def get_obj_id(request, body=None): """ Get object id from request Raise HTTPException on errors. """ obj_id = None collection = None app = if body and "id" in body: obj_id = body["id"] else: collection = getRequestCollectionName( request) # returns datasets|groups|datatypes obj_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not obj_id: msg = "Missing object id" log.error(msg) raise HTTPInternalServerError() if not isValidUuid(obj_id, obj_class=collection): msg = f"Invalid obj id: {obj_id}" log.error(msg) raise HTTPInternalServerError() try: validateInPartition(app, obj_id) except KeyError: log.error("Domain not in partition") raise HTTPInternalServerError() return obj_id
async def DELETE_Attribute(request): """HTTP method to delete a attribute resource""" log.request(request) app = collection = getRequestCollectionName( request) # returns datasets|groups|datatypes obj_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not obj_id: msg = "Missing object id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if not isValidUuid(obj_id, obj_class=collection): msg = f"Invalid object id: {obj_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) attr_name = request.match_info.get('name') log.debug(f"Attribute name: [{attr_name}]") validateAttributeName(attr_name) username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) # get domain JSON domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain) if "root" not in domain_json: log.error(f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}") raise HTTPBadRequest(reason="Unexpected Error") # TBD - verify that the obj_id belongs to the given domain await validateAction(app, domain, obj_id, username, "delete") req = getDataNodeUrl(app, obj_id) req += '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + "/attributes/" + attr_name"PUT Attribute: " + req) params = {} if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket rsp_json = await http_delete(app, req, params=params)"PUT Attribute resp: {rsp_json}") hrefs = [] # TBD req_rsp = {"hrefs": hrefs} resp = await jsonResponse(request, req_rsp) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def PUT_AttributeValue(request): """HTTP method to update an attributes data""" log.request(request)"PUT_AttributeValue") app = collection = getRequestCollectionName(request) # returns datasets|groups|datatypes obj_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not obj_id: msg = "Missing object id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if not isValidUuid(obj_id, obj_class=collection): msg = f"Invalid object id: {obj_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) attr_name = request.match_info.get('name') log.debug(f"Attribute name: [{attr_name}]") validateAttributeName(attr_name)"PUT Attribute Value id: {obj_id} name: {attr_name}") username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) # write actions need auth await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) if not request.has_body: msg = "PUT AttributeValue with no body" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) # get domain JSON domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain) if "root" not in domain_json: log.error(f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}") raise HTTPInternalServerError() # TBD - verify that the obj_id belongs to the given domain await validateAction(app, domain, obj_id, username, "update") req = getDataNodeUrl(app, obj_id) req += '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + "/attributes/" + attr_name log.debug("get Attribute: " + req) params = {} if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket dn_json = await http_get(app, req, params=params) log.debug("got attributes json from dn for obj_id: " + str(obj_id)) log.debug(f"got dn_json: {dn_json}") attr_shape = dn_json["shape"] if attr_shape["class"] == 'H5S_NULL': msg = "Null space attributes can not be updated" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) np_shape = getShapeDims(attr_shape) type_json = dn_json["type"] np_dtype = createDataType(type_json) # np datatype request_type = "json" if "Content-Type" in request.headers: # client should use "application/octet-stream" for binary transfer content_type = request.headers["Content-Type"] if content_type not in ("application/json", "application/octet-stream"): msg = f"Unknown content_type: {content_type}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if content_type == "application/octet-stream": log.debug("PUT AttributeValue - request_type is binary") request_type = "binary" else: log.debug("PUT AttribueValue - request type is json") binary_data = None if request_type == "binary": item_size = getItemSize(type_json) if item_size == 'H5T_VARIABLE': msg = "Only JSON is supported for variable length data types" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) # read binary data binary_data = await if len(binary_data) != request.content_length: msg = f"Read {len(binary_data)} bytes, expecting: {request.content_length}" log.error(msg) raise