Example #1
def _traj_file_load(fname, traj_axis='x'):  #MR20160725
    nLinesHead = 1
    hlp = []
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        for i in range(nLinesHead):

    data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(fname, '\t', _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=10, _n_line_skip=nLinesHead)

    mode = 3
    allrange = [
        data[5][0],  # z-coordinate begin
        data[5][-1],  # z-coordinate end
        len(data[0]),  # number of points
        min(data[1]),  # x-coordinate begin
        max(data[1]),  # x-coordinate end
        min(data[3]),  # y-coordinate begin
        max(data[3]),  # y-coordinate end
    arLabels = ['Longitudinal Position', 'Horizontal Position', 'Vertical Position']
    arUnits = ['m', 'm', 'm', 'm']
    if traj_axis == 'x':
        data = data[1]
        arLabels.append('Horizontal Coordinate')
    elif traj_axis == 'y':
        data = data[3]
        arLabels.append('Vertical Coordinate')
        raise ValueError('Parameter "axis" has wrong value: {}. Allowed values are "x" and "y"'.format(traj_axis))

    return data, mode, allrange, arLabels, arUnits
Example #2
def _file_load(_fname, _read_labels=1): #MR20160725
    nLinesHead = 11
    hlp = []
    #with open(_fname,'r') as f: hlp = f.readlines(nLinesHead)
    with open(_fname,'r') as f:
        for i in range(nLinesHead):
    #ne, nx, ny, ns    = [   int(hlp[i].replace('#','').split()[0]) for i in [3,6,9,10] ]
    ne, nx, ny = [int(hlp[i].replace('#','').split()[0]) for i in [3,6,9]]
    ns = 1
    testStr = hlp[nLinesHead - 1]
    if testStr[0] == '#':
        ns = int(testStr.replace('#','').split()[0])
    else: nLinesHead -= 1

    e0,e1,x0,x1,y0,y1 = [float(hlp[i].replace('#','').split()[0]) for i in [1,2,4,5,7,8]]

    #data = np.squeeze(np.loadtxt(_fname, dtype=np.float64)) #get data from file (C-aligned flat)
    data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(_fname, '\t', _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=0, _n_line_skip=nLinesHead)[0]

    allrange = e0, e1, ne, x0, x1, nx, y0, y1, ny

    arLabels = ['Photon Energy', 'Horizontal Position', 'Vertical Position', 'Intensity']
    arUnits = ['eV', 'm', 'm', 'ph/s/.1%bw/mm^2']

    if _read_labels:

        arTokens = hlp[0].split(' [')
        arLabels[3] = arTokens[0].replace('#','')
        arUnits[3] = '';
        if len(arTokens) > 1:
            arUnits[3] = arTokens[1].split('] ')[0]
        #print(arLabels[3], arUnits[3])

        for i in range(3):
            arTokens = hlp[i*3 + 1].split()
            nTokens = len(arTokens)
            nTokensLabel = nTokens - 3
            nTokensLabel_mi_1 = nTokensLabel - 1
            strLabel = ''
            for j in range(nTokensLabel):
                strLabel += arTokens[j + 2]
                if j < nTokensLabel_mi_1: strLabel += ' '
            arLabels[i] = strLabel
            arUnits[i] = arTokens[nTokens - 1].replace('[','').replace(']','')

    m = _enum('T','V','H','E','HV','EV','EH','EHV')

    if ne==1 and nx==1 and ny==1 : mode = m.T
    if ne==1 and nx==1 and ny>1  : mode = m.V
    if ne==1 and nx>1  and ny==1 : mode = m.H
    if ne>1  and nx==1 and ny==1 : mode = m.E
    if ne==1 and nx>1  and ny>1  : mode = m.HV
    if ne>1  and nx==1 and ny>1  : mode = m.EV
    if ne>1  and nx>1  and ny==1 : mode = m.EH
    if ne>1  and nx>1  and ny>1  : mode = m.EHV

    return data, mode, allrange, arLabels, arUnits
Example #3
def file_load(_fname, _read_labels=1):
    nLinesHead = 11
    hlp = []
    #with open(_fname,'r') as f: hlp = f.readlines(nLinesHead)
    with open(_fname,'r') as f:
        for i in range(nLinesHead):
    #ne, nx, ny, ns    = [   int(hlp[i].replace('#','').split()[0]) for i in [3,6,9,10] ]
    ne, nx, ny = [int(hlp[i].replace('#','').split()[0]) for i in [3,6,9]]
    ns = 1
    testStr = hlp[nLinesHead - 1]
    if testStr[0] == '#':
        ns = int(testStr.replace('#','').split()[0])
    else: nLinesHead -= 1

    e0,e1,x0,x1,y0,y1 = [float(hlp[i].replace('#','').split()[0]) for i in [1,2,4,5,7,8]]

