def objects_starting_with(obj_type, text = "", key = None): """ The function returns a list of matching keys from table/model identified by the 'obj_type' parameter If the table/model has a 'alias' field, then this field's values are also examined for matches The first argument is the name of a table/model in the store, while the second argument is a prefix to filter the results. The filter is applied to the key of the table/model, which was previously populated. """ if key: if not mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, key): sdnsh.warning("objects_starting_with: %s doesn't have field %s" % (obj_type, key)) else: key = if key == None: sdnsh.warning("objects_starting_with: %s doesn't have pk" % (obj_type)) key_entries = [] # Next, find the object # Deal with any changes to the lookup name based on the 'contenation' # of the config mode name to the named identifer. # case = mi.get_obj_type_field_case_sensitive(obj_type, key) id_value = utif.convert_case(case, text) if mi.obj_type_has_model(obj_type): # from the database try: entries = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(obj_type, key, id_value) errors = None except Exception, e: errors = sdnsh.rest_error_to_dict(e) if errors: print sdnsh.rest_error_dict_to_message(errors) return key_entries
def alias_to_value_handler(value, obj_type, data, field, other = None): """ Compute the alias value for the named field for the obj_type. Place the resulting converted field into the data dictionary. Since this is a data-handler, the data dict must be updated even if this isn't an alias, otherwise the field value is lost. """ global sdnsh if sdnsh.description: print 'alias_to_value_handler: ', value, obj_type, data, field if field != # if this is a forgeign key, use the obj_type of the fk. if mi.is_foreign_key(obj_type, field): (obj_type, fk_name) = mi.foreign_key_references(obj_type, field) else: # XXX possibly other choices to determine alias_obj_type? if sdnsh.description: print 'alias_to_value_handler: field %s no obj-type ref %s ' % \ (field, obj_type) if other: parts = other.split('|') key =[0]) # parts[0] <- first part of other if len(parts) > 0: other = parts[0] key = field # not clear whether the part[1] is useful, two parts used # in other functions, example complete-from-another() other = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(other) converted_value = convert_alias_to_object_key(other, value) pk = if mi.is_compound_key(other, pk) and converted_value != value: pk_dict = { pk : converted_value } mi.split_compound_into_dict(other, pk, pk_dict, is_prefix = True) for (k,v) in pk_dict.items(): if k != pk: data[k] = v if sdnsh.description: print "alias_to_value_handler: compound (other) %s:%s <- %s:%s" % \ (k, data[k], other, converted_value) else: case = mi.get_obj_type_field_case_sensitive(other, field) data[field] = utif.convert_case(case, converted_value) if sdnsh.description: print "alias_to_value_handler: (other) %s:%s <- %s:%s" % \ (key, data[key], other, value) else: # Some obj_types, for example, host, have no cassandra data, # but do have a related obj_type which is in the store obj_type = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(obj_type) converted_value = convert_alias_to_object_key(obj_type, value) pk = if mi.is_compound_key(obj_type, pk) and converted_value != value: pk_dict = { pk : converted_value } split_obj_type = other if other != None else obj_type mi.split_compound_into_dict(split_obj_type, pk, pk_dict, is_prefix = True) for (k,v) in pk_dict.items(): if k != pk: data[k] = v if sdnsh.description: print "alias_to_value_handler: compound %s:%s <- %s:%s" % \ (k, data[k], obj_type, converted_value) else: case = mi.get_obj_type_field_case_sensitive(obj_type, field) data[field] = utif.convert_case(case, converted_value) if sdnsh.description: print "alias_to_value_handler: %s:%s <- %s:%s" % (field, data[field], obj_type, value)