Example #1
    for n,v in pl:
        if n == name:
            return v
    return None

def lines2cli(s):
    Convert a string into a list of lines. Replace continuation
    characters. Strip white space, left and right. Drop empty lines.
    cl = []
    l = s.split('\n')
    cum = []
    for p in l:
        p = p.strip()
        if p.endswith('\\'):
            p = p.rstrip('\\')
            cum = []
    if cum: # in case s ends with backslash
    return [x for x in cl if x]

user_prefs = UserPrefs.getInstance()
options = Options.getInstance()
vars = Vars.getInstance()
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:
Example #2
    def DELETE(self, name=None):

                logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = 404    # 200, 404...
                message = "Call not supported: DELETE "+name+" Please check the API doc or report a bug if appropriate."

                path = [d for d in name.split(os.path.sep) if d]
                if len(name) > 0:

                    if path[0] != "fileman" and not self.auth.canDelete():
                            logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] Only admin can DELETE")
                            raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Only Administrator can delete")

                    # /fileman/file.shp"
                    if path[0] == "fileman":
                            from fileman import FileMan
                            fm = FileMan()
                            fileName = name[8:]
                            (code, message) = fm.deleteFile(self._getTargetFile(path[-1]))

                    # /user/<username>
                    elif path[0] == "user" and len(path) == 2:
                        userName = path[1]
                        from userprefs import UserPrefs
                        up = UserPrefs(config)
                        (code, message) = up.deleteUser(userName)

                    # /layed/<layer>
                    elif path[0] == "layed" and len(path) == 2:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd()
                        layerName = path[1]
                        inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                        deleteTable = True
                        if "deleteTable" in inpt:
                            if inpt["deleteTable"].lower() == "false":
                                deleteTable = False
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.usergroup)
                        dbSchema    = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.usergroup)
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete layer '%s'"% layerName )
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete from workspace '%s'"% gsWorkspace)
                        (code, message) = le.deleteLayer(gsWorkspace, layerName, dbSchema, deleteTable)

                    # /publish/<layer>
                    elif path[0] == "publish" and len(path) == 2:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd()
                        layerName = path[1]
                        inpt = web.input()
                        if not "schema" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'schema' parameter missing")

                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.schema)
                        dbSchema    = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.schema)
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete layer '%s'"% layerName )
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete from workspace '%s'"% gsWorkspace)
                        (code, message) = le.deleteLayer(gsWorkspace, layerName, dbSchema, deleteTable=False)

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval  = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
    def otherword(self, n, s):
        if "color" in user_prefs.output:
            return self.colorstring(n, s)
            return s

    def id(self, s):
        return self.otherword(1, s)

    def attr_name(self, s):
        return self.otherword(2, s)

    def attr_value(self, s):
        return self.otherword(3, s)

    def rscref(self, s):
        return self.otherword(4, s)

    def idref(self, s):
        return self.otherword(4, s)

    def score(self, s):
        return self.otherword(5, s)

user_prefs = UserPrefs.getInstance()
vars = Vars.getInstance()
termctrl = TerminalController.getInstance()

# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et:
Example #4
    def PUT(self, name=None):

                logging.info("[LayMan][PUT] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][PUT] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                global config
                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][PUT] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = 404    # 200, 404...
                message = "Call not supported: PUT "+name+" Please check the API doc or report a bug if appropriate."

                path = [d for d in name.split(os.path.sep) if d]

                # PUT "http://localhost:8080/layman/fileman/file.shp"
                if path[0]  == "fileman":
                    from fileman import FileMan
                    fm = FileMan()
                    fileName = path[-1]
                    data = web.data()
                    (code, message) = fm.putFile(self._getTargetFile(
                                                 fileName), data)

                # PUT /layman/user/
                # data: {screenName: "user", roles: [{roleTitle, roleName}, {roleTitle, roleName}]}
                elif path[0] == "user":
                    from userprefs import UserPrefs
                    up = UserPrefs(config)
                    data = web.data()
                    (code, message) = up.updateUser(userJsonStr=data)

                elif path[0] == "geoserver":
                    from layed.gsconfig import GsConfig

