Example #1
import uic.view_dataset
import util.tree_model
from gui.progress import Worker
from dataset import Dataset, DatasetHeaderC, Analysis, ExportVariant
from util.codec import Codec, FileIn, FileOut, listC, strC, intC, namedtupleC
from util.codec_progress import CodecProgress, listCP, oneCP

class Subject(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    observations: int
    active_choices: int
    deferrals: int

SubjectC = namedtupleC(Subject, strC, intC, intC, intC)

class SubjectNode(util.tree_model.Node):
    def __init__(self, parent_node, row: int, subject: Subject) -> None:

class RootNode(util.tree_model.RootNode):
    def __init__(self, subjects: List[Subject]) -> None:
Example #2
import uic.view_dataset
import util.tree_model
from gui.progress import Worker
from dataset import Dataset, DatasetHeaderC, Analysis, ExportVariant
from util.codec import Codec, FileIn, FileOut, listC, strC, intC, \
    tupleC, namedtupleC, setC, frozensetC
from util.codec_progress import CodecProgress, listCP, oneCP

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Row(NamedTuple):
    tuple_size : int
    garp_menu_tuples : Set[FrozenSet[FrozenSet[int]]]  # set of tuples of menus (= alt sets)

RowC = namedtupleC(Row, intC, setC(frozensetC(frozensetC(intC))))

class Subject(NamedTuple):
    name : str
    rows : List[Row]

SubjectC = namedtupleC(Subject, strC, listC(RowC))

class MenuRowNode(util.tree_model.Node):
    def __init__(self, parent_node, row: int, alternatives : List[str], xs : FrozenSet[FrozenSet[int]]) -> None:
            self, parent_node, row,
                '{' + ','.join(
Example #3

AltSet = FrozenSet[int]
AltSetC = frozensetC(intC)

Menu = AltSet
MenuC = AltSetC

class ChoiceRow(NamedTuple):
    menu: Menu
    default: Optional[int]
    choice: AltSet

ChoiceRowC = namedtupleC(ChoiceRow, MenuC, maybe(intC), AltSetC)

PackedSubject = NewType('PackedSubject', bytes)
PackedSubjectC = bytesC

class Subject(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    alternatives: List[str]
    choices: List[ChoiceRow]

    def csv_set(self, alt_set: Iterable[int]) -> str:
        return ','.join(self.alternatives[i] for i in sorted(alt_set))

    def csv_alt(self, index: Optional[int]) -> Optional[str]:
        if index is None:
Example #4
import uic.view_dataset
import util.tree_model
from util.codec import Codec, FileIn, FileOut, namedtupleC, strC, intC, \
    frozensetC, listC, bytesC, tupleC, maybe
from util.codec_progress import CodecProgress, listCP, oneCP

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ChoiceRow_str(NamedTuple):
    menu: FrozenSet[str]
    default: Optional[str]
    choice: FrozenSet[str]

ChoiceRow_strC = namedtupleC(ChoiceRow_str, frozensetC(strC), maybe(strC),

class ChoiceRowNode(util.tree_model.Node):
    def __init__(self, parent_node, row: int, cr: ChoiceRow) -> None:
        subject = parent_node.subject
            fields=(subject.name, subject.csv_set(cr.menu),
                    subject.csv_alt(cr.default), subject.csv_set(cr.choice)),

class SubjectNode(util.tree_model.Node):
Example #5
from util.codec import Codec, FileIn, FileOut, namedtupleC, strC, intC, \
    frozensetC, listC, bytesC, tupleC, dictC, setC
from util.codec_progress import CodecProgress, listCP, oneCP

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Row(NamedTuple):
    cycle_length: int
    garp: int
    sarp: int
    garp_binary_menus: int
    sarp_binary_menus: int

RowC = namedtupleC(Row, intC, intC, intC, intC, intC)

class SubjectRaw(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    rows: List[Row]
    warp_pairs: int
    warp_all: int

SubjectRawC = namedtupleC(SubjectRaw, strC, listC(RowC), intC, intC)

class Subject(NamedTuple):
    raw: SubjectRaw
Example #6
from util.codec_progress import CodecProgress, listCP, oneCP

from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QTreeWidgetItem, QHeaderView

class BoundEstimate(NamedTuple):
    lower : int
    upper : int

    def to_str(self) -> str:
        if self.lower == self.upper:
            return str(self.lower)
            return f'{self.lower} ≤ x ≤ {self.upper}'

