def test_groups_are_case_insensitive(self): """Ensure groups are case insensitive.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'])'phonebook.edit_profile'), dict( last_name='tofumatt', groups='Awesome,foo,Bar'), follow=True) eq_(3, profile.groups.count(), 'Three groups should be saved.') group_string = stringify_groups(profile.groups.all()) for g in ['awesome', 'bar', 'foo']: assert g in group_string, ( 'All three saved groups should be lowercase.') assert not 'Awesome' in group_string, ( 'Uppercase group should be transformed to lowercase.') # Make an AJAX request for a group using a capital letter. r = client.get(reverse('group_search'), dict(term='Awesome'), HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH='XMLHttpRequest') for g in json.loads(r.content): assert ==, ( 'Group search is case-insensitive.')
def test_groups_are_case_insensitive(self): """Ensure groups are case insensitive.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'], MOZ_ASSERTION)'phonebook.edit_profile'), dict(last_name='tofumatt', groups='Awesome,foo,Bar'), follow=True) eq_(3, profile.groups.count(), 'Three groups should be saved.') group_string = stringify_groups(profile.groups.all()) for g in ['awesome', 'bar', 'foo']: assert g in group_string, ( 'All three saved groups should be lowercase.') assert not 'Awesome' in group_string, ( 'Uppercase group should be transformed to lowercase.') # Make an AJAX request for a group using a capital letter. r = client.get(reverse('group_search'), dict(term='Awesome'), HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH='XMLHttpRequest') for g in json.loads(r.content): assert ==, ( 'Group search is case-insensitive.')
def test_pending_user_can_add_groups(self): """Ensure pending users can add/edit groups.""" profile = get_profile(PENDING['email']) assert not profile.groups.all(), 'User should have no groups.' client = mozillian_client(PENDING['email'])'phonebook.edit_profile'), dict(last_name='McAwesomepants', groups='Awesome foo Bar'), follow=True) assert profile.groups.all(), ( "Pending user should be able to edit groups.")
def test_groups_are_always_lowercase(self): """Ensure all groups are saved with lowercase names only.""" Group.objects.create(name='lowercase') Group.objects.create(name='Uppercase') Group.objects.create(name='YELLING') # Make sure groups created from a profile are lowercase too. profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) profile.groups.create(name='ILIKEITLOUD') for g in Group.objects.all(): assert ==, 'All groups should be lowercase.'
def test_pending_user_can_add_groups(self): """Ensure pending users can add/edit groups.""" profile = get_profile(PENDING['email']) assert not profile.groups.all(), 'User should have no groups.' client = mozillian_client(PENDING['email'], PND_ASSERTION)'phonebook.edit_profile'), dict(last_name='McAwesomepants', groups='Awesome foo Bar'), follow=True) assert profile.groups.all(), ( "Pending user should be able to edit groups.")
def test_toggle_membership_on_group_page(self): """Verify a user can join/leave a group on its page. Make sure the Join/Leave Group buttons appear on group listings for authorized users. Make sure system groups cannot be joined via the toggle view and that the buttons don't appear there.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'], MOZ_ASSERTION) response = client.get( reverse('group', args=[, NORMAL_GROUP.url])) doc = pq(response.content) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' % assert "Join Group" in response.content, ( '"Join Group" button should be present in the response.') # Follow the toggle membership form action. r ='#toggle-group').attr('action'), follow=True) doc = pq(r.content) assert "Leave Group" in r.content, ( '"Leave Group" button should be present in the response.') assert profile.groups.get(, ('User should be part of the "%s" group' % # Do it again and they should leave the group. r ='#toggle-group').attr('action'), {}, follow=True) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' % # Test against a system group, where we shouldn't be able to toggle # membership. response = client.get( reverse('group', args=[, SYSTEM_GROUP.url])) doc = pq(response.content) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' % assert not "Join Group" in response.content, ( '"Join Group" button should not be present in the response.') # Attempt to manually toggle the group membership r ='group_toggle', args=[, SYSTEM_GROUP.url]), follow=True) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' %
def test_toggle_membership_on_group_page(self): """Verify a user can join/leave a group on its page. Make sure the Join/Leave Group buttons appear on group listings for authorized users. Make sure system groups cannot be joined via the toggle view and that the buttons don't appear there.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'], MOZ_ASSERTION) response = client.get(reverse('group', args=[, NORMAL_GROUP.url])) doc = pq(response.content) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' % assert "Join Group" in response.content, ( '"Join Group" button should be present in the response.') # Follow the toggle membership form action. r ='#toggle-group').attr('action'), follow=True) doc = pq(r.content) assert "Leave Group" in r.content, ( '"Leave Group" button should be present in the response.') assert profile.groups.get(, ( 'User should be part of the "%s" group' % # Do it again and they should leave the group. r ='#toggle-group').attr('action'), {}, follow=True) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' % # Test against a system group, where we shouldn't be able to toggle # membership. response = client.get(reverse('group', args=[, SYSTEM_GROUP.url])) doc = pq(response.content) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' % assert not "Join Group" in response.content, ( '"Join Group" button should not be present in the response.') # Attempt to manually toggle the group membership r ='group_toggle', args=[, SYSTEM_GROUP.url]), follow=True) assert not profile.groups.filter(, ( 'User should not be in the "%s" group' %
def test_users_cant_add_system_groups(self): """Make sure users can't add system groups to their profile.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'], MOZ_ASSERTION)'phonebook.edit_profile'), dict(last_name='tofumatt', groups='%s %s' % (,, follow=True) groups = profile.groups.all() eq_(1, len(groups), 'Only one group should have been added.') for g in groups: assert not g.system, ( "None of this user's groups should be system groups.")