    #data = np.squeeze(np.loadtxt(_fname, dtype=np.float64)) #get data from file (C-aligned flat)
    data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(_fname, '\t', _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=0, _n_line_skip=nLinesHead)[0]

    allrange = e0, e1, ne, x0, x1, nx, y0, y1, ny

    arLabels = ['Photon Energy', 'Horizontal Position', 'Vertical Position', 'Intensity']
    arUnits = ['eV', 'm', 'm', 'ph/s/.1%bw/mm^2']

    if _read_labels:

        arTokens = hlp[0].split(' [')
        arLabels[3] = arTokens[0].replace('#','')
        arUnits[3] = '';
        if len(arTokens) > 1:
            arUnits[3] = arTokens[1].split('] ')[0]
        #print(arLabels[3], arUnits[3])

        for i in range(3):
            arTokens = hlp[i*3 + 1].split()
            nTokens = len(arTokens)
            nTokensLabel = nTokens - 3
            nTokensLabel_mi_1 = nTokensLabel - 1
            strLabel = ''
            for j in range(nTokensLabel):
                strLabel += arTokens[j + 2]
                if j < nTokensLabel_mi_1: strLabel += ' '
            arLabels[i] = strLabel
            arUnits[i] = arTokens[nTokens - 1].replace('[','').replace(']','')

    m = _enum('T','V','H','E','HV','EV','EH','EHV')

    if ne==1 and nx==1 and ny==1 : mode = m.T
    if ne==1 and nx==1 and ny>1  : mode = m.V
    if ne==1 and nx>1  and ny==1 : mode = m.H
    if ne>1  and nx==1 and ny==1 : mode = m.E
    if ne==1 and nx>1  and ny>1  : mode = m.HV
    if ne>1  and nx==1 and ny>1  : mode = m.EV
    if ne>1  and nx>1  and ny==1 : mode = m.EH
    if ne>1  and nx>1  and ny>1  : mode = m.EHV

    return data, mode, allrange, arLabels, arUnits
Example #4
def _traj_file_load(fname, traj_axis='x'):  #MR20160725
    nLinesHead = 1
    hlp = []
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        for i in range(nLinesHead):

    data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(fname, '\t', _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=10, _n_line_skip=nLinesHead)

    mode = 3
    allrange = [
        data[5][0],  # z-coordinate begin
        data[5][-1],  # z-coordinate end
        len(data[0]),  # number of points
        min(data[1]),  # x-coordinate begin
        max(data[1]),  # x-coordinate end
        min(data[3]),  # y-coordinate begin
        max(data[3]),  # y-coordinate end
    arLabels = ['Longitudinal Position', 'Horizontal Position', 'Vertical Position']
    arUnits = ['m', 'm', 'm', 'm']
    if traj_axis == 'x':
        data = data[1]
        arLabels.append('Horizontal Coordinate')
    elif traj_axis == 'y':
        data = data[3]
        arLabels.append('Vertical Coordinate')
        raise ValueError('Parameter "axis" has wrong value: {}. Allowed values are "x" and "y"'.format(traj_axis))

    return data, mode, allrange, arLabels, arUnits
def _check_finite(file_path):
        import numpy as np
        NUMPY = True
    except ImportError:
        NUMPY = False

    if NUMPY:
        with open(file_path) as f:
            data = np.loadtxt(f)
        condition = np.isfinite(data).all()
        import math
        import uti_io
        data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(file_path,
        first_value = data[0]
        condition = math.isinf(first_value) and not math.isnan(first_value)

    assert condition, \
        'data is not finite: [{}, ...]'.format(', '.join([str(x) for x in data[:10]]))