BoundEstimateC = namedtupleC(BoundEstimate, intC, intC)

class Violations(NamedTuple):
    garp : int
    sarp : int

ViolationsC = namedtupleC(Violations, intC, intC)

class Subject(NamedTuple):
    subject_name : str
    violations : List[Tuple[int, Violations]]  # cycle length, counts
    warp_strict : int
    warp_nonstrict : int
    hm_garp : BoundEstimate
    hm_sarp : BoundEstimate
    hm_warp_strict : BoundEstimate
Example #7

Issue = Union[RepeatedMenu, ChoiceNotInMenu, ]

IssueC = enumC('Issue', {
    RepeatedMenu: (setC(intC), ),
    ChoiceNotInMenu: (setC(intC), intC),

class Subject(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    issues: List[Issue]

SubjectC = namedtupleC(Subject, strC, listC(IssueC))

class IssueNode(util.tree_model.Node):
    def __init__(self, parent_node, row: int, alternatives: List[str],
                 issue: Issue) -> None:
        if isinstance(issue, RepeatedMenu):
            fields = (
                'repeated menu',
                ','.join(alternatives[i] for i in sorted(issue.menu)),
        elif isinstance(issue, ChoiceNotInMenu):
            fields = (
                'choice not in menu',
                ','.join(alternatives[i] for i in sorted(issue.menu)),
Example #8
class Penalty(NamedTuple):
    # both bounds are inclusive
    lower_bound: int
    upper_bound: int

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.to_csv())

    def to_csv(self) -> Union[int, str]:
        if self.lower_bound != self.upper_bound:
            return f'{self.lower_bound-1} < N ≤ {self.upper_bound}'
            return self.upper_bound

PenaltyC = namedtupleC(Penalty, intC, intC)

class Request(NamedTuple):  # type: ignore
    subjects: List[dataset.PackedSubject]
    models: Sequence[model.Model]
    disable_parallelism: bool

RequestC = namedtupleC(Request, listC(dataset.PackedSubjectC), listC(ModelC),

InstanceRepr = NewType('InstanceRepr', bytes)
InstanceReprC = bytesC

Example #9
import dataset.budgetary_consistency
from core import Core
from dataset import Dataset, Analysis, ExportVariant, DatasetHeaderC
from dataset.budgetary_consistency import BudgetaryConsistency
from typing import Sequence, NamedTuple, List, Dict, Tuple, Iterator, Union, Optional
from gui.progress import Worker, Cancelled
from util.codec import FileOut, FileIn, namedtupleC, strC, numpyC, listC
from util.codec_progress import CodecProgress, listCP, oneCP
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QTreeWidgetItem, QHeaderView

class Subject(NamedTuple):
    name    : str
    prices  : np.array
    amounts : np.array

SubjectC = namedtupleC(Subject, strC, numpyC(np.float32), numpyC(np.float32))

class RowNode(util.tree_model.Node):
    def __init__(self, parent_node, row: int, prices: np.array, amounts: np.array) -> None:
            self, parent_node, row,
            fields=[''] \
                + ['%.2f' % p for p in prices] \
                + ['%g' % x for x in amounts] \
                + ['%.2f' % np.dot(prices, amounts)]

class SubjectNode(util.tree_model.Node):
    def __init__(self, parent_node, row: int, subject: Subject) -> None:
        self.subject = subject
Example #10
MenuGeneratorC = enumC(
    'GenMenus', {
        Exhaustive: (),
        SampleWithReplacement: (intC, ),
        Copycat: (PackedSubjectC, ),
        Binary: (),

class GenMenus(NamedTuple):
    generator: MenuGenerator
    defaults: bool

GenMenusC = namedtupleC(GenMenus, MenuGeneratorC, boolC)

class Instance(NamedTuple):
    code: bytes
    tag: int = 0

class Uniform(NamedTuple):
    forced_choice: bool
    multiple_choice: bool
    tag: int = 1

GenChoices = Union[Instance, Uniform, ]
Example #11
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PreorderParams(NamedTuple):
    strict: Optional[bool]
    total: Optional[bool]

SIGN = {True: '', False: '¬', None: '?'}

def strPP(p) -> str:
    return '({0}S, {1}T)'.format(SIGN[p.strict], SIGN[p.total])

PreorderParamsC = namedtupleC(PreorderParams, maybe(boolC), maybe(boolC))

class PreorderMaximization(NamedTuple):
    p: PreorderParams
    tag: int = 0

class Unattractiveness(NamedTuple):
    p: PreorderParams
    tag: int = 1

class UndominatedChoice(NamedTuple):
    strict: bool
    tag: int = 2