def __init__(self): self.db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/patterns.db") self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pattern(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \ pattern TEXT NOT NULL, \ player SMALLINT, \ action SMALLINT)") self.ids = map(lambda row: row["id"], self.db.query("select id from pattern")) self.fetch_index = 0
def __init__(self): self.db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/renju.db") self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS renju(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \ gid INTEGER NOT NULL, \ mid SMALLINT NOT NULL, \ board TEXT NOT NULL, \ player SMALLINT, \ action SMALLINT)") self.db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS renju_gid ON renju(gid)") self.ids = map(lambda row: row["id"], self.db.query("select id from renju")) self.fetch_index = 0
def single_import_renju_pattern(index): renju_db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/renju.db") pattern_db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/patterns.db") row = renju_db.query("select * from renju limit 1 offset ?", index)[0] position = RenjuGame(board=stream_to_board(row["board"]), player=row["player"]) pattern = ','.join(map(str, position.get_patterns())) action = row["action"] while True: try: pattern_db.execute("insert INTO pattern(pattern, player, action) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", pattern, row["player"], action) break except: logger.warn("fail to insert into pattern_db, try again")
class RenjuPatterns(object): def __init__(self): self.db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/patterns.db") self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pattern(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \ pattern TEXT NOT NULL, \ player SMALLINT, \ action SMALLINT)") self.ids = map(lambda row: row["id"], self.db.query("select id from pattern")) self.fetch_index = 0 def import_RenjuPattern(self, _corpus, batch_size=128): for idx, samples in enumerate(_corpus.iterator_fetch_rows(batch_size)): for sample in samples: patterns = ','.join(map(str, sample[0].get_patterns())) player = sample[0].get_player() action = sample[1] self.db.execute("insert INTO pattern(pattern, player, action) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", patterns, player, action) if idx % 10 == 0: print "handle step=", idx def shuffle_datas(self): random.shuffle(self.ids) def num_batchs_per_epochs(self, batch_size): return ceil(len(self.ids) / float(batch_size)) def iterator_fetch_rows(self, batch_size): """ :param batch_size: :return: """ for offset in range(0, len(self.ids), batch_size): limit_no = min(len(self.ids), offset + batch_size) batch_ids = ','.join(map(str, self.ids[offset: limit_no])) rows = self.db.query("SELECT pattern,action FROM pattern WHERE id in (%s)" % batch_ids) samples = [] for row in rows: pattern = map(int, row["pattern"].split(',')) action = row["action"] samples.append((pattern, action)) yield samples def next_fetch_rows(self, batch_size): """ :param batch_size: :return: """ start_idx = self.fetch_index end_idx = min(self.fetch_index + batch_size, len(self.ids)) if start_idx >= end_idx: self.fetch_index = 0 self.shuffle_datas() start_idx, end_idx = 0, batch_size batch_ids = ','.join(map(str, self.ids[start_idx: end_idx])) rows = self.db.query("SELECT pattern,action FROM pattern WHERE id in (%s)" % batch_ids) samples = [] for row in rows: pattern = map(int, row["pattern"].split(',')) action = row["action"] samples.append((pattern, action)) self.fetch_index = end_idx return samples
class RenjuCorpus(object): def __init__(self): self.db = DBWrapper(db_path="./data/renju.db") self.db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS renju(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, \ gid INTEGER NOT NULL, \ mid SMALLINT NOT NULL, \ board TEXT NOT NULL, \ player SMALLINT, \ action SMALLINT)") self.db.execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS renju_gid ON renju(gid)") self.ids = map(lambda row: row["id"], self.db.query("select id from renju")) self.fetch_index = 0 def import_RenjuNet(self, file_path): if not os.path.exists(file_path): logger.error("not found file: %s" % file_path, to_exit=True) # read xml file bs_tree = BeautifulSoup(open(file_path, 'r').read()) games = bs_tree.find_all("game") # insert moves game_num = len(games) move_count = 0 step = 0 for game in games: step += 1 gid = int(game.attrs["id"]) moves = game.move.text.strip().replace("%20", " ").split(" ") if len(self.db.query("select id from renju WHERE gid=?", gid)) > 0: # when gid exists continue renju_game = RenjuGame() for mid, move in enumerate(moves): move = move.strip() if move == "": continue board_stream = board_to_stream(renju_game.board) player = renju_game.player row = ord(move[0]) - ord('a') col = int(move[1:]) - 1 action = renju_game.transform_action((row, col)) # insert self.db.execute("insert INTO renju (gid, mid, board, player, action) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", gid, mid, board_stream, player, action) # do move renju_game.do_move((row, col)) move_count += len(moves) if step % 100 == 0: print "load games= %d / %d" % (step, game_num)"newly insert games=%d, moves=%d" % (game_num, move_count)) print "finish import moves" def random_fetch_rows(self, fetch_size): """ :param fetch_size: :return: a list of tuples (instance of RenjuGame, action of int) """ ids = random.sample(self.ids, fetch_size) # rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT ?", fetch_size) rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju where id IN (%s)" % ",".join(map(str, ids))) samples = [] for row in rows: board = stream_to_board(row["board"]) player = row["player"] action = row["action"] samples.append((RenjuGame(board=board, player=player), action)) return samples def shuffle_datas(self): random.shuffle(self.ids) def num_batchs_per_epochs(self, batch_size): return int(ceil(len(self.ids) / float(batch_size))) def num_samples(self): return len(self.ids) def iterator_fetch_rows(self, batch_size): """ :param batch_size: :return: """ for offset in range(0, len(self.ids), batch_size): limit_no = min(len(self.ids), offset + batch_size) batch_ids = ','.join(map(str, self.ids[offset: limit_no])) rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju WHERE id in (%s)" % batch_ids) samples = [] for row in rows: board = stream_to_board(row["board"]) player = row["player"] action = row["action"] samples.append((RenjuGame(board=board, player=player), action)) while len(samples) < batch_size: samples.append(random.choice(samples)) yield samples def next_fetch_rows(self, batch_size): """ :param batch_size: :return: """ start_idx = self.fetch_index end_idx = min(self.fetch_index + batch_size, len(self.ids)) if start_idx >= end_idx: self.fetch_index = 0 self.shuffle_datas() start_idx, end_idx = 0, batch_size batch_ids = ','.join(map(str, self.ids[start_idx: end_idx])) rows = self.db.query("SELECT board,player,action FROM renju WHERE id in (%s)" % batch_ids) samples = [] for row in rows: board = stream_to_board(row["board"]) player = row["player"] action = row["action"] samples.append((RenjuGame(board=board, player=player), action)) self.fetch_index = end_idx return samples