Example #1
    def RenderTemplate(self, template_name, context):
        """Renders a template from the templates/ directory.

      template_name: A string, the filename of the template to render.
      context: An optional dictionary of template variables.  A few variables
          are automatically added to this context:
            - {{root}} is the root_path of the app
            - {{user}} is the signed-in user
            - {{login_url}} is a URL to a sign-in page
            - {{logout_url}} is a URL that signs the user out
            - {{navbar}} contains variables used by the navigation sidebar
      A string, the rendered template.
        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates',
        root = config.Get('root_path') or ''
        user = users.GetCurrent()
        context = dict(context,
                       logout_url=users.GetLogoutUrl(root + '/.maps'),
        return template.render(path, context)
Example #2
 def testGetLogoutUrl(self):
     # We just test dev mode; in production this forwards to create_logout_url.
Example #3
def GetConfig(request, map_object=None, catalog_entry=None, xsrf_token=''):
  dev_mode = request.get('dev') and users.IsDeveloper()
  map_picker_items = GetMapPickerItems(
      catalog_entry and catalog_entry.domain or
      config.Get('primary_domain'), request.root_path)

  # Fill the cm_config dictionary.
  root = request.root_path
  xsrf_qs = '?xsrf_token=' + xsrf_token  # needed for all POST URLs
  result = {
      'dev_mode': dev_mode,
      'langs': base_handler.ALL_LANGUAGES,
      # Each endpoint that the JS client code uses gets an entry in config.
      'js_root': root + '/.js',
      'json_proxy_url': root + '/.jsonp',
      'kmlify_url': request.host_url + root + '/.kmlify',
      'login_url': users.GetLoginUrl(request.url),
      'logout_url': users.GetLogoutUrl(request.url),
      'map_picker_items': map_picker_items,
      'protect_url': root + '/.protect',
      'report_query_url': root + '/.api/reports',
      'report_post_url': root + '/.api/reports' + xsrf_qs,
      'vote_post_url': root + '/.api/votes' + xsrf_qs,
      'static_content_url': root + '/.static',
      'user_email': users.GetCurrent() and users.GetCurrent().email,
      'wms_configure_url': root + '/.wms/configure',
      'wms_tiles_url': root + '/.wms/tiles'

  # Add settings from the selected client config, if any.
                                request.headers.get('referer'), dev_mode))

  # Add the MapRoot data and other map-specific information.
  if catalog_entry:  # published map
    map_root = result['map_root'] = catalog_entry.map_root
    result['label'] = catalog_entry.label
    result['publisher_name'] = catalog_entry.publisher_name
    key = catalog_entry.map_version_key
  elif map_object:  # draft map
    map_root = result['map_root'] = map_object.map_root
    result['map_list_url'] = root + '/.maps'
    result['diff_url'] = root + '/.diff/' + map_object.id + xsrf_qs
    result['save_url'] = root + '/.api/maps/' + map_object.id + xsrf_qs
    result['share_url'] = root + '/.share/' + map_object.id + xsrf_qs
    result['api_maps_url'] = root + '/.api/maps'
    result['legend_url'] = root + '/.legend'
    result['wms_query_url'] = root + '/.wms/query'
    result['enable_editing'] = map_object.CheckAccess(perms.Role.MAP_EDITOR)
    result['draft_mode'] = True
    key = map_object.current_version_key

  # Parameters that depend on the MapRoot, for both published and draft maps.
  ui_region = request.get('gl')
  if map_object or catalog_entry:
    result['lang'] = base_handler.SelectLanguageForRequest(request, map_root)
    ui_region = map_root.get('region', ui_region)
    cache_key, sources = metadata.CacheSourceAddresses(key, result['map_root'])
    result['metadata'] = {s: METADATA_CACHE.Get(s) for s in sources}
    result['metadata_url'] = root + '/.metadata?ck=' + cache_key

  # Construct the URL for the Maps JavaScript API.
  api_url_params = {
      'sensor': 'false',
      'libraries': 'places,search,visualization,weather',
      'client': GetMapsApiClientId(request.host),
      'language': request.lang
  if ui_region:
    api_url_params['region'] = ui_region
  result['maps_api_url'] = (MAPS_API_BASE_URL + '?' +

  maproot_url = request.get('maproot_url', '')
  if dev_mode or maproot_url.startswith(request.root_url + '/'):
    # It's always okay to fetch MapRoot JSON from a URL if it's from this app.
    # In developer mode only, allow MapRoot JSON from arbitrary URLs.
    result['maproot_url'] = maproot_url

  if dev_mode:
    # In developer mode only, allow query params to override the result.
    # Developers can also specify map_root directly as a query param.
    for name in (
        ClientConfig.properties().keys() + ['map_root', 'use_tab_panel']):
      value = request.get(name)
      if value:
        result[name] = json.loads(value)

  return result