Example #1
def generate_prediction_boxes(deltas_pred):
    Apply deltas prediction to pre-defined anchors

    deltas_pred -- tensor of shape (H * W * num_anchors, 4) σ(t_x), σ(t_y), σ(t_w), σ(t_h)

    boxes_pred -- tensor of shape (H * W * num_anchors, 4)  (x1, y1, x2, y2)

    H = int(cfg.test_input_size[0] / cfg.strides)
    W = int(cfg.test_input_size[1] / cfg.strides)

    anchors = torch.FloatTensor(cfg.anchors)

    all_anchors_xywh = generate_all_anchors(
        anchors, H, W)  # shape: (H * W * num_anchors, 4), format: (x, y, w, h)

    all_anchors_xywh = deltas_pred.new(*all_anchors_xywh.size()).copy_(
        all_anchors_xywh)  #一致

    boxes_pred = box_transform_inv(all_anchors_xywh, deltas_pred)  #不一致

    return boxes_pred
Example #2
def generate_prediction_boxes(deltas_pred):
    Apply deltas prediction to pre-defined anchors

    deltas_pred -- tensor of shape (H * W * num_anchors, 4) σ(t_x), σ(t_y), σ(t_w), σ(t_h)

    boxes_pred -- tensor of shape (H * W * num_anchors, 4)  (x1, y1, x2, y2)

    H = int(416 / 32)
    W = int(416 / 32)
    anchors = [[1.3221, 1.73145], [3.19275, 4.00944], [5.05587, 8.09892], [9.47112, 4.84053], [11.2364, 10.0071]]

    anchors = torch.FloatTensor(anchors)
    # shape: (H * W * num_anchors, 4), format: (x, y, w, h)
    all_anchors_xywh = generate_all_anchors(anchors, H, W)

    all_anchors_xywh = deltas_pred.new(

    boxes_pred = box_transform_inv(all_anchors_xywh, deltas_pred)

    return boxes_pred
Example #3
def build_target(output, gt_data, H, W):
    Build the training target for output tensor


    output_data -- tuple (delta_pred_batch, conf_pred_batch, class_pred_batch), output data of the yolo network
    gt_data -- tuple (gt_boxes_batch, gt_classes_batch, num_boxes_batch), ground truth data

    delta_pred_batch -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 4), predictions of delta σ(t_x), σ(t_y), σ(t_w), σ(t_h)
    conf_pred_batch -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 1), prediction of IoU score σ(t_c)
    class_score_batch -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, num_classes), prediction of class scores (cls1, cls2, ..)

    gt_boxes_batch -- tensor of shape (B, N, 4), ground truth boxes, normalized values
                       (x1, y1, x2, y2) range 0~1
    gt_classes_batch -- tensor of shape (B, N), ground truth classes (cls)
    num_obj_batch -- tensor of shape (B, 1). number of objects

    iou_target -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 1)
    iou_mask -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 1)
    box_target -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 4)
    box_mask -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 1)
    class_target -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 1)
    class_mask -- tensor of shape (B, H * W * num_anchors, 1)

    delta_pred_batch = output[0]
    conf_pred_batch = output[1]
    class_score_batch = output[2]

    gt_boxes_batch = gt_data[0]
    gt_classes_batch = gt_data[1]
    num_boxes_batch = gt_data[2]

    bsize = delta_pred_batch.size(0)

    num_anchors = 5  # hard code for now

    # initial the output tensor
    # we use `tensor.new()` to make the created tensor has the same devices and data type as input tensor's
    # what tensor is used doesn't matter
    iou_target = delta_pred_batch.new_zeros((bsize, H * W, num_anchors, 1))
    iou_mask = delta_pred_batch.new_ones(
        (bsize, H * W, num_anchors, 1)) * cfg.noobject_scale

    box_target = delta_pred_batch.new_zeros((bsize, H * W, num_anchors, 4))
    box_mask = delta_pred_batch.new_zeros((bsize, H * W, num_anchors, 1))

    class_target = conf_pred_batch.new_zeros((bsize, H * W, num_anchors, 1))
    class_mask = conf_pred_batch.new_zeros((bsize, H * W, num_anchors, 1))

    # get all the anchors

    anchors = torch.FloatTensor(cfg.anchors)

