def usercard(self, roles, user, ava, bg): name = foreground_col = self.invert(bg) avatar = self.imagefromURL(ava).resize((100, 100)) self.add_corners(avatar, round(avatar.width / 2)) details_text = 'Created account {}\nJoined server {}'.format( myself.time_encode( - user.created_at.timestamp()) + ' ago', myself.time_encode( - user.joined_at.timestamp()) + ' ago') rect_y_pos = 180 + ((self.getFont(self.fontpath, "Ubuntu-M", 50).getsize(details_text)[1] + 20)) canvas_height = rect_y_pos + len(roles * 50) + 30 if self.getFont(self.fontpath, "Ubuntu-M", 50).getsize(name)[0] > 600: main ='RGB', color=bg, size=(self.getFont(self.fontpath, 'Ubuntu-M', 50).getsize(name)[0] + 200, canvas_height)) else: main ='RGB', color=bg, size=(600, canvas_height)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(main) margin_right, margin_left = main.width - 40, 40 draw.text((170, 30), name, fill=foreground_col, font=self.getFont(self.fontpath, "Ubuntu-M", 50)) draw.text((170, 80), f'ID: {}', fill=foreground_col, font=self.getFont(self.fontpath, "Ubuntu-M", 25)) draw.text((40, 150), details_text, fill=foreground_col, font=self.getFont(self.fontpath, "Ubuntu-M", 25)) for i in roles: draw.rectangle([(margin_left, rect_y_pos), (margin_right, rect_y_pos + 50)], fill=i['color']) draw.text((margin_left + 10, rect_y_pos + 10), i['name'], fill=self.invert(i['color']), font=self.getFont(self.fontpath, "Ubuntu-M", 25)) rect_y_pos += 50 try: main.paste(avatar, (40, 30), avatar) except: main.paste(avatar, (40, 30)) return self.buffer(main)
async def slowmode(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + " | How long in seconds?") else: cd = list(args)[0] if if not cd.isnumeric(): await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + " | That cooldown is not a number!") else: if int(cd) < 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + " | Minus slowmode? Did you mean slowmode 0 seconds?" ) elif int(cd) > 21600: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + " | That is too hecking sloow....") else: await await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.success)) + " | Channel slowmode cooldown has been set to " + str(myself.time_encode(int(cd)))) else: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + " | You need the manage channels permission to do this command!" )
async def spotify(self, ctx): if len(ctx.message.mentions) == 0: source = else: source = ctx.message.mentions[0].activity if str(source).lower() != 'spotify': await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | Nope, not listening to spotify.') else: embed = discord.Embed( url='{}'.format( source.track_id), title=source.title, description='Track ID: `' + str(source.track_id) + '`\nStarted listening since ' + str(myself.time_encode( ( - source.created_at).seconds)) + ' ago', color=source.color) embed.add_field(name='Artists', value=myself.dearray(source.artists)) embed.add_field(name='Album', value=source.album) embed.set_author( name='Spotify', icon_url= '' ) embed.set_thumbnail(url=source.album_cover_url) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def servercard(self, ctx): if 'servericon' in ctx.message.content: if ctx.message.guild.is_icon_animated(): link = ''+str('/'+str(ctx.message.guild.icon)+'.gif?size=1024' else: link = ''+str('/'+str(ctx.message.guild.icon)+'.png?size=1024' theEm = discord.Embed('\'s Icon', url=link, colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) theEm.set_image(url=link) await ctx.send(embed=theEm) else: humans = len([i for i in ctx.guild.members if not]) bots = len([i for i in ctx.guild.members if]) online = len([i for i in ctx.guild.members if i.status.value!='offline']) date = myself.time_encode(round( - ctx.guild.created_at.timestamp())) image = self.canvas.servercard("/home/runner/hosting601/assets/pics/card.jpg", str(ctx.message.guild.icon_url).replace('.gif', '.webp').replace(".webp?size=1024", ".jpg?size=128"),, date+' ago',, str(humans), str(bots), str(len(ctx.message.guild.channels)), str(len(ctx.message.guild.roles)), str(ctx.message.guild.premium_subscription_count), str(ctx.message.guild.premium_tier), str(online)) await ctx.send(content='Here is the ''\'s server card.', file=discord.File(image,'.png'))
async def roleinfo(self, ctx, *args): if len(list(args)) == 0: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + " | Please send a role name or a role mention! (don\'t)") else: data = None if '<@&' in ''.join(list(args)): data = ctx.message.guild.get_role( int( str(ctx.message.content).split('<@&')[1].split('>') [0])) else: for i in ctx.message.guild.roles: if ' '.join(list(args)).lower() == str( data = i if data == None: await ctx.send( str(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | Role not found!') else: if data.permissions.administrator: perm = ':white_check_mark: Server Administrator' else: perm = ':x: Server Administrator' if data.mentionable == True: men = ':warning: You can mention this role and they can get pinged.' else: men = ':v: You can mention this role and they will not get pinged! ;)' embedrole = discord.Embed( title='Role info for role: ' + str(, description='**Role ID: **' + str( + '\n**Role created at: **' + myself.time_encode( ( - data.created_at).seconds) + ' ago\n**Role position: **' + str(data.position) + '\n**Members having this role: **' + str(len(data.members)) + '\n' + str(men) + '\nPermissions Value: ' + str(data.permissions.value) + '\n' + str(perm), colour=data.colour) embedrole.add_field( name='Role Colour', value='**Color hex: **#' + str(myself.tohex(data.color.value)) + '\n**Color integer: **' + str(data.color.value) + '\n**Color RGB: **' + str(myself.dearray(list(data.color.to_rgb())))) await ctx.send(embed=embedrole)