                    # /geoserver/style/style_name
                    if path[1] == "style":
                        #ws = None
                        #if len(path) > 3:
                        #    ws = path[-2]
                        gsc = GsConfig()
                        # If PUT Style fails, gsconfig throws an exception
                            gsc.putStyle(path[-1], web.data())
                            (code, message) = (200, "PUT Style OK")
                        except Exception as e:
                            code = 500
                            message = "PUT Style failed: " + str(e)

                # /layed/config/<layer>?usergroup=FireBrigade
                elif path[0] == "layed" and len(path) == 2:
                    from layed import LayEd
                    le = LayEd()
                    layerName = path[1]
                    inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                    gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.usergroup)
                    data = web.data()
                    data = json.loads(data)  # string -> json

                    usergroup = inpt.usergroup
                    if (not usergroup) and ("usergroup" in data.keys()):
                        logging.debug("[LayMan][PUT] Usergroup not provided in params, but given in data: %s"% data["usergroup"])
                        usergroup = data["usergroup"]

                    fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()
                    fsGroupDir = self.auth.getFSGroupDir(usergroup)
                    dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(usergroup)
                    gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(usergroup)

                    (code, message) = le.putLayerConfig(gsWorkspace,
                                                        layerName, data,
                                                        fsUserDir, fsGroupDir,

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
Example #5
    def POST(self, name=None):
                logging.info("[LayMan][POST] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][POST] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                global config
                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][POST] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = None
                message = None
                origName = name
                name = [d for d in os.path.split(origName) if d]

                if len(name) > 0:

                    # POST "http://localhost:8080/layman/fileman/file.shp"
                    if name[0] == "fileman":
                        from fileman import FileMan
                        fm = FileMan()
                        # Jachyme, what we expect here to receive from the client?
                        # Where is it documented?
                        inpt = web.input(filename={}, newfilename="")
                        newFilename = inpt["newfilename"]
                        if not newFilename:
                            newFilename = inpt["filename"].filename
                        newFilename = self._getTargetFile(newFilename,False)
                        (code, message) = fm.postFile(newFilename, inpt["filename"].file.read())  # FIXME Security: we
                                                                         # shoudl read file size up to X megabytes
                        web.header("Content-type", "text/html")

                    # POST /layman/user
                    # data: {screenName: "user", roles: [{roleTitle, roleName}, {roleTitle, roleName}]}
                    elif name[0] == "user":
                        from userprefs import UserPrefs
                        up = UserPrefs(config)
                        data = web.data()
                        (code, message) = up.createUser(userJsonStr=data)

                    # POST "http://localhost:8080/layman/layed?fileName=Rivers.shp&usergroup=RescueRangers"
                    elif name[0] == "layed":
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd(config)
                        inpt = web.input(usergroup=None)
                        if not inpt.fileName:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'fileName' parameter missing")
                        fileName = inpt.fileName
                        fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()
                        fsGroupDir = self.auth.getFSGroupDir(inpt.usergroup)
                        dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.usergroup)
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.usergroup)
                        crs = inpt.crs # native crs
                        tsrs = inpt.tsrs # target srs
                        cpg = inpt.cpg # code page

                        secureLayer = True
                        if "secureLayer" in inpt:
                            if inpt.secureLayer.lower() == "false":
                                secureLayer = False

                        (code, layerName, message) = le.importAndPublish(fsUserDir, fsGroupDir,
                                                     dbSchema, gsWorkspace,
                                                     fileName, crs, tsrs, cpg, inpt, secureLayer)
                        # Set Location header
                        if code == 201 and layerName is not None:
                            location = layerName # TODO: provide full URI here             
                            web.header("Location", location)

                    elif name[0] == "publish" or name[0] == "data":
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd(config)
                        inpt = web.input()

                        # Obligatory parameters
                        if not "schema" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'schema' parameter missing")
                        if not "view" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'view' parameter missing")
                        if not "crs" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'crs' parameter missing")

                        viewName = inpt.view
                        dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(inpt.schema)
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(inpt.schema)
                        crs = inpt.crs

                        secureLayer = True
                        if "secureLayer" in inpt:
                            if inpt.secureLayer.lower() == "false":
                                secureLayer = False