    # note: the all anchors' xywh scale is normalized by the grid width and height, i.e. 13 x 13
    # this is very crucial because the predict output is normalized to 0~1, which is also
    # normalized by the grid width and height
    all_grid_xywh = generate_all_anchors(
        anchors, H, W)  # shape: (H * W * num_anchors, 4), format: (x, y, w, h)
    all_grid_xywh = delta_pred_batch.new(
    all_anchors_xywh = all_grid_xywh.clone()
    all_anchors_xywh[:, 0:2] += 0.5
    if cfg.debug:
        print('all grid: ', all_grid_xywh[:12, :])
        print('all anchor: ', all_anchors_xywh[:12, :])
    all_anchors_xxyy = xywh2xxyy(all_anchors_xywh)

    # process over batches
    for b in range(bsize):
        num_obj = num_boxes_batch[b].item()
        delta_pred = delta_pred_batch[b]
        gt_boxes = gt_boxes_batch[b][:num_obj, :]
        gt_classes = gt_classes_batch[b][:num_obj]

        # rescale ground truth boxes
        gt_boxes[:, 0::2] *= W
        gt_boxes[:, 1::2] *= H

        # step 1: process IoU target

        # apply delta_pred to pre-defined anchors
        all_anchors_xywh = all_anchors_xywh.view(-1, 4)
        box_pred = box_transform_inv(all_grid_xywh, delta_pred)
        box_pred = xywh2xxyy(box_pred)

        # for each anchor, its iou target is corresponded to the max iou with any gt boxes
        ious = box_ious(box_pred,
                        gt_boxes)  # shape: (H * W * num_anchors, num_obj)
        ious = ious.view(-1, num_anchors, num_obj)
        max_iou, _ = torch.max(ious, dim=-1,
                               keepdim=True)  # shape: (H * W, num_anchors, 1)
        if cfg.debug:
            print('ious', ious)

        # iou_target[b] = max_iou

        # we ignore the gradient of predicted boxes whose IoU with any gt box is greater than cfg.threshold
        iou_thresh_filter = max_iou.view(-1) > cfg.thresh
        n_pos = torch.nonzero(iou_thresh_filter).numel()

        if n_pos > 0:
            iou_mask[b][max_iou >= cfg.thresh] = 0

        # step 2: process box target and class target
        # calculate overlaps between anchors and gt boxes
        overlaps = box_ious(all_anchors_xxyy,
                            gt_boxes).view(-1, num_anchors, num_obj)
        gt_boxes_xywh = xxyy2xywh(gt_boxes)

        # iterate over all objects

        for t in range(gt_boxes.size(0)):
            # compute the center of each gt box to determine which cell it falls on
            # assign it to a specific anchor by choosing max IoU

            gt_box_xywh = gt_boxes_xywh[t]
            gt_class = gt_classes[t]
            cell_idx_x, cell_idx_y = torch.floor(gt_box_xywh[:2])
            cell_idx = cell_idx_y * W + cell_idx_x
            cell_idx = cell_idx.long()

            # update box_target, box_mask
            overlaps_in_cell = overlaps[cell_idx, :, t]
            argmax_anchor_idx = torch.argmax(overlaps_in_cell)

            assigned_grid = all_grid_xywh.view(
                -1, num_anchors, 4)[cell_idx,
                                    argmax_anchor_idx, :].unsqueeze(0)
            gt_box = gt_box_xywh.unsqueeze(0)
            target_t = box_transform(assigned_grid, gt_box)
            if cfg.debug:
                print('assigned_grid, ', assigned_grid)
                print('gt: ', gt_box)
                print('target_t, ', target_t)
            box_target[b, cell_idx,
                       argmax_anchor_idx, :] = target_t.unsqueeze(0)
            box_mask[b, cell_idx, argmax_anchor_idx, :] = 1

            # update cls_target, cls_mask
            class_target[b, cell_idx, argmax_anchor_idx, :] = gt_class
            class_mask[b, cell_idx, argmax_anchor_idx, :] = 1

            # update iou target and iou mask
            iou_target[b, cell_idx,
                       argmax_anchor_idx, :] = max_iou[cell_idx,
                                                       argmax_anchor_idx, :]
            if cfg.debug:
                print(max_iou[cell_idx, argmax_anchor_idx, :])
            iou_mask[b, cell_idx, argmax_anchor_idx, :] = cfg.object_scale

    return iou_target.view(bsize, -1, 1), \
           iou_mask.view(bsize, -1, 1), \
           box_target.view(bsize, -1, 4),\
           box_mask.view(bsize, -1, 1), \
           class_target.view(bsize, -1, 1).long(), \
           class_mask.view(bsize, -1, 1)