HTTPInternalServerError() arr = None # np array to hold request data if binary_data: npoints = getNumElements(np_shape) if npoints*item_size != len(binary_data): msg = "Expected: " + str(npoints*item_size) + " bytes, but got: " + str(len(binary_data)) log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) arr = np.fromstring(binary_data, dtype=np_dtype) arr = arr.reshape(np_shape) # conform to selection shape # convert to JSON for transmission to DN data = arr.tolist() value = bytesArrayToList(data) else: body = await request.json() if "value" not in body: msg = "PUT attribute value with no value in body" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) value = body["value"] # validate that the value agrees with type/shape try: arr = jsonToArray(np_shape, np_dtype, value) except ValueError: msg = "Bad Request: input data doesn't match selection" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)"Got: {arr.size} array elements") # ready to add attribute now attr_json = {} attr_json["type"] = type_json attr_json["shape"] = attr_shape attr_json["value"] = value req = getDataNodeUrl(app, obj_id) req += '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + "/attributes/" + attr_name"PUT Attribute Value: {req}") dn_json["value"] = value params = {} params = {"replace": 1} # let the DN know we can overwrite the attribute if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket put_rsp = await http_put(app, req, params=params, data=attr_json)"PUT Attribute Value resp: {put_rsp}") hrefs = [] # TBD req_rsp = { "hrefs": hrefs } # attribute creation successful resp = await jsonResponse(request, req_rsp) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def GET_AttributeValue(request): """HTTP method to return an attribute value""" log.request(request) app ="GET_AttributeValue") collection = getRequestCollectionName(request) # returns datasets|groups|datatypes obj_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not obj_id: msg = "Missing object id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if not isValidUuid(obj_id, obj_class=collection): msg = f"Invalid object id: {obj_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) attr_name = request.match_info.get('name') validateAttributeName(attr_name) username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) if username is None and app['allow_noauth']: username = "******" else: await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain value: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) # get domain JSON domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain) if "root" not in domain_json: log.error(f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}") raise HTTPBadRequest(reason="Unexpected Error") # TBD - verify that the obj_id belongs to the given domain await validateAction(app, domain, obj_id, username, "read") req = getDataNodeUrl(app, obj_id) req += '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + "/attributes/" + attr_name log.debug("get Attribute: " + req) params = {} if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket dn_json = await http_get(app, req, params=params) log.debug("got attributes json from dn for obj_id: " + str(dn_json)) attr_shape = dn_json["shape"] log.debug(f"attribute shape: {attr_shape}") if attr_shape["class"] == 'H5S_NULL': msg = "Null space attributes can not be read" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) accept_type = getAcceptType(request) response_type = accept_type # will adjust later if binary not possible type_json = dn_json["type"] shape_json = dn_json["shape"] item_size = getItemSize(type_json) if item_size == 'H5T_VARIABLE' and accept_type != "json": msg = "Client requested binary, but only JSON is supported for variable length data types" response_type = "json" if response_type == "binary": arr_dtype = createDataType(type_json) # np datatype np_shape = getShapeDims(shape_json) try: arr = jsonToArray(np_shape, arr_dtype, dn_json["value"]) except ValueError: msg = "Bad Request: input data doesn't match selection" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) output_data = arr.tobytes() log.debug(f"GET AttributeValue - returning {len(output_data)} bytes binary data") # write response try: resp = StreamResponse() resp.content_type = "application/octet-stream" resp.content_length = len(output_data) # allow CORS resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, OPTIONS" resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = "Content-Type, api_key, Authorization" await resp.prepare(request) await resp.write(output_data) except Exception as e: log.error(f"Got exception: {e}") raise HTTPInternalServerError() finally: await resp.write_eof() else: resp_json = {} if "value" in dn_json: resp_json["value"] = dn_json["value"] hrefs = [] obj_uri = '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id attr_uri = obj_uri + '/attributes/' + attr_name hrefs.append({'rel': 'self', 'href': getHref(request, attr_uri)}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'home', 