Example #1
def normalize(img_or_stack, *args, **kwargs):
        img = imgify(img_or_stack)
        return normalize_image(img, *args, **kwargs)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        stack = stackify(img_or_stack)
        return normalize_stack(stack, *args, **kwargs)
Example #2
def cutout_stack(stack, mask_outer=0.2):
    stack = stackify(stack)
    _, h0, w0 = len(stack), stack[0].data.shape[0], stack[0].data.shape[1]
    dy, dx = (int(mask_outer * h0), int(mask_outer * w0))
    if mask_outer == 0:
        data = np.array([img.data for img in stack])
        data = np.array([img.data[dy:-dy, dx:-dx] for img in stack])
    return LEEMStack(data)
Example #3
def stack2vectors(stack, mask_outer=0.2):
    stack = stackify(stack)
    _, h0, w0 = len(stack), stack[0].data.shape[0], stack[0].data.shape[1]
    dy, dx = (int(mask_outer * h0), int(mask_outer * w0))
    h, w = (h0 - 2 * dy, w0 - 2 * dx)
    if mask_outer == 0:
        data = np.array([img.data.flatten() for img in stack]).T
        data = np.array([img.data[dy:-dy, dx:-dx].flatten()
                         for img in stack]).T
    return data, h, w
Example #4
def get_max_variance_idx(stack):
    stack = stackify(stack)
    max_var = 0
    max_index = 0
    for i, img in enumerate(stack):
        var = np.var((img.data.flatten() - np.amin(img.data)) /
                     (np.amax(img.data) - np.amin(img.data)))
        if var > max_var:
            max_var = var
            max_index = i
    return max_index
Example #5
    def __init__(self, stack, profile, BZ_pix, d, gamma=None, Vi=0):
        self.stack = stackify(stack)
        self.profile = profile
        if gamma is None:
            gamma = profile.position

        self.gamma = np.array(gamma)
        self.k_BZ = 2 * np.pi / d
        self.k_res = self.k_BZ / BZ_pix
        self.Vi = Vi

        self.data = None
Example #6
def calculate_dose(stack, pressurefield="pressure1", approx=1):
    """Maybe get rid of approx?."""
    stack = stackify(stack)
    pressure = getattr(stack, pressurefield)[::approx]
    rel_time = stack.rel_time[::approx]
    approx_dose = np.cumsum(pressure * np.gradient(rel_time)) * 1e6
    # scale up to original length:
    long_dose = np.repeat(approx_dose, approx)
    cutoff = len(long_dose) - len(stack)
    if cutoff < 0:
        raise ValueError("Error calculating dose")
    return long_dose[cutoff // 2:len(stack) + cutoff // 2]
Example #7
def normalize_stack(stack, mcp, dark_counts=100):
    stack = stackify(stack)
    mcp = imgify(mcp)
    if not isinstance(dark_counts, (int, float, complex)):
        dark_counts = imgify(dark_counts)

    stack_normed = stack.copy()
    for i, img in enumerate(progress_bar(stack, "Normalizing...")):
        stack_normed[i] = normalize_image(img, mcp, dark_counts=dark_counts)
    # is this monkey-patching necessary?:
    stack_normed.mcp = mcp
    stack_normed.dark_counts = dark_counts
    return stack_normed
Example #8
def get_rsm(stack, cut, xy0, kpara_per_pix):
    stack = stackify(stack)
    res_y, res_x = len(stack), np.rint(cut.length).astype(int)

    z = np.zeros((res_y, res_x))
    kx = np.zeros((res_y + 1, res_x + 1))
    kx[:, :] = kpara_per_pix * cut.length * np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, res_x + 1)
    ky = np.zeros((res_y + 1, res_x + 1))

    kpara = get_kpara(cut, xy0, kpara_per_pix, length=res_x + 1)
    dE = np.mean(np.diff(stack.energy))

    for i, img in enumerate(progress_bar(stack, "Calculating RSM...")):
        ky[i, :] = get_kperp(stack.energy[i] - dE / 2, kpara)
        z[i, :] = np.log(cut(img.data, length=res_x))
    ky[-1, :] = get_kperp(stack.energy[-1] + dE / 2, kpara)
    return kx, ky, z
Example #9
def align(stack, **kwargs):
    Use these keyword arguments:
    roi: defines a ROI, which can be any shape (circle, rectangle...).
    Defaults to 15% rectangular cutoff
    for ecc:
        trafo={"translation","rigid","affine"}   (default=translation)
        max_iter=int        maximum iterations, default: 500
        eps=number          threshold to reach, default: 1e-4
        avg=int             alignment ist averaged by matching with avg Number of previous images,
                            default: 1
    stack = stackify(stack)
    alignment = find_alignment_matrices(stack, **kwargs)
    stack = apply_alignment_matrices(stack, alignment)
    stack.alignment = alignment
    return stack, alignment
Example #10
def rsm(stack, start, end, xy0, kpara_per_pix=7.67e7):
    stack = stackify(stack)
    cut = RSMCut(start=start, end=end)
    kx, ky, z = get_rsm(stack, cut, xy0=xy0, kpara_per_pix=kpara_per_pix)
    return kx, ky, z
Example #11
def test_stackify(stack, stack_fname):
    assert isinstance(utility.stackify(stack), base.LEEMStack)
    assert isinstance(utility.stackify(stack_fname), base.LEEMStack)