Example #1
 def test_Find_OnNotConnectedNodes_ReturnsFalse(self):
     uf = UnionFind(5)
     uf.union(1, 2)
     uf.union(2, 3)
     uf.union(3, 4)
     self.assertEqual(uf.find(1), uf.find(3))
     self.assertEqual(uf.find(2), uf.find(4))
     self.assertNotEqual(uf.find(1), uf.find(5))
     self.assertNotEqual(uf.find(4), uf.find(5))
Example #2
 def test_GetCount_OnNonEffectUnions_RemainsTheSame(self):
     uf = UnionFind(10)
     uf.union(1, 2)
     self.assertEqual(uf.count, 9)
     uf.union(1, 2)
     self.assertEqual(uf.count, 9)
     uf.union(2, 3)
     self.assertEqual(uf.count, 8)
     uf.union(1, 3)
     self.assertEqual(uf.count, 8)
 def find_clusters(self, count):
     sorted_edges = sorted(self._edges, key=attrgetter("cost"))
     uf = UnionFind(self._num_vertices)
     for index, edge in enumerate(sorted_edges):
         if count != uf.count and not uf.connected(edge.from_vertex,
             uf.union(edge.from_vertex, edge.to_vertex)
         if uf.count == count and not uf.connected(edge.from_vertex,
             return edge.cost
Example #4
 def find_number_of_clusters(self):
     uf = UnionFind(self._size)
     distances = [2 ** i for i in range(self._bits)]
     distances.extend([-num for num in distances])
     for pair in itertools.combinations(distances, 2):
         bit_1, bit_2 = pair
         distances.append(bit_1 + bit_2)
     distances = [0] + distances
     unions_zero, unions_one, unions_two = [], [], []
     for distance in distances:
         for i in self._numbers.keys():
             if (i + distance) in self._numbers:
                 for node_from, bits_from in self._numbers[i]:
                     for node_to, bits_to in self._numbers[i + distance]:
                         if self._hamming(bits_from, bits_to) == 0:
                             unions_zero.append((node_from, node_to))
                         elif self._hamming(bits_from, bits_to) == 1:
                             unions_one.append((node_from, node_to))
                         elif self._hamming(bits_from, bits_to) == 2:
                             unions_two.append((node_from, node_to))
     self._make_unions(uf, unions_zero)
     self._make_unions(uf, unions_one)
     self._make_unions(uf, unions_two)
     return uf.count
Example #5
 def test_NewUnionFind_WithNoUnions_AllNodesPointToThemselves(self):
     uf = UnionFind(5)
     for item in range(1, 5 + 1):
         self.assertEqual(item, uf.find(item))
Example #6
 def test_GetCount_OnNonConnectedNodes_ReturnInitialSizeAsCount(self):
     uf = UnionFind(10)
     self.assertEqual(uf.count, 10)
Example #7
 def test_Union_ThreeNodesInTwoPairs_AllHaveTheSameParent(self):
     uf = UnionFind(3)
     uf.union(1, 2)
     uf.union(2, 3)
     self.assertEqual(uf.find(1), uf.find(3))
Example #8
 def test_Union_TwoNodes_HaveTheSameParent(self):
     uf = UnionFind(2)
     uf.union(1, 2)
     self.assertEqual(uf.find(1), uf.find(2))