def test_users_cant_add_system_groups(self): """Make sure users can't add system groups to their profile.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'])'phonebook.edit_profile'), dict( last_name='tofumatt', groups='%s %s' % (,, follow=True) groups = profile.groups.all() eq_(1, len(groups), 'Only one group should have been added.') for g in groups: assert not g.system, ( "None of this user's groups should be system groups.")
def test_string_split_works_properly(self): """Ensure groups are saved correctly from a comma-delimited string.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) profile.groups.clear() assert not profile.groups.all(), ( 'User has no groups at beginning of test.') client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'])'phonebook.edit_profile'), dict( last_name='McAwesomepants', # This should result in four groups groups='Awesome,,foo bar, Bar,g '), follow=True) eq_(4, profile.groups.count(), 'User should have four groups.') assert profile.groups.get(name='foo bar'), ( 'Group should contain spaces.') for g in profile.groups.all(): assert not' '), ( 'Group should not start with a space.') assert not' '), ( 'Group should not end with a space.')
def test_users_cant_remove_system_groups(self): """Make sure removing groups in a profile doesn't delete system groups. When a user deletes their (visible) groups in the edit profile page, they shouldn't delete any system groups. """ profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) profile.groups.add(NORMAL_GROUP, SYSTEM_GROUP) eq_(2, profile.groups.count(), 'User should have both groups.') # Edit this user's profile and remove a group. client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email']) response ='phonebook.edit_profile'), dict(last_name="McLovin'", groups=''), follow=True) doc = pq(response.content) assert not doc('#id_groups').attr('value'), ( 'User should have no visible groups.') assert profile.groups.count(), 'User should not have zero groups.' for g in profile.groups.all(): assert g.system, 'User should only have system groups.'
def test_string_split_works_properly(self): """Ensure groups are saved correctly from a comma-delimited string.""" profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) profile.groups.clear() assert not profile.groups.all(), ( 'User has no groups at beginning of test.') client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'], MOZ_ASSERTION) reverse('phonebook.edit_profile'), dict( last_name='McAwesomepants', # This should result in four groups groups='Awesome,,foo bar, Bar,g '), follow=True) eq_(4, profile.groups.count(), 'User should have four groups.') assert profile.groups.get( name='foo bar'), ('Group should contain spaces.') for g in profile.groups.all(): assert not' '), ( 'Group should not start with a space.') assert not' '), ( 'Group should not end with a space.')
def test_users_cant_remove_system_groups(self): """Make sure removing groups in a profile doesn't delete system groups. When a user deletes their (visible) groups in the edit profile page, they shouldn't delete any system groups. """ profile = get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']) profile.groups.add(NORMAL_GROUP, SYSTEM_GROUP) eq_(2, profile.groups.count(), 'User should have both groups.') # Edit this user's profile and remove a group. client = mozillian_client(MOZILLIAN['email'], MOZ_ASSERTION) response ='phonebook.edit_profile'), dict(last_name="McLovin'", groups=''), follow=True) doc = pq(response.content) assert not doc('#id_groups').attr('value'), ( 'User should have no visible groups.') assert profile.groups.count(), 'User should not have zero groups.' for g in profile.groups.all(): assert g.system, 'User should only have system groups.'
def test_default_groups(self): """Ensure the user has the proper amount of groups upon creation.""" assert not get_profile(MOZILLIAN['email']).groups.all(), ( 'User should have no groups by default.')