    return data
def get_att_len(material, E=8000):
    by LW 07/04/2011
    function gets the attenuation length from stored data file, 
    attenuation length is a .dat file from http://henke.lbl.gov/optical_constants/getdb2.html
    (energy range: 2-30keV,delete the header lines or comment with '%', name the file n_material.dat)
    calling sequence: mu=get_mu(material,E) where mu [meter] is the 1/e attenuation length, E: X-ray energy in eV, default: 8000eV'
    #get list_of supported materials from data file directory:
    #xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ]
    xdatafiles = [
        f for f in os.listdir(datapath)
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datapath, f))
    ]  #OC150715

    name = []
    #for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):
    for i in range(0, len(xdatafiles)):  #OC100915
        mm = re.search('(?<=mu_)\w+', xdatafiles[i])
        if mm is not None:

    if material in name:
        loadm = os.path.join(datapath, 'mu_' + material + '.dat')  #OC100915
        m = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(loadm,
                                        ' ',
                                        _n_line_skip=2)  #OC100915

        #if np.min(E)>=np.min(m[:,0]) and np.max(E)<=np.max(m[:,0]):
        #    mu=np.interp(E,m[:,0],m[:,1])
        #    return mu*1e-6
        #else: raise xfuncs_Exception ('error: energy '+"%3.4f" %E +'[keV] out of range ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(m[:,0])+'=<E<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(m[:,0])+'eV)')

        arE = m[0]
        arAttLen = m[1]
        attLen = (1e-6) * uti_math.interp_1d_var(E, arE, arAttLen)

        nE_mi_1 = len(arE) - 1
        if ((E < arE[0]) or (E > arE[nE_mi_1])):
            print('Warning: energy ' + "%3.4f" % E + '[keV] out of range (' +
                  "%3.4f" % arE[0] + '=<E<=' + "%3.4f" % arE[nE_mi_1] + 'eV)')

        return attLen

    elif material == 'material?':
        #print 'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':'
        #print name
            'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory ' +
            datapath + ':')
        raise xfuncs_Exception(
            'error: non recognized material, please create index of refraction file first. Type get_mu("?") for instructions; type get_n("material?") for list of supported materials'
def get_ac(material, E=8000):
    by LW 10/03/2010
    function calculates the critical angle for total external reflection as a function of
    the material and the X-ray energy according to ac=sqrt(2*delta)
    index of refraction is a .dat file from http://henke.lbl.gov/optical_constants/getdb2.html
    (energy range: 2-30keV,delete the header % lines, name the file n_material.dat) % 
    calling sequence: ac=get_ac(material,E) where ac: critial angle in degrees, E [eV] (default: 8000eV)
    type get_ac(\'materilal?\') to show list of supported materials"

    #get list_of supported materials from data file directory:
    #xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ]
    xdatafiles = [
        f for f in os.listdir(datapath)
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datapath, f))
    ]  #OC150715

    name = []
    #for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):
    for i in range(0, len(xdatafiles)):  #OC150715
        m = re.search('(?<=n_)\w+', xdatafiles[i])
        if m is not None:

    if material in name:
        loadn = os.path.join(datapath, 'n_' + material + '.dat')  #OC150715
        n = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(loadn,
                                        ' ',
                                        _n_line_skip=2)  #OC150715

        #if np.min(E)>=np.min(n[:,0]) and np.max(E)<=np.max(n[:,0]):
        #    d=np.interp(E,n[:,0],n[:,1])
        #    return np.degrees(np.sqrt(2*d))
        #else: raise xfuncs_Exception ('error: energy '+"%3.4f" %E +'[eV] out of range ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(n[:,0])+'=<E<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(n[:,0])+'eV)')

        arE = n[0]
        arDelta = n[1]

    elif material == 'material?':
        #print 'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':'
        #print name
            'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory ' +
            datapath + ':')

