} DEEP_LINK_FLITER = filters.private & filters.create( lambda _, __, msg: msg.text and msg.text.startswith("/start prvtmsg")) filters.user(list(config.OWNER_ID)) & ~filters.edited & filters.command("secretmsg", config.SUDO_TRIGGER)) async def recv_s_m_o(_, msg: PyroMessage): replied = msg.reply_to_message if not replied: return await msg.reply_text("reply to a message") media_type = if media_type and media_type in [ "contact", "dice", "poll", "location", "venue", ]: await msg.reply_text("invalid media type") return
InlineKeyboardMarkup) from pyrogram.types import Message as PyroMessage from pyrogram import enums from userge import userge, filters, config PRVT_MSGS = {} FILTER = filters.create(lambda _, __, q: '-' in q.query and q.from_user and q. in config.OWNER_ID) MEDIA_FID_S = {} DEEP_LINK_FLITER = filters.private & filters.create( lambda _, __, msg: msg.text and msg.text.startswith("/start prvtmsg")) filters.user(list(config.OWNER_ID)) & filters.command("secretmsg", config.SUDO_TRIGGER)) async def recv_s_m_o(_, msg: PyroMessage): replied = msg.reply_to_message if not replied: return await msg.reply_text("reply to a message") media_type = if media_type and media_type in [ enums.MessageMediaType.CONTACT, enums.MessageMediaType.DICE, enums.MessageMediaType.POLL, enums.MessageMediaType.LOCATION, enums.MessageMediaType.VENUE, ]: await msg.reply_text("invalid media type") return
markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text="👥 UsergeTeam", url=""), InlineKeyboardButton(text="🧪 Repo", url=botpm.UPSTREAM_REPO) ], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="🎖 GNU GPL v3.0", url=copy_)]]) await send_start_text(msg, text, path, markup) return text = "Hey, you can configure me here." markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton("Settings", callback_data="stngs")]]) if len(msg.command) > 1: # return await send_start_text(msg, text, path, markup) @bot.on_message(filters.user(userge_id) & filters.private & filters.command("settext"), group=1) async def set_text(_, msg: PyroMessage): global START_TEXT # pylint: disable=global-statement text = msg.text.split(' ', maxsplit=1)[1] if ' ' in msg.text else '' replied = msg.reply_to_message if replied: text = replied.text or replied.caption if not text: await msg.reply("Text not found!") else: START_TEXT = text await SAVED_SETTINGS.update_one({"_id": "BOT_START_TEXT"}, {"$set": { "data": text
U_ID_F_M_ID = get_collection("USER_ID_FROM_MESSAGE_ID") STATS = get_collection("BOT_PM_STATS") SAVED_SETTINGS = get_collection("CONFIGS") BOT_PM: bool = False IN_CONVO: bool = False _USERS: List[int] = [] _HAVE_BLOCKED: List[int] = [] _BANNED_USERS: List[int] = [] _U_ID_F_M_ID: Dict[int, int] = {} _STATS: Dict[str, int] = {"incoming": 0, "outgoing": 0} START_TEXT = " Hello {mention}, you can contact me using this Bot." botPmFilter = filters.create(lambda _, __, ___: BOT_PM) bannedFilter = filters.create(lambda _, __, ___: filters.user(_BANNED_USERS)) async def _init(): global _BANNED_USERS, START_TEXT, _USERS, _HAVE_BLOCKED, BOT_PM # noqa async for a in HAVE_BLOCKED.find(): _HAVE_BLOCKED.append(a['user_id']) async for b in BANNED_USERS.find(): _BANNED_USERS.append(b['user_id']) async for c in USERS.find(): _USERS.append(c["user_id"]) async for d in U_ID_F_M_ID.find(): _U_ID_F_M_ID[d['msg_id']] = d['user_id'] async for e in STATS.find(): if e.get("_id") == "INCOMING_STATS": _STATS['incoming'] = e.get("data")
from userge import userge, Message, filters LOG = userge.getLogger(__name__) CHANNEL = userge.getCLogger(__name__) AFK = [] FIX = "" FK = "" CHAT = [-1001199769918, -1001360580171, -1001486172777] # rdl WW = [1029642148, 980444671, 618096097, 175844556, 738172950, 1569645653] # werewolf bots @userge.on_filters( ( & filters.user(WW) & filters.regex("Tempo total do jogo|Duração da partida") ) ) async def auto_fk(message: Message): global AFK global FK if await is_sr(message): FK = "" return lines = message.text lines_count = len(lines.split("\n\n")[0].split("\n")) - 1 info = await userge.send_message(, "Obtendo FK.") try: deads = await build_list(lines) deads = [dead for dead in deads if dead not in AFK]