                        # Optional parameters
                        styleName = None
                        styleWs = None                        
                        if "style" in inpt:
                            styleName = inpt.style
                        if "style_ws" in inpt:
                            styleWs = inpt.style_ws

                        (code, layerName, message) = le.publishFromDbToGs(dbSchema, 
                                                            crs, inpt, styleName, styleWs, secureLayer)

                        # Set Location header
                        if code == 201 and layerName is not None:
                            location = layerName # TODO: provide full URI here             
                            web.header("Location", location)

                        (code, message) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="POST",

                    (code, message) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="POST", call=origName)

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval  = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
Example #6
    def DELETE(self, name=None):

                logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = 404    # 200, 404...
                message = "Call not supported: DELETE "+name+" Please check the API doc or report a bug if appropriate."

                path = [d for d in name.split(os.path.sep) if d]
                if len(name) > 0:

                    # /files/<user>/file.shp"
                    if path[0] == "files" and len(path) == 3:
                        from fileman import FileMan
                        fm = FileMan()

                        # Everyone can DELETE only his/her own files 
                        userName = self.auth.getUserName()
                        if userName != path[1]:
                            logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] %s is not authorized to delete files of %s"% (userName, path[1]))
                            raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to delete files of %s"% path[1])

                        (code, message) = fm.deleteFile(self._getTargetFile(path[-1]))

                    # /user/<username>
                    elif path[0] == "user" and len(path) == 2:
                        userName = path[1]
                        from userprefs import UserPrefs
                        up = UserPrefs(config)
                        (code, message) = up.deleteUser(userName)

                    #     /layers/<group>/<layer>
                    # was /layed/<layer>
                    elif path[0] == "layers" and len(path) == 3:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd()

                        # Check authorization for the given group
                        checkRole = self.auth.getRole(path[1])
                        if checkRole["roleName"] != path[1]:
                            logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] Not authorized to DELETE layer from %s group"% path[1])
                            raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to delete layer from %s group"% path[1])

                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(path[1])
                        dbSchema    = self.auth.getDBSchema(path[1])
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete layer '%s'"% path[2] )
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete from workspace '%s'"% gsWorkspace)
                        # Delete layer only
                        (code, message) = le.deleteLayer(gsWorkspace, path[2], dbSchema, deleteTable=False)

                    #     /datalayers/<group>/<layer>
                    elif path[0] == "datalayers" and len(path) == 3:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd()

                        # Check authorization for the given group
                        checkRole = self.auth.getRole(path[1])
                        if checkRole["roleName"] != path[1]:
                            logging.error("[LayMan][DELETE] Not authorized to DELETE layer from %s group"% path[1])
                            raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to delete layer from %s group"% path[1])

                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(path[1])
                        dbSchema    = self.auth.getDBSchema(path[1])
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete layer and data '%s'"% path[2] )
                        logging.info("[LayMan][DELETE] Delete from workspace '%s'"% gsWorkspace)
                        # Delete layer and data
                        (code, message) = le.deleteLayer(gsWorkspace, path[2], dbSchema, deleteTable=True)

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval  = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
Example #7
    def PUT(self, name=None):

                logging.info("[LayMan][PUT] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][PUT] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                global config
                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][PUT] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = 404    # 200, 404...
                message = "Call not supported: PUT "+name+" Please check the API doc or report a bug if appropriate."

                path = [d for d in name.split(os.path.sep) if d]

                # PUT /files/<user>/file.shp"
                if path[0]  == "files" and len(path) == 3:
                    from fileman import FileMan
                    fm = FileMan()

                    # Everyone can PUT only his/her own files 
                    userName = self.auth.getUserName()
                    if userName != path[1]:
                        logging.error("[LayMan][PUT] %s is not authorized to put files of %s"% (userName, path[1]))
                        raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to update files of %s"% path[1])

                    fileName = path[-1]
                    data = web.data()
                    (code, message) = fm.putFile(self._getTargetFile(
                                                 fileName), data)

                # PUT /data/<group>/{table|view|file}/<data>?fileName=Rivers.shp
                elif path[0] == "data" and len(path) == 4:
                    from layed import LayEd
                    le = LayEd()

