def stop(self): # self.execute_rpc('stop') # bash.check_output(self.execute_rpc_string(('stop', ''))) bash.check_output( f"docker exec simcoin-{self._name} bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=admin -rpcpassword=admin stop" )'Send stop to node={}'.format(
def wait_until_rpc_ready(self): logging.debug("# Waiting for docker instances to become ready") while True: try: bash.check_output("nc -z -w1 {} {}".format( self._ip, config.rpc_port), purpose="Wait for port beeing open")"Success for {self.ip}") break except Exception: logging.debug("Waiting with netcat until port is open") while True: try: self.execute_rpc('getnetworkinfo') break except JSONRPCError: logging.debug('Waiting until RPC of node={} is ready.'.format( self._name)) utils.sleep(1)
def is_running(self): return bash.check_output(dockercmd.check_if_running( self._name)) == 'true'
def run(self, connect_to_ips): bash.check_output( bitcoincmd.start(self._name, str(self._ip), self._docker_image, self._path, connect_to_ips))
def rm(self): return bash.check_output(dockercmd.rm_container(self._name))
def add_latency(self, zones): for cmd in tccmd.create(self._name, zones, self._latency): bash.check_output(cmd)
def rm_peers_file(self): return bash.check_output(bitcoincmd.rm_peers(self._name))
def run_eval_function(latency: int, nodes: int = 2) -> bool: # check_output("generate nodes") # check_output("simulate") # forks = bash("bash ./find_\") # return forks == 10 print(f"new run with latency {latency} and nodes {nodes}") ticks, forks_expected = ticks_forky() # try: check_output(f""" cd code; python3.6 nodes \ --group-a {nodes} .5 {latency} simcoin/bitcoin:v15.0.1 \ --group-b {nodes} .5 {latency} simcoin/bitcoin:v15.0.1 \ """) check_output(f""" cd code; python3.6 network """) check_output( # write ticks.csv f""" echo "{ticks}" > ./data/ticks.csv """) # TODO explicitly write config to file stdout_buffer = check_output( # TODO handle failures correctly f""" cd code; python3.6 simulate \ --tick-duration=0.5 \ 2>&1 > bounds_debug.log """) if status_code != 0: print(f"status code was {status_code}, this failed the run") return False # TODO explicitly pass in config check_output("sync") forks = int(check_output("make getForks")) print(check_output("ls ./data/last_run/postprocessing/")) print(f"Got {forks} forks with latency {latency}") # except: # print("fail in eval function") # # raise Exception("failed run") # raise print(f"Got {forks} forks and was expecting {forks_expected} forks") print("status of comparrison: " + str(forks == forks_expected)) # f"{forks_expected}") return forks == forks_expected # f"{forks_expected}"