async def on_command_error(ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): await ctx.send( "You are on cooldown. You can do the command again in {}.".format( myself.time_encode(round(error.retry_after)))) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return elif 'missing permissions' in str(error).lower(): await ctx.send( "I don't have the permission required to use that command!") elif 'cannot identify image file' in str(error).lower(): await ctx.send( str(client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | Error, it seemed i can\'t load/send the image! Check your arguments and try again. Else, report this to the bot owner using `' + Config.prefix + 'feedback.`') else: print("ERROR on [{}]: {}".format(ctx.message.content, str(error)))
async def on_command_error(ctx, error): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown): return await ctx.send( "You are on cooldown. You can do the command again in {}.".format( myself.time_encode(round(error.retry_after)))) elif isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return elif 'noarguments' in str(error).lower(): return await ctx.send( '{} | Please insert arguments! `Like insert your name as a parameter.`' .format(client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error))) elif 'nouserfound' in str(error).lower(): return await ctx.send('{} | No user found.'.format( client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error))) elif 'noprofile' in str(error).lower(): return await ctx.send( '{} | You do not have any profile...\nYou can create one with `{}new`.' .format(client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error), Config.prefix)) elif 'missing permissions' in str(error).lower(): return await ctx.send( "I don't have the permission required to use that command!") elif 'cannot identify image file' in str(error).lower(): return await ctx.send( str(client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | Error, it seemed i can\'t load/send the image! Check your arguments and try again. Else, report this to the bot owner using `' + Config.prefix + 'feedback.`') elif 'cannot send messages to this user' in str(error).lower(): return await ctx.send( str(client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.error)) + ' | Oops! Your DMs are disabled!') else: await client.get_channel( content=f'<@{}> there was an error!', embed=discord.Embed( title='Error',, description= f'Content:\n```{ctx.message.content}```\n\nError:\n```{str(error)}```' ).set_footer(text='Bug made by user: {} (ID of {})'.format( str(, await ctx.send( 'There was an error. Error reported to the developer! sorry for the inconvenience...' )
async def uptime(self, ctx): up, cmds = selfDB.get_uptime(), username601Stats.retrieveData() imageurl = myself.urlify(myself.uptimerobot()) bot_uptime = up.split('|')[0].split(':')[0] + ' Hours, ' + up.split( '|')[0].split(':')[1] + ' minutes, ' + up.split('|')[0].split( ':')[2] + ' seconds.' embed = discord.Embed( description= 'Bot uptime: {}\nOS uptime: {}\nLast downtime: {} UTC\n\nCommands run in the past {}: {}' .format( bot_uptime, str(myself.terminal('uptime -p'))[3:], up.split('|')[1], myself.time_encode( round( - round(cmds['lastreset'])), str(cmds['count'])), color=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) embed.set_image(url='' + imageurl) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def can_vote(userid): data = requests.get( '{}&user={}'.format( str(, str(userid)), headers={ 'authorization': 'Bearer ' + str(os.environ['KSOFT_TOKEN']) }).json() if data['voted'] == False: return {'bool': True, 'time': None} else: raw = data['data']['expiry'].replace('T', ' ') raw = [ int(raw.split('-')[0]), int(raw.split('-')[1].split('-')[0]), int(raw.split('-')[2].split(' ')[0]), int(raw.split(' ')[1].split(':')[0]), int(raw.split(':')[1].split(':')[0]), int(raw.split(':')[2].split('.')[0]) ] time = t(raw[0], raw[1], raw[2], raw[3], raw[4], raw[5]) return { 'bool': False, 'time': myself.time_encode((time - }
async def joinposition(self, ctx, *args): current_time = user = myself.getUser(ctx, args) wait = await ctx.send('{} | Iterating through {} members...'.format(self.client.get_emoji(BotEmotes.loading), len(ctx.guild.members))) sortedJoins = sorted([current_time-i.joined_at.timestamp() for i in ctx.guild.members])[::-1] num, users = [i for i in range(len(sortedJoins)) if (current_time-user.joined_at.timestamp())==sortedJoins[i]][0], [] for i in range(-10, 11): try: placement = (num + i) + 1 if placement < 1: continue locate = sortedJoins[num + i] username = [str(i) for i in ctx.guild.members if (current_time-i.joined_at.timestamp())==locate][0] if i == 0: username = f'**{username}**' users.append({ 'user': username, 'time': locate, 'order': str(placement) }) except IndexError: pass em = discord.Embed(title='Your join position', description='\n'.join([ '{}. {} ({} ago)'.format(i['order'], i['user'], myself.time_encode(round(i['time']))) for i in users ]), color=discord.Colour.from_rgb(201, 160, 112)) await wait.edit(content='', embed=em)