                    # Check authorization for the given group
                    checkRole = self.auth.getRole(path[1])
                    if checkRole["roleName"] != path[1]:
                        logging.error("[LayMan][PUT] Not authorized to PUT data for %s group"% path[1])
                        raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to put data in %s group"% path[1])

                    # fileName must be given
                    inpt = web.input()
                    if not inpt.fileName:
                        raise LaymanError(400, "'fileName' parameter must be given")

                    # Note: currently all vectors are stored in database and all rasters are stored in filesystem.
                    # If some vector is to be stored in the fs or some raster in the db, 
                    # LayEd.updateData() must be adjusted and receive path[2] as a parameter
                    fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()
                    fsGroupDir = self.auth.getFSGroupDir(path[1])
                    dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(path[1])
                    gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(path[1])

                    (code, message) = le.updateData(path[3], gsWorkspace, fsUserDir, fsGroupDir, dbSchema, inpt.fileName)

                # PUT /layman/user/
                # data: {screenName: "user", roles: [{roleTitle, roleName}, {roleTitle, roleName}]}
                elif path[0] == "user":
                    from userprefs import UserPrefs
                    up = UserPrefs(config)
                    data = web.data()
                    (code, message) = up.updateUser(userJsonStr=data)

                elif path[0] == "geoserver":
                    from layed.gsconfig import GsConfig

                    # /geoserver/style/style_name
                    if path[1] == "style":
                        #ws = None
                        #if len(path) > 3:
                        #    ws = path[-2]
                        gsc = GsConfig()
                        # If PUT Style fails, gsconfig throws an exception
                            gsc.putStyle(path[-1], web.data())
                            (code, message) = (200, "PUT Style OK")
                        except Exception as e:
                            code = 500
                            message = "PUT Style failed: " + str(e)

                # PUT /layers/<group>/<layer> 
                # was /layed/config/<layer>?usergroup=FireBrigade
                elif path[0] == "layers" and len(path) == 3:
                    from layed import LayEd
                    le = LayEd()

                    # Check authorization for the given group
                    checkRole = self.auth.getRole(path[1])
                    if checkRole["roleName"] != path[1]:
                        logging.error("[LayMan][PUT] Not authorized to PUT layer for %s group"% path[1])
                        raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to put layer in %s group"% path[1])

                    data = web.data()
                    data = json.loads(data)  # string -> json

                    fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()
                    fsGroupDir = self.auth.getFSGroupDir(path[1])
                    dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(path[1])
                    gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(path[1])

                    (code, message) = le.putLayerConfig(gsWorkspace,
                                                        path[2], data,
                                                        fsUserDir, fsGroupDir,

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)
Example #8
    def POST(self, name=None):
                logging.info("[LayMan][POST] %s"% name)
                params = repr(web.input())
                logging.info("[LayMan][POST] Parameters: %s ... %s"%\
                        (str(params)[:500], str(params)[-500:]))

                global config
                if not self.auth.authorised:
                    logging.error("[LayMan][POST] Unauthorised")
                    raise AuthError(401, "Authorisation failed. Are you logged-in?")

                code = None
                message = None
                origName = name
                path = [d for d in os.path.split(origName) if d]

                if len(path) > 0:

                    # POST "http://localhost:8080/layman/files/<user>"
                    if path[0] == "files" and len(path) == 2:
                        from fileman import FileMan
                        fm = FileMan()

                        # Everyone can post only in his/her own directory
                        userName = self.auth.getUserName()
                        if userName != path[1]:
                            logging.error("[LayMan][POST] %s is not authorized to post files into %s's directory"% (userName, path[1]))
                            raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to post files into %s's directory"% path[1])

                        # Request params
                        inpt = web.input(filename={}, newfilename="")
                        # User dir
                        fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()

                        # Chek 'source' parameter ['url'|'payload']
                        if "source" in inpt and inpt["source"].lower() == "url":    
                            # Check URL param
                            if not inpt["url"] or inpt["url"] == "":
                                # Get from url requested, but url not given
                                code = 400
                                message = "URL source requested, but URL not given"
                                # Get file from URL 
                                (code, message) = fm.postFileFromUrl(fsUserDir, inpt["url"])
                            # Get file data from request payload
                            newFilename = inpt["newfilename"]
                            if not newFilename:
                                newFilename = inpt["filename"].filename
                            (code, message) = fm.postFileFromPayload(fsUserDir, newFilename, inpt["filename"].file.read()) 
                        web.header("Content-type", "text/html")