        raise xfuncs_Exception(
            'error: non recognized material, please create index of refraction file first. Type "get_ac?" for instructions; type get_ac("material?") for list of supported materials'
Example #8
def _multicolumn_file_load(fname): #MR31102017
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        header = f.readline().split(',')
        header = [x.replace('#', '').strip() for x in header]
    data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(fname, '\t', _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=-1, _n_line_skip=1)
    d = {}
    for i, k in enumerate(header):
        k_no_units = k.split('[')[0].strip()
        units = k.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].strip()
        d[k_no_units] = {
            'data': data[i],
            'label': k,
            'units': units,
    # data, mode, allrange, arLabels, arUnits
    return d, None, [], [], []
Example #9
def _multicolumn_file_load(fname): #MR31102017
    with open(fname, 'r') as f:
        header = f.readline().split(',')
        header = [x.replace('#', '').strip() for x in header]
    data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(fname, '\t', _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=-1, _n_line_skip=1)
    d = {}
    for i, k in enumerate(header):
        k_no_units = k.split('[')[0].strip()
        units = k.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].strip()
        d[k_no_units] = {
            'data': data[i],
            'label': k,
            'units': units,
    # data, mode, allrange, arLabels, arUnits
    return d, None, [], [], []
Example #10
def _check_finite(file_path):
        import numpy as np
        NUMPY = True
    except ImportError:
        NUMPY = False

    if NUMPY:
        with open(file_path) as f:
            data = np.loadtxt(f)
        condition = np.isfinite(data).all()
        import math
        import uti_io
        data = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(file_path, '\t', _i_col_start=0, _i_col_end=0, _n_line_skip=10)[0]
        first_value = data[0]
        condition = math.isinf(first_value) and not math.isnan(first_value)

    assert condition, \
        'data is not finite: [{}, ...]'.format(', '.join([str(x) for x in data[:10]]))

    return data
def get_refr(material, E=8000):
    "by LW 07/04/2011 function get the complex index of refraction from stored data file,
    index of refraction is a .dat file from http://henke.lbl.gov/optical_constants/getdb2.html 
    (energy range: 2-30keV,delete the header lines, name the file n_material.dat) 
    calling sequence: n=get_n(material,E) where n is the complex refractive index detlta-i*beta, E: X-ray energy in eV, default: 8000eV"
    #get list_of supported materials from data file directory:
    #xdatafiles = [ f for f in listdir(datapath) if isfile(join(datapath,f)) ]
    xdatafiles = [
        f for f in os.listdir(datapath)
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(datapath, f))
    ]  #OC150715

    name = []
    #for i in range(0, np.size(xdatafiles)):
    for i in range(0, len(xdatafiles)):  #OC160715
        m = re.search('(?<=n_)\w+', xdatafiles[i])
        if m is not None:

    if material in name:
        loadn = os.path.join(datapath, 'n_' + material + '.dat')  #OC160715
        n = uti_io.read_ascii_data_cols(loadn,
                                        ' ',
                                        _n_line_skip=2)  #OC160715

        #if np.min(E)>=np.min(n[:,0]) and np.max(E)<=np.max(n[:,0]):
        #    d=np.interp(E,n[:,0],n[:,1])
        #    b=np.interp(E,n[:,0],n[:,2])
        #    return d-1j*b
        #else: raise xfuncs_Exception ('error: energy '+"%3.4f" %E +'[keV] out of range ('+"%3.4f" % np.min(n[:,0])+'=<E<='+"%3.4f" % np.max(n[:,0])+'eV)')

        arE = n[0]
        arDelta = n[1]
        arBeta = n[2]
        d = uti_math.interp_1d_var(E, arE, arDelta)
        b = uti_math.interp_1d_var(E, arE, arBeta)

        nE_mi_1 = len(arE) - 1
        if ((E < arE[0]) or (E > arE[nE_mi_1])):
            print('Warning: energy ' + "%3.4f" % E + '[keV] out of range (' +
                  "%3.4f" % arE[0] + '=<E<=' + "%3.4f" % arE[nE_mi_1] + 'eV)')

        return d - 1j * b  #Check the sign of imaginary part!

    elif material == 'material?':
        #print 'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory '+datapath+':'
        #print name
            'list of supported materials (based on data files in directory ' +
            datapath + ':')
    #else: raise xfuncs_Exception ( 'error: non recognized material, please create index of refraction file first. Type "get_n?" for instructions; type get_n("material?") for list of supported materials')
        raise uti_xray_mat_Exception(
            'error: non recognized material, please create index of refraction file first. Type "get_n?" for instructions; type get_n("material?") for list of supported materials'