'href': getHref(request, '/')}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'owner', 'href': getHref(request, obj_uri)}) resp_json["hrefs"] = hrefs resp = await jsonResponse(request, resp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def GET_Attributes(request): """HTTP method to return JSON for attribute collection""" log.request(request) app = params = request.rel_url.query collection = getRequestCollectionName(request) # returns datasets|groups|datatypes obj_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not obj_id: msg = "Missing object id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if not isValidUuid(obj_id, obj_class=collection): msg = "Invalid obj id: {}".format(obj_id) log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) include_data = False if "IncludeData" in params and params["IncludeData"]: include_data = True limit = None if "Limit" in params: try: limit = int(params["Limit"]) except ValueError: msg = "Bad Request: Expected int type for limit" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) marker = None if "Marker" in params: marker = params["Marker"] username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) if username is None and app['allow_noauth']: username = "******" else: await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) # TBD - verify that the obj_id belongs to the given domain await validateAction(app, domain, obj_id, username, "read") req = getDataNodeUrl(app, obj_id) req += '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + "/attributes" params = {} if limit is not None: params["Limit"] = str(limit) if marker is not None: params["Marker"] = marker if include_data: params["IncludeData"] = '1' if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket log.debug(f"get attributes: {req}") dn_json = await http_get(app, req, params=params) log.debug(f"got attributes json from dn for obj_id: {obj_id}") attributes = dn_json["attributes"] # mixin hrefs for attribute in attributes: attr_name = attribute["name"] attr_href = '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + '/attributes/' + attr_name attribute["href"] = getHref(request, attr_href) resp_json = {} resp_json["attributes"] = attributes hrefs = [] obj_uri = '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id hrefs.append({'rel': 'self', 'href': getHref(request, obj_uri + '/attributes')}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'home', 'href': getHref(request, '/')}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'owner', 'href': getHref(request, obj_uri)}) resp_json["hrefs"] = hrefs resp = await jsonResponse(request, resp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def PUT_Attribute(request): """HTTP method to create a new attribute""" log.request(request) app = collection = getRequestCollectionName(request) # returns datasets|groups|datatypes obj_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not obj_id: msg = "Missing object id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if not isValidUuid(obj_id, obj_class=collection): msg = f"Invalid object id: {obj_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) attr_name = request.match_info.get('name') log.debug(f"Attribute name: [{attr_name}]") validateAttributeName(attr_name)"PUT Attribute id: {obj_id} name: {attr_name}") username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) # write actions need auth await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) if not request.has_body: msg = "PUT Attribute with no body" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) body = await request.json() domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) # get domain JSON domain_json = await getDomainJson(app, domain) if "root" not in domain_json: log.error(f"Expected root key for domain: {domain}") raise HTTPBadRequest(reason="Unexpected Error") root_id = domain_json["root"] # TBD - verify that the obj_id belongs to the given domain await validateAction(app, domain, obj_id, username, "create") if "type" not in body: msg = "PUT attribute with no type in body" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) datatype = body["type"] if isinstance(datatype, str) and datatype.startswith("t-"): # Committed type - fetch type json from DN ctype_id = datatype log.debug(f"got ctypeid: {ctype_id}") ctype_json = await getObjectJson(app, ctype_id, bucket=bucket) log.debug(f"ctype {ctype_id}: {ctype_json}") if ctype_json["root"] != root_id: msg = "Referenced committed datatype must belong in same domain" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) datatype = ctype_json["type"] # add the ctype_id to type type datatype["id"] = ctype_id elif isinstance(datatype, str): try: # convert predefined type string (e.g. "H5T_STD_I32LE") to # corresponding json representation datatype = getBaseTypeJson(datatype) log.debug(f"got datatype: {datatype}") except TypeError: msg = "PUT attribute with invalid predefined type" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) validateTypeItem(datatype) dims = None shape_json = {} if "shape" in body: shape_body = body["shape"] shape_class = None if isinstance(shape_body, dict) and "class" in shape_body: shape_class = shape_body["class"] elif isinstance(shape_body, str): shape_class = shape_body if shape_class: if shape_class == "H5S_NULL": shape_json["class"] = "H5S_NULL" if isinstance(shape_body, dict) and "dims" in shape_body: msg = "can't include dims with null shape" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if isinstance(shape_body, dict) and "value" in body: msg = "can't have H5S_NULL shape with value" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) elif shape_class == "H5S_SCALAR": shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SCALAR" dims = getShapeDims(shape_body) if len(dims) != 1 or dims[0] != 1: msg = "dimensions aren't valid for scalar attribute" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) elif shape_class == "H5S_SIMPLE": shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SIMPLE" dims = getShapeDims(shape_body) shape_json["dims"] = dims else: msg = f"Unknown shape class: {shape_class}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) else: # no class, interpet shape value as dimensions and # use H5S_SIMPLE as class if isinstance(shape_body, list) and len(shape_body) == 0: shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SCALAR" dims = [1,] else: shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SIMPLE" dims = getShapeDims(shape_body) shape_json["dims"] = dims else: shape_json["class"] = "H5S_SCALAR" dims = [1,] if "value" in body: if dims is None: msg = "Bad Request: data can not be included with H5S_NULL space" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) value = body["value"] # validate that the value agrees with type/shape arr_dtype = createDataType(datatype) # np datatype if len(dims) == 0: np_dims = [1,] else: np_dims = dims log.debug(f"attribute dims: {np_dims}") log.debug(f"attribute value: {value}") try: arr = jsonToArray(np_dims, arr_dtype, value) except ValueError: msg = "Bad Request: input data doesn't match selection" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)"Got: {arr.size} array elements") else: value = None # ready to add attribute now req = getDataNodeUrl(app, obj_id) req += '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + "/attributes/" + attr_name"PUT Attribute: " + req) attr_json = {} attr_json["type"] = datatype attr_json["shape"] = shape_json if value is not None: attr_json["value"] = value params = {} if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket put_rsp = await http_put(app, req, params=params, data=attr_json)"PUT Attribute resp: {put_rsp}") hrefs = [] # TBD req_rsp = { "hrefs": hrefs } # attribute creation successful resp = await jsonResponse(request, req_rsp, status=201) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp
async def GET_Attribute(request): """HTTP method to return JSON for an attribute""" log.request(request) app = collection = getRequestCollectionName(request) # returns datasets|groups|datatypes obj_id = request.match_info.get('id') if not obj_id: msg = "Missing object id" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) if not isValidUuid(obj_id, obj_class=collection): msg = f"Invalid object id: {obj_id}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) attr_name = request.match_info.get('name') validateAttributeName(attr_name) username, pswd = getUserPasswordFromRequest(request) if username is None and app['allow_noauth']: username = "******" else: await validateUserPassword(app, username, pswd) domain = getDomainFromRequest(request) if not isValidDomain(domain): msg = f"Invalid domain: {domain}" log.warn(msg) raise HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg) bucket = getBucketForDomain(domain) # TBD - verify that the obj_id belongs to the given domain await validateAction(app, domain, obj_id, username, "read") req = getDataNodeUrl(app, obj_id) req += '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id + "/attributes/" + attr_name log.debug("get Attribute: " + req) params = {} if bucket: params["bucket"] = bucket dn_json = await http_get(app, req, params=params) log.debug("got attributes json from dn for obj_id: " + str(obj_id)) resp_json = {} resp_json["name"] = attr_name resp_json["type"] = dn_json["type"] resp_json["shape"] = dn_json["shape"] if "value" in dn_json: resp_json["value"] = dn_json["value"] resp_json["created"] = dn_json["created"] # attributes don't get modified, so use created timestamp as lastModified resp_json["lastModified"] = dn_json["created"] hrefs = [] obj_uri = '/' + collection + '/' + obj_id attr_uri = obj_uri + '/attributes/' + attr_name hrefs.append({'rel': 'self', 'href': getHref(request, attr_uri)}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'home', 'href': getHref(request, '/')}) hrefs.append({'rel': 'owner', 'href': getHref(request, obj_uri)}) resp_json["hrefs"] = hrefs resp = await jsonResponse(request, resp_json) log.response(request, resp=resp) return resp