                    # POST /layman/user
                    # data: {screenName: "user", roles: [{roleTitle, roleName}, {roleTitle, roleName}]}
                    elif path[0] == "user":
                        from userprefs import UserPrefs
                        up = UserPrefs(config)
                        data = web.data()
                        (code, message) = up.createUser(userJsonStr=data)

                    #     /datalayers/<group>?fileName=Rivers.shp
                    # was /layed?fileName=Rivers.shp&usergroup=RescueRangers"
                    elif path[0] == "datalayers" and len(path) == 2:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd(config)

                        inpt = web.input()

                        if not inpt.fileName:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'fileName' parameter missing")

                        checkRole = self.auth.getRole(path[1])
                        logging.debug("[LayMan][POST] checkRole: '%s', path[1]: '%s'"% (checkRole, path[1]))
                        if checkRole["roleName"] != path[1]:
                            logging.error("[LayMan][POST] Not authorized to post files into %s group"% path[1])
                            raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to post files into %s group"% path[1])

                        fileName = inpt.fileName
                        userName = self.auth.getUserName()
                        fsUserDir = self.auth.getFSUserDir()
                        fsGroupDir = self.auth.getFSGroupDir(path[1])
                        dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(path[1])
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(path[1])
                        crs = inpt.crs # native crs
                        tsrs = inpt.tsrs # target srs
                        cpg = inpt.cpg # code page

                        secureLayer = False
                        if "secureLayer" in inpt:
                            if inpt.secureLayer.lower() == "true":
                                secureLayer = True

                        (code, layerName, message) = le.importAndPublish(fsUserDir, fsGroupDir,
                                                     dbSchema, gsWorkspace,
                                                     fileName, userName, crs, tsrs, cpg, inpt, secureLayer)
                        # Set Location header
                        if code == 201 and layerName is not None:
                            location = layerName # TODO: provide full URI here             
                            web.header("Location", location)

                    #      /layers/<group>
                    # was: /publish or /data
                    elif path[0] == "layers" and len(path) == 2:
                        from layed import LayEd
                        le = LayEd(config)
                        inpt = web.input()

                        # Check authorization
                        checkRole = self.auth.getRole(path[1])
                        if checkRole["roleName"] != path[1]:
                            logging.error("[LayMan][POST] Not authorized to post files into %s group"% path[1])
                            raise AuthError(401, "Sorry, you are not authorized to post files into %s group"% path[1])

                        # Obligatory parameters
                        if not "dataname" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'dataname' parameter missing")
                        if not "datatype" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'datatype' parameter missing")
                        if not "crs" in inpt:
                            raise LaymanError(
                                400, "'crs' parameter missing")

                        dataName = inpt.dataname
                        dataType = inpt.datatype
                        userName = self.auth.getUserName()
                        dbSchema = self.auth.getDBSchema(path[1])
                        gsWorkspace = self.auth.getGSWorkspace(path[1])
                        crs = inpt.crs

                        secureLayer = False
                        if "secureLayer" in inpt:
                            if inpt.secureLayer.lower() == "true":
                                secureLayer = True

                        # Optional parameters
                        styleName = None
                        styleWs = None                        
                        if "style" in inpt:
                            styleName = inpt.style
                        if "style_ws" in inpt:
                            styleWs = inpt.style_ws

                        (code, layerName, message) = le.publishFromDbToGs(dbSchema, 
                                                            dataName, dataType, gsWorkspace, userName,
                                                            crs, inpt, styleName, styleWs, secureLayer)

                        # Set Location header
                        if code == 201 and layerName is not None:
                            location = layerName # TODO: provide full URI here             
                            web.header("Location", location)

                        (code, message) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="POST",

                    (code, message) = self._callNotSupported(restMethod="POST", call=origName)

                success = self._setReturnCode(code)
                retval  = self._jsonReply(code, message, success)
                return retval

        except LaymanError as le:
            return self._handleLaymanError(le)

        except Exception as e:
            return self._handleException(e)